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Actividad Nº 1: Presenting the Problem / SituationTiempo Sugerido: 40

Annex 1: PPTPPTVer | Descargar
Annex 2: Breakfast around the worldvideoVer | Descargar
Resources: PPT (Annex 1), soft ball, Video about breakfast around the world (Annex 2)

T greets Ss kindly. T projects some food vocabulary (learnt in 3rd grade) and asks Ss to work in pairs to
write the word on their magic board. Then T pronounces the word carefully, asking students to repeat.
After 2 repetitions as a group, T can point at the words and encourage Ss to say the words, correcting
when necessary. T can point at the words faster and then slower. T makes sure that Ss understand the
meaning of the words by asking questions.
Ss read the question in the PPT: When do you usually eat these things? (I usually eat them in the
morning). T encourages Ss to use the prompt to give complete answers.
T projects the question: What do you usually eat in the morning?. And using T-P-S, Ss are asked to talk
in pairs and answer the question using the prompt given as well. (Before starting the activity Ss repeat
the question and example) Then some volunteers can participate in plenary asking and answering.
T shows the question: But, what about China? What do they usually eat in China? Ss work in group to
produce ideas. Ss discuss in group what they think people eat in China. T elicits some ideas from all the
class. T makes sure that at least one person from each group provides answers.
A: I think in China they usually eat … What do you think (Sebastian)?
B: (Sebastian answers) I think in China they usually eat … What do you think (another student)?
Then T projects vocabulary again, selecting some students to identify them and say the words (using
complete sentences(“it’s yoghurt”). Then 2 new pictures appear: rice and sausages. T drills the words in
plenary and writes all of them on the board.
T asks: What country do you think has weird food for breakfast? (T needs to check comprehension of the
word “weird”- gives them synonyms such as “strange”, “rare”). Ss start talking in plenary and T takes
notes. Ss could write this phrase to use it to answer: I think in China they eat different or weird food for
breakfast. What do you think?
T shows a video about breakfast around the world (Annex 2) for ss to write the country with the
weirdest breakfast. They can write the name of the country in their notebooks and the food vocabulary
they see. After that, Ss compare in pairs and then with the whole class.
After that, T presents the situation:
“You’re going to travel to another country with your family. You want to have a delicious meal in a
restaurant with them. What would you like to order? How would you order? For this, you should have
a conversation in trios ordering food in the restaurant. At the end of the meal, you have to write a
short paragraph about what you and your family like to eat in your country so the restaurant can
have new ideas for their menu.”
Ss are asked some comprehension questions in plenary:

o Where are you going to travel? To another country

o What will you do there? Have a delicious meal with our family
o Why do you have to leave a text about your food preferences? Because the restaurant wants new
ideas for their menu.

Actividad Nº 1: Determining the ProductsTiempo Sugerido: 20 minutos

Annex 3: Conversation RubricwordVer | Descargar
Annex 3: Conversation RubricpdfVer | Descargar
Annex 4: Writing RubricwordVer | Descargar
Annex 4: Writing RubricpdfVer | Descargar
Annex 5.1: Unit Guidelines Spanish versionwordVer | Descargar
Annex 5.1: Unit Guidelines Spanish versionpdfVer | Descargar
Annex 5: Unit guidelineswordVer | Descargar
Annex 5: Unit guidelinespdfVer | Descargar
Resources: PPT (Annex 1), Flipcharts, Conversation Rubric (Annex 3), Writing Rubric (Annex 4), Unit
guidelines (Annex 5).

T asks the following question: “What products are you going to develop in this unit?
Ss also are asked for the products of this unit:

o What’s the oral product of this unit? We need to have a conversation in a restaurant.
o What do you have to do in the conversation? We have to order food.
o What about the written product? It’s a short paragraph.
o What about? About my family food preferences.

Some Ss share their ideas and T writes them on the board. T shows the slide with the real products.


Students will have a conversation in trios Students will write, individually, a short text
ordering food in a restaurant (paragraph) about their food preferences.

-T asks ss: What do you think the requirements for each product will be?
-In trios, ss should choose between the Written Product or the Oral Product to work on the next activity.
-As soon Ss get a flipchart they have to brainstorm all the requirements for the chosen product (T
reminds Ss that they can draw or use keywords for this activity)
-Ss stick the flipchart papers around the classroom for Gallery Walk Strategy. (Groups have to tick the
ideas they consider necessary to include in the products and until T indicates the groups move the right
or left to continue ticking other works).
-T shows the PPT with the content they need to include in their final products.
Then T writes this prompt: “For the oral product we have to … and for the written product we have to
….” T drills the phrases and has Ss talk in pairs to remember what they have to do for both products.
Ss compare and correct (only if it's really necessary) their previous work.
-T asks ss: “How are you going to evaluate these products?”
-Ss should say “The Oral Presentation Rubric and the Writing Rubric (T reminds what they are about)
-Ss paste the rubrics in their notebooks and underline the aspects that each product will require.
-T should stick the Oral Presentation Rubric and Writing Rubric (A3) with the keywords underlined in the
English Corner (notice board) to make ss aware of the importance of these assessment instruments. In
addition to it, each instrument should be in every students' folder.

-Ss are given the unit guidelines (Annex 5) to paste in their notebooks.

