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Cambridge English Delta Application Form and Pre-Interview Task


Family Name Given Name/s Title

Address Tel No (Home) Tel No (Work)

Tel No (Mobile) Skype Address

E-mail address

Date of Birth Nationality

Present Occupation

(An initial ELT qualification such as CELTA or Trinity CertTESOL is required.)

School/College/University/Centre Qualification Obtained (and Grade) Dates

(An under-graduate degree in any field is expected.)

School/College/University/Centre Qualification Obtained (and Grade) Dates

(Include your English ability here using CEFR or IELTS – evidence may be requested. Indicate your L1.)

Language Ability



(A minimum of two years full-time teaching experience is the norm for Delta Applicants.)

Dates Role Core Responsibilities


(Please complete a 300 – 500 word statement as to why you would like to do the Delta course and why
you think this is a suitable choice for you.)

Please tell us three interesting things about yourself unrelated to teaching:





Name: Name:
Position: Position:
Address: Address:
Email: Email:

Signature: Date:
Cambridge English Delta Pre-Interview Task

The following tasks are designed to:

(1) expose you to the level of understanding required of you as a foundation for the course and
(2) to give us an understanding of your existing knowledge and abilities

Many of these tasks reflect what tasks used in the Delta Module 1 Exam and you may also use any
relevant reference books to help you complete the tasks. Please also remember that we are also
assessing the quality of your written English to ensure that it is of an acceptable standard to meet the
academic rigors of the course. Inaccurate or inappropriate use of English alone is grounds for refusing
entry onto a Delta Module 2 course.

Please fill in this task and the Application Form electronically and email to

Once we have the Pre-Interview Task and Application Form we’ll contact you to organize a suitable time
for an interview with you and one of our tutors.
Part 1 – Language Analysis

Understanding language systems in terms of meaning/use, form, pronunciation (and sometimes register)
is an essential aspect of effective language teaching. Here we’d like to assess your knowledge of
language systems.

Look at the verbs underlined in the following incorrect sentences. In each:

a) correct the tense / structure,

b) name the correct tense / structure, and
c) say what the meaning of the correct tense / structure is

The first one is done for you.

Example: I read a book at the moment.

a. I'm reading a book at the moment.

b. Present Continuous.
c. Used here to describe an action happening now, or around this time.

1. A: someone’s at the door. b: I’m going to answer it.


2. I waited in line for the bus when a car drove past and splashed me.

3. When I was a child I would have a pet dog.

Part 2 – Error Analysis

Understanding the errors learners make is an essential element of understanding the learning issues that
learners have learning a new language. This also enables a good teacher to better respond to the
emerging needs of learners. Here we want to get an idea of your ability to do this.

Look at the following student errors. For each:

a) correct the error
b) decide what the problem is and
c) suggest possible reasons for the error
The first two have been done for you.

Example 1: He was walking down the road and he fell off

a) He was walking down the road and he fell over.

b) The verb choice is correct but the particle (preposition or adverb) of the phrasal verb is wrong.
c) The student knows that it is a 2-part verb but does not seem to know the collocation, or the
difference in meaning between fall off and fall over. Perhaps the learner is directly translating from
their mother tongue.

Example 2: Do you can play the piano?

a) Can you play the piano?

b) Problem with the question form of modal verbs
c) Regular verbs need the auxiliary ‘do’ to make a yes/no questions. Modal verbs are simply inverted
with the subject in the question form. The learner seems to be over-generalizing the rules of
question formation.

1. (Talking about loud music) Please turn down it.



2) He gave me some good advices.




3) It was raining strongly when I left the house.



Part 3 – Terminology 1

Coming to grips with concepts and terminology in linguistics, applied linguistics and education is an
essential part of the Delta course. Here we want to get an idea of your knowledge and/or ability to
research these areas as academic research forms an important part of the Delta.

Please provide the term for each definition.

Example: Having Ss repeat target language both chorally and individually to help with pronunciation (and
sometimes form). ____Drilling .

1) The system of symbols used to represent the sounds of a specific language.

2) The method of teaching language where the teacher first clarifies the target structure, students
then practice it and finally integrate it into their language use.

3) Of the four language skills, reading and listening are skills (as they involve

4) … and speaking and writing are skills (as they involve language output)

5) A verb being used as a noun (ending in –ing) is known as a . (E.g. Smoking is bad for your

6) Two words which sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings (e.g.
steak & stake). .
Part 4 – Terminology 2

Coming to grips with the terminology in linguistics, applied linguistics and education is an essential part of
the Delta course. Here we want to get an idea of your knowledge and/or ability to research these areas as
academic research forms an important part of the Delta.

Please write a definition and provide an example of four of the following terms.

1) controlled practice (also known as “restricted practice”).

