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1. Many a child _________ left to the
care of relatives while the parents

A. are C. has been

B. is D. will be
Many a child is left to the care of relatives
while the parents work.
The phrase “many a…” takes either the
singular form or the plural form of the verb
depending on the antecedent. “Child” is
singular, so it takes singular verb.
By definition, the phrase means “a large
number of…”
2. She hurt ______ when she was
slicing the onions.
A. himself C. ourselves
B. myself D. herself
She hurt herself when she was slicing the
Herself is reflexive pronoun. Reflexive
pronouns are pronouns that refer back to
the subject of the sentence or clause. They
either end in –self, as in the singular form,
or –selves as in the plural form.
In this case, we use herself to refer to
3. If you forgot____textbook, you
can use_____, Mark.

A. yours, ours C. your, mine

B. his, hers D. our, hers
your, mine
The pronoun must agree with its
antecedent in number, gender, and
person. A singular pronoun must
replace a singular noun; a plural
pronoun must replace a plural noun.
Thus, we use “your” for Mark, and “mine”
for the first person speaker.
4. Mr. Tolentino was concerned
about the safety of motorists and
so he issued a circular containing
________ safety instructions.

A. himself C. his
B. themselves D. their
Who issued the circular?
It was Mr. Tolentino.
Whose safety instructions?
Mr. Tolentino‟s instructions
Thus, he issued a circular containing HIS
safety instructions.
5. The green revolution refers to food production
by planting vegetables and fruit trees. A natural
resource that has not been sufficiently developed is
the world's bodies of water which promise
abundant source of food. Referred to as blue
revolution this food source refers to

A. corals C. algae
B. fish D. seashells
The term "blue revolution" refers to the remarkable
emergence of aquaculture as an important and
highly productive agricultural activity. Aquaculture
refers to all forms of active culturing of aquatic
animals and plants, occurring in marine, brackish,
or fresh waters.
Although seashells are aquatic animals, yet in terms
of production seashell production relates only to
small amounts of aquaculture yields throughout the
world as compared with fish.
6. Some animals perform services to assist
man. Canines serve in war and in peace. Cats
safeguard the home from pests. Pigeons can
transmit messages. This is possible if these
animals are

A. fed C. trained
B. drugged D. kept
Operant conditioning is the basis of animal training. It
is a type of learning in which an animal learns (or, is
conditioned) from its behaviors as it acts (operates)
on the environment. Animal trainers apply the
principles of operant conditioning. If an animal
performs a behavior that the trainer wants to see
performed again, the trainer will administer a
favorable consequence as in the case of animals used
during the World War I and II.
7. Read the paragraph and answer the item that
Nelson Mandela sacrificed so much in his life, family,
friends and a big chunk of his life for things he
believed in a democratic South Africa, with equal
rights and a beacon of hope for the rest of the world.
Nelson Mandela's dream for South Africa, which was
realized, was
A. cooperation C. democracy
B. unity D. supremacy
One can take the hint of the keywords: equal rights and
democratic South Africa pointing to Democracy.
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December
2013) was a South African anti-apartheid
revolutionary, politician, and philanthropist, who served
as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was
the country's first black chief executive, and the first
elected in a fully representative democratic election.
8. Read the paragraph and answer the item that
"As far back as I can remember, our family had always
been an extended one. Our grandmother was the
mainstay in the family, the silent strength behind our
mother who is her daughter."
The informal guide and honorary household chief in.
the extended family is the
A. grandmother C. father
B. mother D. aunt
“Our grandmother was the mainstay in the family…”
pictures grandmothers as guide and honorary
household chief in an extended family.
An extended family is a family that extends beyond
the nuclear family, consisting of aunts, uncles, and
cousins all living nearby or in the same household.
An example is a married couple that lives with
either the husband or the wife's parents.
9. Shirley has not forgotten that she was
betrayed by her best friend and carried such
__________ in her deeply offended heart for a
long time.

A. rancor C. souvenir
B. doubt D. offense
“Shirley has not forgotten that she was
Rancor means bitterness or resentfulness,
especially when long-standing. All other
choices are self-explanatory.
10. Even when her friends betray her, Perla
bears no rancor in her heart because she is

A. embarrassed C. bitter
B. consoled D. insulted
Rancor means bitterness and the stem asks
for the opposite of rancor. “Perla bears no
rancor… because she is not…” – bitter
11. Clara would read any book or magazine
she could lay her hands on and read from
cover to cover in one sitting. She is such a
_______ reader.

A. tedious C. leisurely
B. serious D. voracious
Voracious reader is one who is reads more than the
average number of books; a person who is hungry
for reading.
Tedious means too long, slow, or dull: tiresome or
Leisurely means acting or done at leisure; unhurried
or relaxed.
12. A lot of water____needed to
irrigate the parched land.

A. is C. is being
B. are being D. are
In spoken English and informal writing we
tend to use the phrase “A lot of… or lots of”
to mean plenty of or much and many.
It is not the phrase a lot of or lots of which
determines singular or plural, but
the noun of the sentence (here: water ).
Thus, we use the singular present participle
13. You________finished eating before
we arrive.

A. have C. have been

B. should D. will have
Will have
The verb tense used in the sentence is in the Future
Perfect Tense.
The FUTURE PERFECT TENSE indicates that an action
will have been completed (finished or "perfected") at
some point in the future. This tense is formed with
"will" plus "have" plus the past participle of the verb
(which can be either regular or irregular in form):
will have finished
The Future Perfect expresses the idea that something
will occur before another action in the future. It can
also show that something will happen before a
specific time in the future.
14. Let us campaign for the total ban____of
harmful insecticides.

A. on the use C. on using

B. with the use D. with using
On the use
The phrase “on the use” must be coupled
with “of” in order to be grammatically
15. "She is a vision of feminine
pulchritude". The underlined word means

A. homeliness C. plain
B. loveliness D. ugliness
Pulchritude means
physical beauty; comeliness, especially a
woman's beauty.
16. "If you want the moon it will get it for you"
is an example of

A. hyperbole C. irony
B. synecdoche D. personification
A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration used to make
a point. It is like the opposite of “understatement.” It
is from a Greek word meaning “excess.”
Getting the moon is truthfully impossible and
A synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a term for
a part of something refers to the whole of something,
or vice versa.
Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using
language that normally signifies the opposite,
typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
17. "We listened to a loquacious
speaker." The underlined word means

A. quiet C. verbose
B. simple D. lousy
Loquacious means tending to talk a great
deal; talkative.
Verbose is characterized by the use of many
or too many words; wordy.
18.What emotion or feeling is expressed in the
following lines?
To be, or not to be, that is the question whether 'tis
nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous Fortune, or to take arms against a
Sea of Troubles, and by opposing end them?

A. sadness C. joy
B. anger D. indecision
“To be or not to be…” implies indecision
or the doubt concerning two or more
possible alternatives or courses of
"To be, or not to be..." is the opening
phrase of a soliloquy in the "Nunnery
Scene" of William
Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
19. How is 'mercy" described in the following lines?
The quality of mercy is not strained,
it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath; it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

A. Everybody deserves mercy. C. Mercy drops as rain

B. Mercy is difficult to give. D. Mercy is given only
to few
Everybody deserves mercy
“The quality of mercy is not strained…”
The first line reveals the context of the poem.
Mercy is not strained. In other words, it is
not limited or constrained within a few
people. It is likened to the rain by which
everybody gets wet.
20. What figure of speech is the
following: "He is the black sheep of the

A. metaphor C. hyperbole
B. simile D. alliteration
A metaphor is a figure of speech that
identifies something as being the same as
some unrelated thing for rhetorical effect,
thus highlighting the similarities between the
21. "The princess is a phantom of
delight" is

A. simile C. metaphor
B. hyperbole D. irony
Metaphor is a figure of speech involving the
comparison of one thing with another thing
of a different kind, used to make a
description more emphatic or vivid
22. Poem which is usually composed of
fourteen lines which follow specific
patterns of rhyme is called

A. haiku C. elegy
B. sonnet D. free verse
A sonnet is composed of 14 lines, iambic pentameter.
"Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese
poetry.Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last
lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has
7 syllables. The lines rarely rhyme.
An elegy is a sad poem, usually written to praise and
express sorrow for someone who is dead.
Free verse is an open form of poetry. It does not use
consistent meter patterns, rhyme, or any other musical
pattern. It thus tends to follow the rhythm of natural
23. "... it droppeth as a gentle rain
from heaven" is what figure of

A. personification C. metaphor
S. simile D. hyperbole
A simile is a figure of speech that compares
two things that are alike in some way. 

