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A case study of tunnels T40-41 in
Sangaldan area / 11
Rock fall mitigation measures above and
near tunnel portals / 24
SISO (An internet based real time data
management system) in T-48 / 38
Comprehensive geotechnical
investigation required in Himalayas / 57

Pressure grouting
for stabilization of FINANCE
rock mass / 82 Economic rationale
behind USBRL,
Use of Drone a national
survey on USBRL project / 95
Project / 93


Chief Administrative Financial Advisor & Chief Chief Engineer/North Chief Engineer/Co/KRCL Dy.CE/Design/USBRL
Officer Accounts Officer/USBRL
Editor in Chief RANDHAWA SUHAG Chief Engineer/South Executive Director /IRCON Secy. to
Chief Electrical Engineer/USBRL CAO/USBRL/JAT



Roshan.R.S.V Keywords: Rockfall Mitigation,

Manager, Mumbai-Pune Expressway, Slope
Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd., India, Stabilisation, Secured Drapery, Dynamic
Email: Rockfall Barrier, Tunnel Portal

Rockfall mitigation measures are prescribed with the goal of lessening the effect of Rockfall events
and can never be completely eliminating the eminent risk. While exact forensics is not possible,
efforts to establish possible causes would help selecting appropriate measures for stabilization.
There have been several events of rock slide/rockfall near tunnel portal locations of Khandala
and Adoshi on Mumbai Pune Expressway which have been life threatening to the dense traffic on
Mumbai Pune Expressway. This article intends to discuss the construction of various rockslide cum
rockfall mitigation measures executed along the above said expressway.

Figure 1: Location Map showing Mumbai -Pune Expressway SOURCE: WIKIPEDIA


1. Introduction 2. Scope
The Yashwantrao Chavan Mumbai Pune Expressway
(popularly known as the Mumbai Pune Expressway) 2.1 Khandala tunnel location
(Figure 1), connecting Mumbai with Pune is India's first In this paper, only two main stretches near Khandala tun-
six-lane concrete, high-speed, access controlled express- nel portal are considered (Refer Figure 3, Figure 4 and
way. The location is shown in Figure 1. During monsoon Figure 5), which are as follows:
season, there are problems of rockfall/landslide/ subsi-
dence which have been reported in few locations, along n Stretch-K-A: Rockslide area at distance of 130m
the Mumbai - Pune express way, which affects the traffic. away from Khandala tunnel Pune side portal
These frequent incidences cause disruption of traffic, n Stretch-K-B: Between the rockslide location and
property loss and loss of life. Khandala tunnel Pune side portal (including slope
During the period of June to August 2015, there have above tunnel portal)
been several events of rock slide/ rockfall near Khandala
tunnel portal and Adoshi tunnel portal, which are two of 2.2 Adoshi tunnel location
the many tunnels along the expressway. In July 2015, a In this paper, only two main stretches near Adoshi tunnel
rockslide/rockfall has occurred near the Adoshi tunnel por- portal are considered (Refer Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure
tal on Pune side. In June and August 2015, multiple rock- 8), which are as follows:
slide/rockfall events have occured near Khandala Tunnel
Portal on Pune side. These events have been life threaten- n Stretch-A-A: Between Adoshi tunnel Pune
ing to the dense traffic on Mumbai Pune Expressway and side portal and Valley (adjacent Mumbai Corridor)
the immediate requirement of installation of rockfall/ rock- n Stretch-A-B: Slope above the Adoshi tunnel
slide measures have been identiifed (Refer Figure 2). (adjacent to Pune Corridor)

Figure 2: Newspaper
excerpt showing
various rockfall
events happened
along Mumbai Pune
Expressway from
June to August 2015

Figure 3: Google imagery showing details of main stretches near Khandala tunnel (Pune side) Earth

Figure 3: Photographs showing Stretch-K-A (Rockslide area)



Figure 5: Photographs showing Stretch-K-B

Figure 6: Google Earth imagery showing details of stretches near Adoshi tunnel side)



