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Investigating the Variability of Key Coal Quality Parameters in

Continuous Mining Operations when Using Stockpiles
J Benndorf1

1. cut
The delivery of in-spec coal qualities is essential for an efficient and
environmental friendly operation of modern coal-fired power plants. The
design of the mining operation and blending opportunities plays a key
role in homogenising variability and improving the prediction of key 2. cut
quality parameters, such as the calorific value (CV). The presented case
study uses the technique of conditional simulation in geostatistics to

Coal stock and

investigate the variability of the CV and its behaviour along the

blnding yard
extraction, transportation and blending process in a continuous mining
environment. Results of the study enable the opportunity to optimise the
operation mode and adjust it according to the customer’s requirements.

The efficient and environmental friendly operation of modern
Train load
power plant technologies calls for strictly meeting the customer’s
specification of key coal quality parameters while maintaining a
low variability of these parameters. The daily mine production FIG 1 - The continuous mining system under study.
aims to meet the customer specifications in terms of tonnage and
coal quality parameters for different products while minimising
specific costs. The key objective of complex continuous mining In total, the mining system can be operated in four operating
systems is to achieve in-spec deliveries at the lowest cost, by modes:
optimal blending from different faces and multiple seams with a 1. operating only the first cut with a bucket wheel excavator
diverse quality distribution. The blending process typically without utilising the blending yard,
involves the operational mode of the excavators, the conveying
system, as well as stacking and reclaiming at stock and blending 2. operating only the second cut with a chain excavator
yards. The application of conditional simulation in coal mining without utilising the blending yard,
operations is not very well documented, with the exception of 3. operating both cuts at the same time without utilising the
some simplified case studies (Hohn and McDowel, 2001; Costa, blending yard, and
Zingano and Koppe, 2000; others). The technique of conditional
simulation (Goovaerts, 1997) with its ability to map in-place 4. operating both cuts at the same time and utilising the
variability and uncertainty in the prediction of coal quality blending yard.
parameters is suited to investigate the ability of the The study investigates the accuracy or certainty in prediction
homogenisation effect of mining systems. Case studies for grade and the variability of the key quality parameter calorific value
control, stockpiling and blending strategy optimisation in diffuse (CV) of the shipped coal as a function of the operating mode.
deposits demonstrate the benefits the application of conditional The study is based on 25 realisations generated by conditional
simulation can generate (eg Benndorf and Dimitrakopoulos, 2010, simulation of the spatial distribution of the CV. A mining unit of
in this volume). 1500 t is considered, which reflects a train load.
This contribution investigates, based on conditional simulation, Figure 2 compares the digging mode of the two excavator
the ability to homogenise coal quality parameters in the process of types (chain and bucket wheel). Typically the bucket wheel
digging, conveying and stocking in a continuous mining excavator is positioned on a bench and digs the coal above the
environment. Objects of study are, in detail, the different excavator bench in a high cut mode in horizontal slices of about 5 m. This
types (bucketwheel excavator and chain excavator) as well as the enables a selective extraction of the typically horizontally
mode of operation of a strata type stockpile. A case study is deposited coal strata. The selectivity is limited by a minimum
presented in a lignite mine in Eastern Europe and conclusions mining thickness. In a deep cut mode operation, the chain
follow. excavator digs the face in vertical slices along the whole cutting
depths. This causes a blending effect of the horizontally
DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTINUOUS MINING deposited coal strata while digging, and limits its ability to
SYSTEM UNDER STUDY selectively mine this strata. Figure 3 shows photos of a bucket
wheel and chain excavator.
Figure 1 illustrates the continuous mining system considered in To analyse the variability of the coal quality parameters, block
this case study. The system contains two excavators, a chain and models were generated, which reflect the digging mode of both
a bucket wheel, which are positioned in different cuts at separate excavators.
belt conveyors. Both conveyors combine to join a central
stationary conveyor before the coal is loaded onto trains. There is
also the option to stack the coal in a coal stock and blending yard ANALYSIS OF THE ABILITY TO CONTROL COAL
with the goal being to homogenise the variability of coal quality QUALITY PARAMETERS WITHOUT UTILISING
parameters before shipping it. THE BLENDING YARD

1. GAusIMM, MIBRAG MBH, Germany. This section focuses on the described operation modes 1 to 3. It
Email: is assumed that the mining equipment is successively digging the

Advances in Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning I Spectrum Series Volume 17 167

Digging mode of different excavator types

Chain excavator
Bucket wheel excavator

FIG 2 - Digging modes of the two considered excavator types (bucket wheel and chain excavators).

FIG 3 - Photos of (left) a bucketwheel excavator and (right) a chain excavator (MIBRAG, 2009).