To help you identify a simile versus a
metaphor, know that the words “like” or “as”
are typically used in a simile.
24. Haiku is traditional Japanese poem
consisting of

A. three lines totaling 17 syllables with nature

as topic
B. eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with
death as topic
C. four lines that rhyme with love as topic
D. lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary
things as topic
3 lines with 17 syllables
"Haiku" is a traditional form of Japanese
poetry. Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The
first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables
and the middle line has 7 syllables. The lines
rarely rhyme.
25. Jose Rizal's novel which revealed the
abuses of the Spanish government in the
Philippines and the sufferings of the

A. Noli Me Tangere C. La Solidaridad

B. Mi Ultimo Adios D. La Independencia
Noli Me Tángere
Noli Me Tángere is a novel written by José Rizal, one
of the national heroes of the Philippines, during
the colonization of the country by Spain to expose
the inequities of the Spanish Catholic priests and
the ruling government.
La Solidaridad (The Solidarity) was an organization
created in Spain on December 13, 1888.
La Independencia is the periodical organ of the
Philippine Revolution against Spain. It was edited
and founded by General Antonio Luna, Supreme
Chief of the Army under Emilio Aguinaldo.
26. Ang mga salitang teka, san, tena, dali
ay nagtataglay ng

A. pagkaltas C. metatesis
B. tono D. asimilasyon
Pagkakaltas o pagkaltas
Pagkakaltas - sa pagbabagong ito, may nawawalang
ponema sa loob ng salita
Hal: Hintay ka - Tayka – teka
Saan – san
Tayo na – tena
Ang pagkaltas ay isa sa mga paraan sa pagbabagong
1. Pagkaltas
2. Asimilasyon – pagkaltas at pagpapalit
3. Pagpapalit ng Ponema – pagpapalit
4. Metatesis – pagbabago yinari= niyari
5. Paglilipat-diin – pagpapalit ng diin mula sa isang pantig
27. Tumutukoy ito sa taas-baba ng
bigkas ng pantig ng isang salita upang
maging mabisa ang pakikipag-usap.

A. Diin C. Tono
B. Antala D. Segmental
TONO ay ang taas-baba na iniuukol sa pagkabigkas ng
pantig ng isang salita upang higit na maging mabisa ang
pakikipag-usap natin sa ating kapwa. Ang pagsasalita ay
tulad ng musika na may tono, may bahaging mababa,
katamtaman, mataas na mataas na tono.
HABA ay tumutukoy sa haba ng pagbigkas na iniuukol ng
nagsasalita sa patinig na salita.
DIIN ay tumutukoy sa lakas ng bigkas sa pantig ng salita.
ANTALA ay ang saglit na pagtigil ng sa ating pagsasalita
upang higit na maging malinaw ang mensaheng ibig nating
ipabatid sa ating kausap.
28. Ang mga salitang tanaw, aliw, kamay,
reyna ay mga halimbawa ng

A. diptonggo C. klaster
B. pares minimal D. ponema
Diptonggo – alinmang patinig na sinusundan ng malapitinig na /y/ o
/w/ sa loob ng isang pantig. Ang mga diptonggo sa Filipino ay iw,
iy, ey, oy, at uy.
Klaster o Kambal Katinig – magkakabit na dalawang magkaibang
katinig sa isang patinig. Ang klaster ay maaaring matagpuan sa
unahan o inisyal, at sa hulihan o pinal na pusisyon ng salita. prito
Pares Minimal - ang pares na salita na magkaiba ng kahulugan
ngunit magkatulad na magkatulad sa bigkas maliban sa isang
ponema sa magkatulad na pusisyon ay tinatawag na pares minimal.
Ito ay ginagamit upang ipakita ang pagkokontrast ng dalawang
ponema sa magkatulad na kaligiran.
29. Uri ng pangatnig na ginagamit sa pagpili,
pagbubukod at pagtatangi ay

A. pamukod C. paninsay
B. panapos D. panlinaw
Pamukod. Ito ay ginagamit upang ihiwalay,
itangi, o itakwil ang isa sa ilang bagay o
Paninsay. Ito ay ginagamit sa pangungusap na
ang dalawang isipan ay nagkakasalungatan.
Panlinaw. Ito ay ginagamit upang dagdagan o
susugan ang kalinawan ng mga nasabi na.
Panapos. Nagsasaad ito ng wakas ng
30. Alinsa mga sumusunod ang nararapat sa
komunikasyon na pasulat?

A. Pagkibit ng balikat C. Lakas ng boses

B. Maliksing mga mata
D. Maayos na pagpapalugit
Maayos na paggamit ng palugit
Ang isang talata ay nagiging mabisa at maayos
kapag ito ay
1. may wastong pasok at palugit;
2. nagtataglay ng mga salitang pasok at palugit;
3. nagtataglay ng mga salitang dapat mapasama
roon at hindi sa iba pangdapat mapasama roon
at hindi sa iba pang talata.
Palugit = Margin
31. Ang wikang nabuo mula sa pangunahing
wika ng isang lalawigan na sinasalita sa ibanq
bayan ng naturang lalawigan ay tinatawag na

A. ekolek C. etnolek
B. dayalek D. sosyalek
Dayalek/ Dayalekto -pagkakaiba – iba o baryasyon sa loob
ng isang particular na wika. -wikang sinasalita sa isang
Ekolek- wikang kadalasang sinasalita sa loob ng bahay
Sosyolek -baryasyon ng wika batay sa katayuan sa lipunan
ng nagsasalita o sa pangkat na
kanyang kinabibilangan. -may kinalaman sa katayuang
sosyo-ekonomiko ng nagsasalita
Etnolek – nadedelop mula sa mga etnolinggwistikong
32. Wikang nabuo mula sa pangunahing wika
ng isang lugar o lalawigan na kadalasang
sinasalita sa ibang bayan ng naturang lugar.

A Ekolek C. Dayalek
B. Etnolek D. Sosyalek
Dayalek/ Dayalekto -pagkakaiba – iba o baryasyon sa loob
ng isang particular na wika. -wikang sinasalita sa isang
Ekolek- wikang kadalasang sinasalita sa loob ng bahay
Sosyolek -baryasyon ng wika batay sa katayuan sa lipunan
ng nagsasalita o sa pangkat na
kanyang kinabibilangan. -may kinalaman sa katayuang
sosyo-ekonomiko ng nagsasalita
Etnolek – nadedelop mula sa mga etnolinggwistikong
33. Bantas na ginagamit sa pagitan ng
panlalaping ika at tambilang.

A. Gitling C. Panaklong
B. Kuwit D. Tuldok
Kapag ang panlaping ika- ay iniunlapi sa
numero o tambilang.
34. Ang pariralang nalaglag-nahulog ay
nagpapakahulugan ng

A. magkahawig C. magkapares
B. magkasalungat D. idyoma
Nalaglag at nahulog ay magkasingkahulugan.
35. Ano ang kahulugan ng "Neneng is the
apple of Daddy's eye?"