-T asks ss to underline or highlight the keywords in the situation.

Actividad Nº 1: Formulating the RouteTiempo Sugerido: 10 minutos

Annex 6: Skill pictureswordVer | Descargar
Annex 6: Skill picturespdfVer | Descargar
Resources: Skill pictures (Annex 6), PPT (annex 1).
Ss are asked the following questions:

T asks : What’s the topic of this unit? Food

What are the products? A conversation in a restaurant and a text to the restaurant
How can we create those products well? What do we need to read, listen to, write and talk about? Ss
may say that we have to read about food habits, listen to food around the world, etc.

T gives students a card or a picture (Annex 6) Skill Pictures about Listening (an ear), Speaking (pacman),
Reading (a book), Writing (a pen). Ss work in pairs: “What… activities are necessary to achieve a great
product?” Ss need to look at the pictures, think and write on a piece of paper all the activities related to
the skill they need to achieve. After some minutes, Ss paste their answers on the board. T checks with
the class and then projects the route of the unit:

o Talk about food preferences

o Read a conversation between two friends talking about drinks
o Listen to a conversation about food for lunch
o Write short paragraphs about food you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
o Listen to conversations about food and how it tastes.
o Create and practice a conversation at a restaurant

T explains that SS will learn all the things elicited on the board throughout the unit. T congratulates Ss´

Actividad Nº 2: Session 2Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos
Annex 10.1: practice worksheetwordVer | Descargar
Annex 10.1: practice worksheetpdfVer | Descargar
Annex 10: reading worksheetwordVer | Descargar
Annex 10: reading worksheetpdfVer | Descargar
Resources: PPT (annex 1), student’s book, reading worksheet (Annex 10), practice worksheet (Annex
10.1), notebooks
Skill: Reading

Pre-task (25’)
Ss are shown two pictures with typical lunch food from two different parts pf the world. Ss are set in
trios to discuss the countries. After a few moments, T elicits the countries. Then, writes the two
countries on the board: India and the UK. T explains what the food is about (India: flat bread and
servings of sauces made with lamb meat and vegetables. The Uk: The typical fish & chips served in a
newspaper – you can find this in the street and it is considered the typical food) Ss are asked which one
they would like to try. Ss share in groups.
Then T recycles vocabulary they know by projecting a slide with book vocabulary. T shows and says part
of the meal and Ss have to complete it. For example:
T: steamed ________ (showing picture) Ss: steamed bun
T: rice and ________ (showing picture) Ss: rice and beans
T asks Ss to open their books on page 28, activity 1. Ss listen and practice pronunciation of the
Then, T asks Ss to look at the picture of the boy, Sam, on page 29. T says that Sam is a boy that doesn’t
like most of these meals (pointing to the pictures), but there’s one thing he likes. Using T-P-S, Ss ask and
answer the following question. T provides prompts using PPT and models. After that, T elicits some Ss
A: What does Sam like?
B: I think he likes… What about you?
A: I think he likes eating ________.

After that, Ss listen to the song and follow it with their fingers. T may do mimics to represent words and
phrases such as: try something, taste, take a little piece, funny face, etc. Ss listen again and sing the
song, making those mimics, too.
Ss are asked to close their books and are shown a picture of a glass of lemonade (PPT). They are asked
to say what it is and T writes the word on the board. Then T elicits other drinks. T writes ideas on the
board and then shows pictures of water, milk, yogurt, soda, fruit juice. T elicits them and shows the
words. Ss do choral repetition of the words.
Then T shows the questions: Which drink do you like? Which drink don’t you like? Ss answer in pairs: I
like to drink … What about you? T encourages the use of “and” to mention to drinks. T elicits ideas.
T projects a picture related to the story in the book (Page 30) and tells Ss something interesting is
happening in the story. To check predictions, Ss are asked to say what the is happening in the story by
using the prompt: I think ________, What about you?. T models an example: “I think the boy and the
girl prepare lemonade. What about you?”. Ss participate and T writes ideas on the board.
T. tells Ss that they are going to read a story and writes the objective of the class: “Read a story to
identify the main idea and specific information”
Task (40’)
Ss open their books and read the visual story individually to find out what happens and check if their
predictions were correct (Page 30 -31). Ss read for the first time to check their predictions. For this, T
asks What’s the interesting situation?They should get the word “sour” as the problem (inferring
meaning from context). T clarifies its complete meaning (something that has an acid taste). They might
come with the idea that the girl doesn’t like the lemonade.
T sets the success criteria:
-Underline the most important ideas.
-Complete the exercises individually.
Ss read the text again in order to do the activity 6 (Choose and complete the sentences). Once they have
finished, Ss check answers in plenary.
Language Focus (20’)
T projects 4 sentences on the board:

o I like to drink soda and milk.

