Network Analysis Paper

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Code No.

: 13EE207
II B.Tech. I Sem. (RA13) Regular Examinations, November – 2015
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer ALL questions
All questions carry equal marks
10 x 2
1. Draw the symbols of dependent sources.
2. Calculate the equivalent resistance between the terminals a and b.

3. If I1(t)=5 sin(ωt-300)A and I2(t)=8cos(ωt+100)A find I1+I2.

4. Define form factor and crest factor.
5. Derive the expression for resonant frequency of a RLC series circuit.
6. Explain dot convention.
7. Define i) co-tree ii) vertex
8. State faradays laws of electromagnetic induction principle.
9. For what value of RL maximum power will be transferred?

10. State reciprocity theorem.

Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
5 x 10
1. a. Calculate io using super mesh analysis.

b. Find Vx using source transformation theorem.

2. If the 60 ohm resistor absorbs an average power of 240W find V and complex power of each

3. a. What is the relation between resonance frequency and half power frequencies? Show
that resonant frequency is the geometric mean of half power frequencies.
b. An iron ring 8 cm mean diameter is made up of iron of diameter 1cm and permeability
of900 has an air gap of 2mm wide. It consists of winding with 400 turns carrying a
current of 3A. Determine i) mmf ii) total reluctance iii) the flux iv) flux density in
the ring.
4. a. Form cut-set matrix for the graph. Consider branches 1,2,3 and 6 as tree branches.

b. Draw the dual of the given graph.

5. Obtain the Thevenin’s equivalent of the following circuit.

6. Calculate the power supplied by the voltage source.

7. Using superposition theorem find Io.

8. a. Two identical coils when connected in series give an inductance of 800 mH and when
one of the coil is reversed give an inductance of 400 mH. Determine self and mutual
inductances. Also calculate the coefficient of coupling.
b. Calculate average and rms values of the following waveform.


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