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Is an educational cooperation between the

Department of Mechanical Engineering
State Polytechnic of Jakarta (Teknik Mesin,
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta) with PT. GMF
AeroAsia. This program aims to print
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer who is
proficient in aircraft maintenance that is
national and international standard.
Graduates from this program will be
certified D-III of PNJ and Certificate of
Basic Aircraft Maintenance according to
CASR 65. Passed directly Accepted
Employment as an employee of PT. GMF

Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru 

 D-III Teknik Mesin-Kekhususan Teknik
Perawatan Rangka dan Mesin Pesawat
(Kerjasama PNJ dan PT GMF)
Proses Seleksi
1)  Seleksi Administrasi;
2) Tes Kemampuan Akademik;
3) Tes Bahasa Inggris;
4) Tes Wawancara Psikologi;
5) Tes Wawancara User;
6) Tes Kesehatan.

Telp (021) 7270036
          (021) 7863530
Fax : (021) 7270034

Jurusan Teknik Mesin PNJ
Kampus Baru Universitas Indonesia

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