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2004 351h Annual IEEE Power Elec~ronicsSpecialisls Conference Aachen Germany, 2004

A Voltage and Frequency Droop Control Method for Parallel Inverters

K. De Brabandere, B. Bolsens, J. Van den Keybus, A. Woyte, J. Driesen and R. Belmans
Kasteelpark Arenberg IO, 3001 Leuven, Belgium

Abstract- In this paper, a new control method for the appreciably more efficient in controlling frequency and
parallel operation of one or several inverters in an island grid voltage in proportion to the needed active and reactive
or the mains is described. Frequency and voltage control, power flows. Secondly, it is explained why the approach of
including mitigation of voltage harmonics, are achieved controlling active and reactive currents instead of active and
without the need for any common control circuitry or reactive powers exhibits some advantages, especially in case
communication between the inverters. Each inverter supplies a
current that is the result of the voltage difference between a of a short circuit. Controlling any non-zero active or
reference A C voltage source and the grid voltage across a reactive power during short circuit (grid voltage equals
virtual impedance with real and/or imaginary parts. The zero) results in infmitely high currents, wbich is avoided
reference A C voltage source is synchronised with the grid, with when controlling the active and reactive current. Finally, a
a phase shift, depending on the difference between nominal new approach to obtain voltage and frequency droop control
and real grid frequency. A detailed analysis show that this is described. A complex finite-output impedance voltage
approach has superior behaviour in comparison with the source is imitated, by controlling the current, flowing
existing droop control methods, considering the mitigation of through a virtual impedance as a result of the difference
voltage harmonics, short-circuit behaviour and, in the case of a between a virtual ac power source and the grid voltage. In
non-negligeable line resistance, the 'efiicient' control of
contrast to the classical droop control, the presented
frequency and voltage. Experiments show the behaviour ofthe
method for an inverter feeding a highly distorted load and approach intrinsically controls not only the fundamental
during the connection of two parallel inverters in operation. voltage and fiequency, but also the harmonic components of
the voltage, and is thus suited to supply highly distorted
1. INTRODUCTION loads. A detailed analysis shows that, with exception of the
additional harmonic control, the performance of this new
Frequency and voltage control in island grids, supplied by approach is equivalent to the abovementioned droop control
several inverters in parallel, can be obtained by means of method through controlling active and reactive currents.
various control methods, with or without communication.
Control methods solely based on local measurements exhibit 11. THEORY
a superior redundancy as they do not rely on communication
for reliable operation. A peculiar aspect of these methods is A. Droop control through active and reactive power
that they only have a proportional controller for kequency
The power flow into a line at point A, as represented in
and voltage, lacking any forms of integral control. Control
of a distributed system without use of communication can Fig. 1, is described as [7]:
only be achieved at the price of permitting a small error.
Therefore, these techniques are generally denoted as droop
control methods [1]-[6]. The small droop is generally
considered acceptable as long as the error remains within
predefined limits. However, it should be noted that
techniques are described in literature which extend the local
droop control by a global integral control through low
bandwidth communication, combining both redundancy and
integral control. In this paper, only the local droop control,
without use of communication, is elaborated. The global
integral control may be regarded as a possible although not
necessary extension to this method.
This paper starts with a review of the droop control
method. Although this method, as described in literature,
performs well for inductive lines, the performance in case of
resistive lines is poor. In this paper, it is shown how the (a) (b)
Fig. I: (a) Power flow through a line, (b) phasor diagram.
classical droop method can easily be adapted to account for
the grid impedance, providing good performance under all Thus, active and reactive power flowing into the line are
conditions. A major benefit of this technique compared to described as:
existing methods [I]-[6] is especially prevalent in low- U12 UP2
voltage cable grids, generally having a mostly resistive line P =-cos 0 --cos (0 + 5)
impedance. In these grids, the proposed technique is

07803-8399-0/04/$20.00 82004 IEEE. 2501

2004 35th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aachen, Germany, 20%

2 way that the drwp regulation described by (10) and (11)

