An Investigation of The Anatomic Position of The Posterior Palatal Seal by Ultrasound

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An investigation of the anatomic position of the posterior

palatal seal by ultrasound
Rajeev M. Narvekar, B.D.S., M.S.,* and Marc B. Appelbaum, D.D.S.**
Temple University, School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pa.

The posterior palatal seal contributes significantly to the retention of a maxillary

complete denture. It is commonly considered to lie on the tissue covering the soft
palate. However, no references are available to substantiate this correlation
between the clinical and anatomic placement. This research used ultrasound
instrumentation as a noninvasive procedure to locate the anatomic structures in
the posterior palatal seal region of 15 maxillary edentulous patients. The posterior
border was determined to lie on the tissue covering the soft palate. (J PROSTHET
DENT 1989;61:331-6.)

he posterior palatal seal is defined as “the soft tis- pressure within the physiologic limits of the tissues can be
sue along the junction of the hard and soft palates on which applied by a denture to aid in the retention of the denture.l
The posterior palatal seal is generally accepted as one of the
most important factors in the retention and stability of a
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree maxillary complete denture. 2-12 Various techniques to es-
of Master of Science, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.
tablish the posterior palatal seal have been advocated by
*Former graduate student, Department of Prosthodontics.
**Former Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodon- numerous authors. Most of these techniques are valid pro-
tics. cedures, but some are limited by specific clinical


Theory of ultrasound
Sound is a form of mechsmcai energy pi’opaga r~~i : :I :.~-~O
form of waves (series of condensations and rarefactious;
through a medium by motion of particles within :hc medico::.
Ultrasound refers to sound with frequencies higher tian
the audible range (20 to 20,000 l-l~).‘~~,‘?~For diagnostic
medical applications, frequency ranges from 1 mHr to 20
mHz are used, and for nondiagnostic medical appiicationS,
frequencies below 1 mHz are used. Frequency is the nur&ei
of cycles per unit time (1 cycle per second equal:; I heri;z).
Ultrasonic waves of lower frequencies generally have more
penetration into a material because the absorption is 1es.s.
whereas higher frequency waves decay more rapidly inside 3
material, but have greater resolution capabiiity.z,*, “:
Ultrasonic waves are generated inside a.material by means
of a piezoelectric element placed in contact with the surface
of the material. The piezoelectric element is tion “shock ex-
cited” and converts electric energy into mechanical energy in
the form of acoustic waves. A suitable cDuplant fscili’W,es the
oropagation of ultrasonic waves between ihe piezoeiectric
olement and the material.
Basic elements of an ultrasound scanning system include
a transducer (containing the piezoeiectric elementj, an
ntermediate signai-processing stage, and tins& a display
Fig. 1. Technicare OR330 ultrasound instrument, node. The transducer produces a pulse of acoustic waves and
r,hen detects returning echoes, converting them into an elec-
tric signal for amplification and other signa! processing into
indications.i3-ia Edwards and Boucher,ig Pendelton,s”, 21 a form that may be displayed.
Laney and Gonzalez,5 and Davis22 have studied and thor-
oughly documented the general and minute anatomy of the Ultrasonic transducer
region of the posterior palatal seal and its importance in The active element of a transducer is a synthetic ceramic
denture construction. that has piezoelectric properties. The piezoelectric effect is
All commonly used textbooks indicate that the posterior associated with certain crystal materials that have the eW-
palatal seal of the maxillary denture covers tissue of the soft ity to transform mechanical energy into electric energy and
palate. However, no reference substantiates the anatomic vice versa, for example, quartz, and lithium sulphate. Quartz
placement of the posterior palatal seal. The “postpalatal crystals are normally used for medical purposes. ‘These ma-
seal” and the “pterygomaxillary seal” comprise the posterior terials, on application of an electric field, change their phys-
palatal seal region. The postpalatal seal extends medially ical dimensions as a result of inherent a,nd appiied electric
from one tuberosity to the other. Laterally, the pterygomax- forces and lead to the mechanical changes in crystal size that
illary seal extends through the pterygomaxillary notch. and result in transfer of vibrational energy iacoustic rvave~) to
continues 3 to 4 mm anterolaterally, approximating the mu- adjacent media.
cogingival junction.
Through laboratory dissections and pathophysiologic in- Couplant
vestigation, the structures beneath the pterygomaxillary seal A couplant is necessary between the ultras;mic transducer
can be readily described because it has definite anatomic and the skin because air is a poor conductor of sound energy.
landmarks. In contradistinction, the postpalatal seal can Regardless of how firmly one presses the transducer Read
only be clinically described. The exact placement depends against the tissues, a large reflection factor will exist because
upon the palatal configuration and the physiologically lim- of the everpresence of interposed air. .4 water-based COU-
iting factors of the individual patient. plant provides an air-free path, thus allowing significantly
The technology necessary to investigate the anatomic greater amounts of energy to enter the bod?r.
structures beneath the postpalatal seal has only recently
been developed. Ultrasound has been used for many years as B mode
a diagnostic tool. However, it has been only within the past In B mode (brightness modulation), the two dlmensione of
several years that a transducer head small enough to fit into the display are a cross section of the patient. 7’h.e brightness
the mouth has been available. This research used ultrasound or shade of gray in the display represents the amplitude of
technology to locate the anatomic position of the posterior the echoes received from the anatomic cross section of the
palatal seal. patient. The B mode display is the basic disp!sy used in

