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“ knowledge of accounts in English “












First at all, give thanks for God’s love and grace for us.

Thanks to God for helping me and give me chance to finish this Mini
Research timely. And I would like to say thank you to Mr.Dr. M. Ikhsan & Mr.
Choms Gary Gt Sibarani, Se, M. Si, Ak. Ca, S.Pd as the lecturer that always
teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well.

This Mini Research is the first of Now we are teachers’:.But I hope it

can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make this Mini

Hopefully we as a student in “Accounting Education” can work more

professional by using English as the second language whatever we done. Thank


Drafting team


Preface .............................................................................................................i
Table Of Contents ......................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I Preliminary ............................................................................. 1

A. Background ......................................................................................... 1
B. Objective ............................................................................................. 1
C. Benefit ................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER II Theoretical Review ............................................................... 2

CHAPTER III Research Methodology ....................................................... 8
CHAPTER IV Result and Discussion ......................................................... 9

CHAPTER V Closing .................................................................................. 10

A. Conclusion ......................................................................................... 10
B. Suggestion .......................................................................................... 10

Blibliography ................................................................................................ 11

ii | P a g e

1. Background

In developing knowledge for each student, the KKNI curriculum was

implemented which consisted of 6 (six) assignments. One of the six tasks is MR
(Mini Research), by conducting MR a student is expected to be more critical in
mastering and assessing a book by seeing the advantages and disadvantages of each
book. Thus, a student is also able to have a broader knowledge reference.

2. Objective of a Mini Research

1) To find out how far the English skills of Faculty of Economics State
University of Medan.
2) To find out how much ability in English at the Faculty of Economics

3. Benefits of a Mini Research

The results of this study are expected to have the benefits both theoretically
and practically as follows:
1) Theoretical benefits, to be used as reference material for other researchers in
the future
2) Practical benefits, can be used as a source of information in improving the
quality of learning,



Indonesia is one of the developing countries that has not escaped the age of
globalization. In the face of this era, aspects of Human Resources (HR), especially
students, are required to be able to master one of the basic capital of the competition
in the form of mastery of English. Mastery of English is not only used as a means of
communication and interaction in the everyday environment. However, English is
used for learning media, including in the form of books, ebooks or international
journals that we often meet around us, for example in the campus (library) and the
internet. Mastery of English in principle is not only mastery of speaking skills, but
also reading, understanding and listening skills which are skills that should be
mastered by students in learn something. From these language skills, students are
directed to be able to improve the mastery of student English students to can
understand a learning material well. As one of the language skills, reading in terms of
listening or understanding is a skill that is quite difficult for students to master.
Reading in principle does not only recite symbols or letters that are in writing but also
reads the purpose of understanding the meaning contained in the reading or
understanding the intent that the author wrote in his writing. Or in other words, the
purpose of reading is to try to get the intent and purpose and the meaning contained in
the writing that can be in the form of facts, ideas, and feelings from books or writing.

In addition, the purpose of reading is trying to get the message to be conveyed

by the author. Therefore reading activities not only require concentration on what is
to be read but also requires an understanding of the meaning of words, sentences, and
discourse read. Concentration and understanding of reading will make students
effective in reading. In connection with that, so students are able to understand
reading required various methods or techniques effective that can attract students in
understanding. lecture or material learning or lectures such as Accounting courses.

Where we know, today around us there are textbooks, e-books and articles / journals
in English.

For example, instructors (lecturers) need various appropriate methods or

techniques in teaching reading so that students can understand the meaning contained
in books, ebooks or English-language articles / journals. During this time, lecturers
have not been able to use the right techniques in understanding English books, ebooks
or journals, so many students find it difficult to listen to / understand the contents of
the reading they have read. To overcome the difficulties faced by students in reading
comprehension (reading comprehension) in textbooks, ebooks and articles / journals
in accounting courses, instructors (lecturers) need media, techniques or ways that are
appropriate in teaching lecture material to students. In each step of the activity it is
expected to attract the interest of students because the steps implemented have been
carried out systematically making it easier for students to understand.



III.1 Research preparation

Before the researchers departed from the location of the observation, the
preparations made by the researcher were by compiling a number of questions that
would be asked to the Clothing Store owners to get information about the Fixed
Assets in Isabela's Clothing Store.

III.2 Implementation of research

This research was conducted on Wednesday, May 16, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. WIB.
The process of this research begins with giving a questionnaire about the accounts
contained in the business using business English. Then each answer from the
questionnaire diidi by students is used as a discussion by the author as material for
the preparation of the author's mini research report.

III.3 Results of research

This study aims to determine the ability of economic faculty students,

especially the Accounting Education Study Program to Use Accounts in Business
English. Based on observations made on Accounting Education Students, they were
quite good at using accounting accounts in the English language well.



From the results of the Mini research group we did by describing as many as 30
questionnaires for 3 classes of Accounting Education In the Faculty of Economics,
Medan State University, we can conclude that the student's ability and knowledge of
accounts in English are as follows:

Note: Fill in the account names in Accounting below using the terms in English
1 Investasi Tambahan
2 J a t u h T e m p o
3 Konsep Kesatuan Usaha
4 Laba Penjualan Aktiva
5 Laba Tahun Berjalan
6 Merek Dagang
7 Modal Awal Periode
8 Nilai Jatuh Tempo
9 Nilai Masa Kini
1 0 Barang Siap Jual

In the education class. Accounting A:

• Number of colleger who are able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
8 colleger
• Number of colleger who are less able to fill out questionnaires correctly:
2 colleger

In the education class. Accounting B:

• Number of colleger who are able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
9 colleger

• Number of colleger who are less able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
1 colleger
In the education class. Accounting C:
• Number of colleger who are able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
8 colleger
• Number of colleger who are less able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
2 colleger

Note: Fill in the account names in Accounting below using the terms in English
1 N i l a i R e s i d u
2 Persamaan Dasar Akuntans i
3 S ya r a t Pembayara n
4 U t a n g H i p o t i k
5 T a n d a Pemeriksaan
6 Pendapatan Yg Masih Harus Diterima
7 Persedian Bahan Baku
8 P e n g e l u a r a n
9 Pendapatan Diterima Dimuk a
10 R u g i O p e r a s i o n a l

In the education class. Accounting A:

• Number of colleger who are able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
10 colleger
• Number of colleger who are less able to fill out questionnaires correctly:

In the education class. Accounting B:

• Number of colleger who are able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:

9 colleger
• Number of colleger who are less able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
1 colleger

In the education class. Accounting C:

• Number of colleger who are able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
9 colleger
• Number of colleger who are less able to fill in the questionnaire correctly:
1 colleger

From the results of the answers to the 30 questionnaires that our group has
given to several students in the 3 classes of the Accounting study program we can
conclude that the ability of students to use accounting accounts in business English is



A. Conclusion

Knowing the accounts in accounting is very important. where in the process there
is always we write these accounts. This reasearch led the 2017 unimed accounting
education colleger. the results that have been done are good but there are still colleger
who lack knowledge about these accounts. It is expected that we can find out the
accounts in English.

B. Suggestions
English language skills should be good in terms of Menggunakan AKun – akun
Akuntansi dalam bahsa inggris bisnis. Especially for students who must often find
literature or media that speak English

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