2) collocation

3) fluency

4) intransitive verb

5) scanning (reading sub-skill)

6) sentence stress
Part 5 – Materials Analysis 1 (Systems/Language)

Understanding the principles of materials design and the purposes of stages and activities within a
language lesson is an essential component of what you will further explore on the Delta course. Here we
want to get an idea of your existing knowledge and/or ability in this area.

The extract for this task is a speaking activity for intermediate level learners. Identify a total of three key
language areas (including grammar, vocabulary and functions) that learners at this level would need
in order to complete the activity successfully. Provide an example specific to this activity to support each


Imagine that you and your partner are planning a two-week vacation. Decide together which of the
following options would be the best and why.

A - Europe by camper van

B -A Caribbean cruise

C – Beach hut in Thailand

Example: Learners would need to use phrases to express the function of giving opinions. For example,
“I’d prefer to travel to lots of different places”.




Part 6 – Materials Analysis (Skills)

Understanding the principles of materials design and the purposes of stages and activities within a
receptive skills lesson is an essential component of what you will further explore on the Delta course.
Here we want to get an idea of your existing knowledge and/or ability in this area.

Look at the following extract from American English File 3 by Oxenden and Latham-Koenig published by
Oxford. The aim of the extract as a whole is to develop reading skills and speaking fluency. Choose the
aim(s) of the following exercises in relation to the overall lesson aims from the box below. Warning: there
are 3 aims which you do not need to use:

1. Exercise 1a)

2. Exercise 1b)

3. Exercise 1c)

4. Exercise 1d)

A. To develop learners’ ability to read for detailed

B. To familiarize students with the format and language
of a magazine article.
C. To familiarize students with the meaning and form of
idiomatic expressions.
D. To develop speaking fluency by allowing them to
respond to the text.
E. To raise interest and activate learners’ knowledge of
the topic.
F. To develop learners’ ability to read for gist
G. To provide controlled/restricted practice of the
passive voice.
Part 7 – Lesson Planning

Planning is one part of the development process the Delta looks at in depth. Please submit a lesson plan
for a grammar or vocabulary lessons you’ve recently taught. This must be a lesson that you have
already taught, even if you write this lesson plan retrospectively.

The lesson plan should state the following:

- level
- a group profile of the learners
- learning aims/outcomes for the lesson as a whole
- analysis of the grammar or vocabulary taught
- anticipated problems and practical solutions with the language or the lesson as a whole
- stages
- stages aims
- timing
- interaction patterns
- procedure

Ensure a copy of all tasks and materials is included with the plan.

You may not have looked at planning in this amount of depth since your initial training qualifications, but
it’s important for your tutors to be able to assess your existing ability to plan appropriately and to give you
an idea of what is expected on the course. We’re not looking for perfection, just to diagnose where you’re
at in your planning abilities.

Part 8 – Reflective Practice

The ability to reflect on our teaching practice in order to improve it is one the most fundamental principles
of the Delta course and of any aspect of teacher development in general.

Please provide a maximum 500 word evaluation of the lesson above. Your evaluation doesn’t have to be
all good, we’re looking for your ability to evaluate critically and reflectively.

Again, you may not have evaluated your teaching to this degree of depth since your initial training
qualifications, but it’s important for your tutors to be able to assess your existing ability to reflect on your
own professional practice and to give you an idea of what is expected on the course. We’re not looking
for perfection, just to diagnose where you’re at in your reflective practice abilities.

You must use the following five sub-headings:

1) 2-3 key planning strengths and the impact of these on learners (don’t be generic; support your
evaluation with evidence of what really happened in the lesson)

2) 2-3 key teaching strengths and the impact of these on learners (don’t be generic; support your
evaluation with evidence of what really happened in the lesson)

3) 2-3 key planning weaknesses and the impact of these on learners (don’t be generic; support your
evaluation with evidence of what really happened in the lesson)

4) 2-3 key teaching weaknesses and the impact of these on learners (don’t be generic; support your
evaluation with evidence of what really happened in the lesson)

5) how the learning in this lesson could be consolidated, improved or extended in future lessons

Do you have any special requirements regarding learning support that may impact on your performance
which we should be aware of? If so, please specify.

Do you have any special requirements regarding your physical or psychological health that may impact
on your performance and which we should be aware of? If so, please specify.

Do you have any planned or anticipated activities or engagements that may not allow you to meet 100%
attendance? If so, please specify.

Is there any other information you think is worth mentioning?

Please note that while special requirements in terms of learning support or health issues will not
automatically preclude you from acceptance onto a course, it is expected that applicants make the
centre aware of these issues so that:

1) appropriate provision can be made where possible, and

2) to help the interviewer supply suitable information to the applicant and enable them to
decide whether the course is an appropriate choice

Thank you for completing your Delta pre-interview task. Please now submit it to and
we will be in touch to arrange an interview.

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