Fig. 2. Toothpaste is placed on transducer head to act as Fig. 3. Initial intraoral position of transducer head with
couplant to provide intimate contact with palatal tissues. couplant.

static and real-time gray-scale ultrasound imaging. B scan is By using Millsap’s classification,31 the soft palatal config-
the display mode that was used in this investigation. B scan uration of each patient was observed and noted. Only
recording techniques work well in diagnostic ultrasound be- patients with class 1 and 2 soft palatal configurations were
cause of the similarities in acoustic impedence values for soft accepted for this study. Patients with class 3 soft palatal
tissue materials. The small variations in acoustic impedence configurations were not included because the palatal curva-
result in decreased reflection values, hence ultrasonic energy ture precluded the intimate placement of the transducer
propagates completely through the body. head. Patients were also excluded if they had neuromuscu-
lar impairment or a pronounced gag reflex that would have
Physical effects of ultrasound compromised the measurement procedure and proper place-
1. Ultrasonic effects are nonionizing. Unlike X rays, ment of the posterior palatal seal. Before the ultrasound
ultrasonic waves do not possess sufficient energy for moving measurements were performed, a signed consent form was
orbital electrons from one level to another. required from each patient.
2. Heat production from ultrasound can be extensive.
Tissue materials can be burned if sufficient energy is used. Methodology
But present ultrasonic instrumentation uses low levels of The ultrasound instrument (Technicare OR3300, Johnson
energy.26-30 & Johnson, Ramsey, N.J.) used with a 10 mHz linear-array
3. Mechanical vibration effects from high-intensity ultra- miniature transducer gave a real-time B mode image of the
sound can cause tissue breakdown through cavitation ef- soft tissue (Fig. I). The patients were seated in upright po-
fects. However cavitation does not occur at power levels used sition. The name of the patient and the classification of the
for diagnostic ultrasound that are below 100 MW. soft palate was typed onto the screen. Before outlining of the
posterior vibrating line with an indelible pencil, the palatal
Ultrasound and X rays tissues were dried to remove saliva that might prevent clear
A comparison of the ultrasound technique and X-ray pro- transfer marking. The posterior vibrating line was located in
cedures shows two fundamental differences. As mentioned, accordance with a conventionally accepted technique.32 A
ultrasonic waves do not possess sufficient energy to move or- thin rubber band was placed around the anterior third of the
bital electrons from one level to another. Hence they are transducer head to serve as an index that would appear on
nonionizing. Second, X-ray technology is essentially a func- the display mode. Because of the rigid construction of the
tion of density of the tissue providing a 5 % to 8 % variation transducer head, a close approximation to the curvilinear
in soft tissue. Ultrasonic values are proportional to the surface of the palate could not be obtained. Hence, commer-
square root of a product of density and modulus resulting in cially available toothpaste was used as a couplant and placed
a 16% variation for soft tissue. This gives ultrasonic tech- on the head of the transducer to provide intimate approxi-
niques twice the capability in differentiating soft tissue mation to the palatal tissues (Fig. 2). The transducer head
compared with X-ray procedures. with a thin rubber band on the anterior third and the appro-
priate amount of couplant was inserted in the mouth and
MATERIAL AND METHOD carefully moved posteriorly until intimate contact with the
Patient selection underlying tissues was verified (Fig. 3). It was noted that
Fifteen patients were selected from the Temple Univer- gently rocking the transducer head facilitated contact along
sity, School of Dentistry, Department of Prosthodontics. All the length of the palate. Initially, the transducer head was
of the patients selected were edentulous in the maxillae. moved posteriorly to the left of the midline. The junction of


Fig. 4. Polaroid photograpb of ultrasound scanning of palate. Arrow on left indica&es
junction between hard and soft palates. Arrow on right indicates image of ru
perimposed on clinically outlined vibrating line, which is seen to lie over soft palate.

