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Feburary 28 th

Unit 1 Identity
How do the books you read during summer relate to this word?
The protagonist of the book the Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield, is not represented by any one or
any social group, he even criticizes everything he doesn’t share, except for his sister, who he loves and
admires. A proof of this is that he has been given the ax from every school he has been to, never relating
with any people, which results on him being in a constant search for an identity.

March 1 st

Fiction and Non Fiction Hair, by Malcom x Autobiography

Prose = Fiction; Non-Fiction


Non Fiction
Biography, Autobiography; magazine articles, film reviews, auto lemur, news paper article; personal
letters, diaries, advertisement, information leaflets, travel or holiday brochures, political or campaign
speech, interviews
Short stories, novel part, scrip of a play, monologue, poems

March 8 th

Everything that gives a particular text its individual and unique “flavours”
 Purpose
 Audience
 Context
 Voice: Distinctive tone and perspective of writer (attitude)
 Tone: The feel, mood or emotion present in a text.
 Register: jargon; formality; Informality
 Symbol
 Imagery

Analyse the following excerpts:

1. Consider: The voice of the writer (who is speaking? Do we Know? What form of address do they
use? What tense? Is the tone humorous, reflective, angry?)
2. The formality/ informality (How “close” to the reader is the tone? Is it clotty? Does it use
speech-like language or punctuation?
3. Other language choices
4. The types/ variety of sentences
5. Symbols/ Imagery
6. The order of structure of the text (does it matter? What can we learn from it?)

March 14 th

Rescue as 21 hours

1 I never met my grandfather. He died nine years to the day before I was born. What I knew of him was
pieced together from conversations with my grandmother…
2 steeling ourselves against the encroaching sadness of final farewell.
3 Drinking in every detail of a place I would never see again. I paused in front of an old cedar-wood
bookcase where my grandmother had arranged her most prized photos.
4 Here was Bryan at the foot of a satellite whose construction he oversaw
5 here he was ; here he; here he and here he
6 , the decorated squadron leader with moustache neatly clipped and hat rakishly angled.
7 I had never felt as remote from my grandfather as I did at that moment.
8 He was on his own in all of them, but for one exception.
Write the definition of words that you do not know
Oversaw: supervise
Clipped: cut short or trim
Rakishly: Slightly disreputable quality or appearance.

March 22 nd

Stream of consciousness: How words reflect the way in which a narrator’s or speaker’s mind is actually
working at a given point.
Alliteration: The relationship of the same consonant sound at the beginning of a word or stressed
First person
Reference: anaphoric (past), Cataphoric (future), Exophoric (outside), Endophoric (within the text)
April 25 th

Amazingly great Kenya On the Coast of the Indian Ocean
Blonde-haired Sandra, the awesome teacher, With a brunette sister
Pre and Post modityers of the noun
Pre: Adjetives
Post: Noun phrase
Prepositional phrase
1. Read the passage in silence
2. Highlight all the elements which collaborate to make it a descriptive piece

Lexical word: use of vocabulary as a use of unity in the text (paradise- beautiful or majestic)

Descriptive Writing
1. Re read the passage about Kenya
2. Choose five attractive linguistic elements, which characterize the passage and the aim of its
3. Analyse “your choices using the point/ quotation/ comment approach.

2. - lexical word
 Repetition
 Imagery
 Compound sentences
 Addressing the reader


May 9th

Descriptive Writing
1. Re read the passage about Kenya
2. Choose five attractive linguistic elements, which characterize the passage and the aim of
its author.
3. Analyse “your choices using the point/ quotation/ comment approach.

 Lexical cohesion
o The narrator uses repetition by using the word “ideal”, which encourages the
reader to come to Kenia by picturing certain activities , such as “ideal for divers”
and “ideal for travelers”, targeting a specific group of tourists.
 Imagery
 Compound sentences
 Addressing the reader

May 17th
Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing is a catch-all term that seems to encompass many forms and types of texts.
Descriptive writing often:
 Tries to create a very particular or vivid mood or atmosphere
 Conveys a strong sense of individual settings, people, events or experiences
 Focuses in on detail but can also zoom out to overviews or panoramas
 Draws on a range of sensory experiences, such as taste, sight, sound, touch and smell

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