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Academic Session, 2017

B.E.(Computer Science Engineering)

Third Year (V Sem.)



Room No. 201

10.00-10.50 10.50-11.40 11.40- 12.30-1.20 1.20- 2.20-3.10 3.10-4.00 4.00-4.50

12.30 2.20
BCSL-503 (B1) CSE-3
Monday BCSL-503 BCSL-505 BCSL-501 BCSL-505 JK+MP BCSL-504
JK AS Humanities NB AD3
BCSL-502 (B2) CSE-4
BCSL-503 (B2) CSE-3
Tuesday BCSL-503 BCSL-505 BCSL-504 BCSL-501 JK+AD7 BCSL-502
JK AS AD3 Humanities NB
BCSL-502 (B1) CSE-4

Wednesday BCSL-501 BCSL-505 BCSL-504 BCSL-505 (B1+B2)
Humanities AS AD3 NB 201

Thursday BCSL-501 BCSL-503 BCSS-508 BCSL-505 BCSL-504 (B2) µp

Humanities JK (B1+B2) AS AD3+NB

BCSP-506 (B1) CSE-3


BCSL-504 (B1) µp
Friday BCSL-502 BCSL-503 VS+AD10 BCSL-504
BCSP-506 (B2) CSE-3

Subject code Subject Name

BCSL-501 Principle of management and
BCSL-502 Networking with TCP/IP
BCSL-503 Software Engineering
BCSL-504 Micro processor and Interfacing
BCSL-505 Theory of computation
BCSL 501

Principles of Management & Managerial Economics

COURSE CONTENT Branch: Common to EE, ME, EL, CS, & IT: Semester V Session:

Category of Course Course Credit-4C Theory Paper(ES) Practical/

Course Title Code

Humanities & Social Principles of Management & L T P Max.Marks-70 Mid Sem: 20

Sciences Managerial 5ZH1 & Min.Marks-22 Marks
Economics 3 1 0
Duration-3hrs. Quiz: 10

*New Codes as per respective Departments

Unit I
Management Concept: a. Meaning Characteristics and Importance of management,
Difference and Relationship between Organization, Management, and
Administration. Contribution of Henry Fayol and F W Taylor. Scientific
Management, Principles of Management, Process of Management, Functions of
Management, Levels of Management.
Motivation, Maslow’s theory of Need Hierarchy. Decision making: Steps of decsion making.


Unit II
Project Management: Meaning of a project, characteristics, project planning, project
organization, Tools and Techniques of Project Control. Uses of PERT and CPM. Preparation
of Detailed project Report.

Unit III

Managerial Economics: Introduction, Meaning, Characteristics, Fundamentals of

Managerial Economics, Principles of Economics, Micro and Macro-economics, Theory of the
Cost, Theory of the Firm, Break-even analysis, Theory of Production.


Unit IV
Productivity: Input-Output Analysis, Production and Production system, Productivity,
Factors affecting Productivity, Increasing Productivity of Resources.

Unit V
Entrepreneurship: Concept and significance. Theory of Entrepreneurship, qualities of a
good entrepreneur, role of government in development of entrepreneurship, problem of
woman entrepreneur and its solutions.

Ethics: Meaning and importance, sources of Ethics, Business, professional, Engineering



Reference Books

1. The Practice of Management Peter Drucker Harper and Row

2. Essentials of Management: Koontz, Prentice Hall of India
3. Managerial Economics Joel Dean, Prentice Hall of India
4. Managerial Economics Concepts & Cases V.L. Mote, Samuel Paul, G.S. Gupta, Tata Mc
Graw Hill New Delhi
5. Managerial Economics V.L.Mote, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Analytical Models for Managerial and Engineering Economics Schweyer Reinhold
7. Decision Making and Problem Solving — J Adair, Orient Longman
8. Leadership Skills – J Adair, Orient Longman
9. Management Principles & Guidelines — Duenining & Ivancovich, Wiley/Dreamtech
10. Managerial Economics — Suma Damodaran, Oxford University Press
Lecture Plan

S. No. Topics Remarks

1 Management Concept: Evolution of management,
Meaning, Characteristics
2 Process and Importance of Management
3 Functions of Management
4 Levels of Management
5 Contribution of Henry Fayol
6 Contribution of F W Taylor Scientific Management.
7 Motivation, concept, factors affecting motivation
8 Maslow’s theory of Need Hierarchy, Theories of
Motivation, Theory X and Y, Two factor theory
9 Decision making concept, types of decision making
10 Steps of decision making(process)
11 Decision making under Risk and uncertainty
12 Tools of decision making
13 CASE STUDIES: ( Management, Motivation, Decision
14 Project management: Meaning of a project, project
management features
15 Characteristics of project management, project planning
concept , essentials of project planning
16 Project organization, concept , types of project
17 Project Control, concept,
18 Tools and Techniques of Project Control
19 Nature of Project management
20 Network Analysis, Uses of PERT and CPM,
21 Project report, concept, Preparation of Detailed project

