Csec Sba 2019

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Caribbean Secondary Examination Council

Office Administration
School Based Assessment

Name of Candidate: Timothy Pahalad

Centre Code: 090048
Candidate Number: 090048
Name of Centre: Skeldon Line Path Secondary School
Title of Project: Communication and Operations, Dispatch and
Transport Services
Year of Exam: 2019
Territory: Guyana
Name of Teacher: Ravin Ragbeer
Date Submitted: 2019-01-23
Table of Contents

Contents Page Number

Acknowledgement …………………………………………………….....
Introduction ………………………………………………………………

Criteria One: Preparation

Title of Project……………………………………………………………
Aim of Project ……………………………………………………………
Function of Relevant Department………………………………………...
Correspondence Letter……………………………………………………

Criteria Two: Gathering Data

Five Questions asked…………………………………………………….
Schedule of Activities …………………………………………………...
Regulations and Policies ………………………………………………...

Criteria Three: Presentation

Limitations, Findings, Recommendation………………………………..
Impact of Office Equipment…………………………………………….
Appendix ……………………………………………………………….
Pictures showing office Equipment ……………………………………

Document of Business ………………………………………………...

Title of Project

To examine the duties and attributes of a clerk in the operations office of Ghamandi.
Aims of project

1. To find out the significant duties and attributes of a clerk in the operational office.
2. To investigate the type of work done in the operational office of purchasing of an
organization and the benefits of having a clerk within that office.
Functions of the Relevant Department

 Manage inventory
 Determine the items to be purchase
 Liaise with other departments
Correspondence letter
Lot 31 Kingston

1st June, 2018

Purchasing department

Dear Sir,
Re: Permission to conduct a CSEC SBA investigation for Office Administration on the duties
and attributes of a clerk in the operations office.
I am a student of form five from Skeldon Line Path Secondary School and I will soon be writing
my CSEC Examination in 2019. I was assigned to complete a project for Office Administration
in which I will obtain marks for my examination.

The title of my project “Operations, Dispatch and Transport Services”. In order to complete my
project, I am seeking permission to visit your business on the 20th of June at 1:30pm to distribute
questionnaires to the members in the operational office of purchasing as well as to yourself. I
kindly also ask for little tour around the business.

You can contact me on my cell, 6776341 or email me at timothypahalad14@gmail to inform me

if the time I stated would be convenient enough for you or not. I assure you that every
information obtain will be confidential and will only be used for my project’s completion.
Your faithfully
Timothy Pahalad
Student of Skeldon Line Path Secondary
Five (5) questions asked

1. What are some of the function of the purchasing department?

2. What would be the benefits of the Purchasing Department?
 Business is up to date when it comes to stocking goods.
 attract customers to the business.
 Maintain the business reputation.
3. What are the duties of the clerk in the purchasing department?
4. What are the attributes of a clerk within the purchasing department?
5. What are the benefits of having a clerk in the purchasing department?
Schedule of Activities

Date Activities Comments

2018/06/12 Selected a topic. A suitable topic was
identified and discussed
with the teacher.
2018/06/13 Formulated two aims. Aims were written with no
2018/06/14 Identified an organization. The organization called
Ghamandi was selected.
2018/06/15 Letter requesting permission Researcher waited for
was written and sent to the permission to be granted to
organization. visit the organization.
2018/06/20 Visited the organization to Interview was completed
conduct interviews and and revisited the
distribute questionnaires. organization in the
afternoon session to
recollect questionnaires.
2018/06/24 Revisited the organization to Questionnaires were
collect questionnaires and collected and observation
make observation made were carefully
2018/06/24 Analysed the information Analysed information was
collected. placed in report.
2018/07/19 Rough report was written Report was checked and
corrected by subject

2018/08/05 Methodology was written up Corrections were made by

in sequential order the subject teacher.
2018/08/29 Conclusion was stated and There was no difficulty
referential materials were encountered in formulating
recorded in the bibliography the conclusive statement
section. and identifying referential
2018/12/14 First draft of the report was A few errors were
submitted to the subject identified and corrected by
teacher for corrections. the subject teacher.
Suggestions for
improvements were also

