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Antiferromagnetic spin textures and dynamics

O. Gomonay1,2*, V. Baltz3, A. Brataas4 and Y. Tserkovnyak5

Antiferromagnets provide greater stability than their ferromagnetic counterparts, but antiferromagnetic spin textures and
nanostructures also exhibit more complex, and often faster, dynamics, offering new functionalities for spintronics devices.

n important drive in antiferromagnetic spintronics is the driving torque, which leads to a stiff DW with low effective mass
active manipulation of the antiferromagnetic state and its and shifts the point of the Walker breakdown to an unreachable
magnetic spin textures via spin and charge currents, exempli- driving field value5,7.
fied by the recently demonstrated1 switching of antiferromagnetic A further distinct aspect in AFs is the issue of which torques
domains by the current-induced Néel spin–orbit torque (NSOT). are more efficient in exciting and manipulating the state of the AF
However, the dynamics of the antiferromagnetic textures are yet to and its magnetic textures. In a FM, one can use, apart from a uni-
be fully understood. form magnetic field, the spin-transfer or spin–orbit torques. For
A key aspect is the fundamental qualitative difference in the example, for one direction of the applied spin current the spin-
dynamics of antiferromagnets (AFs) and ferromagnets (FMs). The transfer torque can compensate the internal damping and induce
exchange coupling between the sublattices in an AF creates a more switching. After switching, however, the same current stabilizes the
complex and in general faster dynamics than that in FMs. Hence, a reoriented magnetization by adding to its damping. This leads to a
large part of the intuitive thinking arising from FMs has to be re- well-controlled switching that is robust with respect to fluctuations
examined in AFs. In addition, the possibilities of different types of of the driving current.
current-induced spin torques are also expanded beyond the FMs. In an AF, a uniform static field generates torques that have oppo-
Excitations of antiferromagnetic structures — domain walls site sign on the opposite sublattices (Fig. 1b). These torques almost
(DWs), skyrmions and spin waves — also demonstrate a number compensate each other at the macroscopic scale and are relatively
of peculiar features that can endow new functionalities to antiferro- inefficient at switching AFs. On the other hand, the spin-transfer
magnet-based devices, as compared to ferromagnetic ones. Here we torque (STT) in an AF is an efficient generator of oscillations of
focus on the stark differences between AFs and FMs, and the new the staggered magnetization L ≡ M 1−M 2. In a configuration where
possibilities that AFs offer. the polarization of the spin current is perpendicular to L (Fig. 1c),
it generates parallel torques on the opposite magnetic sublattices.
General features of antiferromagnetic dynamics Above a threshold these torques can induce a stable precession of L
The simplest AFs are collinear, consisting of anti-aligned magnetic within the plane perpendicular to the spin-current polarization8,9.
moments M1 and M2 belonging to two magnetic sublattices. The If the spin polarization is parallel to L, the spin current can
description of the antiferromagnetic dynamics is based on equations induce an instability of the initial state. However, unlike in a FM,
of motion for the magnetic sublattice moments similar to those that the spin polarization in an AF is always antiparallel to one of the
are used for FMs but coupled via an inter-sublattice exchange field, magnetic sublattices. This means that in this configuration the STT
Hex (ref. 2). Although it might be natural to think that such a system in an AF always competes with the internal damping on one of the
behaves like two interpenetrating FMs, due to this inter-sublattice spin sublattices and the L tends to rotate towards the plane perpen-
exchange, the dynamics of AFs is richer. dicular to the spin polarization. The final state in this case also cor-
In FMs, the zero-momentum resonance excitation (FMR) is responds to a stable precession.
determined by the energy scales of the anisotropy fields, Han, whose Thus, while the FM driven by a magnetic field or a spin-polar-
order of magnitude is typically GHz. Any involvement of exchange ized current tends to switch between different static states, an AF
energies in FMs requires finite momentum magnon excitations is a natural spin-torque oscillator10,11. Typical frequency of such
that demagnetize the system. In contrast, in AFs, in the presence an oscillator falls into the THz range, making AFs attractive for
of crystalline anisotropies, the inter-sublattice exchange allows for applications. In particular, as the precession of L creates a non-zero
optical-mode zero-momentum excitations that involve Hex. These dynamic magnetization (Fig. 1a), such spin-torque oscillator can
antiferromagnetic resonance (AFR) excitations have typically an pump spin current into the neighbouring non-magnetic layer10–12,
enhancement factor of Hex ∕Han relative to the FMR, which brings similar to a FM. In addition, the time-dependent component of
them to THz frequencies2,3. In addition, the high value of the spin- the dynamic magnetization can be a source of a THz signal either
flop field4, compared to its analogue in FMs (the coercive field), also through the direct emission of electromagnetic waves or due to
has this exchange enhancement factor. pumping of THz spin current into the electrodes.
Exchange enhancement also appears in the dynamics of antifer- There is also a distinct type of torque that is not relevant in FMs.
romagnetic spin textures. In a FM, the velocity of a DW is limited This is the NSOT1,13, which can be generated in certain AFs where
by the Walker breakdown. On the other hand, in an AF, the limit is a staggered field BN with opposite signs on opposite sublattices is
set by the magnon velocity5,6, which is much larger than the typical induced by a global uniform current. The staggered field in AFs
magnon velocity in a FM. In addition, the internal exchange torques plays an analogous role to the uniform magnetic field in a FM. The
(Fig. 1a) in an AF are several orders of magnitude larger than any staggered field generates torques on the antiferromagnetic spin sub-

