Perspectives: Early Phytocannabinoid Chemistry To Endocannabinoids and Beyond

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Nature Reviews Neuroscience | AOP, published online 15 October 2014; doi:10.


elsewhere3–5. Some Δ6a,10a-THC analogues
TIMELINE were even tested in humans. In light of
recent media reports about the action

Early phytocannabinoid chemistry

of cannabinoids in paediatric epilepsy, it
is of interest to note that a derivative of syn‑
thetic Δ6a,10a-THC (at doses of 1.2–1.8 mg
to endocannabinoids and beyond daily) was administered to a small num‑
ber of children with epilepsy and showed
positive results. Historical cannabis use in
Raphael Mechoulam, Lumír O. Hanuš, Roger Pertwee and medicine over the ages and early chemical
Allyn C. Howlett investigations are reviewed in REF. 1.
The reasons for the lack of progress
Abstract | Isolation and structure elucidation of most of the major cannabinoid were mostly technical. We now know that
constituents — including Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), which is the principal cannabinoids are present in cannabis as a
psychoactive molecule in Cannabis sativa — was achieved in the 1960s and 1970s. mixture of many closely related constitu‑
It was followed by the identification of two cannabinoid receptors in the 1980s and ents — over 100 — which were difficult to
the early 1990s and by the identification of the endocannabinoids shortly separate using the methods that were avail‑
able in the nineteenth and early twentieth
thereafter. There have since been considerable advances in our understanding of
centuries. As the active constituents of can‑
the endocannabinoid system and its function in the brain, which reveal potential nabis were not available in pure form, there
therapeutic targets for a wide range of brain disorders. was very little biological or clinical work
done in this area from the late 1940s until
The plant Cannabis sativa and its many had known neuropharmacological activ‑ the mid 1960s.
preparations (for example, marijuana, ity — for example, the isolation of mor‑ By the 1960s, chromatography meth‑
hashis­h, bhang and ganja) have been used phine. A prize was even awarded in 1855 ods were well developed for the isolation
for millennia for recreation (and at times for for the ‘successful’ accomplishment of this of pure compounds from mixtures and
the achievement of religious ecstasy) as well project. However, the first isolation of a the availability of novel spectrometric
as in medicine. In ancient China, cannabis plant cannabinoid — named cannabinol methods meant that the elucidation of the
was prescribed (together with other plants, (CBN) — was not achieved until the end structure of these compounds was possible.
as is customary in Chinese medicine) for of the nineteenth century. Its structure was Indeed, many cannabinoids were isolated,
numerous diseases, but it was noted that elucidated much later, in the 1930s, by the including Δ9-THC, which was reported
when taken in excess it could lead to ‘see‑ groups of Cahn and Todd in the United by Gaoni and Mechoulam in 1964 (REF. 6)
ing devils’. In Assyria (about 800 bc), it was Kingdom and by Adams in the United (FIG. 2). Their structures were mainly elu‑
named both gan‑zi‑gun‑nu (‘the drug that States, when a further component, can‑ cidated using NMR, which was a modern
takes away the mind’) and azallu (when nabidiol (CBD), was isolated; however, its method at the time. Several total syntheses
used as a therapeutic). In India, ancient structure could not be elucidated at that of these compounds have been reported
Persia and medieval Arab societies, can‑ time. Although considerable effort was and most cannabinoids are now available
nabis use proceeded along these two diver‑ invested on the isolation and the elucida‑ as both natural and synthetic products.
gent routes1. In many countries, hemp — a tion of the structure of the main psycho‑ The chemical work until the mid 1970s is
strain of Cannabis sativa that does not cause active constituents of cannabis, this goal reviewed in REF. 7.
