Graphic Analysis 1

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Hadley Brugh

Busch 1A
15 May 2019
Design Analysis

In this poster, I see a grey background, with a figure sitting down

in black and white, wearing black. The figure is in a somewhat
motionless position, but pink and yellow triangles are emerging from her
head and sprouting down her arm. Geometric figures and color schemes
are used in this piece to emphasize the meaning and add depth to the
graphic. There seem to be relationships evident between the title “Think”
and the artistic elements present in the poster.
In this poster, it seems like either Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator
was used. I am led to this conclusion because of the manipulation of the previous image as well
as the addition of the triangles and other elements. The shape creator tool was definitely used to
create the shapes, and likely a clipping mask of some sort. The most distinctive features are
definitely the triangles coming up from the arm of the subject and out of the brain, and then
spreading to the top of the poster. The colors used create a distinction from the rest of the poster
and allow for the triangles to pop. I think that the poster is fairly well balanced, and is
proportionally correct as well as scaled correctly. The triangles get larger, which somewhat
throws off the balance, but I feel as if this is necessary to accurately portraying the theme.
The purpose of this poster was to inform the audience about a design school and to
promote it. I believe that this piece works to emphasize creative thinking that is outside of the
box, and that that type of thinking would be fostered at the Dentsu Design Summer School in
2015. The fact that there are colored triangles coming out of the grayscale-d background and into
the arm (which holds a pencil) proves that creativity and higher-level thinking would be done at
this camp.
I think that this piece is exceptionally well done. There is a lot of thought that was put
into it and the time and intentionality of the artist shows. I think the most important criteria for
judging this piece is the ability to maintain balance with everything that is going on, and I feel as
if this was accomplished. I am obviously a biased evaluator of the piece, which plays a big factor
in my judgement, however I truly believe that this is very well done and would have persuaded
me to go to the Dentsu Design Summer School if I had seen this poster in 2015.

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