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CSW 201
“ Photography ”

Name: Gede RukmaWira Hartama

Student Id : E1700863
Table of Content :
1. Introduction
2. Types of Camera
a. Camera DSLR (Digital SLR)
b. Compact Camera (Point and Shoot)
c. Prosumer Camera (Bridge Camera)
d. Mirrorless Camera
3. Genres of Photography
4. Main Tools or Additional Tools for Photography
5. Explanation feature on Camera
6. Advice to Buy a Camera
The first conception of Camera first known as Obscure Camera, actually not
a camera but only conception founded by Alhazen an Arabian, he said
Obscure mean a Dark Room. The conception of this camera is Developed with
concept Small hole in a Dark Box and Illuminated by light this conception
was founded around 1.000 AD. And then camera has a long story until
nowadays we know DSLR after we read the Obscure there is Camera
Daguerreotypes and Calotypes was founded around 1837 by Joseph
Nicephore Niepce after that there’s Dry Plat Collidion, Starting from 1857 by
Desire van Monckhoven and then until 90’s people know a Kodak Film where
is a camera using a film as place to save the picture, the film is a Physically
store like Micro SD.
Types Of Camera
1. Types Of Camera

A. Camera DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)

DSLR Camera is a Digital camera that use

an automatic reflector or mirror system and
a pentaprism or “Pentamirror” for forward
the light from lens to the viewfinder.
This DSLR have advantages in terms of the
censor size where is it have a greater than
common digital camera. This camera have a
censor size where it is matched the size of a
35mm analog film or usually known as full
frame (36 x 24mm). biggest censor mean
that each pixel has larger size, so this ability
can capture the light more better. DSLR also have a ability known as ISO,
when we use the higher ISO, the noise still well. But with the bigger censor,
the cost of production is more expensive consume, especially the full frame
DSLR. Besides uses a 35mm censor, DSLR camera also have a smaller
censor, they produce the smaller censor to push the cost of the production
itself, and also to open the opportunity produce the special lenses and also
cheaper than 35mm. The smaller censor than a full frame censor usually
known as crop-censor, because the image that capture with this camera is no
longer have a same image field as the used focal lens. This thing commonly
known as crop-factor, expressed by a focal length multiplier, a multiplier that
will make the focal lens used will be corrected according to the sensor size.
This multiplication will increase the effective focal of the focal lens used so
that the photos taken with this crop sensor will experience magnification. The
smaller the sensor, the higher the crop factor and the greater the magnification
of the image.
B. Compact Camera (Point and Shoot)

