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Ravishankar Achanta
Blockchain has been making a buzz chain involving the blockchain has to get the dice rolling for Blockchain
for quite some time now and the been voiced. for intra-group payments first. The
‘distributed ledger blockchain’ has been implementation would help banks /
Using the DATA Layer, the regulatory
widely talked about by banks. Many financial institutions immediately with
and compliance requirements
of the banks and financial institutions the costs involved in the generation and
around the details of the transaction
have set up innovation labs to conduct processing of the MT202, MT199, MT999,
for due transaction monitoring or
proof of concepts to be able to harness etc., messages. Given the volumes per
validating the details of the originator
the modern day technology around day, it would be a step in cost saving
and beneficiary for FATF or ‘sanction
‘blockchain’ and ‘distributed ledger’. and reduced turnaround time as also to
screening’ can be duly implemented.
Industry studies have revealed that experience the benefits of the modern
The amount of suspicious transactions
regulatory and compliance issues are the day technology of blockchain and
for AML and the transactions through
two biggest factors which are believed to distributed ledger. Also given that the
‘high risk countries’ could minimize as
contribute toward internal resistance to scope is around intra-group payments,
there would be transparency amidst
adoption of blockchain, and this needs this would bring in a comfort factor for
the network.
to be duly addressed. An attempt to banks as the boundaries of the payments
address this pain point using a point of Also it has been opined that the best are known.
view of having an additional DATA Layer way to get started, is by moving with
introduced along the payment process caution using a stepwise approach

Cross-border money transfer and its drawbacks

Remittance is a fund-transfer transaction For example, bank A is sending a euro • Bank B does the adjustments and sends a
wherein funds are moved from one account amount to a euro account in bank D in message to its correspondent bank, bank
to another account within the same or any Germany. The workflow is given below: C in Brussels via the SWIFT network.
other financial institution. In a cross-border • An MT103 (a SWIFT message format) in • Bank C transmits the value via Single
payment, SWIFT handles only the movement $US is sent to bank A in the US. Euro Payments Area (SEPA) to bank D in
of messages along the payment chain. The Germany.
• Bank A sends the payment request
correspondent banks do the actual debits
to its correspondent bank, bank B via • Bank D credits the supplier account in
and credits across accounts based on the
Fedwire and accompanies a debit / credit EUR.
message and help pass on the value to the
instruction for onward transmission.
final beneficiary.

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Bank A Bank D – In Germany

Fedwire payment system SEPA payment system

SWIFT Correspondent
Bank B – In USA, having relationship
relationship with bank C in SWIFT
Bank C – In Brussels

Figure 1: Payment flow chart – Bank A sending euro amount to a euro account in bank D in Germany

As shown in the payment flow chart (Figure • Since no two banks can agree on a • Presence of a trusted third party with
1), the banks charge fees for processing of transaction based on their own ledger, powers to overwrite and overturn ledger
each transaction, thus increasing the costs SWIFT came into being to guarantee and activities needed to have a unified view.
involved for all parties concerned. SWIFT confirm message transmission. Central • A central bank typically insists that banks
charges for transmitting the messages and banks operated as settlement agents to maintain sufficient liquidity in their
thus adds to the cost. Since the ledgers guarantee payments. settlement accounts or nostro accounts
are local to the banks, the SWIFT messages • SWIFT charges the bank for processing maintained with the central banks.
ensure the debit entry of one bank’s ledger the payment orders irrespective of • In case of a cross-border payment for
is communicated to another bank so as to whether the bank is at both the receiving pooled account in certain banks, the
pass / post the corresponding credit entry in and sending end of the instruction. originator of the message is modified and
its ledger. With the increase in the number
• A single cross-border payment has to populated by an internal bank account
of payment messages in the chain, fees on
traverse through certain correspondent number. This raises concern around
SWIFT messages also increase.
banks which are involved in activities the data protection and security in the
The current process of international like receiving, collating, and netting receiving bank.
payments / transfer system with involvement payment messages before retransmitting • Since the payment moves across
of correspondent banks has the confirmations / denials to the respective Fedwire to SWIFT and then through
following drawbacks: banks. This increases the time to settle. SEPA, the messages involved are varied
and different.