22 CASE STUDIES: ( Project Management)

23 Managerial Economics: Introduction, Meaning,
24 Fundamentals of Managerial Economics
25 Principles of Economics, Micro and Macro-economics
26 Theory of the Cost, types of cost
27 Theory of the Firm, equilibrium of firm( total cost and
total revenue, and marginal cost and marginal revenue)
28 Break-even analysis
29 Theory of Production, Law of diminishing returns, returns
to scale
31 Productivity: Input-Output Analysis,
32 Micro-economics Applied to Plants and Industrial
33 Production and Production system
34 Productivity, Increasing Productivity of Resources
35 Factors affecting Productivity,
37 Entrepreneurship: Concept of entrepreneur , types of
entrepreneur, qualities of entrepreneur
38 Concept of entrepreneurship, process of entrepreneurship,
significance of entrepreneurship
39 Theory of Entrepreneurship
40 Role of government in development of entrepreneurship
41 Women entrepreneurs, Problem of woman entrepreneur
and its solutions
42 Ethics: Meaning and importance of ethics, moral , values
43 Sources of Ethics
44 Business ethics
45 Professional Ethics

Tutorial Sheets - I

Q 1- Write a brief note on principles of management?

Q2- Write the need of Human resource management in India?
Q3-Short notes-
1. Scientific management
2. Process of management
Q4- Explain the limitation of need hierarchy model?
Q5- Explain steps of Decision making process?

Tutorial - II

Q1- What are the uses of CPM and PERT?

Q2-. Write short note on:
1. Project Planning
2. Project Organisation
Q3-. Explain the meaning of project and write down its characteristics.
Q4-. Explain the project life cycle stages.

Tutorial - III

Q1- Briefly discuss the concept of Break-even analysis with suitable diagram.
Q2- What do you mean by managerial economics? Write about its nature and scope.
Q3- Write the significance of input output analysis?
Q4- Write Economies and Diseconomies of various scale production.
Q5- Distinguish between micro and macro economics.

Tutorial - IV

Q1- Explain the concept of production function.

Q2- Short Notes-
1. Increasing productivity of resources
2. Qualities of a good entrepreneur
Q3- What are the factor of affecting productivity?
Q4- What do you mean by production system?
Q5- Case study

Tutorial - V

Q1. Explain the sources of ethics.

Q2. Define entrepreneurship. How did this concept evolve over the period of time?
Q3. Explain the role of entrepreneur in economic development.
Sample Question Paper of Previous Year (Grading/Non Grading)
BCSL 502

3 1 - 4


 To build an understanding of the fundamental concepts of TCP/IP with computer

 To familiarize the student with the basic taxonomy and terminology of the TCP/IP
 To analyze of Concepts of fundamental protocols
 To understand the network traffic, congestion, controlling and resource allocation.

UNIT - I Introduction, Review of Network Protocols & Architecture. ISDN – ISDN,

BISDN & ATM. ATM Switching. CELL relay and Frame relay, SONET &
SDH LAN – Access and throughput analysis of LAN’s Fast LAN’s and
Wireless LAN’s Interconnecting LAN’s ARPANET.
UNIT - II Internet Working – Repeaters, Routers, Gateways, Connection Oriented &
Connection Less Internet Working, Internet Addresses. IP, IPV4, IPV6,
Routing of IP datagram. ICMP, CIDR. Mapping Address to Physical Address.
Internet (ARP) and RARP.
UNIT - III TCP and UDP: - TCP: - Reliable data transfer, Connection Establishment &
Release. TCP Frame, Header Checksum, Sliding Window Concept for error
control. UDP: - Format, Pseudo header, Encapsulation, Checksum,
Multiplexing & De-multiplexing.
UNIT - IV TCP/IP over ATM, Server Model, DNS, FTP, TELNET.
UNIT-V Internet Applications & Security – Remote Login, SMTP, Internet security &
Firewalls. Future of TCP/IP. IPV4 & IPV6 Security, HTTP.
 Data and Computer Communication - W. Stalling, Pearson
 Internetworking with TCP/IP - Vol.-I - D.E. Comer, PHI
 Data Communication & Networking -B.A. Forouzan
 ISDN and Broad band ISDN with Frame Relay & ATM - W. Stalling
 LANs - Keiser
After completion of this course, the students would be able to:
 Enumerate the layers of the OSI model and TCP/IP. Explain the function(s) of each
 Identify the different types of network devices and their functions within a network
 Understand and building the skills of sub-netting and routing mechanisms.
 Familiarity with the basic protocols of computer networks, and how they can be used
to assist in network design and implementation.
 List and classify network services, protocols and architectures, explain why they are
Layered. Choose key Internet applications and their protocols, and apply to develop
their own applications (e.g. Client Server applications, Web Services) using the
sockets API.
 Explain various congestion control techniques.