psychoactivity — was grown for its durable was not reached at that time. A synthetic The next step in cannabinoid research was
fibres. Our present-day society follows a compound, Δ6a,10a‑tetrahydrocannabinol the elucidation of the metabolism of Δ9-THC
long tradition of recreational, industrial and (Δ6a,10a-THC), showed pharmacological and later of CBD. The major metabolic path‑
medical cannabis use. activity that paralleled the activity of canna‑ way of Δ9-THC is hydroxylation, which leads
bis extracts. Therefore, it was assumed that to the formation of an active metabolite, fol‑
Cannabinoid discovery — early history Δ6a,10a-THC was chemically related to the lowed by its further oxidation to an inactive
The behavioural effects of cannabis, in sev‑ active compounds of the plant (FIG. 2). Much acid, which then binds to a sugar molecule.
eral animal species as well as in humans, of the early research in this area was done These acid-derived metabolites are stored in
were observed in the mid-nineteenth using synthetic Δ6a,10a-THC, which is now fatty tissues and are slowly released8. Indeed,
century2 (FIG. 1). These experimental obser‑ known to be considerably less potent than the major final Δ9-THC metabolite (a car‑
vations led to the first attempts to isolate the actual natural product. The chemical boxylic acid that is present as a glucuronide)
the active constituents of the plant, as had and pharmacological work that was carried can be detected in human urine for several
already been done with other plants that out until the mid 1940s has been reviewed weeks after cannabis use (FIG. 2).


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Early neuropharmacology
1838 O’Shaughnessy
investigates medicinal The advances in the chemistry of plant and
1843 use of cannabis in India2 synthetic cannabinoids led to renewed inter‑
est in their neuropharmacology. Loewe5 had
Isolation of first plant
cannabinoid, cannabinol104
1899 found that cannabis extracts (presumably
containing high levels of what is now known
Cannabinol structure to be Δ9-THC and additional phytocan‑
Cannabidiol elucidation3,4,105 nabinoids) can induce catalepsy in mice and
that CBN can also produce this effect, albeit
Synthesis and evaluation
1941 of Δ6a,10a-THC3–5 much less potently than the impure THC
isolated from the resin. It was these findings
Early pharmacological that prompted the development by Pertwee9
investigations5 in 1972 of a quantitative in vivo assay for
psychotropic cannabinoids, known as the
1963 Cannabidiol structure ring test, in which the proportion of time
Δ9-THC isolation and that a mouse placed across an elevated hori‑
structure elucidation6 1964 zontal ring remains immobile or cataleptic is
Isolation and identification measured over a 5 minute period9. Martin10
of additional cannabinoids7
later used this assay, along with three other
1972 Ring immobility and bioassays, in what came to be known as the
Research on cannabinoid tetrad assays9,10 ‘mouse tetrad assay’10. These other assays
pharmacology and metabolism8,9,15 1975 provide measures of cannabinoid-induced
hypokinesi­a, hypothermia and antinociception
Discovery of CB1 (REF. 27) 1988
in mice, using a tail flick or hot plate test.
Cloning of CB1 The mouse tetrad assay is a useful in vivo
(REF. 29)
screen for psychotropic cannabinoids, all
Isolation and structure 1992
elucidation of anandamide30 of which, in contrast to many other types
Discovery of of drugs, generally show similar potency in
1993 CB2 (REF. 31) all four of these bioassays. It was also dis‑
Discovery of SR-141716A, 1994 covered in the 1940s that cannabinoids can
the first CB1 antagonist50
Isolation and structure elicit central excitant activity in rabbits and
1995 elucidation of 2-AG32,107 mice and corneal arreflexia in rabbits, and
Cloning of the first that some phytocannabinoids, particularly
endocannabinoid-degrading 1996
enzyme, FAAH108 Discovery of SR-144528, the first CBD, can prolong barbiturate-induced sleep
1998 CB2 antagonist66 by a mechanism that was subsequently dis‑
Discovery and evaluation of covered to involve the inhibition of certain
Anandamide 1999 endocannabinoid-like brain cytochrom­e P450 (CYP) enzymes10.