What is blockchain and how it can help facilitate cross-border money transfer
Given the shortcomings of the as-is process everybody in the network. Thus each node for cross-border payments, because there
with cross-border payments, blockchain and in the network will have a complete copy of are no intermediaries or correspondent
the concept of the distributed ledger has the entire database or the ledger and any banks involved. The underlying concept
been resonating well amidst the banking modifications to the same will have to be duly of distributed ledger makes it possible for
and financial sector. It has been making verified by other nodes / parties to validate the banks to have a bilateral, visible, and
a buzz for quite some time now, and the on the modification done. Thus it requires a immutable transfer of value, adjudicated by
distributed ledger blockchain is also widely consensus of nodes to agree upon the state the settlement agency.
talked about by banks. of the ledger for it to be valid. This would
Blockchain is a universal ledger present in a mean that direct transfers can occur instantly
distributed network which is accessible to now and without fear of manipulation even

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Critical factors understood to be addressed for an industry-wide adoption
of blockchain
Many banks and financial institutions have enhancing transparency, reduced time for banks. The identity of the involved banks
set up innovation labs to conduct proof of settlement of transactions, and reduced are not always known between sender and
concepts (PoC) to be able to harness the transaction costs were known to the financial beneficiary bank and hence, the lack of
modern day technology around blockchain services conducting PoCs. The below set transparency.
and distributed ledger. According to a recent of critical factors were understood to be • Data protection and privacy – There is
industry survey conducted by Accenture, addressed for industry-wide adoption of a strict need to ensure that there is no
it was found that around 30 percent of distributed ledger technology (DLT), which breach of data and that the data is not
organizations are involved in conducting evolved as part of their proof of concepts. modified at any point of the chain.
PoCs along with other FinTech companies, • Standardization – Lack of standardization • Compliance and regulatory reporting –
while 27 percent of the organizations are in formats. With globalization, we have Adhering to the compliance and regulatory
involved in formulating a strategy around several global standards for messaging reporting like the anti-money laundering
the same. Among the PoCs being explored, Society for Worldwide Interbank (AML), know your customer (KYC), financial
below is the sequence of priorities attached Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), action task force (FATF), and others in
by various organizations: Electronic Data Interchange For order to ensure there is sufficient payment
• Intra-bank cross-border payments Administration, Commerce and Transport transparency and to keep a tab on the
• Cross-border remittances (EDIFACT), Electronic Banking Internet high-risk corridors or high-risk payments.
Communication Standard (EBICS),
• Corporate payments • Collaboration – Cooperation among
ISO20022, and ISO8583.
• Inter-bank cross-border payment systems payment service providers to create
• Cost and time benefit with added inter-operable blockchains. Need for an
• Person-to-person payment payment transparency – Cross-border extensive global network.
While the benefits of blockchain like the payments continue to be expensive. It
enabling of trust, user empowerment, is difficult to assess and deduce charges
reliability owing to decentralized network, incurred through multiple correspondent

What benefits does blockchain bring in, when leveraged for cross-border money

Bank A Bank D – In Germany


Fedwire payment system SEPA payment system

Swift Correspondent
Bank B – In USA, having relationship
relationship with bank C in Swift
Bank C – In Brussels

Figure 2: Money transfer from bank A to bank D through blockchain eliminating the 3rd party as highlighted