o I don’t like to drink water
o Elena likes to eat rice and beans
o Pedro doesn’t like to eat steamed buns
T asks the question: Are these sentences used to say food preferences or to order food? (Ss should
answer: to say food preferences). Then T writes a table on the board with the meals and drinks so ss
decide if they put a tick (in case the person likes it) or a cross (in case the person doesn’t like it). T asks:
What about soda? Tick or cross? (tick) Why? Because the person likes soda. And T put the tick. The
same happens to the other meals or drinks. T drills the sentences.
T delivers a Reading Worksheet (Annex 10) and asks SS to read and complete the story summary using
the words from the box. After that, T elicits answers in plenary.
T models and gives time for Ss to work. T monitors the use of the language and vocabulary.
Ss are given a practice worksheet (Annex 10.1) and they have to look at the “I like” and “I don´t
like” and complete it with two or three meals and drinks they like and they don’t like. Then They glue it
on their notebooks. First Ss write two sentences about meals/drinks they like or don’t. Once they’ve
finished. Then they give the notebook to a partner, who writes two sentences about his/her partner
using the information from the chart. For example:

5. I like oatmeal
6. I don’t like chicken curry.

(SS change notebooks)

o Julian likes to eat noodle soup and tortillas.

o He doesn’t like to eat chicken curry.

T monitors the correct use of the language (structure and vocabulary).

 Actividad Nº 3: Session 3Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos

Annex 7: Vocabulary worksheetwordVer | Descargar
Annex 7: Vocabulary worksheetpdfVer | Descargar
Annex 8: istening worksheetwordVer | Descargar
Annex 9: Practice worksheetwordVer | Descargar
Annex 9: Practice worksheetpdfVer | Descargar
Resources: PPT (annex 1), Vocabulary worksheet (annex 7), student’s book, listening worksheet (annex
8), Practice worksheet (annex 9)
Skill: Listening

Pre-task (20’)
Ss are shown a picture and are asked to look carefully and discuss the questions. T elicits some answers
and shares his/her opinion about the food shown and the situation.
TPS activity. After that, Ss are shown a picture with some meals and drinks and are told: Imagine that
you’re at home and you are hungry. What would you like to eat? T models an example: I’d like to eat
____. T encourages the use the phrase: That sounds great! As a way to react and show interest. Ss ask
and answer and then T has some volunteers to speak out. Ss may come out with more vocabular. T
should gather all vocabulary on the board and practice pronunciation and make sure all Ss understand
the meaning. Ss receive a vocabulary worksheet (Annex 7) in which they, in pairs, have to label the
food/drink pictures. Ss check the answers with the teacher and then work on pronunciation.
Then, Ss are asked the question again: What would you like to eat now? Ss should answer using
complete sentences and the new words learned. T copy the vocabulary ideas on the board.
T projects the picture of the grandfather and the grandson and asks ss: Who are they? (Ss: They
are____) What are they doing? ( Ss: They are ________) Who do you think is hungry? ( I think
___________) Ss answer in plenary and T encourages to use complete sentences.
Then T asks: What would the boy like to eat? (Ss: The boy would like to eat _____) as a prediction
question, and copy their predictions on the board to check later. Ss guess based on the picture and T
writes the ideas on the board.
Based on the activities that Ss did, T asks them: “What will the objective of the class be? T elicits some
answers and takes notes. T writes on the board the objective of the class "Listen to people talking
about food preferences and identify specific information”
Task (40’)
T plays the audio (page 32. Activity 7) and SS listen to the conversation audio to check their predictions
without opening their books. (the boy would like to eat a sandwich). T ticks the correct predictions and
praises effort.
T sets the success criteria: Listen carefully and take notes, complete the worksheet using complete
After that, Ss are now given a listening worksheet (Annex 8) in which they have to listen again and
answer the following questions in a complete way:

o What’s the sandwich name? It’s a BLT

o What does it have? It has bacon, lettuce and tomato.
o How many sandwiches would the boy like? He’d like two sandwiches.
o Is the boy hungry? Yes, he is.
o Would you like to eat the BLT sandwich? Why?

Ss listen and answer the questions. Then, ss compare their answers in pairs and open their books (Page
32, activity 7) to read and check with the answers the teacher writes on the board.
Then T asks them to create a similar conversation, in which one student ask each other what they’d like
to eat and include real information about them. T tells Ss that the conversation can be shorter than the
model in the book and projects a shorter model. After that, Ss are asked to repeat the lines. In pairs, ss
practice the conversation. They should also use the phrase “That’s great!” to show interest. The target
is for Ss to use expressions with “would like” and the phrase to show interest. They should also use the
conjunction “and”. T models and Ss start to practice.
T can make ss realise how they did the activity by asking: What do you have to use in your conversation?
Did you use the grammar correctly?. After some minutes, T asks some volunteers to tell their
conversations aloud.
Language Focus (20’)
T projects a slide with the conversation from page 30 (active teach) and asks ss:

o What’s the first question the grandfather ask Aiden? (What would you like for lunch?)
o When do we use that question? (To know what the person wants to eat.)
o How does Aiden answer? (I’d like a sandwich, please.)
o Can we say “I like a sandwich, please”? (No) Why not? Are we saying something we always like
or something we like at this moment? (At this moment). So we need to say “I’d like a sandwich
o What phrase do we use to show interest? (That sounds great!)

Ss repeat the question, answer and phrases, giving an appropriate polite intonation.
Ss are given a worksheet (Annex 9) and they have to look, read and answer questions using “I would like
/ I’d like”. Once they’ve finished, T elicits answers and checks them with the whole class. T
congratulates Ss work.
-Randomly, T asks what they did in the task (ss should remember the ability they have developed and
strategies they have used). It’s important to make ss realize how the activities they’re doing in the unit
will help them accomplish the final products and goals of the unit. That reflection time could be present
not only at the end of the session, but also after an activity that is highly connected to the unit goals.

