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Lesson Plan #2

TE804 SS19

Daily Lesson Plan #2

Teacher: Miss Benvenuti Date submitted: 3/8/2019

Overall lesson topic/title: Potential and Kinetic Energy

NGSS Performance Expectation for this lesson: 4-PS3-1: Use evidence to construct an
explanation relating the speed of an object to the energy of that object. [Assessment Boundary:
Assessment does not include quantitative measures of changes in the speed of an object or on
any precise or quantitative definition of energy.]

Rationale: This lesson is a building block to help students better understand the concept of
energy. We previously discussed how height is a factor in the amount of potential energy an
object has. This lab allows them to see that in how much kinetic energy is produced in the
transfer from potential to kinetic.

Materials & supplies needed: small cars, ramps, books, meter sticks, science notebooks

Procedures and approximate time allocated for each event How is this lesson differentiated
based on information gained from
formative assessments given in
• Introduction to the lesson previous lessons?
“Today we are going to continue our learning about potential
and kinetic energy. Who can remind us of what those two In previous assessments
things are?” Have students raise hands to answer. (Potential students are being very vague
is stored/not moving and kinetic is moving). (2 min) by saying “it will go faster” or
“it will go farther.” I will
make sure during this lesson
• OUTLINE of activities during the lesson to ask for more clarity like
“Before we can start the lab we first need to ask a question. “Will it go further when there
Our question today is ‘How does the height of the ramp are more books or less books
affect the distance the toy car travels?’ Write down this on the stack?” I will also help
question and then answer what you think in a hypothesis. them go further by asking
Who can remind us of what a hypothesis is?” Call on how this applies to what we
student raising hand. (educated guess). learned about potential and
“Once you have written your hypothesis you will need to copy kinetic energy.
this data chart. This is where you will write down the
distance traveled for each trial.” Once students have all of
these first 3 parts completed model how the lab will be
“First you will start with one book. You will have the ramp
leaning on the edge of the book. At the end of the ramp you
will have the meter stick slightly off to the side with the 0
lining up with the end of the ramp. You will then roll the car
down the ramp and record the distance it went. Each person
in your group will do this. That is why we have space for
multiple trials. You will then complete all these steps again
with two books stacked and then three books stacked. Are
there any questions?” Answer and questions to clarify. Split
students up into groups (depending on the number of
supplies and the number of students) and get help them get
the appropriate materials. Walk around while students are
working to provide guidance if needed. (30 min)

• Closure for the lesson

Have students go back to their desks. “Now that we have
completed the lab and have data we can write our
conclusion. In the conclusion we answer our initial question,
but instead of making an educated guess like our hypothesis
we can use the data to answer the question based on what
we saw.” Give students time to write their conclusion. If
there is time have students share what they noticed and the
conclusions they made aloud to the class. (10 min)

Formative assessment Differentiation during assessment

I will assess students’ knowledge by looking over their data and I have a few students who
written conclusions in their science notebooks. For their data I need assistance in writing. I
should see the chart completely filled in with distance will either have them draw a
measurements for each trial and each book height. For their picture to explain their
conclusions I will assess if they answered the question conclusion or have someone
accurately. I should see use of their data as evidence for their write out what the student
conclusion. For example, “I know that the taller the ramp is the says in their notebook.
farther the car will travel because when I used 1 book my car
moved 19cm, but when I used 3 books my car moved 72cm.”

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