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ay Designation: D 25 - 91 Standard Specification for Round Timber Piles* [AUEHLCAN SOOTY FOR TESTING AND MATERALE Tisha SPs sary ‘This standard is ied under the Sie designation D2 the numb immediately following the desanation indicates the yar of inal adoption inthe case af revision, he year of as revision. A sumer in pavers ideas the Jaro ast rapproval A Supescripeplon() indicts an econ change since the is Yevkion or Feapprens his sandard has bon approved fr se by apes ofthe Depertmen of Defense, Conse the De) Index of Spetations ane Standards forthe spc ear of ise whch as been doped the Deparinta of Desose 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers the physical characteristics of vunused round timber piles to be used either treated or untreated. 1.2 This specification is not intended for preused piles unless the piles have the quality specified by this specifica. tion and design stresses equal to or greater than those derived from Test Method D 2898. 1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are 10 be regarded as the standard. 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: D9 Definitions of Terms Relating to Wood? 12555 Test Methods for Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values? 12899 Test Method for Establishing Design Stresses for Round Timber Piles? 3. Species of Wood 3.1 Piles shall be of any species of wood for which clear wood strength values are given in Test Methods D 2555. 4, Classification 4.1 Timber piles under this specification commonly are designed ata critical section governed by tip size, butt size, or an intermediate section, using design stresses determined in ‘accordance with Test Method D2899 unless otherwise specified, To facilitate size selection, tables have been pro- Vided that allow specifying size, either by butt circumference (Tables 1(a) and 1(b)) oF tip circumference (Tables 2a) and 2(b)). Ifthe critical section is at other than the butt or tp, the user can determine the size at intermedtate Jocations, and then shall select either tip or butt circumference, but not both, 4.2 Various timber pile classification systems are in common use, some of them originating ftom prior editions ‘of Specification D 25 and the New York City Building Code. In order to facilitate size selection of these common piles fom Tables 1 and 2, footnotes are provided to these tables as ‘a guide in selecting Class A and B piles and piles purchased ‘with “8-in. tip and natural taper.” "Tis specication is under the jusdision of ASTM Commitee D7 ox ood snd is under the jredicion of Subcormitce DO7.04 on Pole and Pie Product, ‘Cure edition approved Feb, 22, 1991. Publishes April 1991. Originally publied 2 D2S~ 18, Lat prevoss elon D25~ #9 al ook of ASTM Standards, Vol 040). 5. Quality Requirement (All Piles) 5.1 Piles shall be of sound wood, free of decay, insect attack, marine borer attack, and Limnoria damage, except as herein allowed in 13.2 and 14.1. 5.2 Piles shall be cut above the ground swell and have a ‘taper from butt to tip. 3.3 Piles shall have an average rate of growth measured in the outer $0 % of the radius at the pile tip of not less than 6 rings per inch and shall have an average summerwood ‘content of not less than 33.3 % in the outer 50% of the tip radius. Exception: Piles with less than 6 rings per inch are acceptable if the average is 50% or more summerwood present in the outer 50 % of the pile tip radius. 54 Piles that cannot be adequately inspected for the physical requirements specified in this specification due 10 adhering barnacles or other material shall not be permitted. 6, Lengths 6.1 All piles shali be furnished in lengths specified, except that tolerances shall be allowed as follows: 6.1-1 Piles 40 ft (12.2 m) and shorter—plus | ft (0.3 m), ‘minus 6 in, (152 mm). 6.1.2 Piles 41 ft (12.5 m) or longer—plus 2 ft (0.6 m), ‘minus 6 in, (152 mm). 7. Sizes 7.1 Sizes of coast Douglas fir round timber piling and other species are specified in Tables 1(a) and 2(a). Sizes of southern yellow pine round timber piling are specified in Tables 1(b) and 2(b). 7.2 The circumference of the nominal butt or nominal tip may be specified, When nominal butt circumference is, specified, the tip circumference shall not be less than shown in Tables 1() and i(b). When the nominal tip is, specified, the butt circumference shall not be less than that, specified in Tables 2(a) and 2(b), 7.3 The ratio of “out of round” of maximum to minimum diameter at the butt or the tip of any pile shall not exceed 12. 