activates vanilloid
components95,96,111, discovery and Following its identification as the main
2000 evaulation of functions of FAAH and MAGL
inhibitors33,83,112,113, cell biology114 and psychoactive constituent of cannabis,
Discovery of retrograde Δ9-THC attracted particular attention10,11; for
signalling by 2001 neuroscience studies carried out115,116 and
endocannabinoids45 clinical trials initiated101,117,118 example, results obtained from several inves‑
2003 Cloning of the first endocannabinoid- tigations on humans indicated that when
biosynthesizing enzyme119 Δ9-THC was taken orally or intravenously
2014 or when it was inhaled in smoke, it showed
substantial potency at producing psycho‑
logical changes similar to those reportedly
experienced in response to recreationally
consumed cannabis11. A few other phyto‑
Figure 1 | Cannabinoid and endocannabinoid research — a timeline.  Almost all early research cannabinoids, such as CBN, were found to
was devoted to clarification of cannabinoid chemistry3,4,104,105, and pharmacology was mainly done induce cannabis-like effects in humans with
using synthetic com­pounds5. Following the isolation and structure elucidation of the plant can- low potency (an exception being Δ8-THC
nabinoids, particularly ofNature
cannabidiol 106
and of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC)6, pharmaco-
Reviews | Neuroscience but there is usually very little Δ8-THC in
logical and physiological work was initiated8,9,15. The identification of cannabinoid receptors24,29,31, cannabis)11.
of endogenous cannabinoids30,32,107 and of receptor antagonists50,66 made possible extensive phar- It is noteworthy that one synthetic
macological and neurobiological research leading to cloning of the anandamide-degrading analogue of Δ9-THC, nabilone (Cesamet;
enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) 108, the discovery of retrograde signaling by
Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America)
2-arachidonoy­l glycerol (2‑AG)45, the discovery of allosteric sites on cannabi­noid receptor 1
(CB1) 33, the discovery that endocannabinoids bind to receptors other than CB1 and CB2 was approved in 1981 as a medicine for the
(REFS 109–111), the discovery and evaluation of endocannabinoid-like molecules in the brain95,96 suppression of the nausea and vomiting
and the discovery and function of inhibitors of the endocannabinoid-degrading enzymes112,113. that is produced by chemotherapy12. Syn‑
Cell biology114 and neuroscience115,116 investigations were also carried out, and clinical trials were thetic Δ9-THC, dronabinol (Marinol; Solvay
initiated101,117,118. Cloning of DAG lipase was also reported119. Pharmaceuticals, Inc) subsequently entered


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high-affinity, stereoselective receptor in brain

tissue had been fulfilled24. Competitive dis‑
placement of [3H]CP55940 from its target in
rat brain membranes by cannabinoid agonists
was enantioselective and followed the order
of potency for both Gi‑mediated inhibition of
Δ9-THC Cannabidiol Cannabinol adenylyl cyclase as well as antinociception
Metabolism in several rodent models24–27. Later, signal
transduction assays were used to ultimately
deorphanize a 7‑transmembrane receptor
OH OH now known to be the cannabinoid receptor 1
(CB1; also known as CNR1)28,29.