Compact Camera also known as

Pocket Camera is an automatically
camera that use format capture
image and store with the digital
save with the smallest size and
lighter also easier to bring it.
Pocket camera commonly have a
same character with manual
pocket camera, the manual pocket
camera is a camera where it use a
film to store the image. As a
pocket camera, this camera has been equipped with any facilities like
ability to control the weak light and close up focus. But for this compact
camera have a disadvantage like, the delay time for recording or capture
the image or picture, Limited use for managing certain artistic work and
care. Limitations of supporting accessories such as the absence of a lens
exchange, filter. Functions that are too simple and monotonous, even for
the same type of camera as the Digital SLR camera. So far this camera
have a best selling product type, people almost use this camera for
vernacular photography, people doesn’t call they a photographer but they
want the lighter camera and easier to bring and take a snap for a holiday,
party, reunions, and another events. Most compact camera have a
superzoom between 30x until 60x optical between, different case with
Nikon P900, which has 83x optical zoom with a lighter weight is less than
300grams, much less than DSLR and Bridge Camera.
C. Prosumer Camera ( Bridge Camera)
Prosumer Camera or
Professional Consumer is a
camera in a Middle End
Classes camera between
DSLR camera and Consumer
Camera, because this is a
middle end camera then the
feature and specification also
have a middle class too, the
censor of this camera have
bigger than consumer
camera or pocket camera, but smaller then DSLR. This camera usually for
a new photographer who in a beginner or amateur class, because Prosumer
camera have a controller like DSLR beside doesn’t reduce the easier use
for a new photographer. The characteristic of this camera it can setting by
manual, like in aperture, ISO, or shutter speed, but also has been equipped
by automatically mode. Then prosumer camera also equipped with a zoom
lens with a wide angle and telephoto. Two things this camera called a
solution for all in one and don’t forget Prosumer Camera can be capture a
larger landscape at once and not only a landscape view, expression of
people and anime can also be captured with this prosumer camera. The
different of Prosumer with DSLR and Mirrorless camera is about the lens,
can be changed or not. This camera can’t change the lens into the any lens
like macro lens, super-wide lens or anything even we want it. Back to the
censor, we know this censor is smaller than DSLR but bigger or larger than
Compact Camera, this thing make the result of image is not good or better
than DSLR but looks good or better than Compact Camera. Because this
camera have a good specification for a new photographer, it also have a
good price it cheaper than a DSLR.
D. Mirrorless Camera
Mirrorless is a camera where not use
the mirror or window for aim the optic
like DSLR, but it have a same quality
good image or picture with DSLR
because they were used a bigger same
censor. That’s why the Mirrorless
Camera have a thinner size with DSLR
and also Mirrorless camera can change
the lens. The first idea to make this
Mirrorless Camera is to minimalize the
size of DSLR camera, the reasons is DSLR camera is to Big and to Heavy
when we bring it, and it’s to much draw attention when someone bring it,
and there’s an idea to make it light and easier to bring camera. First they
made a DSLR with a thin size is a Canon 100D, because two things the
Mirror and the Prism. This mirror a main part of DSLR camera. And then
they tried put it off or use a less mirror on this camera. But how it works
without the Mirror ? first we must know, they tried to put it off the mirror
on this camera and should be have the consequences, the mirrorless doesn’t
have have windows optical aim, so if we want to take the aim, we should
look in the live view or LCD and this have a principle like we are see what
censor sees.
2. Additional Tools for Camera
a. Memory Card
Memory card has a function to store the image that has been
taken before, for a digital camera this is an important things to have
there is a types of memory card there’s called SD, MMC (Multi
Media Card), SDC, CF, MD, MS, MSPRO, etc.
b. Data Cable
Data cable is cable for connector to make connection between
digital camera with PC, TV or Printer. Cable data also help to
transfer data from camera to that device above.
c. Tripod or Monopod
Functioning helps in the process of shooting. For high-quality
shooting, it needs calmness or minimal vibration / camera shake
when pressing the shutter button so that the camera does not lose
d. Stabilizer
Stabilizer has a same function with Tripod but stabilizer can be
carried different with tripod it’s only standing for a long time.
e. Camera Lens
For DSLR and Mirrorless the lens both of them can be changed
with another lens. The lens changed depends what we want to take,
for Example we want to take a huge picture we can use a Wide lens.
Every lens have their function

f. Camera Bag & Underwater Case

Camera bag has function to make easier carry a camera and
another part, including underwater case for photographer who
want to take a picture on underwater must be need this case, it
help to take camera into water without got damaged from water.
Genre Photography

1. Wildlife Photography
Wildlife photography is one
of genre photography where is
concerned with documenting
various form of wildlife with their
natural habitats, maybe this genre is
a hardest one and need any skill to
get this genre. Wildlife
photographer need filed craft skill because there is some animal
that hard or can’t be approach and a photographer should know
the animal’s behavior needed for predict the animal actions. Not
only Field craft skill, photographer should stalking skill and hide
or blind for concealment. Not only the skill for doing this genres,
high specification camera, and any supporting equipment such as
macro lenses for insect, long focal length lenses for birds and
underwater cameras for marine life. We can specific said that is
a truly specialist equipment. But still the important thing at this
genre is the photographer should be have a good knowledge
about animal behavior, and anything that can support the
2. Landscape Photography
Landscape photography is
one of genre photography usually
result of this genre about a nature,
metropolitan, uptown, downtown
and anything about landscape, we
can see at post card, calendar, and
memorabilia there is a landscape
photo or image. The commonly reason of this genre is about to
experiment and most reason to take the memorable of travelling
or holiday when the photographers are outside. We can now the
expression of the photo landscape is to teach about nature or tried
to run or escape from artificial world that’s mean try to run from
real life and try to get a calmness. If we see there’s little or no
human activity in every image because the photographer want to
get a natural image without human intervention instead to
featuring landforms, weather, ambient light and atmosphere. As
I said above as definition of landscape need a huge things to see
including rural or urban settings or can be industrial areas or
nature. Not like Wildlife, for this genre we don’t need a specialist
equipment, minimum need a normal camera, just playing on
Lighting and Flash, shutter speed and aperture, filters and any
supporting tools like tripods or stabilizer.
3. Food Photography
Food photography is a life
photography genre used to create
attractive skill about photographs of
food. Specially this genre for
commerciality the product and also
can be the advertisement, magazines,
packaging, menu or cookbooks. But
for today where social media has
booming like Instagram or Facebook.
This make Every people be a food
photographer like, take a picture of a
food and post it on their social media
being like habit of every single people
and then food photographer has been a trend in society. Because
the tools to take the Food photography isn’t difficult like to take
a photo on Landscape or wildlife, only need a camera either
Smartphone camera or another camera and little bit setup, food
stylist and skill to get a good view angel that’s enough.
4. Street Photography
Street photography is
one of genre that use a daily
life as an object, as we known
a daily life of public place.
Usually the moment what
photographer get is known as
“candid” the object usually
person didn’t get a briefing
when take shoot. Public places like crowded street, Malls, Rail
Stations, Terminals and another places have a relation with
public can be the object of this genre photo. This genre is the
oldest one starting from Malaysia in era of Dutch Colonialism.
The main key to get good photos on this genre is only good
timing to capture, we don’t need special equipment for this for
commonly we only needs a Tripod or Stabilizer.

