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8:40 – 9:00 – breakfast, announcements, morning work Modifications

9:00 – 9:15 – morning meeting DW, AA, MD, MY, DS- refocusing
9:20 – 10:35 – Block 1 DW, AA, AK, DS – check for understanding
DS, MD, DW- teacher proximity
Monday-Tuesday – Math Testing AA out for Just Words at 9:50
Friday only: guided reading

L. Clark Content: Science Week of : 5/6/19 - Thursday

Learning Goal: Thursday Essential Question/Standard: Vocabulary: Materials: worksheets,
I can explain how the How do we talk? Larynx (organ in the neck pencils
larynx works that holds the vocal chords
in place)
Trachea (connects the larynx
to the lungs)
Esophagus (connects the
throat to the stomach)
Diaphragm (expands and
contracts when you breath
to allow air to get into and
out of the lungs)
I do, we do, you do: (whole group lesson) HOTS: CFUs/Assessment:

Lesson 1: Rotations What happens with your Completed responses to

Teacher led (gaughan) – Take a Deep Breathe – review diaphragm when you questions about the
the parts of the respiratory system and put together breathe? respiratory system.
clues to match different parts of the system (answer and

Collaborative (Clark) – Read 2 articles on the respiratory Why do men often have a Class participation in
system, Hiccups and the Larynx – complete activities deeper voice than women? small groups. (listening to
with teacher (All IEP students + Indaria) discussion of answers)
Ask students what they know about how we speak
(review vocabulary –larynx, trachea, esophagus, Friday - Completion of
diaphragm) mini project to summarize
Read Larynx: The Voice Box (make sure students have respiratory system.
pencils) BEFORE READING- have students look at the
underlined words and go over how to pronounce it
with them. (students will track while the teacher reads)

Go over questions – have students find answers within

the text, underline and number. Have a volunteer
answer and have other students use thumbs up/down
to agree/disagree.
 For question 5, ask for student volunteer to
restate and answer

Hiccups- BEFORE READING - Go over boxed words with

students for pronunciation. (students will track while
teacher reads)

Go over questions with students. Students will find the

answer for each question individually and underline
with correct color. Ask for a student volunteer to
restate and answer. Have other students use thumbs
up/down as to whether they agree or disagree.

If students finish before switching rotations, they can

complete the puzzle on the back of the Hiccup reading
independently or with a partner.

Digital – clever – newslea - complete reflection on each

article ( make sure kids are able to get onto the
computer as well as newsela)

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