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Aguinaga 1

Bobby Aguinaga

Mrs. Jones


20 May 2019

Transcript/Attendance Reflection

Throughout my high school years, I have gotten bad grades and poor attendance. I

slacked off a lot during school and I just didn’t care about school all together. Only until I

realized, I need to graduate if I want a good career and good money coming in.

I believe my transcript and attendance does not reflect my capabilities. I believe that

because when I worked in the summer, I got up every singly morning at 5:00 a.m. on the dot to

get ready to go to work 2 hours away from my hometown. When I get to work, I’m being

watched everyday to see if I’m slacking off or to see I’m really up for the job. Throughout my

work experience, I’ve seen grown men that have been let go, but for me that just made me want

to work harder. I don’t like giving people the chance to judge me poorly based on how I work.

As for school, I hate how we have homework. I have good test scores, I just loathe the

homework we have to do for it. I have realized over time that I do need to do the homework,

though and lately I’ve been stepping my game up on turning in homework and turning it in on


As for my attendance, I only ditch class to catch up on my homework. The only time I

actually stay home to do nothing is when I am severely sick or in pain. I also miss class because

of appointments such as braces, dentist, physicals etc. I don’t think my attendance defines my

work capabilities because when it comes to an actual job, I won’t unless I have a valid reason to
Aguinaga 2

and that goes for the same with being absent. I will always be there at work 100% of the time

working unless I really have to be somewhere else important.

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