The Effect of Plant Growth Inhibitor in The GROWTH OF Zinnia Elegans

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GROWTH OF Zinnia elegans

By :
Nahdlini Salma Sabila (B1B017002)
Pratiwi Kusuma K (B1B017007)
Mellya Rizki P (B1B017031)
Fakhri Naufal R (B1B017022)
Group :2
Entourage : D1
Assistant : Juniar Susiani




A. Background

According to Syaputra et al. (2017), plant growth regulator substances are

organic compounds that are exogenously given to plants to stimulate, inhibit and
modify physiological processes in plants. Plant growth regulator does not act as
nutrients. Based on its nature, plant growth regulator is divided into two types. There
are those that are stimulating to growth and some that inhibit growth. Growth
regulating substances which inhibit growth which can be used to increase tomato
production include paclobutrazol.
Increased production of crops other than carried out by seeding innovation
also required the addition of plant growth regulator. Growth regulating substances
play a role in stimulating growth by giving a signal to the target to divide or
lengthen. Apart from being a spur to growth, several types of growth regulators also
play a role in inhibiting plant growth. The influence of a growth regulator depends on
the species and species of plants, the site of action of plant growth regulators, the
stages of plant growth and development and the concentration of growth regulator
(Abdurrahman, 2012). The use of plant growth regulators in crop cultivation and the
manipulation of fruit production outside of season, is one of the ways that is
considered most likely to regulate flowering. A number of studies have found that
administration of paclobutrazol can stimulate and accelerate the induction of
flowering in some plants such as oranges, rambutans, kelengkeng and mango. In
addition, paclobutrazol can be applied to ornamental plants (Wattimena, 1988).
Paclobutrazol is a growth regulating agent that functions to inhibit gibberellin
biosynthesis, so that the administration of these substances causes stunt lengthening
and stimulates flower induction. The results of Blanco's (1988) study showed that
paclobutrazol inhibited the development of shoots but increased fruit size. The
administration of paclobutrazol by pruning one main branch in the plant can inhibit
plant height and speed up the age when the first flower appears. Administration of
paclobutrazol in tomato plants by pruning one main branch (Syaputra et al., 2017).
Paclobutrazol, a prime growth retardant, significantly influence the morphological
characters. Some researchers found the similar effects with other growth retardants
like cycocel and mepiquat chloride (Jagadhane et al., 2016). According to Purbiati et
al. (2002), paclobutrazol is a retardant which functions to inhibit the formation of
gibberellins, which are the main hormones in plants that play a role in cell
elongation. The working principle of paklobutrazol in plants is to inhibit gibberellic
biosynthesis by pressing the kaurene, so that kaurenoate formation does not occur.
This results in a decrease in the rate of cell division morphologically, ie there is a
reduction in assimilation directed at reproductive growth for flowering.
Plant growth regulators play major role in regulation of many growth and
behavioral processes. Vital role played by of plant growth regulators such as
changing plant growth and crop yield have been realized in recent years. Plant
growth regulators have been reported to play important roles in stress responses and
adaptation. They maintain proper balance between source and sink for enhancing
crop yield. Triazole compounds have plant growth regulating features and are called
as plant multistress protectants, because of their innate ability to induce abiotic stress
tolerance by increasing antioxidant enzymes and molecules in stress affected plants.
They can protect plants against various stresses, including water deficit, chilling and
high temperatures, salinity and flooding (Soumya et al., 2017).

B. Purpose

The objective of this laboratory activity is to determine the effect of

retardants (PGIs) in the growth of Zinnia elegans

The Classification of Paper Flowers (Zinnia elegans) According to Lakitan

(2011) are as follows:

Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Asterales
Family : Asteraceae
Genus : Zinnia
Species : Zinnia elegans