Prediction of the CV value of coal extracted by a bucket-wheel-excavator Prediction of the CV value of coal extracted by a chain-excavator
14,0 16,0

12,0 14,0
Calorific value (CV) in MJ/kg

Calorific value (CV) in MJ/kg

10,0 12,0

8,0 10,0

6,0 8,0

4,0 6,0
1.000 6.000 11.000 16.000 21.000 26.000 31.000 36.000 1.000 6.000 11.000 16.000 21.000 26.000 31.000 36.000
Cumulated extracted tonnage Cumulated exctracted tonnage

FIG 4 - Predicted alorific value (CV) of coal delivered from the first FIG 5 - Predicted CV of coal delivered from the second cut utilising
cut utilising a bucket wheel excavator. a chain excavator.

blocks in the digging mode explained in the previous section at a operating mode 2, that is the chain excavator, in the second cut.
constant digging rate. Using the generated block models, the CV The figures show the prediction based on 25 realisations (thin
of the extracted coal is predicted. Figure 4 shows the predicted gray lines), the average of the realisations (thick line) as well as
CV for operating mode 1 that is the bucketwheel excavator in the the accuracy (certainty) in prediction by the means of the 90 per
first cut. Figure 5 shows respectively the predicted CV for cent confidence level (dashed lines).

168 Spectrum Series Volume 17 Advances in Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning I

The comparison of both figures illustrates the abilities and Vorhersage des Heizwertes
Prediction of the CV of(roh)
whengemeinsamen Betrieb
operating both beider Geräte

limits of both types of equipment in selectively extracting and 14,00

homogenising the in-place variability of coal quality parameters. 13,00

When operating the bucket wheel excavator, a cyclic behaviour of
the CV can be detected. The reason is the combination of a

strongly vertically varying CV and the vertical digging of slices


in in
per digging location (set up). Due to the strong horizontal

value (CV)

correlation of the CV, a very similar cycle is repeated in the next 9,00
set up of the equipment. When operating a chain excavator, the
strong varying vertical CV values are homogenised over the whole
digging depth. The resulting flow of extracted coal is characterised 7,00

by a low variation of CV. 6,00

1500 6000 10500 15000 19500 24000 28500 33000 37500
Two criteria are used herein to evaluate the homogenisation Kumulativ
Cumulatedgeförderte Tonnage
extracted tonnage

effect in the different operating modes: the accuracy or certainty in

the prediction of a unit of 1500 t (train load), measured by the FIG 6 - Predicted CV of coal delivered from both excavators
standard deviation of the 25 realisations, and the difference operated at the same time.
between two successive extracted units as an expression of
variability. The difference in CV of successive delivered units is wheel excavator. On the other hand, this difference increases when
typically a criterion, which is part of the customer’s specification. compared to only operating the chain excavator.
Table 1 documents the results in terms of the criteria for the two
considered cases. The differences in the uncertainty of predicting To generalise, an operation of multiple excavators at the same
the CV between the two equipment types are due to the digging time decreases uncertainty in predicting the coal quality
mode, but also due to different areas of the mined deposit with parameters of shipped units. At the same time, extreme
different structural behaviour. However, the bucket wheel variability is smoothed. This homogenisation reduces differences
excavator shows significantly higher values of the uncertainty in between two successive extracted units. With the goal of
predicting the CV compared to the chain excavator. The reason is selectively extracting coal with a certain specification, the bucket
the occurrence of local blocks, which are due to the exploration wheel excavator should be operated separately.
level less certain in the prediction of CV. Due to the selective
extraction with the bucket wheel excavator, these blocks cannot be ANALYSIS OF THE ABILITY TO CONTROL COAL
blended with more certain blocks, as is possible with the chain QUALITY PARAMETERS UTILISING THE
excavator. Considering the second criteria, the difference between BLENDING YARD
two successive extracted units, the selectivity of the bucket wheel
excavator is clearly illustrated. With an average of approximately The key function of a coal stock and blending yard is, besides the
0.72 MJ/kg between the 1500 t units, the difference is about 80 per buffering, the homogenisation of coal quality parameters. This
cent higher compared to the chain excavator. The maximum transforms the characteristics of the incoming material flow in an
difference can be up to 7.95 MJ/kg. outgoing material flow whose characteristics are defined by
Figure 6 shows the prediction of the CV when operating both customer specifications and may be of contractual relevance
excavators at the same time (operating mode 3). Thereby with (Figure 7). The characteristics of the incoming material flow are
3000 m3/h for the bucket wheel excavator and 1500 m3/h for the a function of the geological conditions, the applied selectivity in
chain excavator, the two different digging rates are taken into extracting the deposit, and the operation mode in the pit.
account. The results in terms of the two criteria, uncertainty in The following considerations concern the homogenisation
prediction of a unit of 1500 t (train load) and the difference effect. The efficiency of blending and smoothing variability is
between two successive extracted units, are shown in Table 1. The significantly dependent on constructive parameters as well as the
blending of the two material flows from both excavators shows operation of the blending yard. Constructive factors are hereby the
two effects. The uncertainty in predicting the CV of the shipped type of the yard and its length and width. The following
coal decreases compared to only operating one of the two constructive parameters are assumed in the case study: the
excavators. On average, the standard deviation decreases by six blending yard is of type ‘strata’ (Figure 8). The coal is stacked
per cent compared to the chain, and 16 per cent compared to the layer by layer in six sub yards, which are each 120 m in length and
bucket wheel excavator. The second effect is a reduction in 50 m in width. Figure 9 illustrates the mode of operation of a
variability between two successive units compared to the bucket- ‘strata’ blending yard. The coal coming from the pit (incoming