5. Black and White Photography

As the name implies,
the basic technique of black
and white photography has
photos that are black and
white. Taking black and
white pictures can be done
easily to change your
camera settings to
monochrome, one color,
which is black or white. Sounds easy, but there are a number of
other things to note in taking black and white photos. Elements
that need to be considered among others are lighting and
composition of photos. Lighting is a major factor because black
and white is very utilizing light to capture shadows from objects.
The composition in photos is also a major factor because the
alignment of black and white is the reason why monochrome
photos are good.

Criteria For Buying A Camera
1. Searching on the Internet about Camera Review
Doing a research on the Internet to find a review for all type of camera before
buy it, try to make the camera that fits your budget.

2. For what purpose you bought a Camera ?

Think before you start spend your money, what you’re needed ? for a Job ?
Hobby ? or just want to have it when someday you went to holiday, you can
save the camera for that day. If you use this for a job and hobby, should be
take a DSLR or Mirrorless if you are want to start a carrier or hobby on
photography should take the Bridge Camera. But if only for holiday Pocket
Camera is better.

3. Look at your Budget

Whether it is sufficient or not, if you have already bought the camera device
that you want according to your needs if you have not started to save

4. Choose the Type of Camera that fits your budget and

When you have to decide what purpose camera that you need and you’ve fit
the budget on it, now you can go to store and buy a camera according to the
advice above

5. If You’re a Beginner try to learn about your camera

Learning the camera can be started from read the manual book inside the box,
or you can watch a video from Youtube about camera, usually you can start
from the button of camera like ISO, Shutterspeed and many more.

6. If You’re Professional thinking about Supporting Tools

Getting a Supporting tools for camera also make your capture more greater,
tripods, stabilizer that tools make you comfortable to recording a video or only
a photography. A new lens can help you to get a capture wider or further.

7. The camera that you purchase should be have a

The warranty can help you when you got a trouble and you don’t have an idea
what to do like you broke it up, the warranty can help you to restore or fix
your camera.

8. Not Recommended to Buy a Secondhand camera

Not recommended because when you are beginner on it, and you try to buy a
camera from secondhand, maybe you can’t understand where is the problem
on the camera, and dangerously you can’t get the warranty of item.

9. Try to get some Practical for Beginner

Training the use of the camera is highly recommended because when we just
buy a camera, we must familiarize ourselves with the buttons and features
provided by the camera itself
10. Learn the Qualities of Image that have been take on
Your Camera
Learning about the quality of images taken is part of the criteria in purchasing
a camera, this learning is intended so as not to lose themselves buying
expensive cameras but do not understand the quality taken

11. Try to learn how to editing with Software on PC

Editing section in photography can beautify the results of capturing images,
with editing also able to improve the quality of the image itself both in terms
of art, impression, and economy

IV. Conclusion

The use of cameras is also recommended through the experience of a

photographer, whether he is a beginner, amatuer or professional has his own
distinctive recommendations, moreover the desired function or interest
desired by a photographer greatly influences the type and additional tools of
the camera whether the photographer does need DSLR with wide or telephoto
lens whether the photographer is a beginner who needs a compact camera or
prosumer camera specifies the genre of photography also determines the type
of camera to be used

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