O O Discovery of endocannabinoids and CB2
11-OH-Δ9-THC Δ8-THC Δ6a10a-THC Receptors are mostly activated by endog‑
enous molecules, and therefore, there was
Metabolism a strong reason to look for endogenous
O OH OH cannabinoids. As ∆9-THC and its related
compounds that bind to the CB1 are lipids,
OH it was reasonable to assume that any endog‑
enous cannabinoids would also be lipids. In
order to isolate putative endogenous can‑
O nabinoid compounds, the ability of porcine
Δ9-THC-11-oic acid CP-55940 brain extracts to displace a novel, highly
potent radiolabelled cannabinoid probe,
Figure 2 | A major metabolic pathway of Δ9-THC and the structures of some plant and syn‑ [3H]HU‑243, bound to CB1 was tested in
thetic cannabinoids.  a | The major psychoactive cannabis constituent, Nature Δ9Reviews
| Neuroscience the Mechoulam laboratory. The fractions
(Δ9-THC), is first metabolized by enzymatic hydroxylation to produce psychoactive 11‑hydroxy- that inhibited the binding of [3H]HU‑243 to
Δ -THC (11-OH-Δ -THC) and then by enzymatic oxidation to non-psychoactive Δ9-THC-11‑oic
9 9
the cannabinoid receptor were purified by a
acid, which is stored in fatty tissues as a glucuronide and is slowly released. The glucuronide may series of chromatographies, which ultimately
be detected in the urine for several weeks after a single cannabis use. b | The structures of some plant
led to the generation of a minute amount of
and synthetic cannabinoids. Δ9-THC, the plant constituents cannabinol and Δ8-THC, and synthetic
Δ6a,10a-THC and CP‑55940 cause cannabis-type psychoactivity, wherease cannabidiol does not. a single compound, an amide of arachidonic
acid — arachidonoyl ethanolamide — which
was named anandamide; this was the first
the clinic as a licensed medicine, in 1985 cannabinoids13,14, as well as pharmacological endocannabinoid to be identified30. The struc‑
as an antiemetic and in 1992 as an appetite studies, in humans and animals had sug‑ ture of anandamide (FIG. 3) was established
stimulant12. Claims from patients that can‑ gested a putative cannabinoid receptor15,16, by mass spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy
nabis can ameliorate unwanted symptoms it was not until the 1980s that evidence for a and by its synthesis30. Anandamide was
of multiple sclerosis also encouraged the protein receptor was sought. found to have inhibitory activity that was
development of the cannabis-based medi‑ As the family of known G proteins equivalent to that of ∆9-THC and was sub‑
cine naviximols12 (Sativex; GWPharma), expanded in the late 1970s and early 1980s, sequently shown to have cannabimimetic
which contains both Δ9-THC and the non- so did the list of receptors for hormones activity as it inhibited the twitch response of
psychoactive CBD; this was first licensed as and neurotransmitters to which they could isolated mouse vasa deferentia30.
a medicine in 2005 in Canada for the relief couple. Agonists of opioid, muscarinic, cho‑ In the meantime, a second receptor, CB2
of pain experienced by adult patients suf‑ linergic and α‑adrenergic receptors resulted (also known as CNR2), had been identified
fering from multiple sclerosis or advanced in inhibition of Gs‑stimulated adenylyl by sequence homology31 and was presumed
cancer, and subsequently as a medicine to cyclase17–19, and functional homology with to be mainly present in the periphery;
ameliorate spasticity caused by multiple these neuromodulators led to the discov‑ therefore, a search for a ‘peripheral’ endog‑
sclerosis12. ery that cannabinoids also inhibited this enous agonist was initiated. Using the same
enzyme20–22 by a pertussis toxin-sensitive techniques that were used to isolate anan‑
Discovery of the cannabinoid receptors mechanism23. This clearly indicated that the damide, it was possible to isolate an ester of
Although a considerable amount of phar‑ cannabinoid receptor was a G protein-coupled arachidonic acid — 2‑arachidonoyl glycerol
macological work was done on the activity receptor (GPCR). (2‑AG)32 — from canine intestines (FIG. 1).