A. Paborito ni Daddy ang mansanas.

B. Mahal ni Daddy si Neneng.
C. Si Neneng ay tulad ng mansanas.
D. Tawag-pansin ang mansanas.
Mahal ni Daddy si Neneng.
“You are the apple of my eye” sa Ingles ay
isinasalin bilang “Ikaw ang paborito ko”.
Isa itong tayutay na nangangahulugang
ang isang tao minamahal o paborito.
36. Uri ng pagsasaling-wika na tumutukoy sa
mga disiplinang akademiko, agham, kalikasan
at lipunan ay tinatawag na

A. pangkasaysayan C. teknikal
B. pangkultura D. pampanitikan
Teknikal kung tumutukoy sa mga disiplinang
akademiko, agham, kalikasan at lipunan.
Pangkasaysayan naman kung may kaugnayan sa
kasaysayan at sa mga makabuluhang pangyayari.
Pangkultura kung ito ay tumutukoy sa kultura at
Pampanitikan naman kung may kinalaman sa panitikan,
musika, at arts.
37. Sa pangungusap na "Malakas ang
boses mo", ang salitang malakas ay

A. pang-uri C. panghalip
B. pangatnig D. pandiwa
Pang-uri ang tawag sa mga salitang
Sa pangungusap na “Malakas ang boses mo.”
inilalarawan ng malakas ang boses.
38. Isang disenyo ng pananaliksik na
nagsisiyasat sa pamamagitan ng
palatanungan o pakikipanayam.

A. Sarbey C. Feasibility study

B. Case study D. Etnograpiya
Sarbey o Survey
Ang survey ay ginagamit upang magsiyasat sa pamamagitan ng
palatanungan (questionnaires) o pakikipanayam.
Pag-aaral ng Kaso (Case Study) - ang paraang ito'y detalyadong
pag-aaral tungkol sa isang tao o yunit sa loob ng sapat na
Patakarang Pagsusuri (Feasibility Study) - Ginagamit na datos sa
pag-aaral na ito ang mga kondisyong umiiral sa kasalukuyan.
Ang etnograpiya ay ang makaagham na estratehiya ng pananaliksik
na ginagamit sa larangan ng agham panlipunan, sa pag-aaral ng
mga pangkat etniko, at iba pang mga kabuuang etniko, ang
kanilang etnohenesis, kumposisyon, muling paglipat, mga
katangian ng kabutihang panlipunan, pati na ang kanilang
kalinangang materyal at espirituwal.
39. Ang wastong kahulugan ng: The
present problem is only a storm in a

A. bale-wala C. may galit

B. buong puso D. matagumpay
“The present problem is only a storm in a
teacup.” Ang mga salitang nakahiling na
nasa Ingles ay isang idiomatikong
pagpahayag na nangangahulugang
balewala at „di dapat pagtuunan ng
40. Sa anong bahagi ng pananaliksik
matatagpuan ang mga lugar at
babasahing mapagkukunan ng mga literature
at pag-aaral.

A. Kabanata I C. Kabanata II
B. Kabanata lV D. Kabanata V
Kabanata II
Ang kombensyunal na format ng isang pananliksik
o research ay sumusunod sa pagkakasaayos:
Kabanata I – introduction o panimula
Kabanata II – review of related literature and studies
Kabanata III – methodology
Kabanata IV – results and discussion
Kabanata V – conclusion and recommendation
41. Isang uri ng pamahayagan na nag-uulat
ng mga tunay na pangyayari batay sa pag-
aaral, pananaliksik, o pakikipanayam at
isinusulat sa paraang kawili-wili.

A. editoryal C. lathalain
B. pangulong tudling D. kumento
Ang lathalain ay isang akdang naglalahad ng mga makatotohanang
pangyayari batay sa karanasan, pagmamasid, pag-aaral,
pananaliksik o pakikipanayam at sinusulat sa isang kawili- wiling
Ang editoryal o pangulong-tudling ang pangunahing tudling ng
kuru-kuro ng isang pahayagan. Kumakatawan ito sa sama-
samang paninindigan ng patnugutan ng pahayagan kaya
sinasabing kaluluwa ito ng publikasyon. Layunin nito sa
pagbibigay ng kuru-kuro ang magpabatid, magpakahulugan,
magbigay-puna, magbigay-puri, manlibang at magpahalaga sa
natatanging araw.
Ang kumento naman ay ang reaksyon o tugon at opinyon ng
manunulat sa isang tanong o makabuluhang pangyayari sa isang
42. Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang
imahinasyon ng manunulat; pukawin ang

A. malikhain C. teknikal
B. jornalistik D. academiko
Ang malikhaing pagsulat ay ang pagsulat na ang
pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng manunulat.
Teknikal naman kapag tumutukoy sa sa mga
disiplinang akademiko, agham, kalikasan at
Akademiko kapag nakapokus ang pagsulat sa mga
lathalaing kaugnay sa akademiks o asignatura.
Jornalistik kapag ang pagsulat ay nakalaan sa mga
makabuluhang pangyayari o entries sa pang araw-
43. Ang proseso ng paghahatid ng
saloobin, opinyon, karunungan sa
pamamagitan ng makabuluhang tunog ay
tinatawag na

A. pagtatala C. pagsasalita
B, pakikinig D. pagbabasa
Pagsasalita ay paraang mapaihayag ang
damdamin sa pamamagitan ng wika gamit
ang makabuluhang tunog.
Pagtatala o pagrerekord ay ang paglilista ng
mahalagang datos ula sa nabasa narinig o
44. Nakikipag-away ka sa speaker. Ito ay
pakikinig na

A. pasibo C. may lugod

B. masusi D. kombatib
Kombatib o combative conversation kapag
nakikipagtagisan ka sa tagapagsalita o nakikipag-away ka
sa speaker
Pasibo o passive listening ay ang pakikinig na walang
anumang tugon o reaksyon na manggagaling mula sa
May lugod o with delight kapag kasiyasiya at kawiliwili ang
tugon ng tagapakinig.
Masusi o metikuloso naman kapag tumutukoy sa
paghihimay-himay sa impormasyong natanggap.
45. Ito ang rutang dinaraanan ng mensahe ng

A. Konteksto C. Participant
B. Tsanel D. Pidbak
Tsanel o Channel
Tsanel ay ang ruta o daanan ng mensahe
mula sa speaker o tagapagsalita patungo sa
tagatanggap o receiver-listener.
Konteksto o context ay ang setting ng
mensahe o makabuluhang paksa sa kabuuan.
Pidbak o feedback ay ang tugon .
Partisipant ay ang mga taong kasali sa pag-
uusap o conversation.
46. Regala Company manufactures beds; in
its catalogue, a double bed is priced at
P5.000.00 less a discount of 20%. What will
Rizza have to pay for the bed she ordered?

A. P4,150.00 C. P4,200.00
B. P4.100.00 D. P4.000.00
Discounted Price = Original price - (Original
price x rate)
D.P. = 5000 - (5000 x .20)
5000- 1000
DP = 4000
47. Clara Ramos works as a sales clerk. She is
paid a salary of P3,000.00 a week plus 2%
commission on sales over P4.000.00. Find her
gross pay for a week in which her sales
amounts to P9.500.00

A. P3.500.00 C.P3,110.00
B. P3.250.00 D. P3.210.00
Her sales over 4000 is 9500 – 4000 = 5,500
So, Clara‟s salary for the week:
Clara‟s basic salary + (sales over 4000 x .02)
= 3000 + (5,500 x 0.02) = 3110
48. A Toyota car travelling at a rate of 70km.
per hour leaves the house 2 hours after a Kia
car has left and overtakes it in 5 hours at
what rate was the Kia car travelling?