Figure 7: Photograph showing Stretch-A-A

Figure 8: Photograph showing part of Stretch-A-A and Stretch-A-B



3 Mitigation Measures In this system, revetments are provided along the slope
of the rock at specified intervals along with one or combi-
3.1 Khandala tunnel location nation of the meshes- Mono oriented Reinforced Steel
Wire Mesh (steelgrid MO) and /or High Strength
n Stretch-K-A: scaling, rock slope Stabilisation sys- Rhomboidal cable Wire Rope Panel (High Energy
tem, sub-surface drainage system Absorption (HEA) Panel). When steelgrid MO alone is
n Stretch-K-B: scaling, rockfall mitigation system used as mesh system in secured drapery system, diagonal
(secured drapery system with mesh system, top, cable wire ropes are installed over the same.
bottom and surface anchors), sub-surface drainage
system 3.1.3 Sub-surface Drainage system
Drainage measures also are one of the 'Rockfall Prevention
3.1.1 Scaling Measures' (Refer section 3.1.1 for definition) as per
As per IRC-HRB-Special Report-23, loose Scaling is one IRC-HRB-Special Report-23. As water ('force causing
of the 'Rockfall Prevention Measures'. 'Rockfall rockfall' as per aforesaid definition) is one of the main trig-
Prevention Measures' are defined as 'measures which gering causes of a rockfall/rockslide, it has to be effective-
increase the resisting forces or reduce the forces causing ly drained and channelised to reduce the impact.
the rockfall and thus prevent any detachment and move- Drainage pipes (Perforated PVC pipes wrapped in non
ment of rocks'. -woven geotextile) are placed in inclined upward drilled
This measure is one of the basic rockfall mitigation holes and/or inclined short drainage holes are drilled
measure employed to improve rock slope stability and upward in near the toe of rock slopes. This facilitates dip-
reduce surface instability by removing the unstable rock ping the phreatic surface and helps decreasing the pore
mass. This activity shall be carried out before carrying out water pressure in rock / soil slopes. In general, it enables
other mitigation measures proposed over the slope. controlled drainage in such cases.

3.1.2 Secured Drapery system 3.1.4 Rock slope Stabilisation system

As per IRC-HRB-Special Report-23, Surficial As rockslide was the problem identified in stretch-K-A,
Strengthening/Cortical strengthening System (also known slope stabilization measures are proposed in this location.
as 'Secured Drapery system') is one of the 'Rockfall Unlike in stretch K-B where secured drapery system was
Retention Measures'. 'Rockfall Retention Measures' are employed, for depth of unstable Rock mass more than 2m
'measures are taken to contain or retain the rock masses from surface or where deep seated failure of rock mass
which are on the verge of movement'. anticipated, rock slope stabilization methods are consid-
Surficial reinforcing system/ secured drapery/ cortical ered. These issues are primarily treated using long nails of
strengthening system is aimed at the stabilisation of varying depth, spacing and yield strength as per the design
the rock, with depth of unstable rock mass less than requirements and using appropriate mesh facia system-
or equal to 2m. In this system, the weathered rock Steelgrid MO and HEA Panel.
slope surface is draped with one or combination of This also can be considered one of the 'Rockfall
meshes with the help of surface, top and bottom Prevention Measures' (Refer section 3.1.1 for definition)
anchors. Any loosened rock mass sliding down the as per IRC-HRB-Special Report-23.
slope, towards the toe, shall be contained between the
surface anchors. 3.2 Adoshi tunnel location
However, this sliding of rock mass happens in a
controlled way between the anchors and can be removed n Stretch-A-A and Stretch-A-B: scaling, rockfall mit-
for in a systematic way from within the draped system. igation system (secured drapery system with mesh
In this type of system, surface anchors are installed system, top, bottom and surface anchors and
along the slope of the rock at specified intervals along with dynamic rockfall bar-riers), sub-surface drainage
mesh systems. system