Q =%sin UIU2 .
e--sln(e+a) (3) will not be effective anymore.
z z In general, both X and R are considered. For this general
With Zd8=R+jX, (2) and (3) are rewritten as: case, the use of a linear rotational transformation matrix T
p=- [R(u,- 1 1 , c o s 6 ) + ~ ~ , s i n s ] (4) from active and reactive power P and Q to modified active
R2+X2 and reactive power P ' and Q' is proposed by the authors:
Q=- [-RU2sin6+X(U, -U,cos6)] (5)
R2 + X 2
XP - RQ Lz Z J
U, s i n s = -
U, Applying this transformation on equations (4) and ( 5 )
Rf+XQ results in:
U,-U2c0s6=- (7) ZP'
4 sins=-
For overhead lines X > > R , meaning that R may be UP2
neglected. If also the power angle 6 is small, then sin 6 = 6 ZQ'
U , - U 2 cos6 = - (14)
and cos 6 = 1. Equations (6) and (7) then become: U1
XP For small power angle S and voltage difference U&,
UP, (13) and (14) show that the power angle depends only on
P', while the voltage difference depends only on Q'. Or, in
other words, the angle 6can be controlled by regulating P',
while the inverter voltage U, is controllable through Q . As
For X >> R, small power angle S and small voltage the grid frequency is influenced through the angle S, the
difference Ut-U2,(8) and (9) show that the power angle definition of P ' and Q ' permits to independently influence
depends predominantly on P, while the voltage difference frequency and amplitude of the grid. This is illustrated
depends predominantly on Q. Or, in other words, the angle graphically in Fig. 3. The effect of P ', Q', P and Q on
6 can be controlled by regulating P, while the inverter voltage and frequency is illustrated for different ratios of
voltage U , is controllable through Q. Control of frequency inductivity X to resistivity R of the line impedance. To
dynamically controls the power angle and, thus, the real derive P' and Q , it suffices to know the ratio R/X.
power flow. Thus, by adjusting P and Q independently, Knowledge of the absolute values of the line impedance is
frequency and amplitude of the grid are determined. These not needed.
conclusions form the basis for the well-known frequency
and voltage droop regulation through respectively active
and reactive power:
f -/o =-k,(P-Po) (10)

Ui-uo =-kq(Q-Qo) (11)

&, and U, are nominal frequency and nominal grid voltage
respectively, and Po and QOare the (momentary) setpoints Fig. 3 Influence of active and reactive power on voltage and frequency for
for active and reactive power of the inverter. The frequency different line impedance ratios: (a) RiX=O, (b) RIX=I, (e) RIX-m.
and voltage droop control characteristics are shown q=rr-B is equal to the atan(RIX). From Fig. 3, it can be
graphically in Fig. 2. seen that for mainly inductive lines P' P P and Q P Q,
while for mainly resistive lines P' P -Q and Q IP. If the
ratio RIX is not known, a compromise may be to consider R
and X to be equal.
The frequency and voltage droop regulation becomes:
f-fo =-k,(P'-4') (15)
U , -U0 = -kq (Q'- Qo ') (16)
Fig 2: frequency and voltage drcop wntrol characteristics.
B. Droop control through active and reactive current
As a fvst improvement in the proposed control scheme, R is
Active and reactive currents I. and I, through _Z are:
no longer neglected. This is especially worthwile in low
voltage cable grids, generally having a mostly resistive line I =-= P R( U, - U2 COS^) + X U , sin 6
impedance. Ultimately, X could be neglected instead of R. a 4 R2 + X z
In this case, adjusting active power influences the voltage RU, sin6 + X (U, - U , cos6)
amplitude, while adjusting reactive power Q influences the I =-- (18)
hquency. Relationships have changed radically, in such a U,

2004 35rh Annul IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aachen, Germany, 2004

Then, analogous to the modified active and reactive frequency:

powers, active and reactive currents are defined as: y/ = -k, ( f - f o ) (24)

And thus:
[;:I =T[ ]; When the measured grid frequency is lower than the
nominal grid frequency (e.g. 50 Hz in Europe), the phase
angle is positive and leads Ul. When the measured
frequency is higher, the phase angle is negative and & lags
U l . This behaviour is denoted with the term frequency

