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NAME_______________________________ MAY, 2019


I. Read the text below and decide which word (A,B, C or D) best fits each space: 12 p

Aylesbury is a bustling market town (1) ......modern shopping facilities include the (2)........ opened Friars Square
shopping centre. The market has been an (3) ............part of Aylesbury life since the early 13th century. (4)........... ,
regular markets are held on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.The town has a (5) ..........and varied history,
many clues to which can be seen in the (6)............... area to the north of the market square. In this area
(7)..........the 15th century King's Head Public House which over the years has played host to many famous names.
These have included King Henry VIII who (8).......... visited the Inn while courting Anne Boleyn and to Oliver
Cromwell on his visit to Aylesbury in 1651. (9).......... a National Trust property, the King's Head is at present
undergoing extensive refurbishments to (10) .............the building to its former glory and is (11)........... to re-open
in the autumn. Other (12)........... buildings in the conservation area include theSaxon Church of St Mary and the
Buckinghamshire County Museum.

1 . A. what B. which C. Whose D. with

2. A. recently B. frequently C. Rarely D. likely
3. A. Essential B. expensive C. unexpected D. impossible
4. A. Always B. Seldom C. Never D. Nowadays
5. A. poor B. Perfect C. Rich D. nearby
6. A. pollution B. conservation C. environment D. maintenance
7. A. Lives B. Happens C. stands D. shows
8. A. regularly B. properly C. namely D. lately
9. A. Since B. Now C. Even D. Despite
10. A. refresh B. recall C. restore D. remind
11 .A. suggested B. advised C. remained D. expected
12. A. reliable B. annual C. excitable D. Notable

II. Fill in the blanks with only ONE word : 15 p

I always used to go to Porchester (1)......................... my summer holidays. It is a quiet little town, full of old and
interesting buildings. Very (2) ..............................visitors ever go there, so there are no crowds. I enjoyed its sleepy
atmosphere. I work in a big city, so a holiday in Porchester was a complete change (3) usual life.
Besides, I found (4) ................about the history of the place. I wanted to learn how life used to be in Porchester -
the stories of (5) .................................people and buildings.I made notes on (6)......................... these things (7) holidays and I soon knew(8)......................... about the history of Porchester than most of the
people (9)........................ lived there. I am not a rich man and I cannot afford to stay in hotels. (10)...................
Jack Thompson heard that I wanted to spend my holidays in Porchester again all these years later, he invited me to
stay with him. Jack and I were in the Army during the war and we were good friends.

III. Word formation: 10 p

Mr Greaves had always been an(1.EXCITE)................................ man who should never have had a (2.
MANAGE)..........................................position. His bad temper was only just (3. BEAR)........................... and there
was often a (4. TEMPT)....................... to tell him to sit down and relax. His office was (5. CHAOS)
........................with papers everywhere and had (6. ABSOLUTE) order to it. Once he went to a
(7. CONFER)......................................... in Paris and on his (8. ARRIVE) the hotel he
completely forgot who he worked for when the (9. RECEIVE) ....................................asked him.When he tried to
help he was misunderstood although his (10. INTEND)................................. were always good.

IV. Rephrase the sentences using between three and six words 20 p

1. The bully wasn’t just teasing his classmate. He was being violent too. ONLY
Not ____________________________________________ fun of his classmate. He was violent too.
2. I was never told what the course involved. TIME
At no ______________________________________________ what the course involved
3. We arrived at the football match too late to be able to play. BY
The football match ________________________________ time we arrived.
4. He says he’s never met her before. DENIES
He ________________________________________ her before.
5. George missed the meeting because he overslept. WOULD
If George had __________________________________________ missed the meeting.
6. I don't want to take part in the project.RATHER
I ___________________________________ part in the project.
7. Perhaps John heard the story from Pippa. HAVE
Pippa __________________________________story.
8. Most people are indifferent to the mistreatment of animals. SHOW
Most _______________________________________________of animals
9. Immediately after Bess arrived home, the phone rang. SOONER
No ___________________________________________home than the phone rang.
10. You won't get lost along the country lanes if you always have the map open." LONG
He told them they wouldn't get lost ______________________________________the map open.

V. Writing : OPINION ESSAY on one of the topics : 33 p

” Magazines – VIPs’ nightmares”


„Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

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