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Benefits of Creating a Vision Board

Dream is one of the essentials things in human life. Dream makes people have a clear future
since for some people, dream become destination of life. For those who believe in their dream,
they will fight with cruel life to realize it. However, dreams are only an illusion for some people,
they have no motivation to go ahead in life (Rakhmawati, 2014). Some people think it is hard to
pursue a dream. They keep that negative thought lead their mind and forgot that what they keep in
mind, the universe will attract it to their life, just like the law of attraction.

Law of attraction is the belief that whatever you focusing on, it will bring impact to your
life. Law of attraction has a similarity from Law of Gravity where you cannot really know how it
works or doesn’t even aware about it. It takes time to learn how to use The law of Attraction,
because need to be able to focus on what you want to manifest, that sometimes need an extra
patience in order to make this law works (Carla Schesser, 2017). Just like a magnet, this law is
using the power of human mind that whatever you put in mind or what you believe in, the universe
will attract it to you and turn your thoughts into reality. In this case, visualize matters, because
when you imagine things you unconsciously attract those things into your life. So, if you are
visualizing a positive image of who you want to become, you will be able to becoming it.

Visualization is a manifestation of something that you imagine in your mind.

“Visualization involves creating images, whether it be in your mind or physically creating them,
which show your goals and dreams you have for your life” (Katherine Hurst, nd). Visualizing will
help you to realize the actual image of your dream life. Some people using a visualization as a key
to pursue their dreams. They believe that visualization makes them easier to decide what step they
should take in order to make their dream comes true. There are some ways to visualize your
dreams, one of the popular one is put it into a vision board.

Vision board is one of tools that you can use as a reminder to reach your dreams in the
future. “A vision board, or a “dream board”, is a collage of pictures, text and other objects that
represent your dreams and goals” (Ulrika Hedlund, 2013). You can use a vision board to reflect
things you want to become or improve in your life, for example health, study, carrier, etc. When
creating a vision board you have to be in the right state of mind and positive mindsets, and your
vision board will reflect those positive vibes in order to make it works for you. So, here are some
benefits that you will get by creating a vision board.

First, it makes your dreams clear. “When you want something, all the universe conspires
in helping you to achieve it” (Paul Coelho, 2014, p. 24). That is why knowing what you really
want is important. You have to clearly ask and be honest to yourself about what are you really
want to be in the future. By turning your dreams into reachable aim, and putting them into writing
or artistic expression concretely, you are more likely to realize them (Aviva Romm, 2014). Find
some images in the magazines or internet that described your dreams and it will help you in being
clearer about your dreams. It is because if you are unclear about your goals your mind will find it
difficult to find a way to achieve your dreams. The more specific you can be, the better. So, it will
make you easier to accomplish your goals and make your dreams a reality

Second, you can use it as a daily affirmation. Affirmation things we say repeatedly to
ourselves both in mind or out loud. Affirmation seems like a mantra, but it is more likely the
personal statement to strengthen yourself to make you believe about what you have dreamed. By
doing kind of positives affirmation, it will awaken what you have had as your tool to reach those
dreams (Afirmasi Untuk Mencapai Impian, 2014). In the process of creating a vision board, if you
can’t find the right picture to use, you can put some words or quotes. Find some quotes that are
related to your dream. You can clip some words and phrases in the magazines, search it on Pinterest
or Tumblr then print it, or you can also use your handwritten notes. So, you can see, read and say
it to yourself everyday.

Third, it helps you to stay motivated and focused. Motivation is a willingness of people
that makes them doing an action (Malthis, 2001). One of reasons why people fail in achieving their
dream is they easily get distracted and busy with their everyday life that makes them forget about
their dreams. With a vision board, people could still focus about what they want without getting
any distraction by their everyday life.

Fourth, improving creativity. Making a vision board is one of activities that cost nothing
but creativity. It is all about expanding your ideas and thoughts and turning them into a work of
art. You can customized it, put anything you want, or whatever you need to keep you inspired.
Creating a vision board may sounds simple, but when you done it, you will be proud of yourself.
That is the feeling you get when you turning an idea to something, especially when it comes from
your own imagination, day dream, or through the process of brainstorm (John Vennare, 2013).

Fifth, it could lead you in taking action. Dream is just a beginning, but it takes an action to
make them happen (Remez Sasson, nd). One of reasons why people giving up too soon about their
dreams is because they are too lazy in taking action. A dream without an action is like a car without
petrol. Even though you already become clear about what you want in the future, you setting your
goals, it will means nothing if you only stand still without an action. For some, taking an action is
the hardest things to do, because they are afraid of the obstacle they get if they are trying to take
an action. A vision board supposed to make you taking a small step forward that will guide you
achieving your goals. An obstacle is something you have to face in the process, without it you will
never know the struggle of pursuing a dream. So, take a small step each day, it will be useful to
achieving your goals and dreams.

The last but not least, it boosts your self-confident. When you visualize about achieving
your goals, becoming a person you always wanted to be, or living a life you always dreamt of,
how would you feel? You will feel good and it automatically increase the level of your self-
confidence. When the level of your self-confidence increases, you will feel you can be everything
that you want to be, so that all your dreams can be achieved. By creating a vision board, your will
more likely unstoppable, because you know you are on the way to pursue your dream life. You
will never doubt yourself and keep moving forward, in order to get closer to what you always
dreamt of.

Through those reasons above, you can conclude that creating a vision board is a fun and
useful thing to do. It will you makes you more creative, motivate you in pursuing you dreams, and
also increase your self-confidence. So, don’t waste your time, pick up things you need and build a
vision of your dreams!

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