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1.1 Research Background

Nowadays, the demand of the oil fuel is bigger year to year. The oil fuel specifically used
for vehicle fuel such as motorcycle, car, truck and many other. The fact that raw oil is rare
and hard to find, the automotive industry must produce a fuel which have high thermal
efficiency. The way to increase thermal efficiency is with direct injection or design the
engine which have high compress ratio.
A high compress ratio have bad effect which can increase octane number in ignition. As
an example, for Otto machine with compress ratio 8 : 5 if we use a fuel with high octane
number will occur knocking and produce ignition with doesn’t perfect, this way can
accelerate accumulation of sediment carbon in engine. The carbon sediment make ignition
start before sparkplug work. The other way, fuel with low compress ratio will accelerate
temperature in engine and several component can be damaged.
The thermal efficiency and octane number problems need increase quality of fuel engine.
Now, vehicle fuel which used commercially is Premium and Pertamax. The fuel sorted by
octane number and any material addition. To know about how the fuel affect thermal
efficiency, we test the performance of 4-stroke Otto engine.

1.2 Purpose
This research have purpose:
1) To know about the relation between effective power and engine crank in Premium
and Pertamax.
2) To know about the relation between specific fuel use and engine crank in Premium
and Pertamax.
3) To know about the relation between thermal efficiency and engine crank in Premium
and Pertamax.
1.3 Significant
From this research, we can find the best fuel from our vehicle. The fuel must agreeable
with the engine so the engine would not knocking or overheating. This way can make an
engine have long life and good performance.

1.4 Scoop and Limitation

To prevent this research to spread to other topic and also to focus on the purpose to test
Premium and Pertamax fuel, so in this research as limitation we use engine which have
 Engine : Toyota Kijang 5K
 Type : 4-stroke engine, OHV
 Diameter x Crank : 81 x 72
 Cylinder volume : 1486 cc
 Compress ratio : 10:1

1.5 Hypothesis
1) More and more engine crank can increase the effective power which produce by
engine. This happened because as increase of the crank make more stroke step which
produce power.
2) More and more engine crank can increase the specific fuel used by engine. This
happened because the increase of crank need more fuel consumption.
3) More and more engine crank can increase the thermal efficiency of the engine. This
happened because the increase of crank will produce more output power in engine

1.6 Keyword Definition

 Gasoline Engine : Refined petroleum used for internal combustion engine.
 Fuel : Material such as coal, gas, or oil that is burned to produce heat or
 Test : A procedure intended to establish the quality, performance, or
reliability of something, especially before it is taken into widespread use.
1.7 Outline
“Material Technology and Technician Object Journal No.19/2005” by Aep Saepudin,
Maridjo, and Muhamad Komarudin.

2.1 Previous Studies

Our report is based on machine test that do by our lecturer and we have guide to do the test.

2.2 Related Theories

 Gasoline Engine

A gasoline engine is an internal combustion engine with spark-ignition, designed to

run on gasoline and similar volatile fuels. A four-stroke engine is an internal combustion
engine in which the piston completes four separate strokes while turning the crankshaft.
A stroke refers to the full travel of the piston along the cylinder, in either direction. The
four separate strokes are termed:

1. Intake: This stroke of the piston begins at top dead center (T.D.C.) and ends at
bottom dead center (B.D.C.). In this stroke the intake valve must be in the open
position while the piston pulls an air-fuel mixture into the cylinder by producing
vacuum pressure into the cylinder through its downward motion. The piston is
moving down as air is being sucked in by the downward motion against the
2. Compression: This stroke begins at B.D.C, or just at the end of the suction stroke,
and ends at T.D.C. In this stroke the piston compresses the air-fuel mixture in
preparation for ignition during the power stroke . Both the intake and exhaust
valves are closed during this stage.
3. Combustion: also known as power or ignition This is the start of the second
revolution of the four stroke cycle. At this point the crankshaft has completed a
full 360 degree revolution. While the piston is at T.D.C. the compressed air-fuel
mixture is ignited by a spark plug, forcefully returning the piston to B.D.C. This
stroke produces mechanical work from the engine to turn the crankshaft.
4. Exhaust: During the exhaust stroke, the piston once again returns from B.D.C. to
T.D.C. while the exhaust valve is open. This action expels the spent air-fuel
mixture through the exhaust valve.
Figure 1. Graphic and construction 4 stroke gasoline engine

 Octane Number
Octane number is a standard measure of the performance of an engine or aviation
fuel. The higher the octane number, the more compression the fuel can withstand before
detonating. Pertamax fuel have octane number 92 and premium fuel have octane number
88. In broad terms, fuels with a higher octane rating are used in high performance
gasoline engines that require higher compression ratios.