2019/01/23 S B A was submitted in a Teacher collected the

typological manner to the report for marking.
subject teacher.
Regulations and Policies of the organization
Legislation governing the work place.
External Legislation: Ghamandi hardware store is governed by the small business act no.2 of
2004 which is incorporated or registered under the Companies act 1991 or the Business Name
(Registration) Act. The business adopted this Act in the year of 2007.It also follows the Health
and Safety Act of 1997 and this act was adopted in the year of 2005.
How the researcher became aware of the Legislation:
The researcher became aware of the Legislation during the interview conducted with the
Internal Legislation: Anyone who enters the operations and dispatch office, he or she should
inform the manager or some other personnel, in authority before entering.
How the researcher became aware of the Legislation:
The researcher became aware of the Legislation, because he entered the workplace and was asked to wait
for the manager’s permission to enter.
Health and Safety Rule: “No Smoking inside the building”. This sign was seen on the entrance doorpost
of the building.
Staff Rule: One staff rule in the organisation that the researcher had to comply with was no eating or
drinking is allowed inside the store
After carefully planning and conducting this project, it can be concluded that the aims were
established and finalized with its information gathered on the duties, responsibilities and
attributes of a clerk engaged in the Purchasing Department of Ghamandi.
The research outlined two (2) aims and two (2) functions for the suitable data gathering for this
project / SBA, the researcher prepared a letter to seek permission to visit the organization to
conduct interviews and to distribute questionnaire’s for gathering data.
The researcher then constructed a questionnaire consisting of five (5) questions based on the
Purchasing Department of the organization and were distributed to the organization for
completion by selected individuals, after a few days’ permission was granted and the researcher
visited the organization and observations were also made on the same day.
Out to them, the researcher also noticed that all employees were abiding by the rules of the
organization and there was no interruption of work which resulted in the completion of tasks
easier. Thus, the information /data obtained was found crucial in the completion of this project as
the aims were conducted and completed.
While carrying out this research the challenges faced was to get all fifteen (15) personnel to
complete the questionnaire because they had to deal with customers etc. Another was to collect
all questionnaires because of day offs and vacations taken by some personnel.

 All staff were dress in the same colour uniform bearing the organisation logo.
 On Thursdays the business place is very busy due to fact that it opens five (5) days a
week excluding Saturday and Sunday

Some recommendations are:
 To strengthen public relations, offer exquisite deals to the public
 All members of staff within Ghamandi Hardware Store should always be polite and
courteous with customers even if they are displaying inappropriate attitudes to you.
 There should be more emergency exits around the organization.
In conclusion, the researcher attained all the information needed to complete this SBA on
Communication and Operations, Dispatch and Transport Services and the purchasing department
at Ghamandi hardware store.
Impact of Office Equipment
Date Equipment used Purpose of equipment Suitability for tasks

June 20th 2018 Printer (All in one) Used to copy, scan and print Saves office space time and
documents off the computer money
onto printing paper.

June 20th 2018 Fax Machine Used to send documents to Reduces the problem of
other departments. postal services

June 20th 2018 Stapler Used to attach files together Less messy than the use of
with use of staples. glue to attach files together.

June 20th 2018 Telephone Used to receive and make It is a good decision to have
calls. this because you can contact
other workers instead of
walking the business to pass
on information
June 20th 2018 Computer Used to type, edit, store It reduces the time to
show and send prepare documents.
details/ information/
Date Name Place Job title
20 June 2018 Ghamandi Lawford Ghamandi hardware store, Manager
Time: 1:30m. Corriverton,

 Ann M. Jacob, Office Administration for CSEC, Nelson Thornes Publishers 2013.
 Reid J Finisterre, Longman Office Administration for CSEC- 2nd edition Pearson
Publishers 2012.
1. In which year was the business established?
 1880-1885
 1990-1995
 2000-2005
 Other year
2. How many different types of departments can be found in this organization?
3. How long have you been working in the purchasing department?
 0-5 years
 6-10 years
 11-15 years
 16-20 years
 Over 20 years
4. How regularly are the workers being paid?
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Fortnight
5. What are some of the function of the purchasing department?
6. Are the functions of the Purchasing Department being carried out in the Business?
 Yes
 No
7. What would be the benefits of the Purchasing Department?
 Business is up to date when it comes to stocking goods.
 attract customers to the business.
 Maintain the business reputation.
8. What are the duties of the clerk in the purchasing department?
9. What are the attributes of a clerk within the purchasing department?
10. In your opinion which department is more important in the organization?
 Purchasing department
 Reception and hospitality department
 Financial department
11. What could be a disadvantage of this organization having a purchasing department?
12. What filing equipment is being used in the purchasing department?
 File folders
 microfilm/ microfiche
 Cabinet

13. What is some equipment used in the Purchasing Department?

14. What are the benefits of having a clerk in the purchasing department?
15. Are you willing to put any special effort to make the business successful?
 Yes
 No
Document in use in the business

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