of Δ9-THC, its mechanism of action was From the structure–activity relationship This compound was unexpectedly found
not elucidated for more than 20 years after (SAR) established using cannabimimetic to bind CB1 and CB2 and to inhibit ade‑
its identification. Indeed, it was originally compounds from Pfizer Central Research, the nylyl cyclase with a potency similar to that
thought that the mode of action of Δ9-THC Howlett laboratory identified CP55940 (FIG. 2) of Δ9-THC. 2‑AG also shared the ability of
was nonspecific in nature and that it might as a highly potent cannabinoid analogue Δ9-THC and anandamide to inhibit electri‑
involve interactions with lipid membranes. and, in 1988, reported the determination and cally evoked contractions of isolated mouse
However, although the stereospecificity of characterization of a cannabinoid receptor vasa deferentia; however, it was less potent
the action of Δ9-THC and related synthetic from the brain for which the criteria for a than Δ9-THC32. Following administration


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O calcium44, and it is now generally accepted additional cellular signalling pathways for
OH that one important role of these endocan‑ CB1 (REFS 50, 51, 53–55). More importantly,
nabinoids, although possibly only of 2‑AG, is an antagonist could finally be used to iden‑
to function as retrograde synaptic messengers tify animal behaviours that were truly due to
Arachidonoyl ethanolamide that can prevent the development of exces‑ CB1 activation56–58. Indeed, the syndrome of
sive neuronal activity in the central nerv‑ ‘dependence’ on cannabinoid agonists was
OH ous system and thereby contribute to the first shown in an animal model after pre‑
maintenance of homeostasis in both health cipitated withdrawal using SR141716A59,60.
O and diseas­e45. Thus, there is good evidence Within a short period of time, industrial
that neurotransmitters, such as glutamate, laboratories and academic research groups
produce postsynaptic increases in the concen‑ reported the synthesis of additional CB1
2-Arachidonoyl glycerol
tration of intracellular calcium in a manner antagonists and inverse agonists61–64.
Figure 3 | Structures of the main endocannabi‑ that can induce postsynaptic biosynthesis The first CB2-selective antagonists
noids, anandamide and 2‑AG,
Nature Reviews which bind to and release of anandamide or 2-AG into the
| Neuroscience AM630 (also known as iodopravado‑
CB1 and CB2 endocannabinoid receptors.  synapse. In turn, this induces subsequent line) and SR144528 emerged in the mid
Arachidonoyl ethanolamide (also known as anan- endocannabinoid-induced activation of 1990s65,66 and increased the ability to discern
damide) and 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG) are presynaptic CB1, which causes an inhibi‑ novel actions that could be attributed to
hydrolysed to arachidonic acid by the enzymes tion of the neuronal release of glutamate, CB2, including actions observed in liver
fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and monoacyl- γ‑aminobutyric acid or other neurotransmit‑ Kupfer cells67, microglial cells and astro‑
glycerol lipase (MAGL), respectively. Blocking ters in brain areas that include the cerebral cytes68,69 and in the gastrointestinal system70,
these enzymes with various synthetic com-
cortex, hippocampus, ventral tegmental area, among others. Since that time, there has
pounds leads to increased levels of these
endocannabinoids. substantia nigra, hypothalamus and cerebel‑ been considerable progress towards the
lum46–48. There is also evidence that, when development of highly selective and potent
produced postsynaptically in response to CB2 antagonists41,71.
to mice, both anandamide and 2‑AG caused the activation of postsynaptic metabotropic SR141716A (also known as rimonabant)
the typical tetrad of effects produced by glutamate receptor 5 (MGLUR5) , ananda‑ is used therapeutically for the treatment of
Δ9-THC: antinociception, immobility, reduc‑ mide activates post­synaptic transient receptor obesity-related metabolic syndrome compo‑
tion of spontaneous activity and lowering of potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 nents, including dyslipidaemia and diabe‑
rectal temperature.Although a few additional (TRPV1) channels48. It is also noteworthy tes72–74. SR141716A was marketed in Europe
endocannabinoids have been reported, none that results obtained from in vivo experi‑ but failed to gain approval from the US Food
of them has been confirmed as a natural ments with rats suggest that retrograde 2‑AG and Drug Administration. As might be pre‑
endocannabinoid. signalling that is triggered by the activation of dicted, a drug that blocks CB1 neuromodula‑
Anandamide is a partial agonist for CB1 MGLUR5 can suppress pain sensitivity49. The tion at synapses for the major stimulatory (in
and CB2 and shows less relative intrinsic endocannabinoid retrograde transport mech‑ the case of glutamate) and inhibitory (in the
activity (also known as relative intrinsic anism and modulation of synaptic transmis‑ case of GABA) transmitters throughout
efficacy) and affinity for CB2 than for CB1. sion have not yet been fully elucidated46–48. the brain would be likely to produce multi‑
2‑AG shows greater potency and efficacy ple ‘off-target’ effects. One such side effect,
than anandamide as a CB1 agonist and Search for antagonist ligands which was reported in 2009, was an increase
greater potency than anandamide as a CB2 The holy grail for cannabinoid synthetic in reported signs of depression in vulnerable
agonist33. In addition, it has been found chemists was an antagonist that could block individuals treated with SR141716A75,76. It
that both endocannabinoids interact with the effects of ∆9-THC. It seems quite unu‑ could be argued that the benefit to risk ratio
certain non-CB1 and non-CB2 receptors sual that no natural product or structurally in a morbidly obese patient population might
and ion channels33. In the past few years, related analogue emerged to block the can‑ mitigate the concerns about depression.