 Actividad Nº 4: Session 4Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos

Annex 11: Ordering in a restaurant audioaudioVer | Descargar
Annex 12: Sample conversation scriptwordVer | Descargar
Annex 12: Sample conversation scriptpdfVer | Descargar
Annex 13: VideovideoVer | Descargar
Annex 14: speaking worksheetwordVer | Descargar
Annex 14: speaking worksheetpdfVer | Descargar
Annex 15: strips to orderwordVer | Descargar
Annex 15: strips to orderpdfVer | Descargar
Annex 16: HomeworkwordVer | Descargar
Annex 16: HomeworkpdfVer | Descargar
Resources: PPT (Annex 1), Ordering in a restaurant audio (Annex 11), Sample conversation
script (Annex 12), Video (Annex 13), speaking worksheet (Annex 14), strips to order (Annex
15), Homework (Annex 16)

Skill: Speaking

Pre-task (30’)
T greets Ss and asks: What’s the unit’s situation about? Ss start remembering the information in
T projects a picture of people having lunch in a restaurant and are asked: What do you see in the
picture? Using the prompt given. (T can also encourage Ss to use and say all vocabulary they know –
colors- objects- etc) they focus on other question: How do they feel? Ss are encouraged to discuss in
groups and infer their feelings using evidence from the picture.
Ss are asked to remember the vocabulary words that they learned the previous class: yogurt, fruit, rice,
cereal, bread, milk, sausages, the bill. T writes them on the board and then projects the slide with those
words. T drills the words and then asks:What do you like to eat or drink for lunch? For lunch I like to
eat/drink… What about you? Ss discuss in pairs and then in plenary. T should collect the new vocabulary
and write it on the board. Pronunciation should be practiced, and every word explained making sure ss
understand. If there are problems, T can use google and check some pictures.
Ss are shown pictures of four different dishes and discuss in pairs what they see in the pictures: In the
first picture I see… What about you? T elicits ideas and writes them on the board.
T projects a picture of a mother and his son and asks some questions:
Where are they? (They are in a restaurant)
What do you think they are going to order? (They are going to order _________)
Some Ss give some predictions and T writes the ideas on the board. T should prepare a complete
order on the board including starters, main dishes and drinks. If desserts come up, they should
be included.
T. tells Ss that the people in the picture will order a meal in the restaurant. T. tells SS that they are going
listen to an audio of a mother and her son ordering a meal in a restaurant (Annex 11) and take notes on
their notebooks of the food they order.
After that, T delivers the Sample conversation script (Annex 13). Ss watch the video about the mother
and her son ordering meal (Annex 12). Ss check their prediction with the teachers.
Then, T asks Ss to recognize the next topics and highlight them:
- Greeting.
- Questions to ask the order.
- Sentences to order food.
Ss are also asked to mention useful phrases in the conversation and other phrases they can use as well.
(thank you, that’s right, good morning, etc). T drills the phrases and, if time allows, ss can practice with
them using other complements
T. writes on the board the objective of the lesson. “Have a conversation to order meal in a restaurant”
Task (30’)
Then T tell Ss they are going to prepare a similar conversation. T projects the flow chart to show ss how
the conversation should go. In pairs, Ss are going to do a short brainstorming on their notebooks of this

o Food you would like to order.

o Drink you would like to order.
o Useful Expressions.
Once they have finished, T asks them to practice it using their own preferences. T. projects success

- Mention what food you’d like to order.

- Add greetings and useful expressions.
Also T sets which rubric aspect is going to be assessed during this activity: Content 1 and Use of English
1. T asks: “What do we need to consider to achieve the aspect of the rubric?”. Some volunteers share
their ideas and T sums up all the information on the board so Ss can have a clear idea of what they need
to do to achieve the aspect during their presentation.
Ss are given a flowchart (Annex 14) to guide their conversations and T projects them on the board as
well. After that, Ss share their conversations with another couple and receives feedback based on the
success criteria of the activity. T monitors Ss’ works and ideas exchange.
At the end some volunteers share their presentation with the class and receive feedback from their
partners. T should also decide when and how the best moment to give feedback will be.
Language Focus (20’)
T writes projects the following sentences:

o I like to eat pasta with vegetables.

o I don’t like to eat pasta with vegetables.
o I ‘d like to eat pasta with vegetables.

T asks some concept check questions to clarify the meaning, form and use of “like” and “ ‘d like”:

o What are the verbs of these sentences? (like, eat)

o Which ones show preference? (like, don’t like)
o Which one you use for ordering in a restaurant? ( I’d like) (‘d like)

T points out that we use “I’d like to..” to order food, and we use “ I like /I don’t like” to talk about our
food preferences. T also asks questions about the use of the third person “He” – “She”:

o What about a friend? What does she/he like? He likes to eat …

o How does the verb change? We add “s”
o What about the negative? He doesn’t like to eat…

T could also use other questions. Ss repeat the sentences chorally and individually.
Ss are now asked: What if I like to eat two things, what word can I use? (and). T writes an example:
I like to eat pasta with vegetables and oatmeal. T underlines “and” and drills the sentence.
After that, T asks ss to put everything away and gives them some strips to order (Annex 15). In pairs, Ss
are asked to order the strips according to the story in the video. If they need help, T can give them the
first strip as an example.
1. Hi! May I take your order?
2. Yes, I'd like a pizza and spaghetti.
3.Anything else?
4.A green salad please.
5. Mother: Do you want some water?
6. Yes, please!
Speaking Survey : Ss are given a worksheet (Annex 16). They have to ask some members of their family
and complete the chart. T should encourage Ss to use the questions given to ask their family.