Lecture Plan

Subject: Networking With TCP/IP Subject Code: BCSL502

Class: V Sem Branch: CSE

S.N Topics to be covered Lecture

1 UNIT-I: Introduction of protocols & ISDN 1
3 ATM Switching, Cell relay & Frame relay 2
5 Access & throughput analysis LAN’s 1
6 Fast LAN’s and wireless LAN’s 1
7 Interconnecting LAN’s, ARPANET 1
8 UNIT-2: Internet Working, Repeaters, Routers, 2
9 Connection Oriented & Connectionless Internet Working 2
10 Internet Addresses IP, IPV4, IPV6 1
11 Routing of IP data gram, ICMP 1
12 CIDR, Mapping Address to Physical Address 1
13 Internet ARP & RARP 1
14 UNIT-3: TCP : Reliable data transfer, Connection 2
Establishment & Release
15 TCP frame, Header checksum 1
16 Sliding Window Concept for error control 1
17 UDP format, Pseudoheader, Encapsulation 2
18 Checksum, Multiplexing & Demultiplexing 2
20 Client Server Model 1
21 Domain Name Server(DNS) 2
22 FTP (File Transfer Protocol),TELNET 2
23 UNIT-V:Internet Applications & Security 2
24 Internet Security & Firewalls 1
25 ,Remote Login, SMTP Feature of TCP/IP 2
26 IPV4 & IPV6 Security 2
27 HTTP 1
Tutorial Sheet-I
Subject:Networking With TCP/IP Subject Code: BCSL502

Class:V Sem Branch: CSE

This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. I

1. What is OSI Model? Explain function of each layer.
2. Explain TCP/IP model in detail along with all the protocols?
3. What is the difference between OSI Model & TCP/IP Model?
4. What is ISDN, NISDN & BISDN?
5. Discuss in detail ATM along with its architecture & layers?

Tutorial Sheet-II
This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. II
1. Write the application of routers.
2. Where RARP protocol is used?
3. Explain ICMP & CIDR.
4. Given an ip address, what is the network id and direct broadcast address
& to which class does this address belongs?
5. Write the difference between IPV4 & IPV6.

Tutorial Sheet-III
This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. III
1. Compare connection oriented and connection less protocols.
2. Describe TCP frame format in detail.
3. Describe Sliding Window Concept for error control.
4. Explain UDP frame format in detail.

Tutorial Sheet-IV
This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. IV
1. Write any three applications of client server model.
2. Describe TCP/IP over ATM.
3. Describe TELNET in detail.
4. Why FTP is connection oriented?
5. What is the port number for TELNET, FTP & DNS?

Tutorial Sheet-V
This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. V
1. Explain SMTP. Explain how emails are sent & received between email server & user
using SMTP.
2. Describe firewalls and its different types.
3. Why HTTPS is more secure than HTTP?
4. Discuss the role of telnet in remote login.

Sample Question Paper of Previous Year (Grading/Non Grading)

