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Aiden Page

Mrs. Scheutz
Service Learning


The essay I wrote on the novel ​1984 ​is my best piece because I felt like I actually put my

mind to it and produced a well argued point complete with facts and evidence from the book

1984. It wasn’t a vague attempt at completing the assignment I actually wanted to argue my

point that it is better to live as the rich and corrupt than to live as the poor and abused and

therefore I produced something good.

When someone reads my essay I want them to give in to the temptations and agree that

living as a corrupt rich person is great especially when compared to living as the people victim

to the corruption or people oblivious to it. I want to show that I can break down details in books

not just from what was said directly but the small things hinted at in the book about a person,

location, or government system. I was also able to point out the flaws in my argument and

reinforce them which is good.

I learned that I’m crazy and shouldn’t run a country but I also learned how to break down

details through all the homework assignments Mrs. Tolkan gives us. I will use this knowledge in

the future maybe on terms of service or something like that I will break down text more and

analyze what I’m reading instead of just taking it head on

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