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I would like to bring to your notice that portico is showing Rs32800 less in my april salary. I have emailed
for the same. Salary has not been credited as yet.

Also for this month portico is not showing updated attendance of employees. I have just applied few offs
and ODs right now . Kindly approve the same.

27th April: Sacred heart science club meeting

4th May: Compensatory Off utilized

6th May: Sacred Heart Quiz in morning shift

8th May: Carmel convent workshop

9th May: Took privilege leave for Father in law's bhog ceremony

13th May : Sacred Heart workshop and Pkl reporting

14th May: Pkl reporting

speed and accuracy

How to Attempt Assertion Reasoning Questions in

1. What is Assertion? And, what are the elements in assertion-reasoning

Assertion simply means “a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief”.
Candidates are provided with a “STATEMENT”. The statement presents an
opinion or a fact or a comment.

2. The other statement is “REASON”.

The STATEMENT and REASON forms a pair, which may or may-not have a
relation between the two.

3. So, ASSERTION is a STATEMENT, and the REASON has to be defending the

STATEMENT or be the immediate cause for it. This is the common mistake to be
This has to be kept in mind: “REASON” should or must be the correct
explanation of the ASSERTION.
Importantly, both STATEMENT and REASON may not have the same topic, but it
does not matter.

Imp Tips:
 Have strong concepts
 Know the theory of each Topic of the syllabus
 Read all the chapters of NCERT line by line, learn every concept and the
reasons dealt therein.
 Practice as many questions as possible. This will help you to clear the
difficult questions by finding solutions, as it is rather difficult to find
whether or not the statement given is the reason of the first.
 These are some to the key points to be kept in mind, while attempting to
solve the assertion-reasoning based questions for AIIMS. The ability to
distinguish between the statement and the reason, or finding a
connection between them will give chances of scoring full marks in this
segment of question pattern

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