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Riphah School of Business Management (RSBM)

Decision Making Project:

Develop Your Career Plan
Due Date: All required documents are to be submitted by e-mail before the second-last class
of the semester. Presentations will be conducted in the last week of classes. Late submissions
up until the date of the final exam will face a minimum penalty of 5 marks. Late submissions
after the final exam date will not be accepted.
Instructor’s e-mail:

Project Report Submission Guidelines: Projects are to be prepared on an individual basis.

E-mail softcopy of the project report to the instructor by the stated due date.

Project Presentation Guidelines: Projects are to be presented on an individual basis. Prepare

a presentation (10-15 minutes) based on your project report. Students need to arrange their own
laptops on the day of the presentation.

Grading Policy: Project report: 10 marks. Project presentation: 5 marks. Total: 15 marks.

Description of the Project:

The purpose of this project is to assess students’ understanding the decision-making process,
decision-making techniques, and how these techniques can be applied to real-world problems.
Using the decision-making process and any number of decision-making techniques discussed
(or not discussed) in the course, develop a plan on what you intend to do over the next 10-15
years to choose and develop your career. The plan should consist of the following three parts:

1. What I Value – Based on the results of your MBTI (

personality-test) and RIASEC tests (ref. project supplement), as well as discussions
with your peers and elders, identify your personal interests and goals. This will help
you identify a career direction that will guide your future decisions.

2. What I Plan to Do – Identify the major decision points that you will face, what possible
alternatives you will need to consider, how you will identify the best alternative, and
what your planned decision would be at each point. Also, explain the reasoning for your
decision at each point. You may use information from part 1 as well as any other
information you gathered to make these decisions.

3. How I Plan to Do It – Identify the major areas for improvement in your personality
and skills that will help you achieve the plan you developed in part 2. Based on the
areas for improvement identified, identify some personal development goals and
develop a plan for how you will achieve these goals in the coming years.

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