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Solid modelling

1. What are the application of solid models?

2. Discuss the modelling considerations of solid models?
3. Define Geometry and Topology with example?
4. Differentiate between geometry and topology?
5. What are the various methods of representation of solids?
6. Explain the boundary representation of solid modelling with a example
7. Describe winged edge data structure for boundary representation?
8. What if faces have holes? Explain different methods to resolve this
9. Describe the Euler-Poincare formula correctly? Illustrate the same with
10. What are Euler operations? Explain them.
11. Explain constructive solid geometry for the representation of solids?
12. What are CSG primitives? Define the schematically.
13. What are Boolean operators? Explain their importance in the construction
of CSG solid models with illustrative example
14. What are CSG trees? Explain their importance in the construction of solid
15. What are CSG expression? Explain their importance in the construction of
solid models.
16. Define interior, exterior and closure of CSG solid models. Explain their
importance with examples.
17. Explain the importance of regularising the Boolean operations with an
18. What is sweeping? Explain the different methods of solid modelling using
19. What are various types of solid manipulation techniques? Explain them.
20. Construct a CSG tree and CSG expression for a solid model for the below
22. Develop the winged edge data structure for boundary representation.

24. Construct a make group for a tetrahedron using Euler operators?
25. Construct a make group for a cube using Euler operators?

Wireframe modelling

1. What is wire frame modelling? List the advantages and disadvantages.

2. Define points and lines in the two-dimensional coordinate system.

3. Define parallel and perpendicular lines in the dimensional coordinate system.

4. Define points and lines in the three-dimensional coordinate system.

5. Define vectors in the dimensional co-ordinate system.

6. Represent mathematically the following:

(a) Circle

(b) Ellipse (c) Parabola (d) Hyperbola

7. Represent mathematically the conics in normal form, general form, and matrix

8. Represent mathematically the torus.

9. Illustrate the most common method of defining arcs and circles utilized by
cad/cam system to create wireframe entities.
10. Compute the curvature, normal vector or binormal vector of the following

f(u) = (u, 1 + u2, u + u2).

11. Explain curve fitting and representation by deriving parametric equations for b
spline curvature.

12. Compute the tangent, binormal and normal vectors of the circular helix curve
f(u) = (acos(u), asin(u), bu ).

13. Given the circle f(u)=(r cos(2πu) + p, r sin(2πu) + q)f(u), where u is in the
range of 0 and 1. Find the tangent line.

14. Explain with neat sketch the parametric representation of B-spline curve.

15. Discuss some useful feature of curve manipulation.

16. List major difference between bezier curve and B-spline curve

17. What are the characteristics of bezier curve

18. What are the advantages of B-spline curve over bezier curve

19. Explain following synthetic curves

(a) B-spline curve

(b) Bezier curve

20. What are the functions of the B-spline?

21. What are the properties of B-spline curves?

22. What are the characteristics of a cubic spline curve?

23. A parametric cubic curve passes through the points (0,0), (2,4), (4,3),

(5,-2) which are parameterised at u=0, 1⁄4, 3⁄4, and 1, respectively. Determine
the geometric coefficient matrix and the slope of the curve when u=0.5.

24. Write the equation for Lagrange Interpolation.

25. Using the Lagrange Polynomial, find the expression of the curve containing
the points, P0(1,1), P1(2,2), P2(3,2).

26. Explain Curvature Continuity.

27. Classify the wireframe entities.

28. Explain Curve representation methods.

29. Explain Parametric representation of analytical curves.

Surface modelling
1. Explain Parametric and Implicit Surface Representation method.
2. Explain Rank four quadratic surface in normal form.
3. Explain quadratic surfaces in general form.
4. Explain quadratic surfaces in matrix form.
5. Explain parametric surface
6. What is a parametric patch explain with sketch
7. Explain triangularisation of the domain
8. Discuss parametric representation of
i. Plane surface
ii. Ruled (lofted) surface
iii. Surface of revolution
iv. Tabulated cylinder
9. Discuss the parametric representation of analytic surfaces.
10. Discuss the parametric representation of synthetic surfaces.
11. Explain the important properties of Bezier surface.
12. What is surface manipulation? Explain.
13. Generate the surface having four sides with parameters u and v if x=3u+v and
y=2u+3v+uv with boundaries specified as follows:
u=0 ; 0<=v<=1 v=0 ; 0<=u<=1
u=1 ; 0<v<=1 v=1 ;0<=u<=1
14. Given the four corners P0(1,1),P1(3,1),P2(3,3) and P3(4,2), find the equation of
the bi-cubic surface.

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