A. 40 kilometers per hour

B. 30 kilometers per hour
C. 50 kilometers per hour
D. 20 kilometers per hour
50 km/hr
To solve for this we have to realize that the distance when
the overtaking occurred is the same for both cars. We
now have to find the time it took for each car to arrive at
the same distance then apply to the formula:
Rate = distance / time
Toyota‟s total time to overtake Kia is 5 hours. Its rate is 70
km/h. So by the time Toyota overtook Kia, the distance
for both car is d = Rt, d=70(5) = 350 km
And, Kia‟s total time is 7 hours. Thus, Kia‟s rate is R=d/t,
R=350/7 = 50 km/hr.
49. How many prime numbers are there
between 1 and 100?

A. 24 C. 22
B. 23 D. 25
25 prime numbers
They are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23,
29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67,
71, 73, 79, 83, and 89.
50. What number must be subtracted from
both numerator and denominator of the
fraction 11/23 to give a fraction whose value
is 2/5?

A. 4 C. 5
B. 2 D. 3
The easiest and the most convenient way to
do this is to try the choices. If we try from
letters a to d, we get the answers respectively:
a. 7/19
b. 9/21 or 3/7
c. 6/18 or 1/3
d. 8/20 or 2/5
` halfway between 3/7
and 4/7 is

A. 1/2 C.1/4
B. 1/8 D. 1/3
Halfway means average, thus we get
(3/7 + 4/7) ÷ 2 = 1/2
52. A recipe calls for 2 cups of milk
for every 7 cups of flour. A chef will
use 28 cups of flour, how many cups
of milk must he have?

A. 12 C. 14
B. 10 D. 8
By ratio and proportion,
2 cups milk : 7 cups flour = x milk : 28 cups
We get,
28 (2) = 7x
53. If Karl has an average of 76% on
his first two tests and has an average
of 85% on the next four tests, what is
his final average on all six tests?

A. 82.5% C. 81.3%
B. 80.5% D. 82.0%
To solve for this we simply convert the true
value of the two averages, add them then
divide by 6.
As for 76%, 76x2 = 152
As for 85%, 85x4 = 340
We get,
(152 + 340) ÷ 6 =82
54. A room is 30ft long, 25ft wide and
14ft high. If 42 balloons are inside the
room, how many cubic feet of space does
this allow for each balloon?

A.11 C.12.5
B. 12 D. 11.9
250 cubic feet
To solve for this we will get the volume of the room
first, then divide for 42 balloons.
Volume of room = LWH

V=30x25x14 = 10,500 cub.ft.

10500 ÷ 42 balloons
= 250 cub.ft. of space per balloon
55. What percent of 75 is

A. 30% C. 20%
B. 40% D. 38%
(15/75) x 100% = 20%
56. All right angles are

A. parallel C. supplementary
B. oblique D. equal

All right angles have 90 degrees

measurement. Therefore all right
angles are equal.
57. The side opposite the right angle
of a right triangle is the _______ and
each of the other two sides is ______

A. hypotenuse, leg C. leg, hypotenuse

B. opposite, adjacent D. adjacent, opposite
Hypotenuse, Leg
The side opposite to the right triangle is the
The two other sides other than the
hypotenuse are the legs.
58. A 10 meter board leans against
the wall. The foot of the board is 8
meters from the wall. How far up the
wall does the board reach?

A. 10 meters C. 6 meters
B. 4 meters D. 8 meters

10 meters

8 meters
59. The sum of the sides of a
polygon is the _______ of the

A. volume C. legs
B. area D. perimeter
Perimeter is the sum of all sides in a polygon.
60. If two legs of one right triangle
are equal respectively to two legs of
another, the right triangles are

A. congruent C. supplementary
B. complementary D. adjacent
Congruent means having exactly equal in size and
shape. Congruent sides or segments have the exact same
Complementary refers to angles whose sum is 90°.
Adjacent angles are two angles that have a common vertex
and a common side.
Supplementary refers to angles whose sum is 180°.
61. Find the least common
multiple of 8, 6, 3

A. 24 C. 72
B.48 D. 96
List all multiples of the numbers then find the
least common among them.
8 = 8,16,24,…
6= 6,12,18,24,…
3 = 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,…

63. The measure of an angle is 25
more than its supplement. What is
the measure of the larger angle?

A. 102.5 degrees C. 110.5 degrees

B. 77.5 degrees D. 95.5 degrees
Supplementary angles are angles whose sum is 180.
Let X be the supplement
Let X+25 be the larger angle
180 = x + (x + 25)
180 = 2x + 25
180 – 25 = 2x
155 =2x
77.5 = x; so the larger angle is 77.5 + 25 = 102.5
64. Find the least common
multiple of 5, 2, 7

A. 140 C. 15
B. 35 D.70
5 = 5,10,15,20,25,30,…70
2 = 2,4,6,8,10,12,…,70
7 = 7,14,21,28,35,42,49,56,63,70
65. Simply: (3x - 9) / (x2 - 9)

A. 3 / (x + 3) C. (x + 3) / 3
B. 3 / (9 - 3) D. (x - 3) / 3

66. Simplify: (8x - 24) / (2x2-

A. (x - 4) / (x + 4)
B. 4 / (x -13)
C. 8 / (2x + 5)
D. 5 / (2x - 5)

67.The grades in Mathematics of the
students in section A are as follows:
80,75, 60, 95, 100.What is the range
of their group?

A. 80 - 95 C. 60 - 95
B. 60-100 D. 70 - 1OO
Range is the difference between the
lowest value and the highest value in a
given set.
68. Which among the measures of
central tendency is not influenced by

A. Mean C. Median
B. Weighted Mean D. Mode
Advantage of the median: The median is less affected
by outliers and skewed data than the mean, and is
usually the preferred measure of central
tendency when the distribution is not symmetrical.
Weighted arithmetic mean is similar to an
ordinary arithmetic mean, except that instead of
each of the data points contributing equally to the
final average, some data points contribute more
than others.
69. What measure of central tendency
can best describe the size of T-shirts
commonly worn by teenagers?

A. mode C. range
B. mean D. median
The mode is the value that appears most often in a
set of data.
The mean is the average of the numbers: a
calculated "central" value of a set of numbers.
The Range is the difference between the lowest and
highest values.
The median is also the number that is halfway into
the set. To find the median, the data should first
be arranged in order from least to greatest.
70. If a die is rolled, what is the
probability of getting a number
divisible by 2?

A. 1/2 C 1/3
B. 1/6 D. 1/4
A dies has 6 faces with 2, 4 and 6 as
even faces (divisible by two). Thus, we
get 3 even faces among 6 faces. The
probability is 3/6 or 1/2
71. In a Physics test, 9 students
obtained the following scores: 80,
86, 78, 88, 90, 82, 76, 84, 92.
What is the median score?

A. 84 C. 86
B. 82 D. 88
Arrange first the values from lowest to
highest. Thus,
76, 78, 80,82, 84 86, 88, 90, 92.
The middle most value is our median.
The middlemost value in the set is 84.
72. What is the pressure exerting on
the plasma membrane against the
cell wall of bacteria, fungi and plant

A. osmotic pressure
B. wall pressure
C. turgor pressure
D. plasma pressure
Turgor Pressure
Turgor pressure pushes the plasma membrane against the
cell wall of plant, bacteria, and fungi cells as well as those
protist cells which have cell walls.
Osmotic pressure is the minimum pressure which needs to
be applied to a solution to prevent the inward flow of
water across a semi-permeable membrane. It is also
defined as the measure of the tendency of a solution to
take in water by osmosis.
There are no such things as wall pressure and plasma
73. Which organism is an example of
a fungus?