 Actividad Nº 5: Session 5Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos

Annex 17: Puzzle Game letterswordVer | Descargar
Annex 17: Puzzle Game letterspdfVer | Descargar
Annex 18: Text about SabrinawordVer | Descargar
Annex 18: Text about SabrinapdfVer | Descargar
Annex 19: Writing Process FormatwordVer | Descargar
Annex 19: Writing Process FormatpdfVer | Descargar
Resources: PPT (annex 1), Student’s book, Puzzle Game letters (Annex 17), Text about Sabrina (Annex
18), Writing Process Format (Annex 19)

Skill: Writing

Pre-task (20’)
T greets Ss kindly Ss are told that they will play a puzzle game: They are given some letters and a picture
and in pairs (Annex 17), are asked to put the letters in order and put the picture next to them. Once
they’ve finished. T corrects on the board by using pictures and writing the word for Ss to check. They do
choral repetition of the words.
Then T asks: When do you eat this food? (Ss could say : In the morning / for breakfast). Then T asks:
What do you like to eat for breakfast? T Projects the questions and prompts and can model an example
about him/her and then drills the questions. In pairs, Ss ask and answer questions and then T has some
volunteers to have the conversation in plenary.
After that, T shows the picture of a a girl named Sabrina and mentions that the she wants to tell them
about her food for breakfast. For prediction, T asks: What do you think Sabrina likes to eat for
breakfast? T elicits some answers and copies them on the board.
T delivers the text about Sabrina’s food preferences (Annex 18) and Ss are asked to read the text very
quickly to confirming their predictions (skimming).

Sabrina’s breakfast
Hello, my name is Sabrina. I want to tell you about the food I like to eat for breakfast.
In the morning I like to eat eggs and milk, but I don't like to drink fruit juice. It's sour. I
would like to eat something different. For example, I would like to eat vegetables
because they are healthy and I like healthy food. It’s delicious!
Then T shows the following slide and asks SS to read the text quickly again in order to identify and
underline using colors the following information:

o What she likes to eat (red)

o What she would like to eat (blue)
o Useful phrases (green).

In plenary, T asks ss to identify the information that has been included in the paragraph as well as some
phrases that can be used. When eliciting, T summarizes this information on the board. Also, T asks ss to
identify some other phrases they can use in their productions.
T writes the objective of the class: “Write a short paragraph about food preferences”.
Task (45’)
SS are told that they need to write a paragraph following the writing process and receive the Writing
Process worksheet(Annex 19) so they can start working on the task, by following all the steps. Ss are
also told the aspect of the rubric they should be focusing on. Before starting, T agrees with students
what the success criteria based on the rubrics should be for this writing activity:

o Add the required content. (make sure ss are aware of what the content is)
o Use connectors “and”,” but”, or”

Brainstorming (8’): (Annex 19)

Ss are told that they have to think of food/ drinks they like, don’t like to eat and would like to eat (food /
drinks). T gives them the writing process format for the activity. For the brainstorming, they use the
chart and write in the columns. T models first on the board using the sample information eliciting the
information from ss so that they are involved, and then asks them to do the same in their charts. This
chart should remain as a reference for studets during the whole task.


Eggs Fruit juice Vegetables


Outlining (8’): (Annex 19)

Then T says: okay, how can we organize these ideas? (Ss should say: We use brainstorming). What
connectors can we use? (Ss should say “and” “or” “but” mainly).
For example, if I like to eat bread and I like to eat eggs, what connector can I use? “and” T circles the
words and writes “and”. And if I like milk but I don’t like soda for breakfast, what can I use? “but”. Good.
T circles the words in another color and writes the word “but”. T does the same with “or”.
Then T asks ss to use the sandwich diagram (Annex 19). T models the activity organizing his own ideas
from the brainstorming, so Ss can have a clear idea of what to do. Finally asks ss for some expressions or
words they can use to link ideas. They can use the sample product to get some ideas. It’d be useful to
elicit the structures and vocabulary to be used in the paragraph as well. T monitors Ss’ work and helps
them if necessary.
Drafting (10’): Annex 19
Ss turn the worksheet over to start creating their own drafting. T should also decide and sets which
aspect of the rubric Ss are going to focus on during the activity (According to Ss needs). Ss need to
remember the keywords of the aspect and T write the information on the board.
If they finish in time, they can even draw a picture of their typical breakfast.
T monitors the work and provides help. It’s important to mention that ss can be working on it in pairs,
helping each other, but at the end each of them should have his/her own paragraph. Before finishing, T
gives feedback to the whole class on the aspects he/she considers relevant and then collects the
notebooks for revision.
NOTE: During this time, T needs to monitor the activity by asking some questions or giving support to Ss
with some difficulties on the writing task. In case feedback is necessary, T should provide ss with it. To
do this, teachers can monitor sts from time to time and read a part of the piece of writing and say “Well
done! You’re including...” or ask questions such as “Are you sure we say this in this way”, “Check this
part” or “I’m not sure about this part” to make them think and revise the piece of writing again, based
on the success criteria agreed with students.
Language Focus (15’)
Ss reinforce the use of “but” and “or”. T may want to give other examples to clarify the meaning and
use. Ss should also repeat the words within sentences.
SS work on the student’s book page 36, exercise 18.
It’s important to make ss realize how the activities they’re doing in the unit will help them accomplish
the final products and goals of the unit. That reflection time could be present not only at the end of the
session, but also after an activity that is highly connected to the unit goals.