Pig. 5. Polaroid photograph of ultrasound scanning of palate for patient kl. Arrow ndi-
cates that vibrating line is at junction of bard and soft palates.

the hard and soft palate was noted on the screen. When the to quantify the distance on Lhe X axis from the reference
rubber band was visualized to lie directly over the posterior point (rubber band) to the anatomic junction ofthe hsrd and
vibrating line as marked in the mouth, the visual display was soft palates. (A graphic analyzer is a device that allows dig-
frozen and a Polaroid picture was made. The accuracy of the itized measurements from original clinical records such as
placement of the rubber band around the transducer head in photographs, X rays, or ultrasound images to be con?erted
its overlying relation to the posterior vibrating line was ver- into a series of digits.) In 14 of 15 patients, the posterior -vi-
ified by two observers using a thin blunt probe placed par- brating line was found to be on tissues of the soft palate. 7’he
allel to the rubber band. In addition, every scanning proce- distance from the junction of the hard and soft. paMes var-
dure was recorded on videotape to permit revisualization. ied from a maximum of 4.3 mm to a minimlun of 2 mm, with
This procedure was repeated at the midline and to the right a patient average of 2.5 mm (Table I). In one patient, the
of the midline. This protocol was performed on all 15 posterior vibrating line was found to be on the junciion cf the
patients. hard and soft palates. In an effort to determine sample re-
liability and its unbiased estimation of the population, the
RESULTS sample statistics were set to a 95% binomial confidence
Of the 15 patients scanned by ultrasound, five had class 1 limit.33 For the 15 patients who were examined, 14 of whom
soft palatal configurations and 10 had class 2 soft palates. showed similar results, a 95 !;1 confidence limit yielded con-
The Polaroid photographs were placed in a graphic analyzer fidence values between 68% and 99.33%,


Table I. Distance from junction of hard and soft palate opening dimensions in some patients made visualization
Posterior to junction of difficult. In all such instances, the procedure was repeated to
Patient Palate
number classification hard and soft palate (mm) obtain a constant and repeatable measurement.
To ensure that the rubber band was directly overlying the
1 2 2.7
clinically marked posterior vibrating line during the scan-
2 1 3.2
ning procedure, two observers verified it by placing a thin
3 2 2.0
blunt probe parallel to the rubber band. In 14 of the 15 pa-
4 2 4.3
5 2 2.0 tients examined, the posterior vibrating line was seen to lie
6 2 3.5 on the tissue covering the soft palate. The average distance
7 1 2.5 from the posterior vibrating line to the junction of the hard
8 1 4.3 and soft palates was 2.9 mm.
9 2 3.6 The average width of the posterior palatal seal is consid-
10 1 3.2 ered to be approximately 4 to 6 mm. Therefore, part of the
11 2 0.0 seal would lie on the glandular posterior third of the hard
12 1 2.8 palate. This location coincides anatomically and histologi-
13 2 2.5
cally with presently accepted techniques for placement of
14 2 3.1
the posterior palatal seal.
15 2 4.0

The results of this investigation indicate that the posterior
A representative ultrasound image from left to right shows vibrating line lies on the tissue covering the soft palate. This
the hard palate extending onto the soft palate (Fig. 4). In location substantiates the presently taught clinical concepts
patient 11, the clinically outlined posterior vibrating line was regarding the placement of the posterior palatal seal. Accu-
directly over the junction of the hard and soft palates (Fig. rate visualization and demarcation of tbe posterior vibrating
5). line and its concomitant accurate transfer to the master cast
will result in proper positioning of the posterior complete
DISCUSSION denture border.
In the many articles on the techniques and the importance
of locating the posterior palatal seal, there has not been an We acknowledge the invaluable assistance of Barry B. Goldberg,
anatomic substantiation of its position. Only recently, non- M.D., Larry Waldrup, R.D.M.S., and Pamela Foy, R.D.M.S., from
invasive techniques like ultrasound have been used in den- Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Division of Diagnostic Ul-
tistry to provide sophisticated instrumentation in the diag- trasound, Philadelphia, Pa.
nostic field. In our investigation, every attempt was made to
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