BCSL 503
3 1 2 5

 To understand the concept and principle of Software Engineering approaches.
 To understand the various methodologies for Software Development.
 To gain understanding of testing techniques in Software Engineering Environment.
 To develop ability for applying various tools and Technologies in the real-world
UNIT - I Introduction to Software Engineering:
Definition, software engineering-layered Technology, Software Characteristics and
Components, Software model: Software Development of Life Cycle Model (SDLC),
The Waterfall Model, Iterative Waterfall Model, Prototyping Model, Spiral Model,
RAD Model. Selection criteria of model: Characteristics of Requirements, Status of
Development Team, Users participation, Type of Project and Associated Risk.
UNIT - II Requirement Engineering:
Definition, Requirement Engineering Activity, Types of Requirement- Functional and
Non-functional Requirements, User and System Requirements, Requirement
Elicitation Methods, Requirement Analysis Methods, Requirement Documentation
(SRS), Requirement Validation, Requirement Management.
UNIT - III Design Concept, Principle and Methods:
Design Fundamentals, Design Principles, Effective Modular Design, Design
Representations, Architectural design, Procedural design, data Directed design, Real
Time Design, Object Oriented Design, Coupling and Cohesion
UNIT – IV Software Metrics, Project Management and Estimation:
Metrics in Process and Project domains, Software Measurement, Software Quality
Metrics, Project Management- Basics-People, Product, Process, Project, Estimation-
Software Project Estimation, Decomposition Techniques- Function Point Estimation,
Line of Code (LOC) based estimation, Empirical Estimation, COCOMO Model,
Project Scheduling Techniques
UNIT - V Software Testing:
Definitions, Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), , Test Case Design, Strategic
Approach to Software Testing- Verification & Validation , Strategic issues, Criteria for
completion of Testing, Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Validation Testing, System
Testing, Black Box Testing Techniques, White Box Testing Techniques, Acceptance

 Software Engineering by Sommerville, Pearson
 Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approch, by Roger S. Pressman, McGrawHill
 Software Engineering by K.K. Agrawal&Yogeshsingh, New age Publication
 Software Engineering byRajib Mall
After completion of this course, the students would be able to:
 Design and mapping of different real world problems using software engineering
 Evaluate software models with respect to their accuracy and needs of the customer
 Evaluate the technique and results with customer expectations.
 Identify and how to use various cost estimation techniques used in software
 An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
 An ability to use the techniques, skills, and software engineering tools necessary for
engineering domain.

Lecture Plan

Subject: Software Engineering Subject Code: BCSL 503

Class: B.E. Branch: CSE

S.N Topics to be covered Lecture Unit

1 S/W Engg. Definition, S/W engg. Layered tech. 1
2 S/W characteristics & component, S/W Model (SDLC) 1
3 Waterfall model, iterative waterfall model 1 1
4 Prototyping model, Spiral model, RAD model 1
5 Selection criteria of model: characteristics of requirement 1
6 Status of development team, user participation 1
7 Type of project & associated risk 1
8 Requirement engg.: Definition, requirement Engg. 1
9 Type of Requirement- functional Requirement 1
10 Non functional Requirement 1 2
11 Requirement elicitation methods 1
12 Requirement analysis method 1
13 Requirement documentation (SRS) 1
14 Requirement validation 1
15 Requirement Management 1
16 Design concept, principal and methods: Design 1
17 Design principles 1 3
18 Effective modular design 1
19 Design representation, Architectural design 1
20 Procedural design, data directed design 1
21 Real time design, object oriented design 1
22 Coupling and cohesion 1
23 S/W metrics, Project management and estimation 1
technique: metrics in process and project domain
24 S/W Measurement, S/W Quality metrics 1
25 Project management: Project management concept 1
26 Project planning 1
27 Objective and resources 1 4
28 S/W project estimation: empirical estimation 1
29 Decomposition techniques- function point estimation 1
30 Line of code(LOC) based estimation 1
31 COCOMO model 1
32 Project scheduling techniques 1
33 Automation estimation tools 1
34 S/W testing- definitions, S/W testing life cycle (STLC) 1
35 Test case design, strategic approach to S/W testing- 2
verification & validation
36 Strategic issues, criteria for completion of testing 1
37 Integration testing, validation testing 1
38 System testing, black box testing techniques 1
39 White box testing techniques, acceptance testing 1

Subject: Software Engineering Subject Code: BCSL 503

Class:B.E. Branch: CSE

Tutorial Sheet-I

This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. I

1. Explain Software Engineering in detail.
2. Explain S/W characteristics & component.
3. Explain spiral model, RAD model.
4. Describe characteristics of requirement.
5. What are the types of project?
Tutorial Sheet-II

This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. II

6. Explain functional Requirement, Non functional Requirement.
7. Explain Requirement elicitation methods.
8. Describe Requirement analysis method.
9. What do you mean by Requirement documentation (SRS)?
10. What is Requirement validation?

Tutorial Sheet-III

This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. III

1. Explain Design representation, Architectural design.
2. Explain Procedural design, data directed design.
3. Explain Real time design, object oriented design.
4. Explain Coupling and cohesion.
5. Explain Effective modular design.
Tutorial Sheet-IV

This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. IV

6. What is S/W Measurement, S/W Quality metrics?
7. Explain Line of code (LOC) based estimation.
8. Explain COCOMO model.
9. Explain Project scheduling techniques.
10. Explain Automation estimation tools.
Tutorial Sheet-V

This tutorial is corresponding to Unit No. V

5. Explain Test case design in detail.
6. Explain strategic approach to S/W testing- verification & validation.
7. Explain Integration testing.
8. Explain black box testing techniques.
9. Explain White box testing techniques.

