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Webinar Presenters Tips and Tools

 There is a separate link for each webinar presentation. You will receive a link
for the practice run and another for the live broadcast.

 Make sure you use the same computer during the live broadcast you used
during the practice run.

 Please remove any transitions or animations from your power point


 Please sign on to live webinar broadcast about 15 minutes prior to starting


 Make sure you are in a quiet location.

 Have water nearby.

 Avoid a wireless connection or a cell phone - use a land line.

 Turn off cell phones.

 Print off notes and your power point presentation. If your internet goes down
for some reason or you do not have access to internet at the scheduled time
we will go on with the webinar with you presenting from your printed copy. We
will advance the slides.

 When not speaking please mute your phone on your end. Please do not put
your phone on HOLD. Occasionally, there is hold music which will be

 If you disconnected from the speaker line for some reason just call back in
and select #1 to move yourself to the live broadcast. The other speakers will
most likely already be in the live broadcast. Don’t forget to mute your phone
on your end once you are in the live broadcast.

 If the NRPA moderator loses the connection just continue as usually. The
system is set to continue without the moderator. He or she will rejoin as
quickly as possible.

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