Summary of the criteria for measuring uncertainty in prediction of a unit of 1500 t (train load), and the difference between two
successive extracted units for different operating modes.

Information in this table are of unit MJ/kg Bucket wheel excavator Chain excavator Operating both
(1. cut) (2. cut) excavators
Certainty of predicting Average standard deviation 0.71 0.66 0.62
the CV value of 1.500 t
Min standard deviation 0.26 0.27 0.41
Max standard deviation 1.67 1.05 1.00
Average 90 per cent confidence level 1.87 1.92 1.76
Min 90 per cent confidence level 0.74 0.83 1.29
Max 90 per cent confidence level 4.41 2.99 2.90
Differences in CV Average differences between two successive 0.72 0.40 0.60
between successive units
extracted units
Min difference between two successive units 0.00 0.00 0.00
Max difference between two successive units 7.95 1.84 3.30

Advances in Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning I Spectrum Series Volume 17 169

in-coming out-going
material flow Blending yard material flow
(from pit) (delivery)

FIG 7 - Process of blending in a coal stock and blending yard.



FIG 8 - Coal stock and blending yard of type strata (MIBRAG, 2009).

material flow) is stacked into layers, which are spread along the Description of the blending yard model and
total length of a subyard by a continuously up and down moving assumptions
stacker. The number and thickness of the several layers is variable
and can be influenced by the moving rate of the stacker dependent The model is based on the prediction of the CV of the extracted
on the total production rate of the mine. The yard is reclaimed in a coal while operating both excavators (operation mode 3) using
fan-shaped manner orthogonally to the alignment of the stacked 25 simulated realisations of the block model. Every single
layers by a scraper. In this way the coal quality of the outgoing realisation can be seen as a possible scenario of the coal quality
material flow is formed as an average over the total number of parameter CV of the produced material flow coming out of the
stacked layers. pit and being stacked into the blending yard. Figure 10 illustrates
the model of the blending yard. The idea is based on a study
The number of total layers in the yard can be varied by the shown in Benndorf (2009), and Pavloudavis and Agioutandis
mode of operation. The effectiveness of homogenisation shall be (2001). The model is composed of n columns and m rows. The
investigated subsequently as a function of the number of layers. number of layers in the yard is m. The single pockets are of size
Two criteria are used to evaluate the results: of 300 t and represent a fraction of the considered units of 1500 t.
1. the effect of homogenisation, which is defined herein as the Based on the assumptions regarding the dimensions of a
ratio between the dispersion variance of the CV of the subyard of 120 m by 50 m and an angle of repose of 35° of the
incoming material flow sin and the dispersion variance of the stacked material, the capacity of a subpile is about 50 000 t. With
CV of the out coming material flow sout (Equation 1) and; a pocket size of 300 t, the pile consists of 167 pockets or cells.
Depending on the number of layers m, the number of cells in a
2. the expected improvement of certainty in predicting the CV
layer is n. The assignment of CV to each cell reflects the incoming
of a unit of 1500 t, which is defined herein as the ratio
material flow and the up and down movement of the stacker. All
between the average standard deviation in predicting units of odd-numbered layers are stacked from left to right, and all
1500 t before stacking, and the average standard deviation in even-numbered layers are stacked from right to left. The
predicting units of 1500 t after reclaiming (Equation 2). reclaiming process occurs column by column. Because of the
constant cross section area of the pile, the necessary length to be
S in reclaimed for a unit of 1500 t is constant. Depending on the length
effect of homogenisation = (1)
S out of a cell in the pile, multiple columns can contribute to reclaim
one unit of 1500 t, or only a part of a column contributes to
reclaim one unit. The described model is implemented using VBA
σ 2 out for Excel and is used to investigate the homogenisation effect of
improvement of certainty in prediction = (2)
σ 2 in the coal stock and blending yard.

