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Got Culture?

64 Shreya Nadendla (10)

Thriving not surviving. Although C&C is a
rigorous course, and for many students comes with
their first AP class, students are exposed to hands on
learning opportunities with their peers that is a
catalyst for creating lasting friendships and
collaborative group abilities. Many students, while
looking back on their time in C&C fondly remember
their times working together on intense group
projects, and taking notorious English quote
quizzes. Through it all, students are able to develop
close relationships with teachers and peers.

“I love being able to study in a

collaborative environment
with my peers”
-Shreya Nadendla (10)

Jason Abenhaim (9)

What Is the Best C&C



Shreya Annapureddy (10) Rohit Singh (9)
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72 By: Hannah Keister

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“C&C is one of my favorite classes that I am taking
at Enloe right now. We always have so much fun,
and really enjoy working together. It is a great
environment for learning and meeting new

-Chance Davis (9)

Owen Henderlite (9), Raven Davies (9), Saianish Komma (9)

A part of something bigger. The C&C program, which is unique to our school,
provides students the opportunity to learn about ancient history in a modern way.
C&C enriches students learning processes in many ways, but one of the most notable
is the many projects and group based learning activities. The Election Project is a
favorite, where students get the chance to conduct a presidential campaign using
characters from Homer’s The Odyssey. This is one of the most iconic projects of
freshman C&C, and is a great way for new students to meet one another and have fun

while learning. Pictured left and above, students conduct their campaigns for
president of Ithaca. Through this project, students get the chance to learn about the
democratic system, as well as read one of the worlds most famous work of literature.
The fun doesn't stop with freshman year though, as students can choose to take C&C
during their sophomore year. This AP World History and English II double
challenges students to learn, quite literally, the history and literature of the whole
world. Similar to freshmen C&C, students participated in highly detailed projects,
and also have the opportunity to have student led learning experiences, Pictured
below, (left), students in Ms. Slusser and Ms. Justice’s sophomore C&C class present a
mini lesson on continuity and changes in Islam. This program, unique to Enloe,
leaves a lasting impression on students. If you are on the top floor of the towers and
hear shouts and cheering, chances are you are hearing a C&C class take place.

(9), Aidan
(9), Aidan
(9) (9)

Collin Queen (10)

Anam Akhtar (10), Arun Murali (10), Puja Nakkala 910), Michelle
Michelle Puthuparampil (10), Puja Nakkala (10), Anam Akhtar (10),
Puthuparampil (10) Sanjana Munigala (9), Dante Mobley (9)
Anushree Jeyakumar (10), Arun Murali (10)

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