Sample Question Paper of Previous Year (Grading/Non Grading)

3 1 2 5
 To understand basic architecture of 16 bit and 32 bit microprocessors.
 To understand interfacing of 16 bit microprocessor with memory and peripheral chips
involving system design.
 To understand techniques for faster execution of instructions and improve speed of
operation and performance of microprocessors.
 To understand RISC and CISC based microprocessors.
 To understand concept of multi core processors.
UNIT - I Salient features of advanced microprocessors. RISC & CISC processors. Review of
evolution of advanced microprocessors: 8086 8088 186 / 286 / 386 / 486Pentium.
Super scalar architecture of Pentium, Architecture of Intel 8086 /Motorola 68000 and
assembly language programming with inter 8086microprocessors.
UNIT – II Introduction to the various interfacing chips like 8212, 8155, 8255, 8755, and
interfacing Keyboards, Printers, LEDS, motors, ADC, DAC, and stepper motor sand
introduction to programmable keyboard / Display interface, memory interfacing.
UNIT - III General-purpose programmable peripheral devices (8253) 8254 Programmable interval
timer, 8259A programmable interrupt controller & 8257 DMA controllers.
UNIT - IV Serial I/O & Data Communication: use RS 232C, Modern etc. and various bus
UNIT – V Introduction to micro controller 8051, its architecture, pin description, I/O
configuration, interrupt, addressing modes, an overview of 8051 instruction set.

B.B. Brey (PHI), “The Intel. Microprocessors, Architecture, Programming and
A. Triebel&Avtar Singh (PHI), “The 8088 & 8086 Microprocessor”
D.V. Hall (Mc-Graw Hill), “Advanced Microprocessor and Interfacing”.
A. Pal (TME), “Microprocessors Principles & Applications:.
R.L. Krutz (John Wiley), “Interfacing techniques in Digital Design with emphasis on
A.P. Mathur (TMA), “Introduction to Microprocessors”.Intel Corporation Microprocessors
Data manuals.
Microprocessor Training Inc., “Microprocessor Fundamentals & Applications (Handson)”
After completion of this course, the students would be able to:
 Write programs to run on 8086 microprocessor based systems.
 Design system using memory chips and peripheral chips for 16 bit 8086
 Understand and devise techniques for faster execution of instructions, improve speed
of operations and enhance performance of microprocessors.
 Distinguish between RISC and CISC processors.
 Understand interfacing with different peripheral devices.

Subject: Microprocessor & Interfacing Subject Code:
BCSL 504

Class: B.E. Branch: CSE

Lect. Broad Topic Coverage of the Topic (Sub-topic Text/Reference

No. Planned to be covered) Book

Salient features of advanced

microprocessors B.B. Brey (PHI),
Unit-1 RISC & CISC processors. “The Intel.
Review of evolution of advanced Microprocessors,
microprocessors: 8086 8088 186 / 286 / Architecture,
386 / 486 Pentium.
Super scalar architecture of Pentium Programming and
Architecture of Intel 8086 / Motorola Interfacing”
68000 and assembly language A. Triebel & Avtar
programming with inter 8086 Singh (PHI), “The
microprocessors. 8088 & 8086
Introduction to the various interfacing D.V. Hall (Mc-Graw
chips like 8212, 8155, 8255, 8755, and Hill), “Advanced
interfacing Keyboards. Microprocessor and
Unit-2 Printers. LEDS, motors, Interfacing”.
ADC, DAC, A. Pal (TME),
stepper motors
Principles &
Introduction to programmable Applications:.
keyboard / Display interface. R.L. Krutz (John
Wiley), “Interfacing
General-purpose programmable techniques in Digital
Unit-3 peripheral devices (8253) 8254 Design with emphasis
Programmable interval timer, on Microprocessors”.
8259A programmable interrupt A.P. Mathur (TMA),
controller & 8257 DMA controllers “Introduction to
Serial I/O & Data Communication: use Intel Corporation
Unit-4 RS 232C, Microprocessors Data
Modern etc. and various bus standards manuals.
Introduction to Microcontroller(8051) Training Inc.,
and its architecture, Pin description “Microprocessor
Unit-5 Input-Output Configuration, Interrupts Fundamentals &
Addressing Modes, An overview of 8051 •advanced
Instruction Set microprocessor and
peripherals a.k.ray
and k.m.bhurchandi

Tutorial Sheet – I

This tutorial corresponding to Unit no. I

Q1. Given that BX=637D, SI=2A9B, Displacement =237. Determine the effective resulting
from these registers and the addressing mode.

