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Word Pronounciation Definition Example sentence

Substitute \ˈsəb-stə-ˌtüt, -ˌtyüt\ To take out and put Because we didn’t have
somethingelse in the any, wesubstitued the
same place ( usually sugar with juice
something worse )
Something that goes in
the place of the normal
Sufficient \sə-ˈfi-shənt\ Enough in amountfor Because of weather
what you need change, last year farm
couldn’t grow
sufficientrice to feed
the country
Sustain \sə-ˈstān\ To help something No animals or plants
continue, to keep going can sustain life without
Theory \ˈthē-ə-rē, ˈthir-ē\ An idea or belief about There are manytheories
how/why something about why we dream
Tradition \trə-ˈdi-shən\ A set of beliefs or a Chriss favorite tradition
culture that is passed is eating harm on
from family to family christmas
over a long period of
Transfer \tran(t)s-ˈfər, ˈtran(t)s- To pass from one Sally transferred all of
ˌ\ person or thing to her money from
another American National Bank
when she heard they
were closing
Trend \ˈtrend\ The direction or way in Todays computer
which something is culture is trending
changing toward more touch
screen technology
Underlying \ˌən-dər-ˈlī-iŋ\ Forming the basis for There is no single wayto
something put and end to drug
addition since there are
many underlying causes
Valid \ˈva-ləd\ From a reasoanable or Many people have said
correct basis the artist jackson
pollacks work didn’t
require much skill, and
that idea is somewhat
Vary \ˈver-ē\ To be a different The restaurants in this
size,amount, or area very greatly in
characterwhen quantoty and price
compared to something
else in a similar group
Welfare \ˈwel-ˌfer\ How healthy and happy A perfect government
a person or group is would care more about
the welfare of its
people than anything
Whereas \hwer-ˈaz, wer-, Although (used to Lemons are very sour
(ˌ)(h)wər-\ contrast two different whereas most fruits are
things) sweets

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