As a variant to the previously described droop method,

not the (modified) active and reactive powers, but the
(modified) active and reactive currents'.I and I,' are
controlled. The frequency and voltage droop control -
characteristics then become: (a) (b)
Fig. 5 Thevenin equivalent o f a finite-output impedance voltage source in
f-16 = - k , , ( I o ' - L . o ' ) (22) cannection with a grid and load: (a) circuit and (b) phase diagram.
Ul -Uo= -k, (I, '- ') (23) 2) Voltage droop
This is shown graphically in Fig. 4. The amplitude U, of the voltage source is assumed
constant and equal to the nominal grid voltage amplitude
t t Uwm.Voltage droop between U. and the local grid voltage
Ul occurs because of the series impedance &.
3) Choice of & and k ,
The virtual impedance & is equivalent to the series
impedance of a synchronous generator. However, whereas
the series impedance of a synchronous generator is mainly
reactive, the virtual impedance may be chosen arbitrarily. In
Fig. 4: Frequency and voltage droop characteristics as a function of contrast to a real impedance, this vimal impedance
modified active and reactive power. represents no power losses, and thus it is possible to imitate
This approach has benefits when U, differs significantly the behaviour of a resistance, without compromising
from its nominal value (e.g. when a short-circuit occurs at efficiency.
U,). Implementing (15) and (16) would result in infmite By analysing the equivalence of the new approach with
currents during short-circuit (U, = 0), which are avoided the droop control method through active and reactive
when equations (22) and (23) are implemented. current, cfr. (22) and (23), an appropriate choice of & and
C. Droop control through emulation of ofnite-output k, could be made as a fimction of k,, and k,. Hereto,
impedance voltage source modified active and reactive currents'.I and I,' through &
are calculated. The analysis is done, based on the
In this section, a new approach to obtain voltage and assumption that there are no harmonics and only the
frequency droop control is described. The purpose is to fundamental frequency component is considered. This
imitate the behaviour of a synchronous generator, connected assumption enables to write the relationship between
to the grid. The synchronous generator is represented by a voltage and current of the virtual impedance using phasors:
finite-output impedance voltage source (Thkvenin
equivalent), as shown lee of the bar in Fig. 5. It consists of
an AC voltage source U. in series with an impedance &.
The Thevenin equivalent is CoMected with the grid Knowing that Z,d'=R,j+j&, this means:
through the line impedance Z. is the voltage at the point Rd (Uocosy - U , )+XdU,,sin y
of coupling between &and z.
The grid, here represented by 1. = (26)
&, may he the (stiff) mains, or a local stand-alone or island z,'
grid (microgrid), containing one or more inverters and/or -RdUo sin y + ,
'A (U, cos - U,)
rotating generators. To the best of the lolowledge of the Ir = (27)
authors, the notion of a "virtual impedance" in this context
is used only once before [8], where a purely ohmic In the case that 9=9, which means that R&=IUX,
resistance is considered. transformation with T vields:
I) Frequency droop I o ? = -U , s i n y
The Thkvenin voltage source bas the same frequency as ',
the grid, but with phase angle difference q ~ proportional
, to uocosy -U,
the difference between real (measured) and nominal grid I, =

2604 351h Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aachen, Cennany, 2604

Based on (22), (23), (24), (28) and (29), and by assuming development, capacitance voltage ump and ig,,d instead of
that s i n y z yand cosy" I, the following equations for Zd grid voltage ugr,d and iglfd of the real-system model will be
controlled to be equal to U@ and ignd of the virtual-system
and k , as a function of k. and k, are derived:
Z, = k, (30)

A good strategy in determining & and k , is therefore to

obtain the desired k, and k, 60m Fig. 4, to calculate Z d and
k , &om (30) and (31), and to choose the ratio RJXd equal to
NXof the line impedance.
(a) (b)
From this analysis, it can be concluded that the approach
Fig. 7: (a) vimal-system model; (b) real-system model.
of imitating a fmite-output impedance voltage source, is
equivalent to the droop control through controlling modified The overall control scheme, implementing the proposed
active and reactive currents, except for the additional benefit voltage and 6equency drmp control method, is shown in
of intrinsically controlling as well the voltage harmonics Fig. 8. The control scheme is decomposed in two main
through a droop characteristic. In comparison with the parts. The rightmost part generates the virtual-system
droop control method through controlling active and voltage source U,, by tracking the fundamental amplitude
reactive power, described in literature [ I]-[6], the approach and 6equency of the voltage ,U and applying the phase
exhibits, in addition to the voltage harmonics mitigation, shift y according to (24). The second part emulates the
benefits considering short-circuit behaviour and achieves (in finite-output impedance, by calculating the inverter voltage
the case of a non-negligeable line resistance) a more U,, that should be applied by PWM on the real system,
'efficient' control of frequency and voltage. based on the virtual-system voltage source U,, and
4) Incorporoting current ofjset measured values ,U and &,,d. The implementation of these
The scheme of Fig. 5 can easily be extended to two parts is elaborated in the next subsections.
incorporate an additional current source representing an
o%et active and/or reactive current lo generated by the
inverter (Fig. 6). The combination of the current source with
the finite-output impedance voltage source may represent a
typical distributed generation unit (i.e. the current source),
with additional kequency andor voltage regulation
capabilities (i.e. the finiteoutput impedance voltage source).
&SH-JJ emulation
Fig. 8 Overall scheme for h e proposed voltage and frequency droop m n m l

