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Dear Student,

The report is a reflection of your own assessment of yourself. Feel free to

explore more.

Behind this report stands 150 years of research.

MBTI Personality type : ESTJ

Dominant Function : Te Extraverted Thinking

1. ESTJ’s are able to set aside how they feel about something, so they can

separate out the objective facts from their emotions.

2. What ESTJ’s do is that they recognize the emotional content, but then

they set it aside to focus on the facts. ESTJ tend to be logical, objective

and fair.

3. ESTJ’s use their energy to make an impact in the real world. They are

driven to achieve their goals and objectives.

4. ESTJ’s can be so organized and so driven towards achieving results that

they frequently end up being promoted to work in management.

Learning Style :

1. Motivation – An ESTJ’s interest in learning a subject is stimulated by the

question, “Does this solve a problem?”. Their interest in studying

something is driven by the desire to gain practical experience in the

implementation of certain ideas or activities.

2. Style – Debates, Contests, Brainstorming, Visual Aids.

3. ESTJs are capable of processing material built on a logical framework, as

well as large amounts of information lacking logical cohesion.

4. ESTJs are able to actively, accurately, and proficiently apply material

they have learned well and understood in straightforward tasks.


1. Sales

2. MBA

3. Hotel Management

4. Finance

5. Insurance

6. Defense Services (Navy, Army, Air force)

7. Aviation Sector

8. Teacher (Architectural / Engineering / Diploma Teaching)

9. School Principal

10. Engineering (ME / CE / EE)

11. IAS / IFS / PCS (Civil Services)

Communication Challenges:

With the following types communication will be a challenge

1. _NT_

Under Extreme Stress :

1. Withdrawing and wanting to be alone.

2. Having intense emotions.

3. Attributing unrealistic negative meaning to others actions or statements.

Wishing you luck

Sagar Anand

MBTI Certified Career Counsellor

Youtube: Career Compitum

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