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SON: Hi mom, Hi dad

MOTHER: Hi sweaty.
MOTHER: How was the school today?

SON: Not too bad, but I’m a little worried

FATHER: Why? From the final exam?
SON: No, I have homework but I don’t know how to do it.
MOTHER: Can we help you?
SON: Yes, I need a lot of help, I have to talk about the most important family member, but I can’t talk about my
FATHER: That’s no problem, our family have many important people, but we have never talked about this.
SON: Really? I have never asked for my ancestors. Is there something interesting to know?
MOTHER: Sure. This is my great-grandmother, she was the first woman who went to university in Colombia. She
was studying medicine when quitted it to get married and then she returned to study philology and languages,
around 1935.
SON: I didn’t know that. Where can I find more information about her? Maybe I have the philology gene.
MOTHER: You can search the internet, there are many photos and information about this. You should take
advantage of the internet connection.
FATHER: It’s amazing, in my family there were pioneers too, my great-grandfather was the first Colombian to
participate in the Olympic Games in Los Angeles, he ran the marathon, he was an excellent athlete.
SON: Did he win?
FATHER: No, he fainted but he received the Merit Medallion.
MOTHER: Hey, by the way I’ve just realized that you take after your great-grandfather. You look like him.
MOTHER: You should talk about your father to him, he was an adventurer. I enjoy this story.
FATHER: Do you remember the book I gave you?
SON: Yes, but I haven’t started to read it yet
FATHER: You must¡¡¡
FATHER: I had told you this story, I love it, I always have looked up your grandfather, he decided to explore the
world, he knew all countries and wrote the book I gave you “Around the World in Fifty Years”.
MOTHER: We going to visit my father in law for holidays, you should read his book before then.
SON: Sure, actually I have the book on my nightstand
MOTHER: in my family, we aren’t so adventurous, but we have a kind heart, my cousin is a volunteer, he has
been in many countries for 15 years, he is happier now than when he was working as a lawyer.
SON: It’s cool, He must know many places. In which country is he now?
MOTHER: Yes, but he has to work very hard, he doesn’t have a schedule, he always says “helping doesn’t have
schedule” I haven't been in touch with him for a long time because we fell out. I think he’s living in Nepal.
FATHER: Thanks to his trips he has been able to learn some languages. You should make up with him.
SON: I must travel to learn!!!
MOTHER: It’s not necessary, your dad’s aunt was able to learn 6 languages, she dedicated many hours per day
and made foreign friends who helped to improve her skills, if you struggle you can do it.
FATHER: What have you planned to study?
SON: I’m not sure, I’m thinking about arts, maybe painting but I would like someone to advise me.
MOTHER: It would be fascinating. We could ask my uncle, he hasn’t lived in Colombia for a long time, we going
to get in touch with him by video-call.
FATHER: It’s a good idea, he is the new director of the Louvre Museum, isn’t he? He has been working for a long
time there.
SON: I don’t know, he always boasts about that. It’s annoying.
MOTHER: Yes, it’s true, he talks down to some people and takes for granted his success.
FATHER: The other day I bumped into my colleague’s son, he is studying art, he can help you too if you prefer
talking face to face.
SON: Yes, good idea.
FATHER: Are you not interested in studying finance or business careers like your father?
MOTHER: Or something with biology, laboratories, research like your mother.
SON: No, actually I think your careers don't seem so interesting.
FATHER: I don’t see eye to eye with you, you can't judge a book by its cover, but it is your opinion.
SON: I’m sorry, you know I always speak up.
MOTHER: Yes, the most important thing is that you must choose the profession that you will enjoy. We are
bringing you up for that. I’ve realized that you grew up with an artistic soul.
SON: I must think about it. but it will have to be later.
SON: I have realized that my family is very successful and interesting, now I don’t know which of them to choose
for my homework, it's a difficult decision, everyone is so skilled and talented.

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