(a) Immediate (b) Direct (c) Register indirect using BX (d)Relative base
indexed (e) Base indexed (f)Register relative using BX
Q2. For the following instructions, indicate the addressing modes type and the physical
addressing of the source operand, if CS = 2000H, DS = 543AH. SS = 9AC5H, SI= 3200H, DI
= 2ABCH, BX = 3F00H, BP = 329AH

(a) ADD BL, [SI + 10H] (b) MOV AX, [BX][DI + 01H]

(b) MOV AX, [BP + 100H]

Q3. Describe the difference between the instructions MOV AX, 2347H and MOV AX,

Q4. Write 8086 assembly instruction which will perform the following operations:
(a) Multiply AL times BL
(b) Load the number F3H into AL register
(c) Copies BP register contents to SP register
(d) Divide the AL register contents by 2 using a shift instruction
(e) Multiply the AL register contents by 4 using a shift instruction

Q5. Construct the machine code for MOV DS: 43[BP], CX.

Q6. The original contents of AX, BL, word-sized memory location SUM, and carry flag (CF)
are 1234H, ABH, 00CDH, and 0H, respectively. Describe the results of executing the
following sequence of instructions:




Tutorial Sheet – II

This tutorial corresponding to Unit no. 2

Q1. Interface an input port and an output port with 8086 through 8255 and write a program to
send the data from input port and transfer it to the output port

Q2. Interface 8 keys and 8 LEDs with 8086 through 8255. write a program to flash the 8
LEDs connected to port B until port C becomes FFH.

Q3. Interface an 8-bit DAC from 0808 to 8086 through 8255 in IO mapped IO technique.
write the assembly language program to generate square wave.

Q4. Interface a simple relay driver circuit to 8255 port.

Q5. Write a program to perform the following:

(a) Reset bit 7 of port C (b) Set bit 5 of port C

Tutorial Sheet – III

This tutorial corresponding to Unit no. 3

Q1. Design a pulse train generator for a pulse train of frequency 1 kHz and duty cycle of 25%
using 8253/54.

Q2. Write a program to set counter 0 in mode 0 for BCD operation with initial count value of
3648₁₀ and counter 2 in mode 3 for binary operation with initial count of 255₁₀.

Q3. Write a program to transfer 1K bytes of data from peripheral to memory at 9000:
onwards; using 8257.

Q4. Find the command word to read location 4 and write location 5 of the display RAM using

Q5. Discuss main functions of 8257 DMA Controller.

Tutorial Sheet – IV

This tutorial corresponding to unit no. 4

Q1. Specify the mode word format required to initialize 8251 in synchronous mode for the
following conditions:

(a.) Baud rate factor 1x (b.) Character length 8-bits (c.) Even parity (d.) 1 stop

Q2. Initialize 8251 in the following conditions:

(a) 8-bits/character (b) odd parity (c) 2 stop bits (d) baud rate factor 64x (e) DTR
and RTS asserted (f) error flag reset

Q3. What are the differences between synchronization and asynchronization data

Q4. Write a short note on modem.

Q5. Explain IEEE bus standard.

Tutorial Sheet – V

This tutorial corresponding to unit no. 5

Q1. What is a microcontroller? Why it is also called embedded controller?

Q2. Discuss the important features of Intel 8051 family of microcontroller. Mention their area
of applications.

Q3. Draw the interfacing diagram of stepper motor with 8051.

Q4. Find the instructions of 8051 that effects only carry flag.

Q5. Find the instructions of 8051 that effects all the flags?

Laboratory Experiments Manual for 8085/8086 Microprocessor

Experiment No. 1 - Addition of Two 8-bit Numbers
AIM: Write 8085 assembly language program for addition of two 8-bit numbers and sum is 8 bit.