Institut für Physik, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany. 2National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI), Kyiv, Ukraine. 3SPINTEC,
Univ. Grenoble Alpes/CNRS/INAC-CEA, Grenoble, France. 4Center for Quantum Spintronics, Departments of Physics, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. 5Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

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© 2018 Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature. All rights reserved.
Perspective NAture Physics
a b (in a collinear AF) is whirling and twisting in all directions (Fig. 2c).
Tex Stability of the skyrmions is enhanced by their topological properties.
The topological charge of skyrmions is defined similarly for AFs
H and FMs in terms of the directional order parameter, mapping L
in AFs to the magnetization of FMs, as described in detail in the
M2 Review by Šmejkal and colleagues16 in this Focus. This definition is
M1 M1
based on the formal similarity of the equations describing the static
skyrmions. However, the properties of ferromagnetic and antifer-
Tex romagnetic skyrmions are not identical.
For example, in FMs, skyrmions can be created and manipulated
by a magnetic field. In AFs, which are largely unresponsive to mag-
c d netic fields, an alternative way to create antiferromagnetic skyrmions
B1N is to pump spin-polarized current17 or to introduce impurities18.
While the static properties of the textures in FMs and AFs have
many similarities, their dynamics is substantially different. The
T2 T2 main differences appear from the analysis of the possible driving
s M2 forces and underlying mechanisms. The forces of one type (pon-
M1 M1
T1 T1 deromotive forces) remove the degeneracy between the domains
B2N and push the DW toward the energetically less favourable domain,
in a similar way as, for example, the external magnetic field applied
to a FM parallel to the magnetization in one domain. In an AF, the
Fig. 1 | Torques and dynamics of antiferromagnets. a, Sublattice analogous force can be created by the uniform magnetic field that
magnetizations M1 and M2 are antiparallel in equilibrium. The difference, splits degeneracy of 90° domains or by the staggered field BN origi-
L ≡ M 1−M 2, called the staggered magnetization or the Néel vector, is nating from NSOT. In contrast to FM, the efficiency of the uniform
interpreted as an order parameter of an AF. Any excitation followed by a magnetic field in moving antiferromagnetic DWs is low because of
small tilt of M1 and M2 triggers oppositely directed large exchange torques the low magnetic susceptibility of AFs. A much more efficient force
Tex ∝ Hex, which induce fast rotation of the magnetic moments. Oppositely, is generated by the staggered field5.
due to the tilting, any rotation of M1 and M2 is associated with appearance The forces of the other type (non-ponderomotive) can be gener-
of non-zero dynamic magnetization. b, Magnetic field H generates the ated by spin currents that transfer torque directly to the DW. In this
antiparallel torques T1/2, which compensate each other and, thus, hamper case the spin polarization should be directed perpendicular to the
magnetization dynamics. c,d, The current with spin polarization s (c) and plane in which L rotates within the DW. In FMs such forces can be
the staggered Néel field B1N/2N, introduced in an analogous way to the also generated by a charge current that is polarized while passing
staggered magnetization (d) generate the parallel torques T1/2, which cant through one of the domain. As they go through the DW, the spin-
sublattice magnetizations M1/2 forward and, thus, create internal exchange polarized electrons experience a non-uniform magnetization and
torques Tex, which cause rotation of magnetic sublattices. generate a torque trying to align their spins with the local magnetic
moments via the STT mechanism. An analogous mechanism was
also predicted for AFs19,20 and peculiarities of the current-induced
DW motion have been described in ref. 21.
lattices which sum up on the macroscopic level (Fig. 1d). Thus, the Another source of the forces of both types in AFs, as well as in
NSOT induces fast and deterministic switching in an AF. FMs, are temperature gradients7 that generate magnon fluxes. The
The concept of the magnetic sublattices and corresponding underlying mechanism can be related to the reflection of circularly
torques is applicable to macrospin models of AFs. However, elec- polarized magnons from the precessing DW22 or to the reduction of
trical current allows also for the manipulation of antiferromagnetic the linear momentum of the transmitted magnons due to the inter-
nanostructures (Fig. 2a) that include a small number of magnetic action with the DW (so-called redshift)23.
atoms. For example, with the use of a spin-polarized tip, heating In contrast to the DWs, skyrmions embedded within a homo-
combined potentially with the STT was applied to a particular genenous magnetic environment can be driven only by the non-
atom in a one-dimensional chain of antiferromagnetically ordered ponderomotive forces stemming, for example, from the STT. The
Fe moments14. Reorientation of the whole magnetic nanostructure spin torques acting on an antiferromagnetic skyrmion do not create
was then mediated by strong exchange coupling between the mag- a Magnus force17,24,25 and skyrmion mobility is strongly enhanced24
netic atoms. due to the absence of the gyrotropic force.