Fig. 6: Finiteatput impedance voltage source with current source in

A. Voltage source generation
parallel. Fig. 9 presents the full scheme to generate the reference
voltage U,,, taking into account the measured value of uw
111. IMPLEMENTATION This scheme comprises two subparts, the first achieving
fundamental voltage amplitude and frequency tracking, the
The purpose of the control scheme is to emulate the
other calculating the phase shift and amplitude of the
behaviour described in section 1I.C by controlling the virtual-system voltage source U,-
current and voltage output of a single phase PWM voltage
source inverter with LCL output filter. In Fig. 7 both the
virtual-system model of the fmite-output impedance voltage
source and the real-system model of the LCL output filter
are shown. The output current i g d and output voltage
are measured, while the grid parameters on the right hand of
the bar are unknown. This unknown grid may be the (stiff)
mains, a microgrid, or a stand-alone load, meaning that the
grid impedance may range 60m almost zero (stiff mains) up
to infmity (no-load stand-alone). The control scheme should
be able to control U+ and ignd, emulating the virtual-system
model, irrespective of the grid impedance. However,
because of practical reasons, in the subsequent Fig. 9 Voltage source generation scheme

2004 35th Annual IEEE Power Elecrronics Specialists Conference Aachen, Cennanv. 2 W

I ) Fundamental voltage amplitude andfrequency tracking

Based on a single-phase grid voltage measurement uCoD (35)
the hndamental voltage amplitude Ugndand frequency f?,,
are estimated. To this extent the fundamental voltage IS Applying the inverse Park transformation on [U,,01 with
extracted by use of a Kalman estimator. The approach is the rotation angle 8+ yrehuns the sinusoidal voltage usp
based on a technique, described in literature, where it is
B. Finite-output impedance emulation
used for voltage harmonics tracking [9]. The Kalman
estimator observes, besides the fundamental component, The emulation of the fmite-output impedance is obtained
also the 3", 5", and 7Ih harmonic components. Observing by the use of a hybrid voltage-current controller. Instead of
these harmonics improves the tracking performance under having a current control loop for ig,,d inside a voltage control
distorted voltage conditions considerably. The fundamental loop for ucap,(or the other way round), both current and
output component is used further, represented by two values voltage are slmultaneously controlled to emulate the fmite
U, and ua, the former being in phase with ,U the latter output impedance. This approach is necessary as the grid
representing the quadrature component. These components impedance is not known, and could vary from 0 to infmity.
are named U, and up, as they are equivalent to the Stability problems would arise in a primary current control
components from the Clark tranformation in a three phase loop for very large grid impedances, while the same is true
system. Subsequently, the Park transformation is applied, in a primary voltage control loop for very small grid
impedances (see e.g. [2]). Different control methods can be
which results in ud and uv The rotation angle 6' for the Park
used hereto, such as classical (e.g. root locus), modem (e.g.
transformation is obtained from a Phase Locked Loop
(PLL), which regulates uu to zero by use of a Proportional- Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG)), robust (e.g. Xm)or non-
Integral (PI) regulator [IO]. As a result, ud is equal to the linear (e.g. adaptive) control methods. Here, the LQG
amplitude u r d of the fundamental voltage, while the optimal control approach is followed, using a Kalman
frequencyf,d is a result from inside the PLL (Fig. 9). In estimator and a linear quadratic regulator.
Fig. IO, the fundamental voltage and frequency tracking of a The control scheme is shown in Fig. 1 1 and incorporates
distorted voltage waveform is illustrated in a simulation. In as well disturbance estimation and reference following [ 1 I].
the simulation, the fundamental voltage is tracked in about 5 The real-system plant model R is dc xibed in statespace
periods, while the initial error of ud and uq due to an initial domain by:
phase shift of pi/2 is cancelled for in about the same time.

- -
._"..0 o,a5 0.1 0.1s 0.2
The virtual-system model is incorporated through the
Time [SI transfer function V
Fig. IO: Fundamental voltage and amplitude backing: uWp(blue), U, and uo e=-
(green and red), ud and uq(cyan and magenta). Z, + 1 Lds + Rd
2) Phase shift and amplitude calculation The disturbance w in (36) represents the input-equivalent
Based on the estimated fundamental voltage amplitude disturbance, caused by the combination of the grid voltage
Ug,id and frequency fgnd, the amplitude U, and the power U& and the reference signal ,U and ism In fact, w is a
angle y of the virtual-system voltage source U,, are virtual signal applied at the control input which would
calculated as being equal to: produce the same steady state error e as the combination of
I= -k, (f-h) (32) the actual disturbance up.., and the reference signals U,, and
i>,. Both disturbances are persistent, as they are both
U S , C = U0 (33) composed of sinusoidal components, which means that they
Equations (32) and (33) are adjusted to account can be modeled and cancelled for. W represents the input-
of the
(approximately) for the limited current rating Imru equivalent disturbance model, with d an arbitrary impulsive
inverter by ensuring that (not shown in Fig. 9): input. Besides the fundamental component, also the 3", 5",
U,, -IIZdllL 5 U,, < U 8 d +llZdIlL (34) 7Ihand 9" harmonic components are modelled.

