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I prepare for my presentation by creating a note card and practicing with it every night.

I also try

to make eye contact when I practicing my presentation. I facing a lot of difficult things to created

the presentation. The problem I had was how to make the judge more entertainment and the

information I need to put. I also having problem with presentation because I don’t like to talk

infront of people and nervous to talk. When I practicing my speech, I having trouble memorize

word and can’t pronounce a word. When they call me to go to media center, I was so nervous

that I can’t keep my heart from stop beating so fast. When I walk up the stairs as I go to the

judges, my leg was shake so hard that I can’t even walk straight. I also nervous to shake their

hands and I not able to because they will grade other person presentation. I keep says to myself

that I going to do fine and I will get over with it. My presentation is not 6 to 8 minutes so I have

to come up with something to make it longer. The presentation was good because I see the smile

and laugh of the judge faces. At first I was struggled to speak because I was to nervous but later

on I able to speak well. The project overall was good since I follow all the directions and

information to add. They ask me question during my presentation which I think they was

entertainment by my presentation. I keep add stuff that relate to my topic to make they more

interesting. At the end of my presentation, the judges ask me simple question that I can answer

without any problem. When I answer all the question, they smile at me and said “have a great

day” I replied “you too and thank you”. I remember that one of the judges asked me “who my

favorite soccer” and I said “Ronaldo”, he that said “is his little brother favorite soccer player”.

The judges feedback was good which help me to stay calm and relax. Next time I would do

differently by make my presentation longer and more entertainment. I would also like to add a
video of me and the kids playing soccer together. I also want to do differently by interview the

kids and adults which I had help to show the judges how I had impact on their.

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