 Actividad Nº 6: Session 6Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos

Annex 20: Conversation Practice samplepdfVer | Descargar
Annex 20: Conversation Practice samplewordVer | Descargar
Annex 21: Conversation Sample AudioaudioVer | Descargar
Resources: PPT (annex 1), student’s books, Conversation Practice sample (Annex 20), Conversation
Sample Audio (Annex 21) notebooks.
Skill: Listening

Pre-task (25’)
Ss are shown a picture and are asked what they think is happening. Ss work in groups and discuss basing
their ideas on evidence. Then, T elicits.
Ss are shown the following pictures in the PPT: a smoothie, mango, corn tortilla, chili, flan, meat, beans,
pepper, sugar and salt. In pairs, ss try to identify the pictures, saying: “I think number 1 is …”. Then T
shows the words and drills them in plenary.
Then teacher presents the words: salty, sour, spicy and sweet and elicits ideas of their meaning by trying
to match them with the vocabulary. (T must use facial gesture to help Ss to match). Once ss are aware
of the meaning, T drills the words. T projects a picture and asks them what it is. T tells Ss it’s the bill, and
it’s used to pay in a restaurant.
T asks students: What would you like to eat in a restaurant? (Ss answer according to their own
information). T writes their ideas on the board. Then Ss are projected a short conversation (PPT). T asks
some volunteers to help her/him to model it briefly. Then T asks Ss to practice it, using use the new
vocabulary presented previously.
A: Hey Carla, What would you like to eat/drink?
B: I’d like to eat cake. I like sweet food, and you?
A: I’d like to eat pizza and chili. I like spicy food.
B: Right!
T congratulates Ss’ work and tells them they’re going to listen to four conversations and guess what
food/drink they’re talking about. T writes ideas on the board.
T writes the objective of the class: “Listen to people ordering food to identify specific information”.
Task (45’)
Ss listen for the first time and check predictions with the teacher. T praises Ss.
Before the activity T writes on the board the success criteria

o Listen carefully and take notes.

o Stick the pictures correctly

Ss listen to the conversations (Student book , page 32 – activity 9) and writes the food/drinks in their
notebooks. After checking answers with the teacher, they open their books and take out the stickers.
They will listen again and stick the pictures in the correct picture, then they write the words from the
box next to each picture.
Ss now have to have a conversation in pairs, imagining they’re in a restaurant. One of them is the waiter
and the other, the customer. Ss must also include the moment when they pay the bill.
T gives Ss the conversation sample (Annex 20) and projects it on the board. Then T asks a student to
help to model the activity with him/her.
Ss create and practice their conversations. Then, in groups of four, they have the conversations. T gives
feedback to the whole class focusing on the rubric aspects for this activity.
Language Focus (15’)
Ss show a sample conversation in a restaurant (PPT) and ss identify the phrases with “would like”, to
react or show interest and how the words “and” and “or” are used. They also pay attention to the use of
taste words: sour, spicy, salty and sweet.
Ss can work on the student’s book page 37 exercise 25.
It’s important to make ss realize how the activities they’re doing in the unit will help them accomplish
the final products and goals of the unit. That reflection time could be present not only at the end of the
session, but also after an activity that is highly connected to the unit goals.

 Actividad Nº 7: Session 7Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos

Annex 22: Text about Mario’s food preferenceswordVer | Descargar
Annex 22: Text about Mario’s food preferencespdfVer | Descargar
Annex 23: Writing Process FormatwordVer | Descargar
Annex 23: Writing Process FormatpdfVer | Descargar
Resources: PPT (annex 1), Text about Mario’s food preferences (Annex 22), Writing Process
Format (Annex 23)

Skill: Writing

Pre-task (30’)
T greets Ss kindly. T introduces the skill Ss are going to work on in this session by showing a picture on
the PPT. “What is the picture about?” “What skill do you think we are going to work on today?” Ss share
their ideas and T writes on the board “WRITING”, the skill of today’s class.
Then Ss are shown a slide with pictures of food and drink they’ve been working on and with their
partners. Using their magic boards, T clicks and presents the food and they have to write on their magic
boards. For telling the answer, they should use these expressions:
A: Number 1 is yogurt.
B: Right! Number 2 is a banana.
T encourages the use of the phrase “That’s right!”
Ss are shown the question: What do you like to eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner? Ss should have these
three words clear. T use the prompts given to model examples about him/her and then drills the
questions. Ss ask and answer questions and then T has some volunteers to have the conversation in
Ss are given a text (Annex 22). T mentions that the person who wrote that text is called Mario. Ss read
the text individually. Then, Teacher asks some questions for checking understanding: What does Mario
likes to eat for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner? T elicits some Ss’ ideas.
T asks Ss to underline the following parts:
Topic Sentence: orange color.
Food Mario likes to eat : green color
Food Mario doesn’t like to eat: blue color
Conclusion: pencil