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As depicted in Figure 2, blockchain brings in • Since the details of the transaction are The consortium addresses challenges for
the following benefits: encrypted and hashed, there is hardly any collaboration to a certain extent. However,
• It leads to the exclusion of any possibility to modify the data. after the recent news of the exit of some of
middlemen, central agencies, or • Subject to no messages being the major players from the R3 consortium,
correspondents from the payment transmitted, the challenges around the blockchain is becoming a battleground
processing. Transaction is amidst the standardization are minimized too. where competition has taken the driving seat
parties who have entered into a bilateral instead of collaboration. This is clear, because
• Increased payment transparency with
agreement, thus ensuring trust is in place. there are no rules to the game currently and
distributed ledger as sender and receiver
no standards have been defined.
• Reduced cost with minimal charges are the nodes of the network / chain.
along the payment chain. In addition, While most of the critical factors seem to be
The challenges around the data protection
SWIFT charges for the processing of the amenable to a fair resolution, the biggest
and privacy could be addressed to
messages if the messages are routed challenge is with respect to regulatory
some extent with the use of a private or
through it. As of result of such charges, reporting. Many of the blockchain use cases
permissioned blockchain where anybody
the correspondent banks / central suggest removal of middlemen including
cannot anonymously jump on the network
agencies add to the cost of processing regulatory agencies, while a point of view to
and become a node. Such an arrangement
the payment, for activities like receiving, have a collaborative approach to avoid less
will require the parties to register or enter
collating, and netting payment messages disruption around this area having known
into a bilateral agreement and access
before retransmitting confirmations / the conservative approach of the banks or
transactions using a private key amidst
denials to the respective banks. financial institutions, is being proposed.
the trusted parties of the network. Also,
• Reduced turnaround time for settlement everybody is aware of the level of difficulty to Each of the regulatory reporting / transaction
as there is no need for central agencies hack the underlying hashed transactions in monitoring activity wants absolute payment
and movement of messages. the block. transparency and would like to have the
details of the parties involved to conduct
• The intraday liquidity need not be As part of the R3 consortium, around 11
customer due diligence / FATF / Dodd-Frank
ensured with the central banks. Since it banks have been experimenting with
/ sanction screening checks / AML / KYC
is a distributed ledger and the nodes of the distributed ledger on a global private
/ Basel III, or others. Industry study has
the network have a copy of the balances network by connecting on a private peer-
revealed that the regulatory and compliance
as they are maintained in the settlement to-peer distributed ledger, underpinned
issues are the two biggest factors, which
accounts with the other banks, the by Ethereum technology and hosted on
are believed to contribute towards internal
balances are duly maintained. a virtual private network, which is based
resistance to adoption of blockchain and
on Microsoft Azure public cloud platform.
need to be duly addressed.

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Collaborative approach to regulatory reporting by leveraging big data
It is believed that the challenge around for entering into transactions within the available, the data needs to be
maintaining compliance with regulators can nodes / networks of the permissioned transformed as it is in hash format and a
be achieved by introducing an additional blockchain need to be ingested. Similarly, join with the registered details of the bank
data layer along the payment process the transaction details across the blockchain will enable extraction of the details for each
involving the blockchain. In the data layer, need to be ingested in the big data of the transactions.
the registered details of the banks captured environment. Once these details are

Address - AX09SD2143SASFD Blockchain Address - WXSFD123SDF Permissioned blockchain: Bank A – Details registered, Bank A – Assigned a unique address,
Bank A Bank B Bank A – Assigned privileges to interact with the nodes of the network

Transaction Details Ingest the data and

join with the
transaction data
FD Hashed transaction data Details of bank A captured
TO: WXSFD123SDF during registration in the Compliance and
Amount: $20,000 Transformed dataset blockchain regulators
REMARKS Data analytics

Figure 3: Structure showing the intra-group payments happening among the branches of the same bank or subsidiaries

The procedure as in Figure 3 can be

implemented seamlessly for intra-group
payments where payments happen
amidst the branches of the same bank or
subsidiaries. This framework can help avoid
sending MT202 and acknowledgment of the
same using a MT999, a MT910, or an MT900.
Intra-group traffic data is less hand-picked
by the regulators, and here it is also easy
to enter into a bilateral agreement. Intra-
group payments can be both domestic and
cross-border. Domestic includes inter-
branch payments within the same country,
while cross-border includes inter-branch
payments outside the country. In the above
arrangement as depicted in Figure 3, the
following transaction can be posted.

Ledger account of bank A

which is exposed on the
A common account for bank A

Ledger account of bank B which

Credit is exposed on the network.
A common account for bank B

Now in order to extend this framework to the

originator and beneficiary, the linkage needs
to be expanded as follows:

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Internet banking / core banking Invoke transfer of funds option –> Enter the following details : • FROM will autopopulate the users account linked to the customer ID • AVL BAL for
login – Customer ID through blockchain (new option) display only• TO PAYEE BANK for address • AMOUNT, and REMARKS to capture the actual account of the beneficiary