2004 351h Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aachen. Germany, 2 w 4

ratings. The virtual droop impedance is chosen to be equal

to 1 n, with a ratio Rdr, equal to 4, while k, is equal to
I radiHz. As can be seen from Fig. 13, the voltage quality
remains good, despite the veiy highly distorted nature of the
In a second example, two stand-alone grids were
constructed, each consisting of one inverter supplying a
resistive load. The experiment shows the parallel connection
of both island grids during operation. The connection is
obtained by fmt placing a 100 n resistance between both
Fig I 1 LQG control scheme for the finiteuutput impedance emulation stand-alone grids, and gradually reducing this resistance in
one second to 0 n. Fig. 14 shows the grid voltages and
The Kalman estimator E.estimates the states as well as
currents of both inverters during connection. The close-up
the input-equivalent disturbance. The estimator is obtained
graphs show the voltages and currents as they wme shortly
by calculating the Kalman filter for the real-system plant
before and after connection. It can be seen that voltages
model R, augmented with V and W, using the MATLAB
synchronize smoothly, while the currents stabilize after a
function ka1man.m.
modest transient to almost perfect load sharing. Here, the
The control law K is obtained by calculating the LQG
droop impedance is chosen to be equal to 5 a, with a ratio
optimal state-feedback gain of the real system model R,
augmented only with V (W is not controllable), using the &‘Ld equal to 4, while k, is equal to 1 rad/Hz.
400, I
MATLAB function d1qr.m. The inverter voltage u , is ~
obtained by augmenting the output of the control law with
the estimate of the input-equivalent disturbance.


The control algorithm is converted from MATLAB
/Sirnulink to ‘C-code using Real-Time Workshop. The
code is then executed on a Texas Instruments ‘C6711
Digital Signal Processor (DSP). An FPGA daughtercard on
top of the ‘C6711 DSK board generates the PWM signals
for the IGBT PWM voltage-source inverter and provides an I
interface to the voltage and current measurements [12]. The 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
total processor load is 81 % with the algorithm running at Time [s]
9.2 kHz.
Using the setup of Fig. 12, experiments have shown the
performance of the technique for resistive, inductive and
capacitive loads and compact fluorescent lamps, the latter
drawing a highly non-linear current. Also good results were
obtained, during short-circuit operation and connection with
the main grid. A second identical inverter setup is used to
test the performance during parallel operation of two

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

Time [s]
Fig. 13: Voltage and current waveforms feeding a highly distorted load
with&= I R.

A new method for controlling voltage and frequency in
Fig. 12 Experimental setup ofone of the WOidentical parallel inverten. island grids using parallel inverters is presented. By
As a fmt example, demonstrating the steady-state imitating a voltage source with a complex fmite-output
behaviour, the supply of highly distorted load is considered. impedance, voltage droop control is obtained. Frequency
The inverter is operated in island mode, while the load droop control results from synchronizing the power source
consists of eight compact fluorescent lamps of different with the grid, with a phase angle difference that depends on

2004 35lh Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference Aachens Germany, 2

the difference between nominal and real grid kequency. In Technologie in Vlaanderen (IWT)”, for granting a GBOU
comparison with existing techniques, the described method, research project on embedded generation and the European
exhibits superior behaviour, considering the mitigation of Commission for support through the FP5 Dispower project.
voltage harmonics, the behaviour during short-circuit and, B. Bolsens holds a research scholarship of FWO, J. Van
in the case of a non-negligeable line resistance, the den Keybus held a research scholarship of IWT, and J.
‘efficient’ control of frequency and voltage. Two Driesen holds a postdoctoral research fellowship of FWO.
experiments are included to show the described behaviour.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT and conrrol plaVorm for low-volrage grid-coupled applicolions in a
The authors are grateful to the Belgian “Fonds voor deregulared eleerrielry market, PhD. Dissertation, K.U.Leuven,
Leuven. Dec. 2003.
Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen (FWO)” for its
fmancial support, the Belgian “lnstituut voor de
aanmoediging van Innovatie door Wetenschap en


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