After that, and based on the activities that students did. T asks Ss: What do you think is today’s
objective of the class? Why? T elicits some answers and takes notes. (Making predictions).
T gives Ss their previous writing back and gives them some minutes to reflect on the written feedback
they receive in their pieces.
T writes the objective of the class: “Write about the food you like or don’t like to eat”.
Task (35’)
SS are told that they need to write a paragraph following the writing process and receive the Writing
Process Worksheet(Annex 23) so they can start working on the task. They are asked to think of food/
drinks they like and don’t like to eat or drink for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
T explains that today they will focus on two aspects of the writing rubric: All the required content,
Good organization, Good grammar and usage. (success criteria).
Brainstorming (10’): (ANNEX 23)
Using the writing process worksheet (Annex 23) Ss complete the dish diagram with the food they like to
eat / they don’t like to eat.
Outlining: (8’) (ANNEX 23)
-In this step ss organize the ideas from the brainstorming. T could say: okay, how can we organize these
ideas? What connectors can we use? For example if I like to eat bread and I like to eat eggs, what
connector can I use? “and” T circles the words and writes “and”. And if I like milk but I don’t like soda
for breakfast, what can I use? “but”. Good. T circles the words in another color and writes the word
“but”. T does the same with “or”.
-Ss add some expressions to use and connectors ( “and” , “but”, “or”, “because”) as well.
-T models on the board.
-T monitors the activity (T gives feedback).
Drafting: (20’) (ANNEX 23)
- Ss turn the worksheet over to start creating their own drafting. T should also decide which aspect of
the rubric Ss are going to focus on during the activity. Ss need to remember the keywords of the aspect
and T write the information on the board. Ss write a draft on their notebooks.
-T highlights the two aspects of the rubric that will be evaluated in the next step.
-T monitors the activity and helps Ss if necessary. If they finish in time, they can even draw a picture of
their typical breakfast.
T monitors the work and provides help. Before finishing, T gives feedback to the whole class on the
aspects he/she considers relevant and then collects the notebooks for revision.
Language Focus (15’)
T asks Ss to remember Mario’s text. Then T asks : What does Mario like to eat for breakfast? (yogurt and
cereal). What doesn’t he like? (lemonade). So we say: Mario likes to eat vegetables, but he doesn’t like
to eat fruit. T writes the sentence on the board and congratulates participation.
Then T asks: What does Mario usually eat for dinner? (noodle soup or cheese sandwich). T clarifies that
“or” is used to show options or possibilities. T writes a sentence using “or” and drills it.
T may want to give other examples to clarify the meaning and use. Ss should also repeat the words
within sentences.
On their notebooks, Students write 3 sentences using the connectors “and” – “or” – “but” for talking
about what they like or don’t like to eat at school.

Actividad Nº 8: Session 8Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos

Annex 24: Sample audioaudioVer | Descargar
Annex 25: Sample Oral ProductwordVer | Descargar
Annex 25: Sample Oral ProductpdfVer | Descargar
Resources: Sample audio (Annex 24), Sample Oral Product (Annex 25), Conversation Rubric.

Skill: Speaking
Pre-task (40’)
T. projects the problematic situation that was presented at the beginning of the unit and tells them that today
is the time to achieve the speaking goal of this unit.
Ss are reminded of the unit situation and products. Ss focus on the oral product and answer: What do we have
to include in our conversations?. T elicits some ideas and writes them on the board. Ss can take their
guidelines to remember.
After that, T shows what is the oral product and the requirements.

Have a conversation in trios ordering food in a restaurant

 Greetings
 Read the menu
 Order starters, main dishes and desserts, describe the taste of one food
 Ask for something else
 Ask for the bill
 Say thank you and good bye

T. asks Ss to take their Unit Guidelines to check their answers.

Ss listen to the Annex 24 (Audio: Sample Oral Product) to listen to a sample of the conversation they have to
perform. Ss need to identify the organization of the presentation. Some volunteers share their ideas and T
copies the organization on the board. Finally, Ss receive the Annex 25 (Oral Product Sample). They need to
highlight useful phrases to organize the speech easily. Focus on the questions to be used and drill them. Some
volunteers share their ideas to the class.
Student A: waiter / waitress
Students B and C: Customers

A: Good morning! A table for two?

B: Good morning! Yes, please.
A: This is the menu.
C: Thank you (ss read the menu)

(…after some seconds…)

A: What would you like to eat?

B: Well, I’d like to eat chicken soup.
A: Okay, chicken soup (writing the order). And you?
C: I’d like salad with lettuce and tomatoes.
A: It sounds great! A salad with lettuce and tomatoes. Something else?
B: Yes, please. I’d like pasta with vegetables.
C: Me, too.
B: And I’d like ice cream for dessert.
C: I’d like chocolate cake. I like sweet food.
A: Right! You’d like pasta with vegetables and ice cream and you’d like pasta with vegetables and cake.
B, C: Yes!
A: What would you like to drink?
B: I’d like water, please.
C: I’d like orange juice.
A: That sounds great!

