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A Comparison of the “Ansairetic Arcanum” with “Liber C vel

Agape” & Other Similar Lists

A Peculiar Coincidence?

Arbatel: De Magia Veretum, Aphorism XXIV1

The greatest secrets are number seven.

1. The first is the curing of all diseases in the space of seven dayes, either by
character, or by natural things, or by the superior Spirits with the divine assistance.
2. The second is, to be able to prolong life to whatsoever age we please: I say, a
corporal and natural life.
3. The third is, to have the obedience of the creatures in the elements which are in
the forms of personal Spirits; also of Pigmies,* Sagani, Nymphes, Dryades, and
Spirits of the woods.
4. The fourth is, to be able to discourse with knowledge and understanding of all
things visible and invisible, and to understand the power of every thing, and to
what it belongeth.
5. The fifth is, that a man be able to govern himself according to that end for which
God hath appointed him.
6. The sixth is, to know God, and Christ, and his holy Spirit: this is the perfection
of the Microcosmus.
7. The seventh, to be regenerate, as Henochius the King of the inferiour world.

Ansairetic Arcanum, chap. III12

I. For purposes of increasing the brain and organic force of an unborn child.
II. For influencing one’s wife or husband; directing their internal thoughts, and
magnetically controlling them.
III. Regaining youthful beauty, energy, vivacity and the affectional [sic] and
magnetic powers.
IV. For prolonging the life of either the subject or the operator, or both, at will.
V. For the attainment of supreme command in the realms of while magic and
evolving the supreme will.
VI. For the furtherance of financial schemes and worldly prosperity and success.
Obtained from on 12/6/13.
2The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, by Joscelyn Godwin, Christian Chanel, & John P. Deveney (Samuel Weiser,
1995), p.241.
VII. For the attainment of the loftiest insight of nature’s mysteries.

Liber C vel Agape3

“Yet of all these powers I name but seven, the glories of Eulis; the stars upon the
foreheads of the Brothers of Hermetic Light.
Luna And of these the first is the building up of one that is not born; verily, a child
of wonder shall he be.
Venus And the second is the harmony and mastery of one co-eval [sic] and co-
operative with thee from eternity, twin with thee, and thy mate.
Mars By the third cometh youth and beauty and energy, be thou never4 so old.
[Saturn By the fourth is life prolonged at will.]
Mercury The fifth5 is the attainment of the Supreme, the Magick of Light.
Jupiter The sixth guardeth and aideth thee in the world wherein thou workest: to
high rank and honour shall it lead thee, and from thy hands shall pour forth rivers
of blessing: yea verily and Amen.
Sol And by the seventh thou hast all Light, and knowest the Cause of all,
understanding alike the earthly and the spiritual soul of Man.”

Maria de Naglowska6

1. The charging of the "volts" and other fluid condensers.

2. The regeneration of strength and vital energy, and the reinforcement of magnetic

3 The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O., ed. Francis King (Samuel Weiser, 1973), p.215.
I figure this is a typo for “ever”.
5 We see that a fourth is missing. King leaves out or garbles quite a bit of the O.T.O. material; I don’t know whether
intentionally or not, but we can obviously guess its nature from the H.B. of L.’s cognate material. [Thankfully, a
kind friend sent me a scan of an old edition, and the missing section is included.]
6 ©Donald Traxler, to whom I owe thanks for the translation, as well as for drawing my attention to the parallel.
3. The production of magnetic influence, with a view to the submission of the man
to the woman, or of the woman to the man.
4. The refinement of power or of the senses, in general.
5. The determination, at will, of the sex of the infant to be conceived, or the
reinforcement of its cerebral or corporal capacities, in general.
6. The provocation of superhuman, spiritual, and sublime visions.
7. The realization of a particular project or desire of the operator, in any idea

©2013 Kevin L. Davis

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