lipoxin A4 and a new family of peptides nabinoid receptors. Before the advent of However, the drug was withdrawn from the
(known as pepcans) have been reported to gene knockout techniques, it was difficult to market and similar analogues from other
target CB1 as allosteric modulators34,35 and the establish whether a pharmacological effect pharmaceutical companies were taken out
peptide hemopressin, which is a putative was mediated by a receptor if a selective of the development pipeline. Nevertheless,
brain constituent, has been found to lower antagonist for that receptor had not been the development of SR141716A by Sanofi–
pain via action on a cannabinoid receptor36. developed. Thus, one can imagine the excite‑ Aventis can be considered to be a major
Synthesis of cannabinoid analogues that ment generated at an International Can‑ contributor to our understanding that CB1
have high affinity and specificity for CB2 nabinoid Research Society meeting in 1993 is present and functional in tissues such as
was achieved in the mid to late 1990s37,38 and when a team of researchers from the French adipose, liver and pancreas under pathologi‑
led to the discovery of the role of CB2 in pharmaceutical company Sanofi Recherche cal conditions of high-fat diet or obesity77.
immunosuppression, neuroprotection and announced their discovery of an antagonist This new understanding of the role of CB1 in
neuropathic and inflammatory pain. This for CB1, SR141716A50. This compound was metabolic regulation has inspired the search
consequently led to considerable interest in radiolabelled to investigate receptor pharma‑ for novel antagonists that fail to gain access to
developing and investigating CB2-selective cology51 and was soon modified to develop the brain78,79. An alternative clinical strategy
agonists .39–43
the first ligands for in vivo imaging52. The would be to screen for individuals who might
Both anandamide and 2‑AG are syn‑ discovery of an antagonist (SR141716A), be most susceptible to the limbic effects of
thesized on demand, often in response to which was in fact subsequently identified CB1 antagonists before selecting a treatment
increased concentration of intracellular as an inverse agonist, helped to characterize modality80.


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Endocannabinoid neuropharmacology that, following their release, anandamide versus those of exogenously introduced
The discovery that anandamide and 2‑AG and 2‑AG are mainly metabolized to ara‑ cannabinoids may differ and have different
are endocannabinoids prompted research to chidonic acid, the major metabolizing physiological consequences 33,44. It is also
identify the biochemical processes that are enzymes being fatty acid amide hydrolase recognized that many cannabinoid receptor
responsible for both their biosynthesis and (FAAH) for anandamide and mono‑ ligands also interact with a wide range of
their metabolism. This research showed that acylglycerol lipase (MAGL) for 2‑AG81,82. non-cannabinoid receptor targets and that,
these two endocannabinoids are synthesized Other endocannabinoid-metabolizin­g irrespective of whether they are endogenous,
‘on demand’ rather than stored, and it iden‑ enzymes include FAAH‑2 for ananda‑ synthetic or plant cannabinoids, the pharma‑
tified biosynthetic and metabolic pathways mide, α,β‑hydrolase domain-containing 6 cological profiles of these compounds often
for both of them81–83. Thus, it has been dis‑ (ABDH6) and ABDH12 for 2‑AG, and cyto‑ vary considerably from each other33,44.