A. Algae
B. Yeast
C. Euglenoids
D. Entamoeba
Yeast is the only unicellular fungus in the
Kingdom Fungi.
Algae, Euglenoids and Entamoeba belong
to Kingdom Protista. They are all
unicellular eukaryotes.
74. Which of the following is an example
of a useful function for bacteria?
A. can clean up an oil spill by digesting
B. may be used as vectors to introduce
C. can synthesize new forms of heavy
D. may be pathogenic and cause human
can clean up an oil spill by digesting
That techniques is known as Bioremediation.
Bioremediation is a waste management
technique that involves the use of organisms
to remove or neutralize pollutants from a
contaminated site.
In other words, bioremediation is a “treatment
that uses naturally occurring organisms like
bacteria to break down hazardous substances
into less toxic or non toxic substances”.
75. Which protist can cause

A. Gorilla beringei
B. Plasmodium vivax
C. Streptococcus
D. Entamoeba histolytica
Entamoeba hystolytica
Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan parasite
responsible for a disease called amoebiasis or
amoebic dysentery.
Gorilla beringei is the scientific name of Mountain
Plasmodium vivax is a protozoal parasite that
causes malaria.
Streptococcus is a genus of coccus gram-positive
bacteria belonging to the phylum Firmicutes and
the order Lactobacillales. Some cause diseases,
some will not.
76. Which organism is classified
under Kingdom Fungi?

A. Red algae
B. Microsporidia
C. Diatoms
D. Streptococcus
The Microsporidia constitute a group of
spore-forming unicellular parasites. They
were once considered protozoans or protists,
but are now known to be fungi.
Red algae and diatoms belong to Kingdom
Streptococcus belong to Kingdom Monera.
77. Humans reproduce when an ovum is
combined with a sperm leading to the
development of an embryo. This form of
reproduction is called

A. Asexual reproduction C. Budding

B. Fertilization D. Binary fission
Fertilization involves the union of
gametes or sex cells.
Whereas, asexual reproduction does not
involve sex cells. Examples of asexual
reproduction are budding in yeast and
binary fission in bacteria.
78. The waste product of
photosynthesis is

A. carbon monoxide C. carbon dioxide

B. nitrogen D. oxygen
The process of photosynthesis requires
Carbon dioxide and Water as raw
materials, and expels Oxygen gas as
waste and produces Sugar as the main
79. A hypothetical ecosystem contains lettuce(the
producer), a caterpillar(the primary consumer), a
small passerine bird(the secondary consumer) and a
lion(the tertiary consumer). A gardener arrives and
sprays pesticide, killing all the caterpillars. What
can happen to the ecosystem?
A. The passerine birds will thrive.
B. The Lions will eventually die.
C. The passerine birds will convert to herbivores.
D. The lettuce will wilt and die.
Any point in the food chain when cut will
affect the subsequent organisms
depending on the relative role of that
organism taken away from the chain.
Thus, in such a case, eventually the lion
which is the topmost predator will be
affected as its prey (bird) will dwindle in
number for lack of food (caterpillar).
80. What is the molecule that allows
plants to capture energy from

A. Oxygen C. ATP
B. Carbohydrates D. Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is the green pigment in

photosynthetic organisms that
capture light and convert it to
chemical energy in food.
81. A human arm, a bat's wing and a
seal's flipper are examples of

A. Analogous organs C. Embryonic organs

B. Homologous organs D. Vestigial organs
Homologous structures
Homologous organs are those body parts of different
organisms derived from a common ancestor. In this case,
all animals presented are of mammalian origin.
Analogous organs are those organs of different organisms
appearing similar physically, but these organisms are of
different ancestors.
Vestigial organs are organs inherited from a common
ancestor but serve no function in its present condition.
Embryonic organs are organs present at the early stage of
development of an organism.
82. An important endocrine gland
that is shaped like a bow-tie and
located in the neck is called

A. pituitary gland C. adrenal gland

B. parathyroid gland D. thyroid gland
Thyroid gland
Thyroid gland is a large ductless gland in the neck
that secretes hormones (thyroxine) regulating
growth and development through the rate of
The parathyroid glands are four tiny glands, located
in the neck just behind the thyroid gland, that
control the body's calcium levels.
The adrenal glands are endocrine glands that
produce a variety of hormones including
adrenaline and the steroids.
83. Which of the following is an
organism that feeds on necrotic
and decaying matter?

A. Vulture C. Algae
B. Parakeet D. Yeast
Vultures are categorically scavengers. They
feed on left-over food from a hunt or
decaying bodies of animals.
Yeast are typically fermenters.
Algae may be photosynthetic or autotrophic.
Parakeet or parrot is an herbivore.
84. The asexual reproduction which
occurs when a new organism develops
from an outgrowth is called

A. fission C. budding
B. fertilization D. grafting
In budding, new organism develops from an
outgrowth from a parental cell.
Fission is simply equally dividing a cell from
the equatorial plane producing 2 cells.
Grafting is done by cutting a stem and
inserting into a new plant.
85. Predation is a relationship
exemplified by
A. An orchid attached to the trunk of a
Narra tree.
B. A hunter shooting a duck in the forest
and having it for dinner.
C. A tapeworm living in the
gastrointestinal tract of a toddler.
D. A clownfish living within a sea
Hunter kills a duck for food
In this case, the hunter is the predator and
the duck is the prey. Predation is a
relationship where one eats (predator) the
other organism (prey).
Letter A is Commensalism.
Letter C is Parasitism.
Letter D is Mutualism.
86. The molecules that contain an
organism's genetic make-up is called

A. genetic membrane C. nucleolus

B. nucleic acid D. cytosol
Nucleic Acid
Nucleic acid is the compound that stores and
transmits hereditary material. Examples of
this are DNA and RNA.
There is no such thing as genetic membrane.
Cytosol is cytoplasm.
Nucleolus is the spherical body inside the
nucleus that creates the ribosomes.
87. What is the process used by plants to
convert the energy from sunlight into
chemical energy?

A. Photosynthesis C. Photochemical conversion

B. Diffusion D. Cytolysis
Photosynthesis involves the conversion of light energy into
chemical energy.
Diffusion is the spreading of molecules from an area of
higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
Photochemical conversion is the conversion of light energy
into chemical energy through the use of solar panels and a
Cytolysis is the bursting of a cell because of hypotonicity,
or when a cell is exposed to a hypotonic environment.
88. What are the thin structures
essential for cytokinesis, amoeboid
movement and changes in cell shape?

A. nanofilaments C. microfilaments
B. myosin filaments D. pseudofilaments
Microfilaments or actin filaments are the thinnest
filaments of the cytoskeleton, a structure found in
the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.
Myosin filaments are thick filaments in a muscle
tissue, acting in consonance with microfilaments.
Nanofilaments are filaments made of carbon or
carbon-based compounds used in electronic
No such thing as pseudofilaments.
89. What are the small hair-like
structures that serve a sensory
function in eukaryotic cells?

A. Plasma membrane C. Actin filaments

B. Centromere D. Cilia
Cilia are hair-like structures on the surface of
the cell which typically function for
attachment, movement and feeding.
Plasma membrane is the cell membrane.
Actin is a contractile protein molecule present
in muscles.
Centromere is the point in the middle of the
chromosomes to hold the two sister
chromatids together during cell division.
90. Who was the father of modern
taxonomy and responsible for coining
the term Homo sapiens for human?