7.4 All circumference measurements must be taken under the bark, 7.5 The circumference at the butt may not exceed the circumference at 3 f (0.9 m) from the butt by more than 8 in, (203 mm), 7.6 Circumferences given in Tables 1 and 2 are minimum values except that not more than 10 % of the piles in any shipment may have circumferences up to 2 in. less than the tabulated minimum values. @) b 25 TABLE ‘(a) Specified Butt Circumferonces with Corresponding Minimum Tip Ciccumferences for Coest Douglas Fir Piles and Other Species, Except Southern Yellow Pine*A° [ASrosimate Olamatrs 9 Brackets} Ragitea winran 2 ar) H a rT aa oT “Geeamleroe, mt Strom Bus Longe Mine: Tip Grcurtorencas. » wo 90808 6) 6) BN BP) fe) ta) 25 feo 80) teas 0S By BS) ) 20 feo 80st80s 6850 8D 61 BN St} OO} BO} ay 3s wo 0 oa er) 8) BB « wo 8670200280280 By Ba es} 4s e858 24 309 53) 7B) 31 2 wo 670198020 780 Bn 4 BO) ‘sa “s ws 7s 203 283 Ss eS ‘ea « to 080. m8 By By BH 8) 6 %0 003 29 B) BN BS) ro) » wo 180180 192 11 SSL en % iso eo 8 Bn By GN Be ~ feo feo feo. te By 6} GN ca eo 8 eo 180 By BB % jo © 30) 80380 By BN BN BH 8 eo 8D 8D t8 Bu BN Is sn 100 feo eo teo te by BN BS 105 f 160 51 10 eo al us 8 120 teo 6 7 Wore the ape applied toe bul orcumfrencescalcdate Wo 6 evcurderence le ip oless then 16h, he dvi vals have boon Wreased 1 1818 > ‘ensure a rinina ofS. tp fr purzoses of erg. To conver To mame denne, +. = 28.4 en Class A and Cass engst Cou f pes hove quad minimum cxcumforences shown nthe folowing tabulation ‘3 rom but mes Te main lass 4 ass 8h lass An (ass 8m 210251 $4 foptora 2% Boot a By 3 @eosor a a s B $0708 pr & % 2 700K “ a 2 ° 30.0 1208 a a 19 6 “The pucraser oul nga ab 1 avalaty of Cas A and 8 its, wR ate gareraty anger crcumferance han te minmaam spactiad i Tale Ha) 8. Sapwood 8.1 Wood piles for preservative treatment shall have nt sapwood to meet minimum penetration require- 9. Cutts 9.1. Butts and tips of piles shall be sawed square with the axis ofthe ples and shall not be out of square by more than Yio in fn. (100 mm/m) of diameter. 9.2 All knots and limbs shall be cut flush with the surface of the pile, except that knots may be hand-trimmed flush with the surface of the swell surrounding the knot. 10. Peeling (Shaving) 10.1 Piles are classified according 10 the extent of bark removal as clean-peeled, rough-peeled, or unpeeled. 10.1.1 Clean-peeled piles require the removal of all outer bark. In addition, at least 80% of the inner bark, well- Gp v25 TABLE 1(b) Specified Butt Ciccumterences with Conesponding Minimum Tip Circumferences for Southern Yellow Pine Piles*S°2€ Fqureavinimin 2 % 2 3 36 Es a 7 7 0 w ‘Greumteronce, mo 8 po pa $Srurom eurte Lena) Moerumn Te Cteumtprences, 20 6 16 9 at 25 2 31 Py 2 a7 BY Gy B77) Rs) 0) 27) SH 5 6 18 cd 20 a 2 2 3 6 “6 61 Ba, Ba Bs) Hos) ta) 188) 20 ie 6 8 ” 2 2 2 3 3B 6 By BN BN [6a Ba) 2) toa) 2} as 18 8 28 3 By 7 sn (3) 89) 8m) 0) 8) “0 a a a 2 3 38 5) Ce} 8) Bs} Hos) th) “ 23 Es 2 3 35 vy ies) fez) oa) ttt) * 2 % os 3 3 Po} 399) og} (tO) 8 a 2 2 B77) Be} fs} 0) © 2 B 5 2 3 Cn a SC os HF 3 as 3a Bo 7) Bo) sy 0 e a a 8 67 (7 pes) % 6 is) rt eB » 3 a 8 2 (7) 80) 8) 8 18 a 2 2 Bites te) oa 7 Wrote toe appled to the But orcanforences calcio 1 a crcaiarenc a th Up a tat than 16 m, ho Fil alas have Boos nroasd 16m ‘ensue a minum o! San ip fo purpores of avrg ‘To cent o meri cmeneions, 1 25.47, Gets A ples area hone Ited whe seciid requted minimum crumiorence of 44 fat 3 f fom butt 2 Cass Blas are tose Isic wih a pected requred rumum crcurfereres a 31 Wor ult 35 an length of 200 25M miner sreartarence at 3 rom but of 36 and ergs of 20 te 80 and minimum ereunference ot 3 ft rm but of 41. and eng of 65 t0 60 "Southern Yelow Pine pbs ae gereratysvalabla angi's shorter han 70 o" ge ess tan 50% a3 em Bu A da horn tne eae carn nsgratas ple Se above tha ine) whch are ganaaly avaiable, The purchase shoud ngure ae saleby of ee below the Ines Pettey of Staton Devioion axis of Secon ne cro Beove he Crome Gase I-Where the Peternce Aces ae Apptoxinately Porte 81 or tess —at i of Pole Miopaint of crook Gove @-Wnere Azes of Sections above and Bow the crook bas wine = = ails ot sean evan apna in Cree-Saetin ot Below tne creak ‘nner Boendory ef Stat Crook core 3m of Sactin snows. short cro it not Paral or Cowelent ith Awe Below the Crook “Te tee cases shown a rypiesl and re tendo oetansh ha prncpie ol mesurng shorty rock, There may be other cases not exactly ike tose stad Nore—5 t= 15m FIG. 1 Measuroment of Short Crook

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