 Effective power shaft

Power that can be measured in the calculation of motor fuel one of them is shaft
power. to get the effective power value of the shaft can be searched with the equation


Ne = Power Shaft (kW)

T = Torque (Nm)

n = Motor rotation (rpm)

 Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC)

BSFC is used as a parameter of economic size of fuel consumption. Lower BSFC

values have high efficiency values

BSFC = Spesific fuel consumption (kg/kW. h)

Mb = Rate of fuel consumption (kg/h)

Ne = Power shaft (kW)

 Thermal efficiency

Thermal efficiency is a measure of the motor's ability to convert fuel energy into
mechanical energy. the higher the motor efficiency the more optimal the operation
capability. the thermal efficiency value can be calculated by the equation


Ƞth = Thermal efficiency (%)

Ne = Power Shaft (kW)

Mb = Rate of fuel consumption (kg/h)

LHVbb = Calorific value of fuel (kJ/kg)

LHV Premium = 42069 kJ/kg

LHV Pertamax = 44791 kJ/kg


3.1 Research Approach

In this test, we have the data by choose the quantitative one so we test the machine to
give several data. The data include when machine test by premium fuel and also by pertamax
fuel. For each fuel, the machine tested for 5 variation of rpm.

3.2 Data Collection

The data above is for Premium fuel

The data above is for Pertamax Fuel

3.3 Data Calculation

There are several data based on machine performance test using premium and
pertamax fuel. For each fuel, the machine tested for 5 variations of rpm.
 Premium Fuel Data Test

Premium Data Test

T ɳth
N (rpm) mf (kg/h) mair (kg/h) Ne (kW) BSFC (kg/kWh) AFR
(Nm) (%)
2000 92,7 7,42 81,4 19,41 0,38 10,97 22,06
3000 94,3 10,84 121,6 29,62 0,36 10,46 23,03
4000 85,7 11,07 151,3 35,89 0,32 13,01 26,03
5000 71,1 13,74 182,5 37,33 0,36 13,28 22,9
6000 50,7 14,1 190,7 31,85 0,44 13,52 19,04

 Pertamax Fuel Data Test

Pertamax Data Test

T ɳth
N (rpm) mf (kg/h) mair (kg/h) Ne (kW) BSFC (kg/kWh) AFR
(Nm) (%)
2000 95,17 5,61 65,43 19,93 0,28 11,67 28,57
3000 98,5 7,49 116 30,94 0,24 15,48 33,39
4000 97,58 8,32 147,3 40,87 0,2 17,71 39,5
5000 75,3 9,28 169,7 39,42 0,23 18,28 34,14
6000 53,93 10,54 176,7 33,88 0,31 16,76 25,83

The Calculation for Pertamax Fuel

3.4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Based on the previous data, there are some relations between engine characteristics and
engine cranks. To facilitate the data interpretation, the data is converted into diagram.
 Effective Power and engine crank relation
Effective Power vs Engine Crank

Effective Power (kW)


EP Pertamax kW
Ep Premium kW

2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Engine Crank (rpm)

Based on the diagram above, the effective power of engine was increased to the
increasing of engine crank (engine rotation). This is happened because machine rotation
was going faster. When it rotates faster the machine worked bigger. The effective power
of engine using Pertamax fuel is higher than using Premium fuel. The highest power of
the Premium was 37, 33 kW in 5000 rpm, but the power of Pertamax can be 40, 87 kW in
4000 rpm.

In the other side when the machine was in 4100-6000 rpm, the effective power
was decreased even when it using Premium or Pertamax fuel. This can be happened
because of the composition of air and fuel in high rpm wasn’t balanced. When the
machine rotates faster, the frequency of piston was very high. It makes the air and fuel
didn’t mixed very well, and the combustion process wasn’t perfect. Based on the
diagram, the quality of Pertamax fuel wass higher than Premium this was because of the
octane number of Pertamax was bigger than Premium fuel.

 Fuel Consumption and engine crank relation

Fuel Consumption vs Engine Crank

BSFC (kg/KW)
Premium BSFC
Pertamax BSFC

2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Engine Crank (rpm)

When the machine rotation was in lower rpm (2000 rpm), the fuel consumption
was relatively higher than when the machine rotation was in 3000 rpm-4000 rpm even
when it use Premium or Pertamax fuel. This was because of unbalanced mixture of the air
and fuel, so the combustion wasn’t perfect.
The lower of fuel consumption was in 4000 rpm. This was because when the
machine was in 4000 rpm, the composition of the air and fuel is almost perfect, so the
combustion was perfect. The lower consumption of Premium fuel is about 0,32 kg/kW
while Pertamax fuel is about 0,2 kg/kW. The fuel consumption of Pertamax was lower
than Premium this happened because of the highest quality of Pertamax than Premium. In
addition, the Pertamax fuel was consist of detergent as the cleanser for machine
components from deposits and corrosive. So the mixture distribution process to
combustion room was going well.

 Thermal Efficiency and Engine crank relation

Thermal Efficiency vs Engine Crank
ɳth (%)

Premium Efficiency
15 Pertamax Efficiency
2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Engine Crank (rpm)

The diagram of thermal efficiency has some relation with the effective power and
fuel consumption. The thermal efficiency is increased as the increase of machine rotation.
Thermal efficiency increasing equals with the increase of effective power and the
decrease of fuel consumption. The maximum thermal efficiency was in 4000 rpm. When
the machine rotation was more than 4100 rpm, the thermal efficiency relatively
decreased. This is happened because the composition of the air and fuel in combustion
process wasn’t perfect.
From the data, thermal efficiency of Pertamax fuel was higher than Premium fuel.
As same as the previous machine characteristics, the used of Pertamax fuel was more
efficient than Premium for the machi

3.5 Data Presentation


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