Domain walls and skyrmions Spin waves, magnons and associated phenomena
Antiferromagnetic textures, such as DWs and skyrmions, could Magnons (also known as spin waves) play an important role in the
play an important role in information coding and have intriguing transport properties of AFs. They can carry spin current26–34 and
physical properties. contribute to heat flow20. They also show much richer physics com-
Domain walls give the simplest example of a magnetic texture pared to FMs.
in which L varies along one spatial direction (Fig. 2b), separating Here we consider the main differences between ferromagnetic
regions with different orientations of L. Similar to FMs, the thick- and antiferromagnetic spin waves. In FMs, spin waves always carry
ness of the antiferromagnetic DW is defined by the competition a spin, so a magnon flux is equivalent to a d.c. spin current. In AFs,
between the magnetic anisotropy and the magnetic stiffness, which in contrast, spin waves may or may not carry a spin, as oscillations
arises from exchange. In contrast to a FM, the typical DWs in AFs of two coupled sublattices are involved.
carry no macroscopic magnetization. An exception is provided by Spin waves can be either linearly or circularly polarized, depend-
the thin DW in a monolayer AF on a heavy-metal substrate that can ing on the magnetic symmetry of the AF. The average spin in
show a small net magnetization15. the linearly polarized waves is zero and thus is not transmitted.
A magnetic skyrmion is a localized, particle-like excitation in However, the circularly polarized waves carry a spin. The spin ori-
which the magnetization (in a FM) or the staggered magnetization entation is opposite for clockwise and anticlockwise rotation. In

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NAture Physics Perspective
a b

Tip height (pm)




0 1 2 3 4 5
Position (nm)

c mz d
+1 4.8


δgCu/IrMn/S (nm–2)
1.6 tIrMn (nm) = 1.5 (x3)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
T (K)

Fig. 2 | Antiferromagnetic bits. a, Spin polarized STM image of a nanostructure consisting of antiferromagnetically coupled eight Fe atoms assembled on a
Cu2N overlayer on Cu(100). b,c, Illustration of 90° AF DW (b) and AF skyrmion spin texture (c). Sublattice magnetizations M1 and M2 (shown in different
colours) smoothly rotate in space keeping mutual antiparallel orientation. d, Spin transmission. Enhanced spin transmission occurs during the magnetic
phase transition of AFs illustrating that a fluctuating magnetic order allows more spins to pass through an interface. Data deduced from spin pumping
experiments with NiFe/Cu/IrMn metallic multilayers in which the IrMn layer thickness (tIrMn) is varied. Thinner layers display smaller critical temperature for
the magnetic phase transition as a result of finite size effects. Credit: adapted from ref. 14, AAAS (a); ref. 17, Macmillan Publishers Ltd (b,c); and ref. 29, AIP (d).

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Perspective NAture Physics
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