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Safety Series

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© 2007 Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Inc, Columbus, Ohio,
No portion can be duplicated without permission. Revised 2013.

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

700 Children’s Drive | Columbus, OH 43205

The questions and answers in this brochure What are some playground hazards
are designed to help you, as a parent, to parents and children should watch out for?
make healthy and safe choices for
»» Playground surfaces that are too hard, such
your children.
as concrete, pavement, packed earth or grass.
»» High surfaces without guardrails or barriers.
Should I be concerned about »» Spaces that could trap a child’s head.
playground safety? »» Sharp points and edges.
Yes! Each year, over 200,000 children are »» Loose, broken, or missing parts.
treated in hospital emergency departments as
»» Trip hazards.
a result of playground-related injuries. That
equals one child every two minutes. »» Not enough spacing between equipment.
»» Lack of adult supervision.
What is the most common cause
of playground injury? Anything else I need to know?
Falls account for three-fourths of all playground Yes. Bicycle helmets should always be worn
injuries. Having a cushioned surface under and when cycling, but should never be worn when
around playground equipment is the best way playing on playground equipment. The helmet
to prevent these injuries. can become caught in the equipment and cause
a child to choke.

What are some other ways that

children are injured while playing For more information on
on the playground? playground safety
Contact the Injury Free Coalition for Kids of
»» Running into equipment or being struck
Columbus® (IFCK), a program of the Center
by swings.
for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide
»» Cut, pinch, or crush injuries. Children’s Hospital at (614) 722-2400 or
»» Loose clothing, scarves, or drawstrings
become caught in equipment causing a Or contact the United States Consumer
child to choke. Product Safety Commission (CPSC) at
»» The sun can cause equipment to get too hot 800-638-2772, or to
for children to play on and cause burns. receive a copy of the “CPSC Handbook for
Playground Safety” and other safety-related

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