covered that 2‑AG is formed from diacylg‑ chrome P450 enzymes, lipoxygenases and The endocannabinoid receptors, the
lycerol (DAG) in a process that is catalysed cyclooxygenase 2 for both of these endocan‑ endocannabinoids and their biosynthetic and
by sn1‑specific DAG lipase‑α and lipase-β, nabinoids81,82. The physiological relevance biodegrading enzymes constitute what has
and that the main biosynthetic pathway of the lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase come to be known as the endocannabinoid
for anandamide involves the formation of derivatives of anandamide and 2‑AG is not system, the discovery of which prompted a
N‑arachidonoyl phosphatidylethanolamine yet clear. It is also noteworthy that ananda‑ search for its physiological and pathophysi‑
(NAPE) from phosphatidylethanolamine mide and 2‑AG can undergo cellular uptake ological roles. This search revealed that there
and phosphatidylcholine, which is catalysed following their release, although whether are several disorders in which endocan‑
by an as yet uncharacterized calcium- this process is mediated by a transporter is nabinoids are released to their receptors in
dependent transacylase enzyme. This is currently unclear81,82. an ‘autoprotective’ manner that ameliorates
then followed by the conversion of NAPE to It is now recognized that, although engi‑ unwanted effects of these disorders82–84. It
anandamide in a single step that is catalysed neering exogenous cannabinoids provided also raised the possibility that increasing
by NAPE-selective phospholipase D and/ insights into receptor usage and linked func‑ extracellular levels of a released endocan‑
or in two or three steps that are catalysed tional events, the intracellular and extracel‑ nabinoid by inhibiting metabolizing enzymes
by other enzymes. It has also been found lular actions and fate of endocannabinoids such as FAAH or MAGL, or by inhibiting
the cellular uptake of anandamide, might
prove to be an effective therapeutic strategy
Glossary to manage some of these disorders, which
Affinity G protein-coupled receptor include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s dis‑
The potency with which a compound binds to a particular (GPCR). A seven-transmembrane domain receptor that ease, schizophrenia, hypertension, inflam‑
receptor; the higher the affinity of the compound, the induces G‑protein-mediated activation of intracellular
matory bowel diseases, pruritus, Alzheimer’s
lower the concentration at which it achieves a given level of signal transduction pathways when occupied by an agonist.
receptor occupancy.
disease, depression, obsessive compulsive
Hashish disorder and cancer82–84.
Agonists A cannabis-derived preparation that consists mostly of The discovery of the endocannabinoid
Compounds that can activate pharmacological receptors; a dried cannabis resin. system also led to a reinvestigation of the
full agonist is more potent than a partial agonist and so
interactions of plant and synthetic cannabi‑
usually produces a greater maximum functional response. Hypokinesia
A condition that is characterized by decreased bodily noids with this system and other biochemical
Allosteric modulators movement. entities. As a result, evidence has emerged
Drugs that can act on an allosteric site of a receptor to that Δ9-THC targets receptors other than CB1
increase or to reduce the ability of an agonist or an inverse Inverse agonist (REFS 85–87). For example, at submicromolar
agonist to induce a functional response when it targets a A compound that binds to a receptor in a manner that
different (orthosteric) site on the same receptor. induces a pharmacological response opposite to the
concentrations, Δ9-THC has also been found
response that is induced by an agonist for the same to have several effects: first, it has been found
Antagonist receptor. to activate CB2, albeit with less efficacy than
A compound that can bind to, but cannot activate, a it activates CB1 (REF. 88); second, it has been
receptor by targeting its orthosteric site and that can Relative intrinsic activity
found to activate the deorphanized GPCRs
therefore prevent both drug-induced agonism and The relative ability of drug–receptor complexes to produce
drug-induced inverse agonism at this receptor. maximum functional responses; a high-efficacy agonist GPR18 (REF. 89) and GPR55 (REF. 33), the
needs to occupy fewer receptors to produce a maximal cation channels TRPA1 and TRPV2 (REFS 90)
Antinociception response than a low-efficacy agonist (also known as a and the nuclear receptor peroxisome prolifer‑
Another term for pain relief. partial agonist).