A. Chatton C. H. Copeland
B. Aristotle D. Linnaeus
The name Homo sapiens was applied in 1758 by
the father of modern biological
classification, Carolus Linnaeus.
Édouard Chatton was a French biologist who first
characterized the distinction between the
eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems of cellular
Herbert Faulkner Copeland (1902–1968) was an
American biologist who contributed to the theory
of biological kingdoms.
91. What is a possible consequence of

A. Water that is colourless and odor-free

B. Significantly diminished sea harvest by
C. Decreased toxicity of bodies of water.
D. Less turbidity of water.
Diminished harvest of fish
Eutrophication is an indication of water
pollution. It is when algae bloom and
cover the surface of water coupled with
decomposition of organic matter, thereby
reducing photosynthesis of other
organisms and oxygen concentration in
92. What is the maximum number
of electrons that can occupy a p-

A. 6 C.18
B. 10 D. 14
6 electrons

The p-orbital can hold a maximum of

6 electrons.
The s-orbital can hold 2.
The d-orbital can hold 10.
The f-orbital can hold 14.
93. Which of the following statements is TRUE
about a textbook laid on the table?

A. The textbook undergoes deceleration

B. The textbook undergoes acceleration
C. No force is acting on it
D. The sum of the forces acting upon it is
The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero.
In other words, the forces (weight, normal
force and friction) are in equilibrium. In such
a case, the first law of motion applies. The
object remains at rest unless acted upon by
external force.
94. A population of rabbits live in a stable habitat,
with no changes in the environment for a long time.
How will genetic drift possibly affect this
A. It may decrease genetic variation.
B. It will promote the dominance of the rabbits with
superior traits.
C. It will decrease the population of the rabbits.
D. It will stimulate the appearance of new traits.
Decreased variation
Genetic drift (also known as allelic drift or the Sewall Wright
effect after biologist Sewall Wright) is the change in the
frequency of a gene variant (allele) in a population due to
random sampling of organisms.
When there are few copies of an allele, the effect of genetic drift
is larger, and when there are many copies the effect is smaller.
Genetic drift happens when a previously large population
decreases in number because of some event, thereby
decreasing the gene pool and variation available in such
95. Element X has an electron configuration of
1S2 2S2 2p2. Based on information, element X
belongs to a/an family

A. Alkali metal C. Halogen

B. Inert gas D. Coinage
Carbon family/group
Based on its electron configuration, 1S2 2S2 2p2, such
element has a total of 6 electrons. We can safely
assume it has the atomic number of 6. Element with
such atomic number is Carbon. Carbon belongs to
carbon family.
Coinage elements end with “d” in its configuration.
Alkali metals end with “s”
Halogens end with “p5”
Inert gases end with “p6”
Carbon group ends with “p2”
96. Besides solid, liquid, and gas, what is
the fourth form of matter?

A. Gel C. Plasma
B. Colloid D. Foam
Plasma, the 4th state of matter, is
superheated gas.
The 5th state of matter is Bose-Einstein
Condensates which are super cooled
97. Which of the following is the lowest
rank of coal and is otherwise called
brown coal?

A. Charcoal C. Anthracite
B. Lignite D. Bituminous
The kinds of coal, in increasing order of alteration, are lignite (brown
coal--immature), sub-bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite
Lignite is considered to be "immature" coal because it is still
somewhat light in color and it remains soft.
As this process of burial and alteration continues, more chemical and
physical changes occur and a the coal is classified as bituminous.
At this point the coal is dark and hard.
Anthracite is the last of the classifications, when the coal has reached
ultimate maturation. Anthracite coal is very hard and shiny.
98. The feeding connections between all
life forms are referred to as

A. nutrition cycles C. biochemical pathways

B. food web D. fossil cycle
Food web
Food web is composed of linked food
chains, showing feeding relationships.
Biochemical pathways is the cycle of
matter in the environment.
99. What diagnostic test allows
microorganisms to multiply in a medium
under controlled laboratory condition in order
to determine the cause of an infectious

A. Microbial culture C. Complete blood count

B. Chest x-ray D. Urinalysis
Microbial culture
Scientists and lab technicians allow
microorganisms to multiply in a medium (Petri
dish with Agar) under controlled laboratory
condition in order to determine the cause of
an infectious disease.
100. If carbohydrates are hydrophilic-
organic compounds, lipids are _____
organic compounds.

A. biomolecules C. polypeptide
B. hydrophobic D. simple
Hydrophobic or water-fearing compounds are
those compounds that do not interact with
water molecules. Examples are fat, oil and
101. This is TRUE of recessive genes.

A. Will only have phenotypic expression if present as a

homozygous genotype
B. Should be paired with a dominant gene for it to be
C. Will prevent a dominant gene from expressing its
D. Have more superior phenotypic traits
Expressed when in pair
Recessive genes will only have
phenotypic expression if present as a
homozygous genotype. In other words,
recessive traits are only expressed when
two alleles (genes) are present in an
102. The bond in sodium fluoride is
which of the following types of chemical

A. halogens C. rare earths

B. alkali metals D. alkaline earth metals
Ionic bond

Ionic bonds form when metals

combine with non-metals. In this
case, sodium is a metal and fluorine
is a non-metal. The two combine to
form sodium fluoride, an ionic
103. You won the jackpot prize in the lottery. The
prize money cannot be paid in currency but only in
gold. Applying your knowledge in chemistry, select
the largest amount of gold from the choices below.
(Au = 197).

A. 297 grams of gold C. Avogadro's number of

atoms gold
B. 40.0 kilograms of gold D. 22.4 moles of gold
40 kg of Au
Mole is the amount of particles in a substance. Therefore, we
must convert all the choices to mole simply by remembering
the formula:
Mole = given mass in grams ÷ atomic mass
Respectively the number of moles of each choice is
a. 203 moles
b. 22.4 moles
c. 1.5 moles
d. Avogadro‟s number is just equal to 1 mole
104. The Brundtland Commission defines it as:
"development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs."

A. Ecological development
B. Environmental development
C. Sustainable development
D. Uncompromising development
Sustainable development
As proposed by Brundtland Commission, we, the
present generation, must follow sustainable
That being said, it means development that meets
the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own
105. Which 2 chemical factors cause decomposition?

A. Putrefaction and respiration C. Autolysis and photosynthesis

B. Death and cellular respiration D. Autolysis and putrefaction
Autolysis and putrefaction
Decomposition begins at the moment of death, caused by
two factors: autolysis, the breaking down of tissues by the
body's own internal chemicals and enzymes,
and putrefaction, the breakdown of tissues by bacteria.
These processes release gases that are the chief source of
the unmistakably putrid odor of decaying animal tissue.
106. An atom of silicon has a mass
number of 28 and an atomic number of
14. How many protons are in this atom?

A. 14 C.28
B. 12 D. 7

Atomic number is the number of

protons in an tom.
Atomic mass is the combined number
of protons and neutrons in an atom.
107. Bats are able to navigate in the dark without bumping
into anything because they

A. are able to fluoresce in the dark

B. have supersonic eyesight
C. emit sound waves whose returning vibrations can detect
the presence of objects
D. can disappear in the dark

Bats emit sound waves whose

returning vibrations can detect the
presence of objects. In other words,
they do not rely on eyesight but on
the echo of sounds they emit.
108. The protein shell of a virus is called

A. nucleolus C. nucleus
B. nucleic acid D. capsid
Capsid is the protein coat of a virus
particle. It is the outermost part of a virus
Nucleolus is a sub-nuclear compartment
which makes the ribosomes.
Nucleic Acid is what makes up the DNA.
109. Alcohol is a class of organic compound
characterized by

A. A halogen attached to an alkyl group

B. A carbonyl group bonded to two carbon atoms
C. A hydroxyl bonded to an alkyl group
D. A carbonyl attached to an ether linkage
hydroxyl bonded to an alkyl group
Alcohol, any of a class of organic compounds characterized
by one or more hydroxyl (−OH) groups attached to
a carbon atom of an alkyl group (hydrocarbon chain).
Haloalkane is formed when a halogen is attached to an
alkyl group.
Ketone is a compound that contains a carbonyl group
attached to two carbons.
Ether is a molecule containing oxygen singly-bonded to
two carbon atoms.
110. Participation in governance, including
the right to vote and seek public office is
secured within the citizenry's

A. Right to due process C. Political rights

B. Right of suffrage D. Socio-civic rights
Political Rights
Political rights are the constitutional right to
vote and to seek public office. It also
includes the right to be informed of
government transactions in addition to
Right of suffrage (vote) is under Political
Socio-civic rights include right to health,
right to education, social security, housing,
111. The right to search for information is
invoked through the

A. writ of habeas corpus C. writ of habeas data

B. writ of certiorari D. writ of Amparo
Writ of Habeas Data
There are many writs issued by the judiciary.
writ of habeas corpus – issued to a person to produce and bring to
the court another person who is in his custody
writ of habeas data – issued to produce whatever important
information acquired by an individual from another person
writ of certiorari – issued when a party to a case is aggrieved by
the decision of a court or tribunal and wants that case to be
reviewed by a higher court
writ of Amparo – issued to a person whose life is in endangered
and for protection against extra-judicial killings
112. Which condition contradicts the social
justice mandate in the 1987 Constitution?

