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Appreciation Essay

I appreciate all the friends that I’ve made in high school and that they’ve been able to be

with me to help me out whenever I needed them. I appreciate the teachers I’ve had because

they do their job to help us succeed in high school.

I mostly appreciate my band teacher Mr. Schmid. I appreciate him because of what he’s

taught me and what he saw in me when I joined band when I was a freshman. I learned all what

I know today because of what he’s done. He’s always someone to talk to and someone I could

have a laugh with.

I appreciate the band because of what it’s done for me. Band is another home for me

and it’s allowed me to express what I love and show what I enjoy to others. Playing and learning

to play well with others is a good learning experience for me because I can take it into my future

careers and I appreciate it for doing that.

I also appreciate drumming. Drumming has been a place for me to get lost away from all

of school and has allowed me to learn that playing with others will never be easy but as long as

everyone’s skills are on par with one another, there will always be something to be


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