3.2.1 Scaling
Refer section 3.1.1.

3.2.2 Secured Drapery system

Refer section 3.1.2

3.2.3 Dynamic Rockfall Barrier

As per IRC-HRB-Special Report-23, Rockfall barrier is
one of the 'Rockfall Protection Measures'.'Rockfall
Protection Measures' are 'measures which don't affect or
prevent the process of rock detachment and guide the
falling rock and control the distance and direction in
which the falling rock travels this protection the area
prone to hazards'.
The rolling down of boulders from upslope is antici-
pated along stretch-A-B and some part of stretch-A-A.
This is because of the presence of some continuous slopes
with weathered surfaces or containing boulders either veg-
etated or clean, are prone to loosening of rock masses and
roll down of it. Anticipated sizes of rockmass along with
slope angles were modeled to see the impact energy gener-
ated by such masses at rockfall barriers placed at best suit- Figure 9: Photographs: Left-Temporary Gabion wall, which is
able locations and of a height to resist the impacts and used for lane protection on road. right-sand layer of approx.
200mm thick is placed between the Gabion wall and the slope
rockfall barrier of 1500 kJ capacity and 4m high was pro-
toe for dampen the impact of fallen rock, before hitting the
posed in these stretches. Gabion

3.2.4 Sub-surface Drainage system crete. Loose scaling of the area was done to remove any
Refer section 3.1.3 for definition of drainage measure. loose boulders which can be dislodged manually using
Short drainage holes (in upward direction) are drilled near crow bar. For these expert climbers had climbed the verti-
the toe of rock slopes. This facilitates dipping the phreatic cal cut and checked the individual blocks, which can be
surface and helps decreasing the pore water pressure in removed from the cut face or steep slope area. Traffic block
rock / soil slopes. In general, it enables controlled drainage was required during the loose scaling operation and which
in such cases. were carried out in coordination with concerned authori-
4.0 Construction of Mitigation Measures The next operation was to install the mesh and rock
bolts as per the approved drawings, which is explained in
4.1. Khandala tunnel location following paragraph. Some modification to the scheme
Rockfall mitigation measures propsoed for Stretch-K-A proposed in the drawing was done giving due considera-
and Stretch-K-B of Khandala stretch primarily comprised tion to the site situation post loose scaling operation or
of nailing operation and installation of mesh (Steelgrid development during installation. Such modifications were
MO and/or HEA panel). The first operation for imple- brought to the notice of Engineer and recorded.
mentation of mitigation measures was to remove vegeta- Nailing was done on the sloping surface above the crest
tion, from the area where mitigation measures are to be of the vertical cut, followed by installation of nails on ver-
installed. Shotcrete had been removed in certain stretches tical face (Refer Figure 10 for drilling activities). After
where the shotcrete has already developed cracks or where placement of the bolts into the drill hole, the hole was air
there was a need to inspect the rock mass behind the shot- flushed and then grouted with neat cement grout and


Figure 10: (Left) Photographs showing drilling activities
Figure 11: Photographs- left-mesh installation in stretch-K-A right
Photograph showing mesh installation above tunnel portal location
Figure 12: Photograph drainage pipes working effectively during
monsoon of 2016

non-shrink admixture. After the installation of nails,

Steelgrid MO and /or HEA panel were installed along the
rock surface (Refer Figure 11). The meshes shall be
wrapped around the longitudinal wire rope (top support
rope) passing through the topmost row of nails on the
sloping surface. The meshes shall also be wrapped around
bottom support cable (bottom support rope) passing
through bottom row of anchors. In stretch-K-A, belting
(using cable wire rope spaced vertically at specified dis-
tances) was provided in the top portion of the cut consist-
ing of vertical and sub-horizontal joints. In portion of
stretch-K-B, where Steelgrid MO alone was installed, diag-
onal wire ropes were installed above the same.