(…after some seconds…)

A: This is the bill.

B: Okay, here you are.
A: Thank you, bye!
C: Bye!

Ss are arranged in groups of three and start using the language in the order established above. This time
should be guided by the teacher. T can also use the sample oral product for guidance. T reminds Ss
the phrase to give out the bill and the money: “this is the bill”, “here you are”. Ss practice the final part of the
sample conversation.

Ss can be encouraged to prepare the conversation as if they were in a real restaurant. They can bring anything
to help them present their product the next session: A real menu, table cloth, an apron or uniform for the
waiter/waitress, etc.
T. writes the objective on the board “Have a conversation to order food in a restaurant”
Task (35’)
Ss are told that today they are going to practice the oral product. In groups of three, ss create their
conversations. They shouldn’t look at any model, but they can use the flowchart projected on the board and
their guidelines. Ss should use all what they’ve learned to create it. (the last phrases about the bill can be on
the board). Encourgae Ss to make it as real as possible.
Ss develop the oral product following the rubric. (Ss can write the speech in their notebooks)
T monitors the activity while Ss are working and gives feedback to the ones that need it. Before finishing, T
gives feedback to the whole class. One or two groups may want to participate in front of the class.
Language Focus (5’)
T asks Ss about how they felt practicing their presentation. Ss discuss in pairs the following question:
Which of the aspects in the Rubric you need to improve for your final presentations? Why? How are you going
to improve them?
Ss read the rubric for oral presentation again and reflect on the work done today in order to have a good
performance, next class.
T gives final comments before the final presentations. Ss may be dressed up as waiters/waitresses. They
should bring a sort of menu for both customers and also a paper that represents the bill. Any other comment
or reinforcement is also allowed here.
 Actividad Nº 9: Session 9Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos
Annex 3: Conversation rubricpdfVer | Descargar
Resources: Conversation Rubric.
Skill: Speaking

PRE-TASK (10’)

- T reminds Ss the oral product. Ss are told that they going to present their conversations and also they are
going to give feedback to their partners.Ss review the situation and the oral product.

-T asks: What are the requirements for the final oral product?. T elicits some ss’ ideas and writes them on the

 Greetings
 Read the menu
 Order starters, main dishes and desserts, describe the taste of one food
 Asking for something else
 Ask for the bill
 Say thank you and good bye

TASK (60’)

Ss put everything away and listen to their partners.

Ss present their final conversations in front of the class. T uses the Rubric to Evaluate Students in order to
grade them.

Ss write their positive comments about their partners' presentations. (T provides prompts to give feedback)

Ss make their conversations in front of the class. If possible, ask other students to given feedback to their
partners as well.


Ss reflect on the following questions in plenary:

 What did you learn in this unit?

 How did you learn?
 What did you like the most? Why?

T elicits ss’ ideas and reflects on them.

 Actividad Nº 10: Session 10Tiempo Sugerido: 80 minutos

Annex 26: Sample Written ProductwordVer | Descargar
Annex 26: Sample Written ProductpdfVer | Descargar
Resources: Sample Written Product (Annex 26), Written Product Rubric.
Skill: Writing

Pre-task (30’)
Ss are asked to remember the situation, written product and the requirements to produce the written

 Introduction (topic sentence)

 The food you or your family like or don’t like for breakfast
 The food you or your family like or don’t like for lunch
 The food you or your family like or don’t like for dinner
 conclusion

After that, Ss are told that they will read a sample paragraph of the Final Written Product. They need to read
the sample(Annex 26) and and say how the piece of writing meets the requirements according to the
We like food

Hello, My name’s Erika and I’m from Peru. I want to tell you about our food preferences. My
family and I like Peruvian and international food. For breakfast, my family like to eat a grilled
cheese sandwich and tea, but I don’t like tea. I prefer juice because it’s sweet. For lunch, I like
noodle soup, but my family don’t. They like to eat pasta with vegetables. For dinner, I like to
eat cereal and milk, but we don’t like to eat chicken curry because it’s spicy. We hope this
helps you for your new menu. Thank you very much.

T elicits Ss’ answers. Ss are also reminded of the writing rubric. Ss should also have received their previous
writings before so they can know what things they have some ideas about the things they can improve.
T presents the objective of the session: “a short text (paragraph) about you and your family food
Task (40’)
Brainstorming: (8’)
T asks ss to remove everything from their tables. They should only have the unit guidelines and the rubrics. Ss
start brainstorming ideas for their paragraphs. Ss should also organize their ideas and decide which
connectors they’ll be using.
Outlining: (8’)
-In this step, ss organize the ideas from the brainstorming. Ss add some expressions to use and connectors as
Drafting: (20’)
-Ss write a draft. T highlights all the aspects of the rubrics that will be evaluated.
-T encourages ss to include additional information or extra details about their food preferences.
-Finally, Ss hand their draftings in to the teacher.
Unit Reflection (10’)
Ss are asked the following questions in plenary:

 What was the situation about?

 What were the products?
 What was the route?
 What language have you learned?
 How useful is this unit for life?

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