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eng: bach CA 38 LAWOFFICESOFFEDIEMERMEESTEN ena Se Site 2 13 “ 5 16 0 18 19 20 a LAW OFFICES OF F, EDIE MERMELSTEIN F. Edie Mermelstein, State Bar No. 248941 18811 Huntington Street, Suite 240 Huntington Beach, CA 92638 Tel: (714) 396-0137 Fax: (714) 841-8810 ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELL ‘STANLEY MOSK COURTHOUSE, ALYSSA BACKLUND, an individual; CASE NO. BC449910 PLAINTIFF ALYSSA BACKLUND'S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR SANCTIONS PURSUANT TO CODE, OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECTION 128.7; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND ‘AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT. CHRISTOPHER STONE, an individual; ELITE IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC, a New York Limited Liability Company, and Does I through 50, Assigned for All Purposes To: Honorable Abraam Khan Defendants Date; June 18,2013, Time: 9:00 AM, Dept: SI (CHRISTOPHER STONE, an individual; Cross-Complainant, ALYSSA BACKLUND, an individual; (Cross-Defendant PLAINTIFF ALYSSA BACKLUND'S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR SANCTIONS UNDER CCP § 1287 ae i i i i i 2 3 5 g 5 10 4 2 1B 1 8 16 "7 18 » a n 23 4 2s| 7 28 ‘TO ALL PARTIDS AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on lune 18,2015, at 9:00 A.M. oras soon thereaer as counsel may be heard in Department St ofthis Cou, located at 111 North il Steet, Los ‘Angeles, CA 90013, Pitt Alyssa Backlund ("Backlund") shall and hereby does move for an ‘onder requesting sanctions against Defendant Christopher Stone (Stone) and counsel Ek ‘Swenson under Code of Civil Procedure § 1287. ‘This motion is brought pursuant 16 Code of Civil Procedure § 128.7 on the ground that Defendant's Motion to Vacate Dismissals frivolous as there is no basis in facto in aw or contending either hat correction of inadvertent clerical eror or ttomey misike would have alffcoted the oulcome ofthe dismissal, Defendants motion is simply a besles attempt at >uarasing and delaying colletion ofthe judgment that this Court granted ‘This motion isbased upon this Notice of Motion, he supporting Memorandum of Points and Authorities the atached Declaration ofF. Edie Memmelstein, the attached Declaration of Ingrid Maria Evans, and the complete files and records of tis ation. DATED: April 23, 2013 Respectfully submited, ‘THE LAW OFFICES OF F. EDIE MERMELSTEIN By: __ist F-EDIE MERMELSTEN Autorneys for Plaintiff Alyssa Backlund 2 PLAINTIFF ALYSSA BACKLUND'S NOTICE OF MOTION FOR SANCTIONS UNDER CCP § 128.7 anton Set Sate 8 ence bn C428 14 15| 16| ” 18 1» » a n 2 4 a5 26 ” 28 LAW OFFICES OF F. EDIE MERMELSTEIN FF. Edie Mermelstein, State Bar No, 248941 18811 Huntington Street, Suite 240 Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Tel: (714) 596-0137 Fax: (714) 841-8810 Attorneys for Plaintiff /Cross-Defendant, ‘Alyssa Backlund SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STANLEY MOSK COURTHOUSE, ALYSSA BACKLUND, an viduals CASENO. BC#49910 Plaintiff, MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SANCTIONS PURSUANT ‘TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE SECHION 128.7 CHIISLOPHEK SIONE, an individual; ELITE IMAGING CONCEPTS, LLC, 2 New ‘York Limited Liability Company, and Does I through 50, Assigned for All Purposes To: Honorable Abraham Khan Date: June 18, 2013, Time: 9:00 AM. Dept: 51 CHRISTOPHER STONE, an individuals Cross-Complainant, vs ALYSSA BACKLUND, an individuals Cross-Defendant. 1 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SANCTIONS UNDER CCP § 128.7

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