Figure 13: Photographs showing completed works on stretch-K-A

and stretch-K-B

Drainage pipes (50mm dia PVC pipes wrapped with non-

woven geotextile) were installed in the following configu-
n Stretch-K-A: 7m long at 4m c/c (in two rows) and
10m long at 4m c/c (in two rows)
n Stretch-K-B: 7m long at 5m c/c (in two rows)
In addition, drainage holes of 40mm diameter, 500mm
long, were made at 3m c/c spacing where shotcrete was pres-
ent, so that water pressure developed in the face of rockmass
due to the presence of shotcreting can be dissipated.
The photographs of completed rockfall mitigation
measures are included in Figure 13.

4.2 Adoshi tunnel location

Rockfall mitigation measures implemented for Stretch-A-
A and Stretch-A-B of Adoshi stretch primarily comprise of
nailing and installation of mesh (Steelgrid MO and/or Figure 14: Photograph showing temporary drums (filled with
sand/stone) and signs are used during installation works
HEA panel) and installation of Dynamic Rockfall barrier. Figure 15: Photograph showing temporary Gabions are used for
Adequate safety arrangements were provided on/near the lane protection on road



expressway as per the site requirement. (Temporary filled dination with concerned authorities.
drums (Figure 14), Temporary Gabion units (Figure 15), The next operation was to install the mesh and rock
Diversion signs (Figure 16) etc.) bolts as per the approved drawings, which is explained in
The first operation for implementation of mitigation following paragraph. Some modification to the scheme
measures was to remove vegetation, from the area where proposed in the drawing was done giving due considera-
mitigation measures were to be installed. Then the loose tion to the site situation post loose scaling operation or
scaling operation (Figure 17) and cleaning off debris/ frag- development during installation. Such modifications were
ments (Figure 18) were completed. The traffic blocks brought to the notice of Engineer and recorded.
required (Figure 16) for the same was carried out in coor- Nailing was done on the sloping surface above the crest

Figure 16: Photographs showing partial Lane closures during the loose scaling operations. Figure 17: Photographs showing loose scaling
activities. Figure 18: Photographs showing clearing / cleaning of road after loose scaling activities



of the vertical cut, followed by installation of nails on ver- The location of dynamic rockfall barrier was finlaised
tical face (Refer Figure 19 for drilling activities). After suitable from point of views of capturing maximum
placement of the bolts into the drill hole, the hole was air rolling/sliding stones by covering necessary width, anticipat-
flushed and then grouted with neat cement grout and ed bounce heights and construction ease and in line with
non-shrink admixture. After the installation of nails, approved drawings. After finalizing the location, the align-
Steelgrid MO and /or HEA panel were installed along the ment of the rockfall barrier was marked out on site at a spac-
rock surface (Refer Figure 20). The meshes shall be ing of approx. 10m c/c. The material was then shifted to the
wrapped around the longitudinal wire rope (top support crest location, where rockfall barriers were proposed. The
rope) passing through the topmost row of nails on the area was then levelled off by construction of plinth to create
sloping surface. The meshes shall also be wrapped around level surface for installation of base plate of post. Installation
bottom support cable (bottom support rope) passing of posts were then carried out with help of base anchors and
through bottom row of anchors. Additional cable wire base plates. The location of upslope anchors and lateral
ropes were installed above tectonic joints of stretch-A-A. anchors were marked out on site as per installation manual

Figure 19: Photographs showing drilling activities. Figure 20: Photographs showing mesh installation activities



Figure 21: Photographs: left- showing shifting of post to crest and erection of the same, right- installation of interception mesh.
Figure 22: Photographs showing installation activities of dynamic rockfall barrier. Figure 23: Photographs showing installed dynamic
rockfall barrier. Figure 24: Photographs showing completed works on stretch-A-A and stretch-A-B



