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I. Learning Targets:

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. applies the fundamental theorem of proportionality to solve problems
involving proportions. (M9GE-IIIf-2)

II. Learning Content:

A. Topic:
1. Concepts:
a. Proportion is a statement or proof that the two ratios given are equal
or the same.
2. Skills in Focus:
Understanding, solving, proving, and applying
3. Value Focus:
Accuracy, objectivity, and perseverance

B. Audio-Visual Materials:
Powerpoint, cartolina, envelope, marker pen, chalk.

C. Reference:
Bryant, M. et al, Mathematics Learner’s Material Grade 9, Vibal Group Inc;
First Edition (2014), pp.356-358.

III. Learning Strategies:

A. Preliminary Activities:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

1. Prayer:

“Let us ask for the divine grace The class will stand.
from our Almighty Father. Please

May I request anyone from the A student will volunteer to

class to lead the prayer? lead the prayer. The class will
2. Greetings:

“Good afternoon class!” “Good afternoon Ma’am!”

“Are you feeling good today?” “Yes, ma’am!”

“I am glad to hear that.”

3. Review/Drill:

“Is everyone ready for our next “Yes ma’am!”


“Ok, but before we proceed to our

next lesson, let us all have a short
review about our past lesson.”

“Our past lesson is all about ratio


“Who can still remember what

Ratio is all about? Can someone “Ratio is the comparison of
please explain what ratio is?” two objects or numbers.”

“Very good. Now who can give

examples of objects or “2 apples and 3 mangoes.”
occurrences that have a ratio in “4:5.” “4 pens and 7 papers.”

“Very good. It seems that you

know very well your ratio. Let us
now proceed to our lesson for
today. But before that, let us first
have a game.”
4. Motivation:

“The name of the game is ‘How The students will listen

much, how many’. Before we attentively to the instructions
proceed to the mechanics, let us being delivered.
first group the class into two,
starting from the right side going
to the left. Now start counting.”

“Now that we have a group, I will

now explain the mechanics of the
game. I will give each group a
cartolina, a marker pen and series
of questions that you will answer.
Every member of every group
should cooperate in answering the
questions. I will flash the
questions on the screen and each
group will have 10 seconds to
answer each question. The group
that gets the most points wins the

“Now, is everyone ready to play

the game? Well then, let’s start.”

“Well done to the winning group.

To the other group, it’s okay that One of the groups wins the
you lost. You can get better next game.
B. Development of the Lesson:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

1. Presentation:

“So, what have you concluded in Students raise their hands

our game today? What have you and give answers based on
noticed or observed about our their observation.
game today?”

“Very good observation. Our lesson

for today has a very deep
connection to our last lesson, ratio.”

“Now, based on our game. How did

you come up with the answers?” Students raise their hands
and explain how they got the
“Very good. We first write down the answer.
given data, which are the ratios.
Then we compare the numbers to
get the missing number.”

“Now, do you have any idea what is “Yes ma’am!”

our lesson ?

What do you think is our lesson for “It is about Proportion.”

2. Discussion:

“Right. Our lesson for today is

about Proportion. Now based on
your own idea, what is proportion “Proportion is the
?” comparison of two ratios.”

“Very good. Just like ratio,

Proportion is also a comparison of “Proportion is the equality of
two ratios. What else?” two ratios.”

“Very good idea. Based on our game

earlier, we compared two ratios
that are equal and we called it

“Now based on your observation , “Write the given data first and
how did you get the missing data?” compare the two ratios to
find the missing number.”
“Right. In proportion, we have the
fundamental rules/theorems that
we need to remember in solving
problems. The format given is A : B
= C : D or we have A/B = C/D
wherein A and D are the Extremes
and B and C are the Means. Based
on this to find the missing data, we
can write the formula (A) (D) = (B)
(C) ..”
“Always keep in mind that the
product of extremes and means of a
proportion are equal ..”

“For example, 3:5 = 6:x. First thing

to do to solve this equation is to
write down the given. Now that we
have the given, next step is to
identify the means and extremes.
The means in this equation are 5
and 6, and the extremes are 3 and x.
Now substitute the given into the
formula of the proportion (A) (D)
= (B) (C), which gives us (3)(x) =
(5)(6). 3 times the x gives us 3x
and 5 times 6 gives us 30. This
leads us to 3x = 30. Now, to
eliminate the numerical coefficient
which is the 3, we divide both sides
of the equation by 3, and we will
get the answer of x=10.”

