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21 Day Squat Challenge

- #21DaysOfSquats
Welcome to the 4th annual Squat Challenge!



Why Squat? Squats are one of the most beneficial exercises to practice. I
could sit here and tell you how squatting makes you stronger, more
conditioned, firms your legs and butt, improves digestion, increases energy
and mood, but I'm sure you know the endless amount of benefits. A few
people who've participated in the past squat challenges chose to share their
experiences which I've shared below.

So let's just get to squatting! Beginners are welcomed! Join our Challenge
Today here and read the easy rules below!

Do you plan on doing more than the Squat Challenge? If you want a workout
plan... hundreds of people in Lauren's Playground will be doing programs like
Upper Body Bliss and the Tushy Toning Transformation in conjunction with
the 21 Day Squat Challenge. This year we will have a RESET program that
coincides well with the Squat Challenge. If you'd like to get in before the
member price goes up, to have access to hours and hours of organized
content, videos and programs for all fitness levels, join Lauren's
Playground here. Less than a cup of coffee a day.

What did you like about the squat challenge?

Probably THE single best experience I've ever had in my "fitness" life. Have
always been a "loner" - no gym, no "workout buddies" - simply going out to
my shed or working out in my little computer room. I HAVE to stay fit because
I'm a full-time, 2nd shift blue-collar worker in a manual-labor-intensive job,
with no "retirement" in the cards. But I was flagging - workouts were becoming
infrequent and stale. Little mind-game things were messing with me, too:
"What's the point? Nobody CARES whether you workout or not - everyone
thinks you're a foolish idiot for even TRYING at your age!" (I'm 64).

But something about Lauren's Squat Challenge called to me and I started it - and once I
DID start it, I was hooked. Here were people who had the same mindset I did when I first
started - they were happy, THRILLED to take this on. Their enthusiasm and energy were
contagious. And THAT'S what kept me here and in the game - the people. I could relate to
just about everything they had to say - recognize every level they were at - had been there
at some point in my own experience. Decided from the very first day on the FB Group that
I was NEVER going to stint them on encouragement and praise, because it's in damned
short supply out here in the real world, no matter how much it's desperately needed and
deserved. In the course of doing that, I'd find MYSELF becoming excited about the whole
"fitness" thing again - ten short minutes of reading/responding to posts would have ME
ready to jump up and start doing squats!

Can you imagine? The sharing of little "life moments", the faltering and the set-backs due
to illness or injury, the humor, the camaraderie - I had fallen into the single best group of
human beings I had ever "met". Every single one striving - daily! - to improve their
strength, their health and, collaterally, the lives of themselves and their family. The sheer
positive energy of it was incredible - my strength was their strength and vice-versa (the
way it SHOULD be in RL). I did my level best to bring everyone out in the open, to have
them come out into the light so that they could SHINE, as they rightfully should. I have
never been prouder or more happy to have been associated with ANY group of people in
my life - and I'm looking forward to whatever OTHER "Challenges" are in store. The timing
and load increments were perfect for this - everyone got to start out with what they were
comfortable with and progress to what they wanted to - many surprised themselves and
what a joy to behold THAT was. The "Ah-ha!" moments when many discovered hitherto
unknown strength that hadn't been there before.

Does it GET any better than that? I think not. EVERYONE pitched in and urged each other
on - paid TRUE compliments where they were deserved, helped and gave guidance when
needed or just simply let someone know they were rooting for them when they were down
(and God Bless every single one of you who did so, because I'm sure it meant the world to
the recipients - and me).

Never hide your light under the bushel, people. Your progress is thrilling to everyone when
you're making progress, whether it be with 5KG or 50! It's NOT the weight, or the amount
of sets it takes to do the reps - it's YOU. In there slugging away consistently. We ALL glory
in your journey and your progress, so never hide it because you think it doesn't measure
up. It DOES. Thank you for this Lauren Brooks. A LOT of us really needed this - on many
levels. And thank you AGAIN for doing the work WITH us (many of the online "guru's"
DON'T). I respect that. Waiting for that next "Challenge". Hope I didn't bore anyone to
death. Steven Peter Yevchak Sr.
Directions: Each week pick a weight and stick with it. Beginners can start
with no weight. Example: Week 1: Bodyweight only, Week 2: 18lbs Week 3:
See all squatting options below.

Intermediate/Advanced Squatters can start with one bell or two bells.

Remember the weight and reps go up. You may break up the reps in to as
many sets as you choose.
See all squatting options below.

Note: you may break up the reps into as many sets as you want. Example. 4
sets of 5 reps. 2 sets of 10 reps. Share your journey and share your results in
our Free Facebook group here!

You can pick which kind of squats you'd like to start the challenge

Body Weight Squats

Goblet Squats
Bottoms Up Squats

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