Zinnia is a wonderful summer annual flower which is gaining rapid

popularity for its variety of colorful blooms. It belongs to family Compositae. It is
native to Mexico and Central America. Zinnia flowers exhibit bright, uniform colors,
sturdy stems with disease resistant plants and along vase life (Sardoei &
shahdadneghad, 2015).
Retardan serves to inhibit the formation of giberellin, which is the main plant
hormone that plays a role in cell elongation. Another function of retardants is to
improve the quality of the appearance of plants by regulating the height and shape of
plants from stress stress as long as the plants are transported from producer to
consumer. Retardants are classified into natural retardants and synthetic retardants
based on the source of the retardants. Examples of natural retardants are benzoic
acid, coumarin, and cinnamic acid. Some synthetic retardants are commonly used in
horticulture cultivation. Examples of synthetic retardants are daminozide (Alar and
B-nine), chloromequat (cycocel), ancymindol (A-Rest), paclobutrazol (Bonzi), and
maleic hydrazine. The function of the retardant is to inhibit internode lengthening,
form plants into compacts, and form more attractive plants (Acquaah, 2002).
Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is a triazole derivative that inhibits sterol and gibberellin
biosynthesis. This compound can markedly affect plant growth and development by
altering the photosynthetic rate and modifying the phytohormone levels.
Paclobutrazol inhibits the activity of ent-kaurene oxidase, which is an enzyme in the
GA biosynthetic pathway that catalyzes the oxidation of ent-kaurene to entkaurenoic
acid. PBZ application has reduced plant height, improved stem diameter and leaf
number, altered root architecture directly contributed to yield increase, and indirectly
reduced the event of lodging. It was also reported that application of paclobutrazol
effectively reduced vegetative growth of rice plants and increased chlorophyll
content. Rice seedlings treated with paclobutrazol allocated less photosynthates for
vegetative growth; allocated more photosynthates for seed development compared to
control plants or those plants treated with gibberellin (Tesfahun, 2018). The growth
regulating properties of paclobutrazol are mediated by altering the levels of plant
hormones such as gibberellins, abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinins. Paclobutrazol
(PBZ) influences the isoprenoid pathway, and changes the status of phytohormones
by inhibiting gibberellin synthesis, decreasing ethylene production, and enhancing
cytokinin and ABA contents (Soumya, 2017).
Giving of paclobutrazol to tomato plants by pruning one main branch can
inhibit the growth of tall tomato plants. This is because paclobutrazol is a growth
inhibitor that inhibits the synthesis of gibberellins in plants, causing plants to be low.
The working principle of paclobutrazol is to inhibit the production of gibberellins by
inhibiting the oxidation of kaurene into kaurenoic acid in the synthesis of
gibberellins, resulting in an emphasis on plant height (Syahputra et al., 2017)

A. Material

The tools that we used in this practical lab activity are mortar, reaction tube,
and spectophotometer.
The materials that we used in this practical lab activity are Zinnia elegans
leaf, and paclobutrazol.

B. Methods

Parameter are
observed 4
-Plant height
-leaf width
The plant height, Each concentration -leaf length
leaf width, and leaf are sprayed in each
length are measured plant

Absorbance are
measured in
with 470 nm, 646
nm, 663 nm wave
length The leaf crushed
in mortar with Leaf are cut
into 1 x 1 cm
80% aceton

A. Result

Table 4.1 Observation of The Effect of Growth Inhibitor (Paclobutrazol) in

Zinnia elegans
Week- Parameter (cm) Concentration (ppm)
0 500 750 1000
Plant Height 4,5 6,6 6 5
0 Leaf Length 2,3 2,9 3,4 4,2
Leaf Width 1,4 1,1 1,6 1,7
Plant Height 8 10,5 7 6,6
1 Leaf Length 4 3 3,7 4,3
Leaf Width 1,8 1,3 1,6 1,7
Plant Height 13 16,5 9 9,6
2 Leaf Length 4,5 - 4 4,5
Leaf Width 2,1 - 1,5 1,8
Plant Height 14,5 24 10,5 9,5
3 Leaf Length 3,5 - 3,7 4,5
Leaf Width 1,5 - 1,7 1,8
Plant Height 17,8 29,5 12,5 9,5
4 Leaf Length 5,4 4,2 3,8 4,5
Leaf Width 2,8 1,5 1,5 1,7

Table 4.2 Analyses of Variance of Plant Height in Zinnia elegans

Source of F table
Db JK KT FCount
Diversity 0,05 0,01
Treatment 3 1652,9575 550,9858333 4,445208638 * 3,24 5,29
Galat 16 1983,208 123,9505
Total 19 3636,1655
Description :
Ns : Not Significant
* : Significant
** : More Significant
Table 4.3 Least Significant Difference (LSD/BNT) Plant Height in Zinnia
1000 500 750 0
Treatmen Averag
t e notatio notatio 13,1 notatio 30,4 notatio
7,16 9,7
n n 8 n 2 n
1000 7,16 0
500 9,7 2,54 ns 0
750 13,18 6,02 ns 3,48 ns 0
23,2 20,7 17,2
0 30,42 * * * 0
6 2 4