170 Spectrum Series Volume 17 Advances in Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning I

Width of the subyard

FIG 9 - Mode of operation of a blending yard of type strata.




CVRm-1S1 CVRm-1S2 CVRm-1S... CVRm-1Sn-1 CVRm-1Sn

CVR...S1 CVR...S2 CVR...S... CVR...Sn-1 CVR...Sn
FIG 10 - Model of the coal stock and blending yard.

Analysis of the effect of homogenisation in realisation. In addition, the average of the realisations and a 90 per
dependence on the number of stacked layers cent confidence level is shown.
The following analysis is based on the results of the prediction of There is a clear difference between incoming and outgoing
CV, when operating two excavators (operating mode 3). The CV, which is the effect of the homogenisation of the blending
application of the 25 realisations of the CV of the incoming yard. Two effects can be detected:
material flow to the previously described model of the blending
1. the blending yard strongly transforms the varying CV of the
yard results in 25 realisations of the CV of the outgoing material
incoming material flow to a very homogeneous flow and
flow. Figure 11 shows the incoming material flow, while Figure 12
hardly disperses the CV of the outgoing material flow, and
shows the outgoing material flow for the case of 15 layers in the
pile. The figures show the predicted CV per 1500 t unit for each 2. a strong improvement of the certainty of predicting the CV.

Advances in Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning I Spectrum Series Volume 17 171

Predicted coal quality (CV) of the in-coming material flow similar homogenisation effect. This has implications on the
14,00 operation mode of the blending yard. The number of stacking
passes can be reduced from 61 to 35, which cause a reduction of
operational costs and increases the safety level in the operating
area. For the improvement of predicting CV, a similar observation
11,00 can be done. The standard deviation of units of the outgoing
Calorific value (CV) in MJ/kg

material flow is about 50 per cent of the incoming material flow.

This effect can also be achieved with 35 layers. The average
9,00 absolute value of the standard deviation of predicted CV of the
outgoing 1500 t units is ± 0.30 to ± 0.35 MJ/Kg. This represents
the standard deviation of predicting a block of 50 000 t in the
deposit that means a block of the size of a subpile in the blending
6,00 yard. In general, the standard deviation of predicted CV of the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
Extrated units of 1.500t
1500 t units in the outgoing material flow converges to the
standard deviation of the predicted CV of the whole subpile. This
FIG 11 - Predicted CV of the incoming 1500 t coal units.
observation is essential in designing subpiles and defining its size
as a function of the exploration level of the deposit and the
customer’s specifications.
Predicted coal quality (CV) of the in-coming material flow (after reclaiming)

12,00 The properties of the conditional simulation in geostatistics allow
for investigating the in situ variability of coal quality parameters
Calorific value (CV) in MJ/kg

and its behaviour along the extracting, conveying and blending

process. The case study illustrated an application in a continuous
9,00 mining environment with different types of excavators and the
utilisation of a coal stock and blending yard. The results deliver
valuable insight into the effect of homogenisation and an
7,00 improvement in predicting CV values of shipped coal units as a
6,00 function of the operational mode. Different excavators cause a
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Reclaimed units of 1500t P(train loads)
25 27 29 31 33 different behaviour of CV of the extracted coal. Bucketwheel
excavators cause substantial differences between extracted units,
which show a cyclic behaviour. Chain excavators tend to smooth
FIG 12 - Predicted CV of the outgoing 1500 t coal units.
out CV and show a homogenisation effect. When operating both
excavators simultaneously, an improvement in predicting CV can
The homogenisation effect of the blending yard is due to the be achieved. Furthermore, the advantage of utilising a strata-type
elimination of successive auto-correlated units. It is highly stockpile in the conveying process was demonstrated by a
probable that a unit of high CV is followed by another unit of a substantial improvement in predicting and homogenisation CV.
high CV in case of the incoming material flow. This correlation With a goal of meeting production goals with a high probability,
is disconnected in the outgoing material flow, which is caused by as well as delivering a homogeneous product, an operation of
the fan-shaped reclamation of the layered stacked coal. excavators without utilising the stockpile should be avoided. The
To investigate the homogenisation effect, the above study is results are a basis for optimising the operation and adjusting the
performed on a varying number of layers in the pile. The number operational mode day-to-day, depending upon the customer’s
takes values in an interval from one to 61, which defines the requirements and the current geological setting.
technical limits of the blending yard under consideration. Results
in terms of the homogenisation effect and improvement of REFERENCES
certainty in predicting CV of shipped 1500 t units are presented
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simulation in geostatistics, Schriftenreihe des Institutes für
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FIG 13 - Homogenisation effect and improvement of certainty in
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172 Spectrum Series Volume 17 Advances in Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning I

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