Instruments Required: 1. 8085 Microprocessor Kit

2. +5V Power supply

Theory : Consider the first number 26H is stored in memory location 8000H and the second number 62H is
stored in memory location 8001H. The result after addition of two numbers is to be stored in the memory
location 8002 H. Assume program starts from memory location 8500H.
1. Initialise the memory location of first number in HL register pair.
2. Move first number/data into accumulator
3. Increment the content of HL register pair to initialise the memory location of second data
4. Add the second data with accumulator
5. Store the result in memory location 8003H

Memory Machine Codes Labels Mnemonics Operands Comments



Experimental Results
Memory location Data Memory location Data

The addition of two 8-bit numbers is performed using 8085 microprocessor where sum is 8-bit.
1. Properly connect the 8085 microprocessor kit with power supply terminals.
2. Switch on the power supply after checking connections
3. Handle the Trainer kit carefully.

Sample Question Paper of Previous Year (Grading/Non Grading)

BCSL 505

3 1 2 5
The objective of this course is providing a basic understanding, mathematical foundation of
computation including automata theory; the theory of formal languages and grammars; the
notions of algorithm, decidability, complexity, and computability.
UNIT-I Introduction of Automata Theory, Examples of automata machines, Finite Automata as a
language acceptor and translator, Moore machines and mealy machines, composite
machine, Conversion from Mealy to Moore and vice versa.
UNIT-II Types of Finite Automata, Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA), Deterministic
finite automata machines, conversion of NDFA to DFA, minimization of automata
machines, regular expression, Arden’s theorem. Meaning of union, intersection,
concatenation and closure, 2 way DFA.
UNIT-III Grammars, types of grammar, context sensitive grammar, context free grammar, regular
grammar. Derivation trees, ambiguity in grammar, simplification of context free grammar,
conversion of grammar to automata machine and vice versa, Chomsky hierarchy of
grammar, killing null and unit productions. Chomsky normal form and greibach normal
UNIT-IV Push down automata (PDA), example of PDA, deterministic and non-deterministic PDA,
conversion of PDA into context free grammar and vice versa, CFG equivalent to PDA,
Petrinet model.
UNIT-V Turing machine, Techniques for construction. Universal Turing machine Multitape,
multihead and multidimensional Turing machine, N-P complete problems.

 Inroduction to Automata Theory Language & Computation, Narosa Publication
ByHopcroft& Ullman.
 Element of the Theory Computation : Lewis &Christors. * Theory of Computation –
Chandrasekhar & Mishra.
 Theory of Computation – Wood. * Introduction to Computing Theory : Daniel I-A

After completion of this course, the students would be able to:
 Analyze and design Automata machine with and without output.
 Analyze and design Regular expression from DFA vice versa. Pumping lemma to
prove whether statement is regular or not. Properties of regular language.
 Analyze and design context free grammar and various simplification rules.
 Analyze and design Push down automata. Conversion method for push down
automata to Context free grammar vice versa.
 Analyze and design Turing machine and many improved version of it.
Lecture Plan
Subject: Theory of Computation Subject Code: BCSL 505

Class: B.E. Branch: CSE

S.No Topic to be covered Lecture Tutori Unit

Introduction of Automata Theory, Examples of
01 2
automata machines

Finite Automata as a language acceptor and

02 1

03 Moore machines and mealy machines 1 1 I

04 Conversion from Mealy to Moore and vice versa 2

05 Types of Finite Automata 1

06 Non Deterministic Finite Automata (NDFA) 1

07 Deterministic finite automata machines 1

08 conversion of NDFA to DFA 1

09 minimization of automata machines 1

1 II
10 regular expression ,Arden’s theorem 1

Meaning of union, intersection, concatenation and

11 1

12 2 way DFA 1

13 Grammars, types of grammar 1

4 context sensitive grammar 1

context free grammar


16 regular grammar 1

17 ambiguity in grammar 2

18 simplification of context free grammar 1

conversion of grammar to automata machine and

19 1 1 III
vice versa

Chomsky hierarchy of grammar 1

killing null and unit productions 1

20 Chomsky normal form &greibach normal form 1

21 Push down automata (PDA), example of PDA 2

22 deterministic and non-deterministic PDA 1

conversion of PDA into context free grammar and

23 2
vice versa

24 CFG equivalent to PDA 1

25 Petrinet model. 1
1 IV
26 Turing machine, Techniques for Construction. 1

27 Universal Turing machine 1

28 Multitape, multihead and 2

multidimensional Turing
29 2

N-P complete problems.

30 1
1 V

Tutorial Sheet –I

Q1.Design FA to check whether decimal number is divisible by four.

Q2.Design FA which accepts even number of 0’s and even number of 1’s.
Q3.Design a Moore and Mealy machine for a binary input sequence such that if it has a
substring 101 the machine outputs A if input has substring 110 it output B otherwise it
outputs C.

