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Aguinaga 1

Bobby Aguinaga

Mrs. Jones


22 May 2019

My Five Year Plan

After high school, my plan is to go to the junior college in Merced, Ca and transfer to

CSU Sacramento. After my college years I want to pursue a career as an electrician. The reason

I’m doing college first and not going straight to the workforce or starting an apprenticeship as an

electrician is because I want to learn business and communication skills that way I can one day

start my own business as an electrician. I also want to go to college first because I still want to

learn more about playing the saxophone and playing music in general that way I can have a side

job as a musician.

At the junior college, I want to get my general education out of the way then take

electrician courses such as electrical engineering and what not. During that time I want to take

transfer credits, so when I’m done with the junior college I can move onto CSU Sacramento

where I will learn music, business and communication. With these skills, I will hopefully one

day create my own electrician business and/or get a side job as a musician playing the saxophone

at weddings, birthday parties etc.

To achieve my goals for this five year plan, it is a must to stay focused on these goals.

There cannot be any slacking within myself and it is always best to have support right by my side

which is what I have and hope to keep through my journey.

Aguinaga 2

This five year plan is my one way ticket on setting a career for myself and I really do not

want to mess this up for myself because I’ve been ruining it for myself in high school. I don’t

want to make the same mistakes that I’ve been making in high school such as failing classes and

skipping school. This is another goal I must carry on until I achieve it and grow financially and

as a person from it.

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