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The theory that we used for our short film is Social Penetration Theory. What is social

penetration theory? Social penetration theory happens when a relationship have

established, its interpersonal communication moves from superficial, to distant to

more intimate. Social Penetration Theory is established on four basic assumptions.

(West, Richard, (2013) ). The first assumption is that relationship moves from

outermost to more confidential. For example, when going on a first date, they will tell

about their external images, for example talking about their interests. As the

relationship develops stronger, deeper topics will be discussed for instance, political

perspectives. Second, interpersonal relationships develop in a mostly organized and

foreseeable manner. This assumption signals the certainty of a relationship

development. Although it is not easy to predict the literal and precise way of

relational development, there is definite trajectory to follow. Third, a relationship that

is developing could move backwards instead of continuing moving forward. When

this happens, the relationship will encounter dissolution and de-penetration. For

instance, after experiencing long fights and bad arguments, a specific couple who is

engaged might dissolve their engagement and take a break. This will result to them

being completely strangers and would go separate ways although it was a long term

relationship. . Fourth, the key to help a relationship is self-disclosure. Self-disclosure

is an act of revealing and distributing your personal information to others. It allows

individuals to see each other and plays an important role in deciding how long a

specific relationship can go, because as the exploration of selves gradually increase, it

will be resourceful for the process of social penetration.

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