Table 4.4 Analyses of Variance of Leaf Length In Zinnia elegans

Source of F table
Db JK KT Fcount
Diversity 0,05 0,01
Treatment 3 88,668 29,556 6,30763485 ** 3,24 5,29
Galat 16 74,972 4,68575
Total 19 163,64
Description :
Ns : Not Significant
* : Significant
** : More Significant
Table 4.5 Least Significant Difference (LSD/BNT) Leaf Length in Zinnia elegans
500 1000 750 0
Treatmen Averag
t e 1,8 notatio notatio 4,5 notatio 6,9 notatio
4 n n 4 n 2 n
500 1,84 0
1000 1,9 ns 0
750 4,54 2,7 ns ns 0
5,0 5,0 2,3
0 6,92 * * ns 0
8 2 8

Table 4.6 Analyses of Variance of Leaf Width in Zinnia elegans

Source of F table
Db JK KT Fcount
Diversity 0,05 0,01
Treatment 3 16,4335 5,477833333 8,142450142 ** 3,24 5,29
Galat 16 10,764 0,67275
Total 19 27,1975
Description :
Ns : Not Significant
* : Significant
** : More Significant
Table 4.7 Least Significant Difference (LSD/BNT) Leaf Width in Zinnia elegans
500 1000 750 0
Treatment Average
0,6 notation 0,74 notation 1,96 notation 2,8 notation
500 0,6 0
1000 0,74 0,14 ns 0
750 1,96 1,36 * 1,22 * 0
0 2,8 2,2 * 2,06 * 0,84 ns 0

Table 4.8 Analyses of Variance Data on Chlorophyll Level in Zinnia elegans

Source of F table
Db JK KT Fcount
Diversity 0,05 0,01
Treatment 3 129,77023 43,25674333 ns 2,91 4,48
Galat 28 -7,25848
Total 31 122,51175
Description :
Ns : Not Significant
* : Significant
** : More Significant

Picture 4.1 Zinnia elegans in 2 weeks

Picture 4.2 Zinnia elegans in 4 weeks

Calculation of the content of chlorophyll Entourage 1:

- Chlorophyll a (μg/ml) = 12.21 ( A663) – 2.81 (A646)

= 12.21 (0.813) – 2.81 ( 0.530) = 8.437

- Chlorophyll b (μg/ml) = 20.13 ( A646) – 5.03 (A663)

= 20.13 (0.530) – 5.03(0.813) = 6.579

- Chlorophyll c (μg/ml) = 17.3 ( A646) – 7.18 (A663)

