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Appreciation Essay

When I was just starting high school, I had a great group of friends, but I was

obsessed with a guy within this group. I’d do anything for his attention. We got together,

but we broke up after a month or so. It was devastating. My friend group stayed

together, but nothing was the same. I left dos palos for a time, to go to yosemite and

that break up affected me throughout my whole summer. Eventually, I got over it, and

decided that it was time to try something new.

I met Eusebio during my freshman year. He was in my art class, and the first

words he said to me were: “Y’know you don’t have to make every answer hella scientific

all the time.” I kind of hated him at first. As time went on, though, it was obvious that we

had a good chemistry as friends. He’d pass by my house on his longboard and ask for a

drink of water and a game of super smash brothers and leave. As time went on, it was

becoming apparent that he had feelings for me, and so I pushed him away. I was still

obsessed with the guy from before.

When I came back from yosemite that summer, Eusebio’s best friend Elisha told

me how much he missed me during the summer and how he liked me. We were in a

local restaurant, and I saw him looking for us within the lines of people waiting for their

food. We ended up being together for almost a year, but I broke up with him.

Even though he needed time to heal after we broke up, we still remained good friends.

It's amazing to me, how we are, really. Eusebio Luna is my best friend. Things were

rough for me in Dos palos, but he was still there for me. Things were rough for the both
of us, and we stuck it out for each others sake. No one really gets me like he does. He’s

compassionate and kind, but in a way that isn’t overbearing. He’s strong and smart,

even though he kind of refuses to acknowledge that he is smart. He’s got this sarcastic

sense of humor that’s kind of dry, but not too dry. He speaks calmly all the time, like

nothing phases him. Even his mannerism is calm. He’s like a golem or something to me.

A being of stone, almost. Warm stone.

When we were together, Eusebio taught me that I have worth outside of others

perception of me. He told me I was beautiful and capable. I wholeheartedly believed

him, too, because it was true. I could see the empathic joy he felt when I succeeded.

His words were spoken with a confidence that made me feel whole. Our time as a

couple was warm and fulfilling, teaching me lessons of self esteem and worth.

As friends, he still fills that comforting role. We’re still very close and can

reminisce about the times we were a couple. He didn’t ever want to discuss those things

while I lived in Dos palos. Now, ever since I moved to merced, he does openly. I’ve

witnessed his development as he witnessed mine. Without him in my life, I would be so

lost, but it doesn’t feel like he’s going anywhere. As long as we’re friends, we’ll grow


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