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Sphinx ‐ Construction of Ilmenite Smelter Plant, Jazan Economic City, KSA

Inspection & Test Plan for Concrete Works
H = Hold Point 1. Construction Contractor Nasser S. Al‐Hajri Corp
R = Record Review 2. Main Contractor Outotec
W = Witness Point 3. Third Party Inspetion
I = Inspection  4. Client/Owner The National Titanium Dioxide Company Ltd. (Cristal)
S = Surveillance
Frequency if  Acceptability  Inspections
S. No Description
Applicable Criteria 1 2 3 4
1 Submittals
1.1 Method Statement R R R R/S
1.2 Reinforcement Steel Supplier, Concrete Supplier and Concrete Mix Design etc. R R R R/S
1.3 Material Approval W R R R/S
2 Testing
Ensure Concrete placement restrictions regarding temperature, conditions and time. Standards & 
2.1 S S S S
Ensure Laboratory Technicians are on site with the correct instrument for Sampling
2.2 S S S S
and Testing.
2.3 Ensure location is accessible for Concrete Placement and Pumps. S S S S
Ensure the 7 days and 28 days Cubes test reach the compressive strength
2.4 W W W S/R
2.5 Permeability test are to be carried out with initial surface absorbility tests of concrete. R R R R
2.6 Check the Slump test one test per truck. W W W S
2.7 Ensure no water is added to concrete on site. W W W S/R
2.8 Vibration carried out correctly as requirement. W W S S/R
3 Pre ‐ Pour Inspection
Drawings are approved and at correct revision. Approved 
3.1 R R R R
Formwork and Reinforcement Inspected. Approved 
3.2 H W S S
Reinforcement is to the correct size, shape, bent to the correct radius and is clean of Approved 
3.3 loose rust and mill scale. H W S S/R

Nasser S. Al‐Hajri Corp ITP 002 Rev.0
Sphinx ‐ Construction of Ilmenite Smelter Plant, Jazan Economic City, KSA
Inspection & Test Plan for Concrete Works
H = Hold Point 1. Construction Contractor Nasser S. Al‐Hajri Corp
R = Record Review 2. Main Contractor Outotec
W = Witness Point 3. Third Party Inspetion
I = Inspection  4. Client/Owner The National Titanium Dioxide Company Ltd. (Cristal)
S = Surveillance
Frequency if  Acceptability  Inspections
S. No Description
Applicable Criteria 1 2 3 4
Ensure the Reinforcement is installed as per approved design drawings, tied correctly Approved 
3.4 H W S R
and supported by approved spacers/supports. Drawings
Ensure all insert plates shall be of the material and size as shown on the drawings and Approved 
3.5 H W S S
standards. Drawings
Coordinates and datum are correct. Approved 
3.6 H W S S
Formwork is dimensionally correct and in accordance with approved construction  Approved 
3.7 H W S S
drawings. Drawings
Reinforcement concrete cover meets the minimum requirement of approved  Approved 
3.8 W S S R/S
drawings and specification. Drawings
Ensure water stopper are installed (if required) at construction joints. Approved 
3.9 H W S R/S
Ensure Expansion joints and Construction joints are formed correctly where required. Approved 
3.1 H W S R/S
4 Post ‐ Pour Activities
Formwork shall be removed after 24 hours, provided concrete hardened sufficiently. As Per 
4.1 Standard&  S S R R/S
4.20 Ensure curing of concrete for  a minimum period of 7 days. S S R R/S
4.30 Ensure Concrete Repair prior to cover‐up. W I/W R R/S

Nasser S. Al‐Hajri Corp ITP 002 Rev.0

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