“To check whether the product of

means and extremes are equal, we
need to substitute the value of x to
the given 3(10)=5(6). 3 times 10
gives us 30 and 5 times 6 also gives
us 30, so it shows that they are

“Another example. 4:8=16:x. What

is the first thing we need to do to “Write the given data and
solve this equation?” identify the means and
“Very good. We must first write the
given data, and then identify the “8 and 16 for the means, and
means and extremes in the 4 and x for the extremes.”
equation. What are the means and
the extremes in the equation?”

“Very good. The means are 8 and

16, and the extremes are 4 and x. “Substitute the given data to
Now, what would we do to the the formula.”
means and the extremes?”

“Very good. We substitute the

means and extremes to the formula “(4)(x)=(8)(16).”
(A)(D)=(B)(C), which will give us

“Very good. (4)(x)=(8)(16). Now,

what would we do to the data?” “Multiply the means and
multiply the extremes.”
“Very good. We multiply the data to
get 4x=128. Now what will we do “Divide the numerical
to this equation?” coefficient to both sides of the
“Very good. We divide both sides by
4 to eliminate the number. What “x=32.”
will be the answer now?”

“Very good. The answer will be

“Do you understand the lesson,
class?” “Yes ma’am.”

“Now for a word problem. John

needs 20 chairs to fill a small room.
If he occupies 4 small rooms, how
many chairs does he need?What is “Write the given data and
the first step in solving again?” identify the means and
“Yes. Write the given data and
identify the means and extremes in
the question. Now what is the
format of the equation?”
“Very good. 20:1=x:4. Always
remember to line the given
correctly. The first ratio is 20 chairs
and 1 small room. The second ratio
is x number of chairs and 4 small “Substitute the given data to
rooms. So what will the next step the formula.”

“Very good. Substitute the given

into the formula, which will be?”
“Very good. (20)(4)=(1)(x) or just
x. Now, what is x?”
“X = 180 chairs.”
“Very good. X = 180. So John needs
180 chairs to fill 4 small rooms.

“To strengthen your learning today,

I will give questions and you will “Yes ma’am.”
answer it on the board. Are you

C. Post Activities:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

1. Fixation of Skills:

a. Individual Activity:

Direction: Answer the following

equations on the board.
1. 5:7 = 25:x (5)(x) = (7)(25)
5x = 175
X = 35
2. 4:13=12:x Solution:

3. 10:35=x:105 Solution:

4. 50 apples cost P100. How much Solution:

would 75 apples cost? (50)(x)=(100)(75)

5. It takes Mike 18 minutes to Solution:

finish reading 4 pages of a book. (18)(30)=(4)(x)
How long does it take for him to 540=4x
finish reading 30 pages? x=135 minutes

b. Collaborative Activity:

“Now that you have mastery about Students start counting off to
our subject, let us have an activity. I form the groups.
request everyone to form 2

“I have here a cartolina, a marker

pen and a set of questions that you
need to answer. Cooperate with
your group and answer the
questions provided to you. Place
your equations and solutions in the
cartolina and present your work on
the front.”

2. Generalization:

“Who can tell me what is the topic

for today?” “Proportion.”

“Very good. Now, based on what

you have learned, what is the “Proportion is the comparison
meaning of proportion?” of two ratios that are equal.

“Very good. Now, how would we “First, write the given data.
solve the missing data in the Then identify the means and
question?” extremes. Then substitute the
means and extremes into the
formula. Then solve the
“Very well. Now, what real-life
instances can you relate to our “Buying.” “Work”.
lesson for today?” “Transportation.”

“Very good. Now, do you think

proportions are important in our “Because it tells us that even if
life? Why?” we are different on the outside,
we are equal on the inside.”
“Very good. It seems that you now
have mastery in our lesson for
today. Let’s have a short seatwork.
Are you ready?”

IV. Evaluation:

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

Direction: Answer the following
questions on a piece of paper.

1. The total weight of 15 boxes is Solution:

45 kilograms. How much (15)(x)=(45)(40)
would 40 boxes weigh? 15x=1800
x=120 kilograms

2. A pack of six cans of coffee Solution:

cost P45. How much would 15 (6)(x)=(45)(15)
cans of coffee cost? 6x=675

3. Four big water bottles can Solution:

hold 8 gallons of water. How (4)(x)=(8)(10)
much water can ten big water 4x=80
bottles hold? x=20 gallons of water

4. A chef made 30 donuts in 60 Solution:

minutes. How long would it (30)(x)=(60)(90)
take him to make 90 donuts? 30x=5400
x=180 minutes

5. A bookstore sold 16 books in Solution:

5 days. At these rates of sales, (16)(x)=(5)(96)
how many days will it take the 16x=480
store to sell 96 books? x=30 days

V. Assignment:

A. Study about the similarities of Figures

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