= 17.3 (0.530) – 7.18(0.813) = 3.331

B. Discussion

Based on the results of the practicum and ANOVA table analysis on

successive plant heights, the results were significant with Fhit values> Ftable (0.05
and 0.01), which is 4.445208638> 3.24 and very significant in leaf length and leaf
width namely, 6.30763485> 3.24 and 5.29, and 8.142450142> 3.24 and 5.29. These
significant results indicate that administration of pakobutrazol has a real effect on
inhibiting plant height and its inhibition is still instant. Table BNT has a significant
value on the treatment of 0ppm on plant height and leaf length and 0ppm and
750ppm on the leaf width. Chorbadijan et al. (2011) stated that the effect of
paklobutrazol significantly inhibited stem height and diameter. The inhibitory
response to paklobutrazol is the same as its interaction with the fertility or lack of
land. According to Aztrina et al. (2014), the effect of retardants on plants varies
greatly and can be caused by different abilities to absorb and translocate chemical
compounds, the mechanism of deactivation in several species, and differences in
patterns of retardant interactions in plants. The inhibition of using paklobutrazol is
associated with a reduction in photosynthetic rate of up to 17%, so that the effect of
producing energy through photosynthesis for growth will decrease. Paklobutrazol in
some types of plants can also reduce leaf mass but paklobutrazol cannot inhibit pest
The mechanisms of action of paclobutrazol which inhibits the formation and
work of gibberellin stimulates damage to gibberellins by inhibiting the oxidation of
kaurene to kaurenat acid, which in turn can cause a reduction in speed in cell
division, reduction of vegetative growth, and indirectly divert assimilates to
reproductive growth for flower formation and fruit development. Plants will not
respond to the relevant growth regulating substances if they are not given during
their tenure. Overall, it was found that the earlier paclobutrazol was given to plants,
the greater the inhibitory properties, the longer the pacloutrazole was given to plants,
the lower the inhibitory properties. Paclobutrazol can also be pressed canopy growth
and can increase root growth. Light intensity and long irradiation (day length) are
important for plant growth through photosynthesis, the greater the intensity of light
received by plants will accelerate the process of tuber formation and flowering time.
The radiation intensity has an effect on tuber initiation, stimulation of the initial
growth of tubers and stem growth (Pulungan et al., 2017). In addition to this,
paclobutrazol is also known to affect the synthesis of the hormone abscisic acid.
Abscisic acid is also synthesized via the terpenoid pathway paclobutrazol application
promotes the production of abscisic acid much like it promotes the production of
phytol. When gibberellins synthesis is blocked, more precursors in the terpenoid
pathway are accumulated and shunted to promote the genesis of abscisic acid
(Soumya et al., 2017).
The benefit of paclobutrazol is Paclobutrazol increases plant resistance to
stress. Paclobutrazol is to stop the process of plant growth so that the carbohydrate
reserves become more so that it allows plants to immediately flower and bear fruit.
The application of small doses of the hormone paclobutrazol is useful for stimulating
flowering and conception simultaneously. The hormone paclobutrazol can be used
for ornamental plants (flowers) and fruits (Wattimena, 1988).
The physicological role of paclobutrazol are alters growth regulation,
Paclobutrazol regulates growth of plants by mediating changes in the balance of
important plant hormones including the gibberellins, ABA and cytokinins. It has
been shown to decrease plant growth by reducing plant height, internode elongation
and leaf area effectively.Reduced height is a consequence of paclobutrazol induced
gibberellin inhibition exemplified by reduced internodal elongation. the next
physicological role of pacloburazol is improves leaf relative water content,
paclobutrazol reduced transpiration rates, increased relative water content and thus
significantly improved yield in crop plants under water deficit stress. Pclobutrazol
can alters anatomical characteristics of plant with increase the thickness of
epicuticular wax layer, increase the palisade cell length and width and exhibited
dense and spongy mesophyll tissue, increase diameter length of fibrous roots,
enhances lateral root formation, and reduced the diameter of xylem vessels.
Paclobutrazol can improves grain yield and dry matter partitioning, abiotic stresses
reduces the yield by limiting seed number and its size by affecting flowering, pollen
or ovule function and seed filling mainly by restricting the supply of assimilates. In
tomato, paclobutrazol significantly enhanced number of fruit per plant but could not
increase the fruit yield (Soumya et al., 2017).
According to Aztrina et al. (2014) adding of growth inhibitors affects the
physiology of the plant, namely to suppress stem extension, strengthen the stem,
encourage flowering, encourage pigment formation (chlorophyll, xanthophyll,
anthocyan), prevent etiolation (lack of light), increase rooting cuttings, inhibits
senescence, extends fruit harvest life, is resistant to stress and reduces damage
caused by air pollutants such as O3 (ozone) and SO2.
Paclobutrazol can be applied in several ways, such as spraying plant canopies
which are located above the soil surface (foliar application), watering media (soil
drench), and injection on the stem (injection). The effect of retardants on plants
varies greatly. This is due to (1) different abilities of leaves, stems and roots in
different species to absorb and translocate chemical compounds, (2) the mechanism
of deactivation in several species, (3) differences in the pattern of action of retardants
in plants. Application by watering the root zone is more effective than application
through the foliar spray method, while spraying on the leaf surface will be more
effective if done several times with low doses (Sambeka et al., 2012).

A. Conclusion

Based on the results and discussion it can be concluded that plant heights, the
results were significant with Fhit values> Ftable (0.05 and 0.01), which is
4.445208638> 3.24 and very significant in leaf length and leaf width namely,
6.30763485> 3.24 and 5.29, and 8.142450142> 3.24 and 5.29 and the higher the
concentration of administration of paklobutrazol, the higher the level of inhibition.

B. Suggestion
We suggest that, it would be better if students are more orderly and more
conducive when inside the greenhouse.

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