5 Year Plan

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Five Year Plan

5 years after High School seems like a long time to plan for, but I have some kind of

direction. My main goal is to go to a CSU. Most likely I'll be majoring in music, architecture, or

Horticulture. I haven't decided. If I do decide to major in music, I'll most likely be getting my

teaching credential to become a band director for a high school or middle school. I've often

been told that I have a very intuitive personality and I feel like if I did become a teacher or some

kind of counselor, it would be really easy job for me. I also really like the idea of having

Summers off as an adult because I've always had Summers off as a teenager. I won't have to

get used to not having Summers off if I do decide to work as a teacher. Wherever I become an

alumni for college is most likely where I will be living.

As a musician, or even as an architect, you need to have connections in order to make

money. I'll be living in the city where I graduated so that I'm close enough to my connections to

make the kind of money that I need to live the lifestyle that I want. The two CSU’s I've been

looking at our Chico State and CSULA. Both have great Horticulture music and architecture

programs, but it depends on which major I choose which school I go to. If I major in music, then

that means I'll have to go to CSULA because Los Angeles is the best place to go for music and

the Arts. If I decide to major in Horticulture or architecture, I have to go to Chico State because

there are more connections to architecture firms and florists. I see myself working in any of

these careers for as long as I can. These are field of work that I genuinely enjoy and I wouldn't

take working in them for granted because a lot of people don’t get to enjoy the work that they

do. I want to have a sense of fulfillment when I go to work ,so any of these three fields would be

my best fit. In truth, I can pick any CSU or state funded school in the state of California because

my dad is a veteran and I get a waiver for college fees. So, I don't have to really worry about

paying for school. I do have to worry about paying for where I'm living and food that I have to
eat but I’ll most likely have some kind of on-campus work study job or internship that isn’t too

intensive so that I can pay bills and focus on school at the same time.

When it comes to the actual lifestyle that I want I would prefer to live in an actual house

rather than an apartment. My preferable size of the house would be 1500 square feet to 3,000

square feet and to have a backyard and pool. I really enjoyed the idea of the stereotypical

American dream with the family of four and a dog. I also want lots of plants and a sizeable

garden. I do plan on having a family later on in life, though, so having my own house would be

very useful. I doubt that I'll be able to have a family by the time I do graduate in the next five

years but if I do, that's the plan.

Throughout College I'll most likely be participating in internships and other after-school

activities so that I can build Connections in the field that I am going to pursue. Without

connections and without knowing people I won't be able to find work and I think that's the

mistake a lot of college students make when they do pursue a major. They just go to school

instead of talking to people and interacting with those who are higher than them. In my opinion

the entire point of college, especially when it comes to Artistic fields, is to make connections.

The only reason why people get rich is because they know the right people to get rich. if Bill

Gates didn't know the right people, Microsoft wouldn't exist. It takes more than one person to be

successful, especially when it comes to your own life. You didn't get where you are just by

yourself. You got there because of your friends your family and every other person that you met

along the way.

To conclude, my 5-year plan is to go to college, preferably CSU, and make connections

with in that school in the field that I wish to study in. Afterwards I'll most likely have some kind of

job or work and I will buy and own my own home and start a family.

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