A. Creation of economic opportunities for all

B. Sense of dependency among citizens
C. Elimination of cultural inequalities
D. Equitable distribution of wealth
Sense of dependency
Article 13, sec 2 of the Constitution states that “The
promotion of social justice shall include
commitment to create economic opportunities
based on freedom of INITIATIVE and SELF-
Self dependency is different from initiative. The
provision contemplates for an independent citizenry
who are self-sufficient and resourceful.
113. Which is the fundamental law of the

A. The Philippine Constitution

B. The Civil and Criminal Codes
C. The Ten Commandments
D. The Bill of Rights

The basic and organic law of the land

is the Constitution itself. From
Malolos Constitution, 1935 Consti,
1973 Consti, and at present the 1987
Constitution, our country has already
4 duly constituted organic laws.
114. The fundamental right invoked by filing the
"writ of amparo" is

A. The right to self-defense

B. The right to due process
C. The right to life, liberty and security
D. The right to be defended by a public attorney
Right to life, liberty and security
The Writ of Amparo is invoked primarily
for protection. Amparo The basic is by
issuing the writ, the authorities are
directed to protect the person invoking
such writ from lawless elements who are,
more often than not, government
officials themselves.
115. The biggest of the seven
continents of the world is

A. Asia C. Africa
B. Australia D. Europe
In terms of land mass, the biggest continent
is Asia, then Africa, then North America,
South America, Antarctica, Europe, the least is
116. Which band played the Marcha Nacional
Filipino or the national anthem on June
12,1998 during the declaration of Philippine
A. Malabon Band
B. Kawit Cavite Band
C. Pangkat Kawayan ng Pateros
D. San Francisco Del Monte Band
San Francisco de Malabon band
The following day (June 12, 1898), the
music band of San Francisco de
Malabon played the Marcha for the first
time during the unfurling of the Filipino flag
at Kawit.
117. The province in the Philippines
which was called "Ma-i" by the
Chinese in the 14th century is

A. Ilocos C. Cavite
B. Mindoro D. Palawan
Ma-i or Maidh was a sovereign polity that pre-dated the
Hispanic establishment of the Philippines and notable for
having established trade relations with the Kingdom of Brunei,
and with Song and Ming Dynasty China.
• For many years, scholars believed that this state was likely to
have been on the island of Mindoro. But recent scholarship
casts doubt on this theory, arguing that historical descriptions
better match Bay, Laguna (whose name is pronounced Ba-i),
which once ruled over a vast territory on the eastern coasts of
Laguna de Bay. Another suggested location is Malolos,
118. Through the Galleon Trade
(1565-1815), the Philippines had
extended contacts with

A. Mexico C. China
B. Spain D. Spice Islands
The Galleon Trade extended trade
relationship between Acapulco, Mexico and
the Philippines. Galleon is a big ship of
Spanish origin for transportation and goods
119. Which religious missionary order
first arrived in the Philippines?

A. Augustinian C. Dominican
B. Jesuit D. Franciscan
In order, the religious missionaries who
came to the Philippines are the:
Augustinians 1565
Franciscans 1578
Jesuits 1581
Dominicans 1587
120. Which law set a full free trade policy
abolishing the quota limitations on-Philippine
export to the United States?

A. Payne-Aldrich Act C. Bell Trade

B. Underwood-Simmons Act D. Hare-Hawes Cutting Act
Underwood-Simmons Act
Underwood-Simmons Act– taking away the
limits/quota on import and export
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act - 1909 partial trade
Bell Trade – parity clause for Americans here in the
The Hare–Hawes–Cutting Act was the first US law
passed for the decolonization of the Philippines. It
was the result of the OsRox Mission led by Sergio
Osmeña and Manuel Roxas.
121. Which power of the state enables it to
impose charge of burden upon persons, property
or property rights for the use and support of the
government in its discharge of appropriate

A. Eminent Domain C. Value added Tax

B. Expropriation D. Taxation
Taxation is the power of the state to impose burden
on property and property rights.
Eminent Domain is the power of the state to
appropriate private property for public use upon
just compensation and with expropriation
Value-added tax is just an expansion of taxation on
selected services and goods up to 10%.
122. Which best describes the division of
the Legislature into the Senate and the
House of Representatives?

A. Unicameralism C. Co-legislative
B. Bipartisanship D. Bicameralism
It exists when there are two houses for one
congress (HR and Senate).
Unicameralism has only one house for congress.
Co-legislative powers are powers of an entity
(example: president) to pass laws, other than the
Bipartisanship exists when there are two political
parties in a country (Democrats and Republican in
the USA).
123. What kind of cooperative system sells farmers'
agricultural produce?

A. Service cooperative C. Marketing cooperative

B. Producers cooperative D. Multi-purpose
124. The economic policy that good
action is one that helps the greatest
number of people is called

A. mercantilism C. capitalism
B. colonialism D. utilitarianism
Utilitarianism is a theory holding that the best good action is the
one that maximizes utility. Utility is defined in various ways, but is
usually related to the well-being of sentient entities.
Mercantilism was an economic theory and practice, dominant in
Europe from the 16th to the 18th century, that promoted
governmental regulation of a nation's economy for the purpose of
augmenting state power at the expense of rival national powers.
Colonialism is the establishment, exploitation, maintenance,
acquisition, and expansion of colony in one territory by a political
power from another territory.
Capitalism is a social system based on the principle of individual
rights, which results to free market.
125. Which contradicts the Filipino family value of

A. Willingness to forgive C. Inability to forgive

B. Delayed satisfaction of desires D. Tolerance of pain
and mistakes
Inability to forgive
Sacrifice entails altruism, consequential pains,
and especially amenability to forgiveness.
126. The smallest unit of society is

A. church C. purok
B. family D. government
The Constitution itself recognizes the family as the basic
unit of society.
Section 1. The State recognizes the Filipino family as the
foundation of the nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen
its solidarity and actively promote its total development.
127. Is it correct to say that "Bahala na" is a Filipino
negative trait?

A. Yes, it is tantamount to leaving one's fate to

B. It depends on the situation of the person saying
C. It depends on the intention of one's action.
D. No, "Bahala na" is an attitude of daring combined
with genuine concern.
It depends on the situation
In its basic sense, Filipinos usually say “Bahala na” when they are
unable to decide their next course of action or when they have no
idea what will happen next. They say this phrase as if the outcome of
his actions are up to fate or to whatever consequence it may bring,
without carefully thinking of it. Thus, it is equivalent to lack of
foresight, indecisiveness, negligence and carelessness.
On the other hand, when faced with challenging situations, Filipinos
can do a daring act and they leave everything to God hoping God will
take care of them. They accept what comes their way, appreciate
what they have, and God will take care of the rest. In time of tragedy,
they are not easily discouraged.
128. Birth place of Jose Rizal

A. Intramuros, Manila C. Malolos, Bulacan

B. Calamba, Laguna D. Kawit, Cavite
Calamba, Laguna

JOSE RIZAL, was born on June 19,

1861, in the town of Calamba,
129. One instance of taking away the life
of another person without due process is

A. salvaging C. capital punishment

B. suicide D. euthanasia
Salvaging is killing a person without due
process and without regard to the
sanctity of life.
Euthanasia is the painless killing of a
patient suffering from an incurable and
painful disease or in an irreversible
130. What was the first term given by
Marcelo H. del Pilar to the hidden control
and domination by Spanish religious
priests over the colonial government?