ator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ)33; third, it
Apoptosis Retrograde synaptic messengers
has been found to block the activation both of
A process of programmed cell death that usually has Compounds that are released by a postsynaptic dendrite 5-hydroxytryptamine 3 (5HT3) ligand-gated
advantageous consequences. or cell body, but that act presynaptically — for example, to ion channels33,85 and of TRPM8 cation chan‑
influence the release of a transmitter. nels90; and, last, it has been found to enhance
the activation both of α1 subunits and α1β1
A condition that is characterized by immobility and Structure–activity relationship
muscular rigidity. (SAR). The relationship between the pharmacological dimers of human glycine ligand-gated ion
activity of compounds and their chemical structures. channels and of native glycine receptors in
Endocannabinoid rat isolated ventral tegmental area neurons33.
An endogenous compound that can directly activate or Transient receptor potential cation channel There have also been reports that submicro‑
block cannabinoid CB1 and/or CB2 or that can act as a subfamily V member 1
positive or negative allosteric modulator to increase or to (TRPV1). A member of a superfamily of transmembrane
molar concentrations of Δ9-THC can inhibit
reduce responses of CB1 and/or CB2 to direct agonists or cation channels; it was previously known as vanilloid the enzyme lysophosphatidylcholine acyl
inverse agonists. receptor 1. transferase11, that it can increase the activity


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of phospholipase C, which can catalyse the in vivo. Although it does not bind to CB1 and Raphael Mechoulam is at the Institute for Drug
Research, Medical Faculty, Hebrew University,
production of DAG and phospholipase A2 CB2, its activity is blocked by CB2 antago‑
Jerusalem, 91120, Israel.
(REF. 11) and that it can both inhibit the uptake nists98. This raises questions, such as what is
Lumír O. Hanuš is at the Institute for Drug Research,
of adenosine by cultured microglia and mac‑ the relationship of such endocannabinoid-like
Medical Faculty, Hebrew University, Jerusalem,
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Roger Pertwee is at the Institute of Medical Sciences,
cess), of noradrenaline (it enhances this pro‑ molecules in the brain? University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD,
cess) and of dopamine (it both enhances and Pucci et al.99 have investigated the possible Scotland, UK.
inhibits this process)85,87. In addition, at higher epigenetic regulation of skin differentia‑
Allyn C. Howlett is at the Department of Physiology
concentrations, Δ9-THC has been found to tion genes by phytocannabinoids99. CBD and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University Health
affect several other such pharmacological was found to increase DNA methylation of Sciences, One Medical Center Blvd, Winston-Salem,
targets85,87. For example, at concentrations the keratin 10 gene. Remarkably, CBD also North Carolina 27157, USA.
between 1 µM and 10 µM, it has been reported reduced keratin 10 mRNA levels by a CB1- Correspondence to R.M.
to enhance the activation of β‑adrenoceptors, dependent mechanism. Thus, in this system, e‑mail:
to function as a negative allosteric modulator CBD is apparently a transcriptional repressor doi:10.1038/nrn3811
of µ- and δ‑opioid receptors, to activate the that can control cell proliferation and dif‑ Published online 15 October 2014
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symptoms of schizophrenia. Transl. Psychiatry 2, e94 acid amide hydrolase wild-type and knockout mice. Competing interests statement
(2012). J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 350, 196–204 (2014). The authors declare no competing interests.


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