Address - AX09SD2143SASFD Address - WXSFD123SDF Permissioned blockchain: Bank A – Details registered, Bank A – Assigned a unique address,
Bank A Bank B Bank A – Assigned privileges to interact with the nodes of the network

Transaction Details Ingest the data and

join with the
Data layer transaction data
Big data
Source systems where Hashed transaction data Details of bank A
customer details are captured during Compliance and regulators
stored in HUB, CRM, CIF Transformed dataset registration in the
Populate additional details based on the customer ID
Data analytics

Figure 4: A framework showing a collaborative approach to regulatory reporting by leveraging big data

Three transactions can be posted as shown Like internet banking, the user logs in using • The join of the underlying customer
in Figure 4. their customer ID credentials. The transaction details with the hashed transactions in
Transaction posted at bank A carries the hashed account number of the the block can also be done in the big
originator and beneficiary in the additional data environment without disrupting
Debit the customer / originator information. For regulatory reporting, the the chain. Regulators would like to see
of the payment details of the originator and beneficiary can the details which are not in hash format.
be linked to the respective customer details Hence, a mechanism to either push a
Credit the settlement account
database to extract all the relevant details like copy of the transaction before being
Credit for bank B as maintained in
bank A name, address, and other personal details. hashed or attached to the block of the
Since the transaction is between the nodes of blockchain, can be thought-through, too.
Transaction posted on blockchain the network, the transactions through high- • The data layer serves as a golden source
risk corridors will be curtailed or minimized. of information for any regulatory /
Ledger account of bank A
which is exposed on the The customers are not provided with an compliance / investigation purpose.
network. individual address to connect to the node • A self-service business intelligence (BI)
A common account for bank as it will expose a copy of all the customers’ approach can be adopted wherein the
A which will be like a mirror ledgers to each other. Given the volumes of access to the data visualization tools
account for the settlement the customers and to serve confidentiality will be provided to a group of users
account maintained for the and data privacy to the user, only the bank who can then slice and dice data to
banks. accounts are the part of network nodes. Using their needs without moving the data
Ledger account of bank B which the data layer, the regulatory and compliance from the environment. This ensures
is exposed on the network requirements around the details of the data governance in place and also helps
A common account for bank transaction for due transaction monitoring the regulators or compliance or other
B which will be like a mirror or validating the details of the originator and departments to conduct independent
beneficiary for FATF or sanction screening analyses around the data.
account for the settlement
can be duly implemented. The amount of
account maintained for the • In the big data environment, the data can
suspicious transactions for AML and the
banks. be duly partitioned by region, country,
transactions through high-risk countries are
and date to keep the housekeeping
minimized as there is transparency in the
simple and much cleaner.
Transaction posted at bank A network. Benefits of introducing a data layer
enabled by big data: • Given that the transaction data is in the
Debit the settlement account big data environment, the automation
• The ingest of data like customer details
Debit for bank A as maintained in of the FATF can be duly planned to be
bank B / registration details to the blockchain
implemented validating the details of the
once scheduled and mapped from the
originator and the beneficiary on name,
Credit the beneficiary source system tables can be automatically
Credit address, and account-related details.
customers account scooped or moved to the big
data environment.

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The best way to get started is by moving with caution using a stepwise approach.
• It is best to get the dice rolling for blockchain for intra-group payments first. The implementation will help banks / financial institutions immediately
with the costs involved in the generation and processing of the MT202, MT199, and MT999 messages. Given the volumes per day, it is a step in cost
saving and reduced turnaround time as also to experience the benefits of the modern day technology of blockchain and distributed ledger. Also, given
that the scope is around intra-group payments, this would bring in a comfort factor to the banks as the boundaries of the payments are known.
• Once intra-group payments are executed with payments between banks, the process can be expanded to customer payments within the intra-group
traffic, before taking it extensively to the external correspondents.

About the Author

Achanta Ravishankar
Lead Consultant, Cards & Payments Practice, Domain Consulting Group, Infosys

Ravishankar is passionate about the role of digital innovation in transforming the financial services landscape
and focuses on new disruptive technologies and business models impacting the cards & payments industry.
He has significant experience in banking IT with a focus on payments module, consultancy, training,
implementation, and data analytics on large-scale implementation projects in Europe and the Middle East.
He can be reached at


For more information, contact

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