A. las suerte partidas C. frailocracia

B. pase region D. complace
Frailocracia is the term given by MH del Pilar to the control
by friars in the government. He wrote La Frailocracia
La Frailocracia Filipina is a pamphlet written by Filipino
writer Marcelo H. del Pilar. The arguments were in five
parts, namely, the much-mooted problem of
filibusterism, the much-vaunted love of the friars for
Spain, the disagreement of Filipino civilization by the
friars, the influence of the friars on the Filipinos, and the
aspirations of the Filipinos.
131. What does a professional code of
conduct prescribe?

A. Civic conduct for all

B. Professional traditions and mores
C. Moral and ethical standards
D. Stricter implementation of laws
Moral and ethical standards
Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possesses
dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as
technical and professional competence in the practice of
their noble profession, and they strictly adhere to,
observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral
principles, standards, and values.
132. Due to close family ties, Filipino
families are generally

A.secular C. extended
B. nuclear D. divided
Apart from the regular nuclear family patterns practiced by
some Filipinos, majority of the society would be observed
to be having or practicing the extended family type. This
means that distant relatives, “such as grandparents,
aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, and grandchildren, would
be living under the same roof or in the same compound”
(Basbas 2007).
133. The Philippine President who was
known as "the man of the masses" was

A. Fidel Ramos C. Manuel Quezon

B. Ramon Magsaysay D. Manuel Roxas
Ramon Magsaysay
He was the “Man of the Masses”, the “Champion of the
Common Man” and “The People‟s President,”
- the most tangible manifestation of which was his
throwing open the heavy doors of Malacañang for his
people to stream through freely.
134. A recently awarded national artist
for sculpture was

A. Baco C. Alcantara
B. Abueva D. Luna
According to,
The persons listed in the website as National
Artist of the Philippines for Sculptor are
Guillermo Tolentino (1973), Napoleón
Abueva (1976) Abdulmari Asia Imao (2006)
and recently Federico Aguilar Alcuaz (2009).
135. The stage actress who brought
fame to her country through her
international awards for her stage
performances was

A. Isay Alvarez C. Lea Salonga

B. Geneva Cruz D. Sharon Cuneta
Leah Salonga
Salonga's breakout role as Kim in Miss Saigon showcased
her voice from the top to the bottom.
Salonga is the first Filipino artist to sign with an
international record label (Atlantic Records in 1993). She
is also the first Philippine-based artist to have received a
major album release and distribution deal in the United
States, and one of the best-selling Filipino artists of all
time, having sold over 19 million copies of her albums
136. Those who advocate the revival
of the classics in art and literature are

A. humanists C. reformists
B. rationalist D. existentialist
In addition to the revival of ancient
literature, the humanist movement also
encouraged a revival of ancient
137.The part of the body that
controls emotion is

A. kidney C. endocrine glands

B. heart D. lungs
Limbic system
Emotions enable us to react to situations – for example,
anger or fear will set your heart racing, and feeling happy
will make you smile. One of the key areas of your brain
that deals with showing, recognizing and controlling the
body's reactions to emotions is known as the limbic
Limbic system is a complex system of nerves and networks
in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the
cortex concerned with instinct and mood.
138. Which characterizes
psychologically healthy people?

A. pre-occupied only with their interest

B. concerned with goals beyond
C. feels superior over others
D. can't accept others as they are
concerned with goals beyond
Psychological well-being has been defined as
“the self-evaluated person”. Psychologically
well persons set goals to achieve beyond
themselves. Goals are signals that orient
a person to what is valuable, meaningful,
139. Study of human behavior

A. Ethics C. Morality
B. Philosophy D. Psychology
Psychology is the study of mind and behavior.
Ethics or moral philosophy is the branch of philosophy that
involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts
of right and wrong conduct.
Philosophy is the study of the general and fundamental nature of
reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and
Morality is a body of standards or principles derived from a code
of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion, or culture, or it
can derive from a standard that a person believes should be
140. The sum total of a person's efforts
to cope with stressful situations in life is

A. reaction C. defense mechanism

B. anger D. emotion
Defense mechanisms
A defense mechanism is a coping technique
that reduces anxiety arising from
unacceptable or potentially harmful
impulses. Defense mechanisms are
unconscious and are not to be confused with
conscious coping strategies. Sigmund Freud
was one of the first proponents of this
141. It illustrates a particular data series
through rectangles.

A. Bar graphs C. Circle graphs

B. Line graphs D. Pie graphs
Bar graph
A Bar Graph (also called Bar Chart) is a
graphical display of data using bars of
different heights.
142. It can be used to show the
progress in academic grades over
four quarters.

A. Bar graph C. Line graph

B. Pie graph D. Circle graph
Line graph
A line graph shows points plotted on a graph. The points
are then connected to form a line. hese lines monitor and
compare various data sets. Usually, the x-axis represents
time measurements while the y-axis is a representative of
measure or percentage of quantity. For this reason, a line
graph is used often for tracking variables of one or more
subjects in time.
143. It is the process of storing, recovering and
disseminating recorded data through the

A. Information technology C. Information

B. Information utilization D. Information
Information utilization
Information utilization is the process of
storing, recovering and disseminating
recorded data through the computer.
144. Social network service available
through the computer is

A. Wikipedia C. Google
B. i-pad D. Facebook
Social media are websites and applications that enable
users to create and share content or to participate in
social networking.
Facebook is a corporation and online social networking
service headquartered in Menlo Park, California, in
the United States. Its website was launched on February 4,
2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his Harvard College
roommates and fellow students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew
McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes.
145. ______means the graphics will be
displayed more than once.

A. texting C. timing
B. tagging D. tiling
In computing, tiling is a window
management wherein which screens are
organized into mutually non-overlapping
Tagging is to attach or mention names of user
in a social media.
146. Face-to-face communication is
made possible via the computer through

A. twitter C. skype
B. e-mail D. google
Skype is essentially a freemium voice-over-IP
service, aka a VoIP, that allows registered
users to communicate online via online video
calling, instant messaging, and mobile chat.
147. Messages are easily transported
anywhere in the world through the

A. e-shopping C. e-register
B. e-learning D. e-mail
Electronic mail, most commonly called email
or e-mail since around 1993, is a method of
exchanging digital messages from an author
to one or more recipients. Email operates
across the Internet or other computer
networks via an email provider's server
148. What symbol is used to make
the text bold?

A. Ctrl+X C. Ctrl+O
B. Ctrl+V D. Ctrl+B
Ctrl+B – bold
Ctrl+O – open a file
Ctrl+X – cut
Ctrl+V - paste
149.Which is the computer

A. RAM C. Program
B. CPU D. Password
A central processing unit (CPU) is the electronic circuitry
within a computer that carries out the instructions of a
computer program by performing the basic arithmetic,
logical, control and input/output (I/O) operations
specified by the instructions. The term has been used in
the computer industry at least since the early 1960s.
150. A computer system is described

A. Virtual C. Online
B. Distance D. Network
A system of interconnected computers that share a
central storage system and various peripheral
devices such as a printers, scanners, or routers.
Each computer connected to the system can
operate independently, but has the ability to
communicate with other external devices and

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