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Group assignment titles _KC22503_Semester 1 _Session 2018/2019

Groups 1, 9

Groups 2, 5

Groups 3, 6

Groups 7, 11

Groups 4, 8, 10

Report contents:
 Introduction and overview of the process
 Process description
 Mass transfer, Heat transfer and Fluid mechanics
 Chemical engineering calculations to specify, size and rate items of chemical process
equipment (if applicable) and then to integrate those items of equipment into a process
plant which can operate safely, in a manner which is environmentally acceptable and
efficiently producing a quality product
 Mass balance and energy balance sample calculation
 Engineering solution to the process related problem
 Environmental impact with sustainability solutions
 Conclusion
Report submission and presentation:
Groups 1 and 9: 11.12.2018
Groups 2 and 5: 11.12.2018
Groups 3 and 6: 17.12.2017
Groups 7 and 8: 17.12.2018
Groups 4, 8 and 10: 18.12.2018

Time allocation for presentation: 20 minutes for each group

- 25/30 pages max.
- Executive summery and conclusion to be mentioned
- Reference should be properly cited and listed in the text.
- Every group members to be participated during presentation
1) Body text: Times New Roman, font 12, 1.5 lines spacing.
2) Penalty for corrupt attitude e.g. citing wrong reference/plagiarism etc.
3) Report to be submitted during presentation as per schedule

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