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Lauryn G


For me AVID has helped me prepare for college in many different ways from

applying for financial aid, doing college applications and scholarships as well. AVID has

helped me stay focused as a whole during my senior year and helped me stay organized.

It has also helped me become life ready because my organization skills has become

better throughout my first year in AVID and I have a better understanding on how to

stay focused on a goal and never lose sight off what I want out of life.

One of my challenges this year has been Pre-Calc not only is it the subject itself

but the teacher I had as well. I haven’t been good at math for as long as I could

remember, and it made it more of a struggle for me while taking this class. Pre-Calc is a

lot to take in at once for me but while in AVID I would have time to study and review

with peers to help each other get a better understanding. Without knowing how much

other people were struggling as well and not having others to help would’ve made me

become stressed and not willing to put in the extra time to become better. Having

classmates and a teacher as helpful as Mrs. McCloud is what pushed me to become a

better student. Having a someone in my corner like Mrs. McCloud was one of the best

things I could’ve asked for. She always goes hard for her students and makes sure we

reach our full potential and never slack and don’t give up on our goals and to get what

we deserve. When being a senior you often lose sight of what you need to do because you

know you’re leaving soon but Mrs. McCloud will always make sure you remain focused
until the end. I’m grateful to be in a program like AVID because it has made me prosper

throughout my senior year.

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