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Digital assignments-1
Course: BIT1012
Human anatomy and Physiology

➢ Purpose of this assignment:

o Stimulate your brain
o Develops an analytical and articulate mind
o Enhances creativity, vocabulary and writing skills
o To evaluate the knowledge and progress of the students
➢ Arial, font-12, single spacing, 2-5 pgs.
➢ Hand written diagrams (3-5 figs.) are preferred.
➢ Deadline for submission: Dec 20th 5 pm, submit a hard copy. The same file has to be uploaded to Vtop once the
provision is available. PDF is preferred.
➢ How to write an assignment:
➢ How to review an article:
➢ Cite reference wherever necessary.
e.1.69i57j0l5.14245j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 0 Reg. no. Question

1. 15BMD0030 Explain the following terms: (i) Anastomoses, (ii) Vasodilation, (iii)
Vasoconstriction, (iv) Veins, (v) Arteries. Draw diagrams.
2. 15BMD0069 Discuss about capillary exchange in respiratory system with neat diagram.

3. 15BMD0074 Explain functions of heart valves with neat diagram of valves.

4. 16BMD0005 Discuss mechanics of respiration and muscles that cause lung expansion and contraction.

5. 16BMD0011 Write a note on flying snake and the bioengineering, physics and aerodynamics aspect of the flight.

6. 16BMD0013 Write short note on Diffusion of gases through the Respiratory membrane.

7. 16BMD0037 Explain the following terms: (i) Compliance of lungs, (ii) Pleural pressure, (iii)
Surface tension, (iv) Residual volume, (v) Spirometry.
8. 16BMD0051 Discuss mechanics of respiration and muscles that cause lung expansion and contraction.

9. 16BMD0067 Explain ‘Eye as a camera’ with suitable diagram.

10. 16BMD0069 What is action potential? Discuss electrical events during neuronal excitation.

11. 16BMD0082 Write short note on Muscle stretch reflex and its clinical applications.

12. 17BMD0001 Discuss functions of cerebral cortex in hearing.

13. 17BMD0002 Write short note on senses of smell and mechanism involved in it.

14. 17BMD0003 What are the possible role that a biomedical engineer might have in the next 5 yrs, 20 yrs and 30 yrs?

15. 17BMD0004 Write short note on central nervous system synapses.

16. 17BMD0005 Describe tibial plateau fracture and its classification.

17. 17BMD0006 List the number of cranial nerves, their origin and ending regions. Use diagrams.

18. 17BMD0007 Describe the Physics and biochemistry of the action potential, with appropriate equations and formulas

19. 17BMD0008 What is a compression fracture and discuss the treatment given.

20. 17BMD0009 Write a note on Orthopedic cast and related smart materials.

21. 17BMD0010 What are the muscles involved in running and walking?

22. 17BMD0011 Write a note on neural implants for epilepsy and current developments in treating epilepsy.

23. 17BMD0012 What are the muscles involved in childbirth? Discuss the pros and cons of fundal pressure.

24. 17BMD0018 What is a pelvic girdle pain, how can you treat it?

25. 17BMD0020 Discuss the biomechanics javelin throw. And the important muscles involved during the release action.

26. 17BMD0021 What is the role of muscle fibres in running? Which are the muscles you will strengthen for a marathon race? What are the types of
27. 17BMD0022 What are the muscles involved in mountain biking? Discuss the difference between cycling on a flat surface and on a mountain.

28. 17BMD0025 Write a note on neural prosthesis. (materials used)

29. 17BMD0033 Discusses the connection between diabetics and muscle wasting.

30. 17BMD0035 Write a note on bone scaffolds and the current developments in this field.

31. 17BMD0037 Discuss the evolution of the human feeding behaviour. Tongue-jaw linkages in human feeding, discuss.

32. 17BMD0038 Write a note on varma and mudras? What could be the science behind them? Discuss.

33. 17BMD0039 Viscoelasticity in bones discuss the biomechanics?

34. 17BMD0040 What will zero gravity do to your bones? What is the remedy for protecting your bones at zero gravity?

35. 17BMD0043 What are the joints involved in javelin thrown? Discuss their movements in detail.

36. 17BMD0044 Discuss the application of robotics in a knee surgery.

37. 17BMD0045 Write a note on bioglass and their applications in orthopaedics.

38. 17BMD0047 What is the significance of vomiting after head injury? What are the muscles involved during vomiting?

39. 17BMD0049 How do they calculate the calorie burnt during any physical activity?

40. 17BMD0050 Review this paper: Control of Upper Limb Prostheses: Terminology and Proportional Myoelectric Control-A Review

41. 17BMD0051 What are the healing stages of a fractured bone?

42. 17BMD0053 Pressure sensing for in-suit measurement of space suited biomechanics-review

43. 17BMD0054 What is a bed-sore and which is the quickest and best way to detect bedsores?

44. 17BMD0056 What kind of anaesthesia is used for gallbladder removal? Discuss the laparoscopy process in this case.

45. 17BMD0057 Write a detail disruption of the muscles taking part in performing suriya namaskar (step by step)

46. 17BMD0060 Discuss athletic hernia, its occurrence and prognosis.

47. 17BMD0062 Explain ‘Ear as an audio device’ with suitable diagram.

48. 17BMD0065 Discuss head to head injury and its impact on microtubules?

49. 17BMD0066 Discuss the dimension of your stomach; try to elucidate the physics involved in stomach movements.

50. 17BMD0067 Working of roads and cones? Who does your brain see colours?

51. 17BMD0071 Can you explain the principle of pranayama, the steps and the mechanics and physics involved in this process?

52. 17BMD0072 Which is called the peripheral heart? How it works?


53. 17BMD0074 Write briefly about angioblast.

54. 17BMD0075 How much force is required to fracture skull, femur, knee joint, sternum, and clavicle. Discuss in detail.

55. 17BMD0076 What are chemical barriers in the human body? Discuss how they work.

56. 17BMD0077 Describe a blood brain barrier, with a suitable diagram.

57. 17BMD0079 How High Blood Pressure Can Lead to Kidney Damage?

58. 17BMD0081 Discuss how the intracranial pressure is monitored. Describe the invasive versus non-invasive methods.

59. 17BMD0083 What is body capacitance? Outline its application.

60. 17BMD0084 Discuss body resistance and heat effects of electric current.

61. 17BMD0085 Describe the working of a pacemaker.

62. 17BMD0086 Discuss the generations of insulin pumps.

63. 17BMD0087 Discuss the effect of zero gravity on the circulatory system of astronauts.

64. 17BMD0088 Review:

65. 17BMD0089 Review:

66. 17BMD0093 What Causes Motion Sickness?

67. 17BMD0094 Discuss the crystals associated with human body and their occurrence, distribution and effects.

68. 17BMD0095 What is an exoskeleton? Discuss its useful applications.

69. 17BMD0096 Discuss the difference and similarities between Gut Immune Barrier and the Blood-Brain Barrier.

70. 17BMD0097 Outline the load-bearing-functions-of-the-skeletal system.

71. 17BMD0029 Homeostasis is the central theme of physiology– How? (via cells/body systems) Discuss in detail the role of hypothalamus in
72. 17BMD0024 Discuss in detail about human hibernation, what would be the possible applications. Outline the mechanism of hibernation and
related research developments.
73. 17BMD0041 Review:

74. 17BMD0070 Review:

75. 17BMD0078 Correcting and heat loss and gain. Sweating - Why sweat? How is overcooling prevented?

76. 17BMD0082 What is carpal tunnel syndrome? Diagnosis method and treatment, discuss.

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