and installation of the same were done. After the installation 6. Maintenance Activities
of upslope anchors and lateral anchors, the posts were con- The effective implementation of maintenance activities
nected to the upslope anchors with help of bracing cables. aids in continued effective working of the mitigation
The upper and lower longitudinal cables were installed on measures.
the posts. The interception mesh consisting of ring net and The maintenance of drapery system primarily com-
DT mesh was then installed with the position of secondary prises inspection of any detachments of rocks behind the
mesh towards the upslope side. The overall stertch length of drapery system on regular basis and repair/replacement of
dynamic rockfall barrrier was 610m (Refer Figure 21, Figure affected components as per requirement after any rockfall
22 and Figure 23). event so that the drapery system functions as designed. A
Drainage holes of 40mm diameter, 500mm long, were maintenance program must also be undertaken for clean-
drilled at 3m c/c spacing were sub surface drainage was ing, repairing and retrofitting the systems, as required,
observed. The photographs of completed rockfall mitiga- preferably before the start of monsoon in the area every
tion measures are included in Figure 24. year (Refer Figure 26 and Figure 27).

Figure 26: Photographs:-left- Rock mass which are caught

5. Testing between mesh are being pulled down manually, right- Rock mass
Pull-out tests were carried out on the nails installed to ascer- which are caught between mesh are being pulled down by
tain the nail capacity. Refer Figure 25 for details of pull out loosening diagonal cable wire rope

test setup. The tests were carried out in all locations as per
Indian standard- IS: 11309. This was done to ascertain the
pull out strength of nail considered in the design.

Figure 25: Photographs of the setup of the test frame for the Soil



ance and deposits that are allowed to change the local

slope morphology may affect the trajectory of falling rocks
and therefore the suitability of the installed barrier. A
maintenance program must also be undertaken for clean-
ing, repairing and retrofitting the systems, as required,
preferably before the start of monsoon in the area every

7. Summary and Conclusions

The rockfall cum rockslide problem along Mumbai - Pune
Expressway have caused accidents the past. The rockslide
cum rockfall mitigation solutions near major stretches of
Khandala - Pune side portal include secured drapery sys-
tem and rock slope stabilization. The rockslide cum rock-
fall mitigation solutions near major stretches of Adoshi
tunnel Pune side portal includes secured drapery system
and dynamic rockfall barrier.
The specifications of meshes installed (Steelgrid MO
and HEA panel) and dynamic rockfall barrier are con-
forming to IRC-HRB-Special Report-23. These solutions
were arrived at based on the inputs derived from the inves-
tigations/studies carried out, and best possible engineering
judgment of the designer taking into account views of
Figure 27: Rock mass removed out of installed mesh during expert Geologists and Geotechnical Engineers. The moni-
maintenance activities. Figure 28: Photograph showing cleaning toring and maintenance of installed mitigation measures,
off the debris from upslope side of rockfall barrier installed
above Adoshi tunnel during and post construction of the proposed rockfall mit-
igation measure also plays a major role in its performance.
The regular monitoring of the various structural and The scope of mitigation works mentioned in the paper
connecting elements of the dynamic rockfall barrier is was successfully completed in December 2016 and has
required. It is also necessary to check the interception survived monsoon season of 2016 without any reported
nets/panels, which must be kept free of obstacles of signif- rockfall accidents.
icant size (e.g. larger rocks or trees) that may affect the The next phase of works covering the slope area on
dynamic range of the system in the case of a significant Mumbai side of the rockslide area has been initiated by
impact. The presence or accumulation of soil etc. behind MSRDC (Maharashtra State Road Development
or on the barrier may have effects on the system perform- Corporation).

1) Gharpure, A. D. (2015): Understanding Risk Assessment and Mitigation of Rockfall
Events Through a Case Study of Ghat Section of Mumbai-Pune Expressway. Pune:
Proccedings of 50th Indian Geotechincal Conference (Pune Chapter).
2) IRC-HRB. (2014). IRC-HRB: Special Report-23. State of the Art: Design and
Construction of Rockfall Mitigation Systems. New Delhi.
3) BIS. (1985/ r. 2001). IS-11309: Method of conducting pull-out test on anchor bars and
rock bolts. New Delhi.


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