Q4.Design a Moore machine which will increment the given binary number by 1.

Q5.Design a Moore machine that will read sequences made up of letter A,E,I,O,U and will
give as output the same sequences except that in case where an I directly follows E, it will
changed to u. Design the Mealy machine for the same.

Tutorial Sheet – II

Q1.Construct a NFA in which double ‘1’ is followed by double ‘0’.Over

Q2.Convert NFA to DFA .

Input 0 1


q0 {q1,q2} ɸ

q1 {q1,q2} ɸ

q2 ɸ {q1,q3}

q3 {q1,q2} ɸ

Q3.Find out regular expression from given DFA.

Q4.Construct finite automaton to accept the regular expression (0+1) *(00+11)(0+1)*

Q5.Construct minimum state DFA for the following given automata.

Tutorial Sheet – III

Q1.Let L be the set of all palindrome over {a, b}.Construct a grammar G

generating L.
Q2. .Find a grammar in CNF equivalent to the grammar
S→~ S | [ S э α S ] | p | q (S in only variable)
Q3. .Find a derivation tree of a * b + a * b given that a * b + a * b is in L(G) ,
where G is given by S→S + S | S * S , S→a | b.
Q4.Find the CFG for the regular expression (110+110)*(10)*.
Q5.Construct a right linear grammar for the language
Tutorial Sheet – IV

Q1.Design a PDA that accepts a string of well formed parenthesis.

Q2. .Construct a pdaA equivalent to the following context free grammar:
S→0BB, B→0S|1S|0.Test whether 0104N (A)
Q3. .Construct a pda accepting {anbman| m, n ≥ 1} by null store.
Q4.construct PDA for the given CFG
Q5.Construct a NPDA corresponding to the grammar.

Tutorial Sheet – V
Q1.Construct a TM for the language of even number of 1’s and even number of 0’s over
Q2.Construct TM for concatenation of the two strings of unary numbers this TM is for a
concatenation function.
Q3.Build a multitrack Turing machine for checking whether given number is prime or not? that if L is accepted by a multitapeturing machine it is accepted by single tape turing
machine also.
Q5.Show that the language is Lu is recursively enumerable but not recursive.
Sample Question Paper of Previous Year (Grading/Non Grading)
BCSP 506
0 0 2 1
 To understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Java, including
defining classes, invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.
 To be aware of the important topics and principles of software development.
 To acquire the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
 To be able to use Java SDK environment to create, debug and run simple Java
Unit I Introduction to Java programming: The Java Virtual Machine, Installing Java, Java
Program Development , Java Source File Structure ,Compilation, Executions.Packages,
Package access, Variables and data types, Conditional and looping constructs, Arrays.
Unit II Object-oriented programming with Java Classes and Objects: Fields and Methods,
Constructors, Overloading methods, Nested classes, Overriding methods,
Polymorphism, Making methods and classes final, Wrapper classes.
Unit III Extending Classes and Inheritance: Types of Inheritance in Java, Abstract classes and
methods, Interfaces, use of ‘super’, Polymorphism in inheritance. Garbage collection in
JAVA. Exception handling: Try- Catch, Throw, Throws, Finally constructs, The
Exception class.
Unit IV String Package and Multithreading: Operation on String, Mutable & Immutable String,
Tokenizing a String, Creating Strings using StringBufferclass.Understanding Threads:
Needs of Multi-Threaded Programming, Thread Life-Cycle, Thread Priorities and
Synchronizing Threads.
Unit V The I/O Package:InputStream and OutputStream classes, Reader and Writer classes,
Basics of AWT, Swing and Applets: Layout Managers, Event Handling, Classes for
various controls, such as label, choice, list, checkbox, etc., Dialogs and frames using
menus. Basic concepts of networking: Working with URLs, Concepts of URLs and
Sockets. Basics of database connectivity with JDBC.
1. E. Balagurusamy, “Programming with JAVA: A Primer”, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Herbert Schildt, “JAVA: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill Education.
Students completing the course will be able to know-
 The model of object oriented programming: abstract data types, encapsulation,
inheritance and polymorphism.
 Fundamental features of an object oriented language like Java: object classes and
interfaces, exceptions and libraries of object collections.
 Identify classes, objects, members of a class and the relationships among them needed
for a specific problem.
 Design, implement, test, debug, and document GUI, event-driven programs.
 How to take the statement of a business problem and from this determine suitable
logic for solving the problem; then be able to proceed to code that logic as a program
written in Java.
 How to test, document and prepare a professional looking package for each business
project using javadoc.

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